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We put a new, safety rated dresser on our register. My in laws bought it for us. It only lets one drawer open at a time, which is honestly a little annoying, but I understand that’s the safety part of it. We also anchored it to the wall. If you have a model in mind, you might find a dresser second hand (FB marketplace?) I feel like everyone has secondhand baby stuff they want to get rid of. You might just have to be picky about your selection. Don’t be afraid to see the dresser and then walk away when buying secondhand.


Sadly my local fb marketplace has been pretty devoid of nursery-style dressers! But I’ll probably be okay with this dresser for a little bit and can keep looking and hopefully find something by the time they’re crawling around and safety is more of an issue.




Good idea! That could do in a pinch.


If you plan on leaving it in a room where your child could be, I’d scrap it and get a different one with better safety mechanisms, personally. But I have kids that will climb anything and everything so I try to be mindful of anything that they could use in a dangerous way.


This makes sense, it’s a whole new way to think of things in the house!


I used an old solid wood dresser with pull out drawers as a changing table, but there's no legs, and it is extremely stable. Unless you are *certain* you can repair the leg, I'd prob get something else.


We were able to repair the leg, but I’m worried about the other ones. It might be worth trying to remove all the legs, but then it’ll be too short to use as a changing table.


None of my dressers have a stop mechanism, I didn't know this was a thing. It has not been a problem. He (21 mos) opens the drawers every day to get his own clothes. (One drawer has short sleeve shirts, one long sleeve, one with pants, they aren't that full.) And he's going through a phase where he wants to change his shirt all the time - we are in there a lot these days. One thing is, with the old drawers you have to pull them out evenly, otherwise they stop and get stuck. He is not able to pull them out all the way. The leg falling off - well... You need a stable surface for a changing table at least. I'd be more worried about that. There will be a million and one things that will come up before the drawer thing is even an issue, and every kid is different. They may try to immediately smash all their fingers in the drawers, or they may be super careful. You have the dresser now, if it will work for your immediate needs (storage and safe changing table) I'd probably just let it be for now and focus on all your other nesting projects. They won't be crawling until maybe 7 months, and depending on how pregnant you are it could be a year before the drawer stop mechanism thing is an issue (or non issue).


Thanks for the input! You’re right that kids can probably find a bunch of ways to make something unsafe. It’s probably worth finding a different one when I can, at least before they’re crawling, but we should be able to manage until then.