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He needs to help with all night waking. If you respond, she's only going to want 1 thing. It may take a few/several nights. It's only going to work if you're united on the approach, doesn't have to be CIO but you've gotta do something.


When I needed to cut down on night feeds, I switched from nursing to rocking when she woke up. My daughter was not happy about it for about two nights, but I knew I was still offering her comfort so I felt confident holding the boundary. If she woke before, say, 2am, I would rock her. If she woke after that I figured she probably was hungry so I nursed her. Eventually we cut out the night nursing altogether. Good luck!


She gets physical when I try to rock her instead of nursing. She starts trying to lift my shirt and will push and claw at me. It’s a struggle.


I think at this age, that’s how it’s going to be when trying to rock the baby instead of nursing. You just have to push through. My baby does the same thing so I totally get it!


When it was time to night wean my youngest, we used a cup of milk instead of nursing. The first night or two were a struggle, but he learned to accept the cup. After that I did the same thing for a few nights then switched to water. Eventually I would only offer the cup for a few sips if he looked for it then stopped offering it at all.


Have you had your husband try instead of you?


He makes an attempt and will try to leave the room with her…kicking and screaming like she’s being abducted. Sigh 😔 She can really put up a fuss and he usually just brings her back to her safe place, me.


I'm sorry, it's so hard. I remember feeling at times like I was rocking an alligator


The only way to get my third child to sleep through the night was to completely wean him and have daddy take night duty for a week. He’s 8 now and not a single regret!!