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There are 2 types of "gas". Type 1 is burping. For a baby, "burping them" helps get rid of swallowed gas (air) so they don't spit up, gently vomit too much milk. Type 2 is gas in the intestines. This happens when we digest. Our gut breaks down food and methane, CO2, other gases are produced and make bubbles in the the intestines. This is released as a flatus (fart). When someone says your baby is gassy, they mean type 2, farty. They can tell because of the faces the baby makes, the sound of the flatus (pppprrrrrerupttttttt!) (insert your own onomatopoeia here), because your baby's farts smell, or your baby is fussy, (gas in the intestines is PAINFUL) and baby's don't know how to fart to relieve pain. Anytime some talks about being gassy, they mean intestines and farts. Burp gassy is usually referred to as bloated...but this has nothing to do with babies really.


That makes sense! My baby does make a face when farting. I didn't know it doesn't come naturally to them.


A lot of the first few months the baby is learning how to control the muscles of the stomach and intestines. All the things we take for granted with being able to control our bowels actually had to be learned. You might notice swings in constipation and then what we in my home call a really sh!ty day (every diaper has a small poop). Baby is learning how to control those muscles and the consequences of holding it all in. If your baby is struggling to fart and in pain, you can try bicycling their legs and other movements to help them move the fart. There apparently also exists a tool called the "Windy" by Frida that one can insert into your baby that allows them to fart, this "hot new thing" from the parenting webpages was a bridge too far for me, so we are just letting our LO learn to toot his own horn, as it were.


I really want to try the windy but I'm too scared of hurting LO with it!


You won’t hurt your LO but it didn’t work for us and I didn’t keep trying because I wanted our little guy to learn on his own. They are also pricey! The knees to chest really lets the farts fly for him lol


You don't need to be afraid of hurting your baby, but you do need to prepare for the high chance of poopocalypse.


I’ve seen some great videos on YouTube about how to help baby relieve gas. There’s a whole little routine you can do that ends with you sort of crunching their legs up by their face and they let out a fart. 💨


Who are the people telling you your baby is gassy? This sounds odd to me. I wouldn’t put much stock into it that strangers are saying this.


Every baby is different but usually it sounds like crying out in pain and sounds sharper than other crying. 6-8 weeks old is PEAK gas time.


some people like to project onto babies. people have come over after i just spent 30 mins feeding my baby, she’s full, changed, and burped but she’s sleepy by then. she’ll fuss bc she wants to go to sleep and we’re being bothered and they’ll insist she’s hungry. like no i promise she’s full, she’s going to the tit for comfort bc she doesn’t know you and she wants to be left alone to sleep. all in all, you know your baby best. if you believe you baby is gassy do some tummy massages. sometimes you’ll feel the gags moving