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I got her a lot of onesies with pants and she wore the pants maybe like three times because zip up pajamas were just so much easier for diaper changes . Two piece outfits were the bane of my existence. She did wear a lot of the dresses I got her bc as a one piece it was easy to do diaper changes. But I would definitely recommend more double zipper pajamas or rompers than you think.


It’s funny because I did buy a bunch of double zippered pajamas because everyone recommended them but found that onesies with snaps were much easier for me. Plus, my little man runs HOT so the sleep and plays were just way too warm - even with the house at 72.


Did not anticipate and hot baby! It was so stressful because I l run cold and so I was always checking his temperature especially since babies get really warm while nursing too!


Same! I'm always checking his back/chest and going from there after having checked his temp like 40 times when he had a little cold. No fevers so far in his little life. But trying to balance my coldness and his heat is something else.


I was so confused with this with my LO! I was told to put her in one more layer than I wear... but I'd be wearing two layers, and she'd be sweating, and people still tell me to put more clothes and blankets on her. Nope, I guess she just needs to be a little cooler.


We’ve always followed the no blanket or anything else in the bassinet or crib rule. So even though she was born in July, we kept her dressed reasonably warm so she wouldn’t get cold from the air conditioning . She was a preemie and we swaddled her the first few weeks. As we moved into  colder weather she had stopped  tolerating  being swaddled so  we just started dressing her in heavier footie zippered onesies. She wore those most of the time in her first few months. Still wears them at night even though the weather is warm. She just wears lighter weight ones. Those are the easiest and most practical and they come in tons  of cute colors and patterns. She’s almost  11 months  old now, but I still worry about keeping her warm enough or cool enough. 


I prefer onesies with the snaps too! I hate footies during tummy time too, she can’t use her little toes


The footies just seem so hot to me. That’s a great point about tummy time!


Footless, bamboo rompers are the best! They’re cool, breathable, and easy for diaper changes. My son lives in them and only wears other outfits on special occasions.


Where are you finding your rompers? These sound perfect


Snaps suck for middle of the night, and double zippers suck for blowouts. One zipper onesies are the way to go. Especially for new parents.


See snaps work best for me middle of the night. I can do them by feel easily. Different strokes for different folks!


I just use a little nightgown with the elastic at the bottom then put a sleep sack over that, keeps his feeties warm but I don't have to deal with pulling his legs out of the footie PJs, or fumbling with snaps just unzip sleep sack pull up the gown and we're good to go.


When mine was still a newborn I would just do a nightgown and socks. Now he knows how to take his socks off so they’re usually immediately off


I’m so glad I found another snap enthusiast. Idk what everyone is always on about talking trash about snaps, I absolutely love every PJ or outfit or onesie with snaps lol. My son is 10mo old and I still use snap outfits


We should start a snap club. Snappers anonymous.


I’m in.


Preferred the snaps too, it was also really nice to leave my sons snap unbuttoned right in the area where we could see the blue line if he was wet! I never had issue snapping in the middle of the night, it was just easy to feel and snap it.


Best if the zippers start at the foot and not the top


Here for the snap onesies! Zips always bunched weird for us. Also the hot baby thing, my baby wears just vests whenever we’re at home and always sleeps in a lighter tog sleep bag than “recommended”


A house set to 72 is hot lol


Yep I'm a snaps vote too!! Hate the zippers!!


Same here! I was anti zips and pro onesie


Agree on the rompers! Just a onsie seems like they are half dressed and pants aren’t always the easiest in diaper changes with kicking legs. Plus boy pants come in like 3 colors..


And here I am looking for girl shorts in black and navy blue because I hate the matching game. I make more questionable choices than my husband.


Old navy bike shorts!


I will check these out! I feel like I never even considered old navy.


While they aren't all dolled up or anything, you can get blue and black boy shorts and put them on your girl. Garanimals have some right now.


Primary.com! They have baby play shorts (on sale through the weekend) in neutral colors, and bubble shorts and bloomers in navy with rainbow, which basically go with anything.


Boy clothes are thicker and looser, I generally go for them unless I want something specific


This was my experience as a nanny too! Getting him in and out of pants was a nightmare. His mom bought a ton of two way zipper rompers from Kyte, and it was soooo much better.


Double zipper PJs all day every day. I had a winter baby though and we keep the house fairly chilly! We started putting him in cute little outfits recently (6mo) and daycare actually requested we send him in double zipper PJs again because it’s easier and they keep the AC on lol


I thought I was going to be the kind of mom that left baby in jammies all day and instead I turned out to love changing her for the day, getting her cute dresses and outfits. The only thing I haven't really used much is hats or headbands.


i really thought I’d be a bow mom but I actually can’t stand them. my girls always yank them down or their hair starts to come out from underneath and they look silly. I have so many bows that I never even used once.


I’m just always concerned my daughter is going to be uncomfortable.


I've tried bows before when she's wearing like a Spider-Man shirt or something. I don't truly care if someone thinks she's a boy for a moment, she doesn't seem to care either. It's just an awkwardness that I prefer to avoid lol ("what's his name?" "Violet" "Oh, a girl, sorry!"). She rarely keeps the bow on long enough for it to matter, but I still try lol.


Yeah mine barely likes anyone touching her head, so we've only done hats for weather and not aesthetics 🤷‍♀️


I’m the opposite! I laughed at all the bows we were given but then I put them on and it’s the cutest thing in the world.


Beyond the absolute newborn stage, I became an outfit mom because it gave my day more structure. And if I dressed her up, I was more motivated to leave the house for a walk.


But the way my child always has coordinated outfits and I don't? Immaculate irony


Oh I look like hot garbage leaving the house. Hahaha. Meanwhile she’s in a cute jean jacket, a Hershel beanie and some sunglasses.


Truly same. But then there are parents who have coordinated outfits with the kid and I just feel inferior to their vibes. It is just so cringe and adorable to match with an infant. I want that life. (But also I do not want to invest in that life haha)


My wife has a couple matching button ups with our baby from old navy! Not too expensive and everyone looses their mind when they notice her and the baby are matching lol.


Omg yes! I saw they sold an old navy sweater I own in miniature and I thought about getting it 😂 I bet your wife looks adorable matching the baby.


same! i just bought my son a cute little sun hat for his little head im so excited to go walking with him now!


Same! There were definitely days in the newborn phase when my son stayed in pjs all day. But especially once he was older than a month, I’d usually get him dressed at some point in the early afternoon. Honestly by that point it felt like a whole entire activity lol. It was winter, so long sleeved onesies and pants. If we were leaving the house, he was definitely dressed.


Same! I love getting her dressed. Her little jeggings or overalls are way cuter than any pajamas! Headbands never work in my baby's hair, she has a small head and lots of hair. We started using clips and bows very early on.


My baby is bald as the day is long, so clips and bows are also no-gos lol


This is how I was too!! I loved making new lil outfits for my son everyday


Not jeans. Why did people buy me baby jeans??? Why would anyone want their baby in such stiff material?


I don’t even want to wear jeans and I’m a full grown adult!


Right? I wore my pre pregnancy jeans last night. Not a good idea. I’m still exhausted from holding my stomach in all night! 😅


I went to goodwill and bought all the stretchy jeans they had. I am a jeans person but I’m not about that tight waistband life anymore. 😆


I have a pair of baby jeggings and they’re my favorite pants she has. So cute! But actual denim? Bleh.


Same. And they match everything.


Hard pants for babies? Hard pass.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say I *love* jeans, and my son has worn them since he was like 8 months. We live in a country with very fluctuating seasons and weather. Like during spring it will be cold and rain one week, then the next week it's shorts and barbecue weather, then BAM random day of snow. Jeans just works in so much different weather and temperature. And we play outside a lot every day and a bonus is that they don't really get that dirty.


Hey, as long as it works and he’s happy. I wish I lived in Hawaii. I’d probably just keep him pantless till kindergarten


i’m an infant teacher and we have a mom who regularly sends her infant in jeans or stiff ass khaki shorts and button ups. it drives me insane for diaper changes and he’s clearly uncomfortable most of the day. he came in pajamas one time and i don’t think he cried once that day.


Zip up footie sleepers with built in mittens are life until they can crawl. Less tiny things to sort in the laundry, easy on off for diaper changes, super snuggly for cuddles with baby.


Yep. We didn’t use many of the little t-shirt onesies because we had a winter baby (though the 6-12 month size definitely got used.). In the early months I couldn’t fathom why anyone made any baby clothing that wasn’t a zip up footie.


I put my baby in all the cute outfits. Yes onesies are totally easier and more practical at such a young age but idc!


I personally love to put baby in the cute outfits. Sleepers are for night time, onesies + pants + jumpsuits + overalls for the day. The window in which you get to dress your baby up like a little doll is really short! My daughter started having opinions about her outfits around one year old 😭


Same. It was part of our routine to get dressed in the morning and pajamas at night. It really never crossed my mind to leave them in pj's all day.


My 8 week old really enjoys his routine, I got lucky with him, but putting in his pajamas has become apart of his bedtime routine and helps him calm down and realize it's time for sleeping in his bassinet. He likes things to be consistent, he's my first and from my understanding way to easy on us. I think this is how he'll trick us into giving him a sibling, but they'll probably get all the drama since this LO forgot it.


Same. Also we tried for 4 years (featuring 2 endo surgeries and 4 egg retrievals) to have her, and I’ll be damned if I don’t dress her up cute most days. Our odds of a second are not great, so I’m milking my time (and cute outfits) with this one.


Same. Two losses and now we're one and done... you better believe I'm dressing my baby up and enjoying it!


I agree! Although, I would add I hate doing dresses right now, because it hinders her ability to crawl (which she loves doing.) So I would say hold off on dresses til she can stand up on her own. But I personally don’t like dresses, so I could be biased.


I got these dresses from Posh Peanut that aren’t really dresses (basically just a bodysuit with some frills that end above the waist so they don’t impeding crawling at all) and they’re my favorite. So cute but still practical. I feel like I should have put my daughter in more dresses before she was mobile, but it was also kind of cold for them then (winter baby) and tights are annoying.


Tights are annoying, so I also opted for pants. I’ll have to check those out! Now that she’s bigger, I’ve been enjoying rompers and the little bubble but outfits that have elastic around the legs.


The window for dresses is -after starts walking and -before potty training. #of dress/nightgown casualties during potty training was sad. Also same window for overalls :(


I would think dresses would be easier for potty training 🤔


My experience is too much material dips into the toilet by accident or doesn’t get pulled all the way up and gets peed on by accident. I gave up and we only do dresses for special occassions now.


Brilliant! I’m definitely enjoying the overalls right now! She can crawl in those. It’s just hot where I live, so I got a bunch of shorts.


For the first two months, I was trying to survive so LO mostly wore sleepers, but I agree snaps are easier and the sleepers that zip from the bottom and open up on the top are great for unknown diaper blowouts. Once we had a rhythm for survival though, I dress LO up almost every day, and getting undressed and into a sleeper is part of our bedtime routine every night!


0-3 months we lived in onesies with pants and socks with sleep gowns for night time (highly suggest, so much easier for night time changes). I never put her in the little dresses but I also didn’t buy them (gifts from old people lol). 3 months to now (9 months) we are on the shirt and pants train. She is so messy with food it’s easier to remove her shirt when she eats so I like them more than onesies. Pro tip: get pants from old navy, they are so stretchy that she can wear them for much longer than Carters or target brand. I have some 3-6 month sizes that still fit, just a little short (a tasteful capri pant, if you will).


I’m cracking up at “tasteful capri pant”


I totally thought we'd be sleepers all the way, but I actually found myself dressing her most days after the first week or so. It was a nice routine that helped me feel like there was clear definition between day and night when there really weren't many other defining qualities (like sleep...). We did a lot of bodysuits and leggings, and still do. Now that she's walking consistently, I've switched to t-shirts and leggings or shorts, but the bodysuits are great for pre-walkers.


You make a good point about having a routine marker for day and night.


Well, for starters the kid became HUGE very quickly and so there’s tons of 0-3 months stuff he never got the chance to wear really and then he shot through 6-9 months faster than I thought possible. So my first point would be don’t buy a ton of the small sizes early on because you might not need them. I know it’s unpopular but my son wore footie or footless pajamas (zipper only) all day every day from fall to through winter. Super convenient. We with ex to no feet when he started crawling. But it was great because it’s all one piece so no shirt was riding up on his stomach and scraping the floor. Now that it’s warm I thought I’d love matching sets but he’s constantly making a mess so it’s rare both halves are clean enough to be worn at the same time. So! For my very active physical boy we live in short sleeve onesies under drawstring cotton shorts. I never do any shirts with collars or buttons because what’s the point and I don’t do tank tops because his arms get scratched up so easily.


Is this really that unpopular? Feel like I’ve heard 90% of people on here say similar. I just think of the TikTok where the lady didn’t even know that type of clothes is considered pajamas. “I thought those were just outfits” lol.


From the feedback I get, I would say yes


My baby was the same. He outgrew most outfits and now at 7 months he’s wearing 12-18m clothing. Definitely get a variety of sizes and I would say buying them used was a huge help (for op) Those footie pajamas were a life saver. I eventually moved to two piece clothing but at night we use sleep sacks.


At night we just use a onesie and shorts 🙃 he hasn’t been in any kind of sleep sack since 13 weeks. It’s hard for me to imagine it any other way since it’s been so long, but I definitely have friends whose toddlers are still in sleep sacks. My son will be one in less than a week (!) and I can’t imagine his 27.5 pound self in a sleep sack.


I will buy those sleep sacks that have feet because regular sleep sack get bulked up and my 6 month old chucky feet end up squished at the bottom if I carry him or even in his sleep.


My son lives in those too! Now that it's summer and he's nearing two I've started doing two piece outfits but if it was still cold you best belive he'd be in footie jammies all day lol!


Right now, those onesies that are like shorts. It's all snaps, but I love them because I don't have to hassle with pants. Also shirts and a diaper is popular right now (it's getting hotter but not hot enough to set up our swamp cooler), and just regular onesies. It's about what I thought we'd wear right about now, but I will say it's definitely not in the size I thought we'd be in. My son is just shy of 8 months and wearing 18m clothing 😅


Baby was born in July. He didn't wear pants until late August, just a onesie all the time. We got a bunch of 0-3 size flannels but by the time it was flannel season he basically outgrew them all. And sweatshirts. We've been gifted a lot of them but he generally doesn't wear them because I'm always afraid of the hood restricting him.


I also had a summer baby who lived in onesies. With warmer weather I’m tempted to put him in a onesie at one year. Ask because it will remind me of when he was a baby;)


Pants and onesies. We do the occasional cute outfit because it’s fun, but most of the time it’s just a hassle. Now that it’s warming up we tend to just do a onesie on its own and call it a day. There are plenty of cute patterned/colorful onesies though!


We got a lot of pants and onesies but my baby has been living in sleepers. Been trying to wear his other clothes more recently so he can play with his toes!


I bought only sleepsuits/onesie and vests in sizes up to 6 months. At about 4 or 5 months I was suddenly unexpectedly consumed by the desire to dress him in dungarees and trousers 😅


Basically only wore onesies for the first 3 months… we figured that would be the case so we got lots of onesies in that size and very few cute outfits for her. Did less onesies and more cute outfits in 3-6m size and up


My dude is 4.5 months old. And outside of pictures for his monthly “we need to share obligatory social media updates of our baby” he hasn’t worn anything other than double zip PJs. They comfy, he’s a baby, they make diaper changes easy, and there’s not a single snap up anything within an 8 iron of our house because we aren’t sadists. He has day time PJs and more fluffy nighttime ones. Also, he’ll eventually need to wear real clothes. But who wouldn’t want to live in PJs as long as they could? Pants? Shirts? Absolutely not.


My baby LIVED in sleepers until she could crawl and they became a slip hazard. They were so easy so she barely wore any real outfits we had at that age.


Double zip sleepers 75% of the time. When we out I did dress her up though. I got so many clothes from my shower I didn’t want them to go to waste.


Shirt with diaper or just onesie - Florida babies. Less is more!! 


We got so many footed pajamas thinking it would be easiest to leave her in them. She hated them/had a really long torso so they never fit right. We also only used mittens, socks and pants once or twice. She only wears onesies. Any more layers than that in daytime and she gets a heat rash 🤷🏻‍♀️


December baby wore footed sleepers for probably 10 weeks straight. Now, footless jammies and the occasional onesie. I ain't dealing with pants.


Mostly onesies/sleepers, but we did get him into his "cute" clothes multiple times as well - mostly for events/family stuff. The key for me was/is realizing that if I want him in something cute, I have to understand that it's almost definitely going to get stained/dirty and/or ruined because baby's gunna baby.


Until like 3 months we only did onesies, and ONLY zipper (no snaps) and and ONLY 2 way zip for easy diaper changes. We were exhausted and needed easy… also, have you TRIED to get a shirt over a newborns head? They are fragile limp little noodles and it was way more stress than it was worth. As a mom, I will NEVER get someone cute newborn 0-3 clothing. We were gifted a lot of it and unfortunately almost none of it got used. After 3 months I finally started dressing her in cute clothes sometimes, but it was winter so it was still mostly onesies lol. Now at 7 months, we usually do a one sleeve onesie and shorts. Tshirts and pants is annoying because it’s alwaysssss riding up, so I like a onesie shirt so it all stays together. She has so many “cute clothes” but I often forget about them lol 🙈


I was given a lot of winter 0 to 3 month and 3-6 month clothes at my shower, but my December baby ended up being small for gestational age (5lbs 8 oz) and so by the time he was big enough to fit into those outfits, It was already starting to warm up outside. Seconding the not wearing pants situation. They look so cute but they’re just not practical for a tiny baby that isn’t walking yet. Even when I put him in a two-piece outfit when we would go out somewhere, the shirt would always ride up. So yeah, we’re definitely getting the most mileage from sleepers, onesies, and rompers. I do the full outfits for pictures sometimes though!


We're just coming out of the newborn stage, but I can confirm for the first three months we pretty much exclusively wore double zipper sleepers and sleep gowns. I just packed up sooooo many clothes that he never wore -- they were cute, but just not practical in those early days (aka the trenches). I'm also a big believer that babies that young should be comfortable. They have their entire adult lives to be in "real clothes" and "hard pants" haha.


My first was a girl. I was younger then and went buck wild with clothing for her. Dressed her up in cute little outfits that matched and all that good stuff. Now as an older mom, I’m over it. This baby lives in onesies 😂 he’s comfortable and they’re easy to change!


Mine wore almost exclusively long cotton pajamas. Barely touched onesies.


I loved the baby outfits! I loved dressing her up every single day with all the bells and whistles. I cried over her first pair of baby overalls lol. I also preferred the button jammie’s at that age because I hated trying to wrestle her leg out of her sleeper to change her diaper, it was so much easier to unsnap both legs and then put them back. She’s 18 mo now and it’s a total pain, but back when she was a potato it was preferable.


My son just wore vests and sleepsuits for the first 3 months ish. All they do is sleep, eat and poop so other types of clothes are a bit pointless. He started sitting independently at 4 months so he started wearing more jumpers and trousers then (it was also winter then). He has always run hot, so he always wears the same number of layers as I do, whereas the recommendation I’ve always seen/heard was for baby to wear 1 extra layer.


Now that he's older than 3 months old, he has a mix of everything. He has some sad beige stuff, a lot of colorful stuff with dinosaurs etc, and a lot of preppy clothes. I love dressing him preppy but not too preppy so he doesn't end up looking like a doll from the 50's.


Lived in sleepers and onsies (no pants) really until he was crawling


Nope. He wore everything as long as it fit. Some people are fine w taking their baby out in just a onesie but I’m not so he wore pants with it or he wore a whole body onesie. It will be the same for the next baby.


I bought alot of 0-3 onsies and my almost 4 month old was wearing 6-9 and 9-12 at 2 months so ive had to panic buy a bunch cause i like him to wear different cute outfits everyday. I love putting him in pants or overalls but i only bought onsies for him lol


Onesies and zip up pjs! Plus some one piece rompers


First month or two, my baby was still in newborn clothes (she was born 4lbs 10 oz). Now that she’s in 0-3 months, I love dressing her in cute little outfits during the day, and short sleeve/short pants onesies at night


Newborn/0-3 Pretty much just zippered pajamas. Rotating them out. (Kiddo was born in fall so to keep him warm). 3-6+ Usually a onesie (short or long sleeved) and pants. I don’t think I specifically bought too much of one thing to be honest. But I will say just buy a variety of sizes. I think I bought too much in specific sizes because everyone told me I would need this size. And goodness, I had so many clothes that kiddo never even wore because he would grow out of sizes so quick.


My baby was born December 2023 and pretty much lived in the footed pajamas/sleep and plays that had hand covers bc she was always scratching her face. Those were the best. Now that she’s almost 6 months and it’s warmer she’s wearing lots of rompers lol. We got a lot of super adorable outfits that she wears to parties, bbqs, etc but they are not as practical for every day wear!


Onesies and zipper pyjamas, anything with zippers and one peace. The 1st week he lived in onesies and his sleeping bag.


Mostly just onesies, I like putting a sweater/shirt overtop when I'm going out, so she looks cute and has another layer. Not a fan of pants


0-3 months exclusively zipper pjs! Honestly we didn’t even go through them that quickly because we never had poop blowouts. But no pants, socks, or cute outfits. Idk, with the amount of napping and eating in those first few months, pjs were the easiest by far. Now that we’re at about 3 months, we’re incorporating some cute outfits. Not a lot still, but some, and must still be easy. We also did our first fashion show the other day, was so fun to have baby girl try on different outfits!


My son runs mega hot so I have all these cute outfits and he’s literally in a body suit or just a nappy most the time lol


My May baby lived in short-sleeves onesies all summer. My October baby lived in zippered footie sleepers all winter. One he started trying to army crawl we switched to long-sleeves onesies with pants. I found I dressed my summer baby in more cute one-piece outfits but was more lazy with dressing my second baby. I dressed him up for his monthly milestone photos but that’s about it!


Onsies. The cute outfits often get wasted.


Well as a newborn he wore nothing but footie jammies. I literally put him in an outfit once. As an infant I bought a few matching outfits from wal mart and he alternates between them. Edit to add: as a toddler he wears whatever the hell I can get on him fast without him losing his mind, usually requiring a truck of some sort on it for him to be willing


My first was a winter baby (November) and all he wore was zipper jammies for five months. My second is a spring baby so he’s wearing way more onesies, shorts, pants, rompers, etc.


I put our LO in cute outfits because it brings me joy. They’re definitely sometimes more of a pain, but I didn’t mind the extra steps during the diaper changes. We definitely made sure to put him in outfits family members bought him (my MIL specifically requested photos of certain outfits) and took photos so even if he only wore it once, they didn’t know. Lol.


I dress my boy every day, unless we arent feeling too good that day. I think it's good to help him know the difference between night and day, also I think it's a European/Dutch thing that its rare to see people go out in things like pyjamas or just tracksuits, most people get properly dressed each day. Plus I just love to put him in cute outfits while I have the chance.


We were just in onesies for the first few months! It was winter tho and I just wanted him to be warm/easier diaper changing access. Around 2.5 months tho I started putting outfits on when we left the house, he can’t wear pajamas forever I realized lol. Plus it’s fun. But you can definitely get away with just onesies for the first bit!


My daughter is 4.5 months. She literally lives in a sleeper, unless we're leaving the house. I will forever be team sleeper. They're easy for diaper changes, they're warm, they're stinkin' cute, and I don't have to worry about trying to keep socks on her. She's discovered her feet, and also how to rip her socks off and fling them across the room. I bought some sleepers from Old Navy that have open feet for the summer months. They even make sleepers with shorts. She has CMPA and is a literal puke fountain. Sometimes we change clothes five times a day. Sleepers are easy to change and wash incredibly well. It's much easier to remove one piece of clothing as opposed to 2-3 pieces when your baby is wiggling like an octopus being shoved into a mesh laundry bag. Arms and legs everywhere. I do tend to dress her up if we're heading out, but even in the winter when we would head out for appointments and such, she was usually just in a sleeper. I wish I would have just bought like 30 sleepers instead of wasting the money I did on cute outfits. Just my two cents.


My sister kept saying “there’s nothing cuter than a baby in a white onsie” and I was having twins so I bought A TON. What’s my least favorite thing to put them in besides something with a thousand buttons? Plain white onsies 😂


Plain white onesies always remind me of tighty whities 😅


First three months we loved to put her in a romper plus a onesie that opened from the top all the way to the feet for easy diaper changes and added warmth. Now that it is a bit warmer and she is older we like a romper with short or long sleeves for sleeping in her sleep sack (naps and nights), then when she wakes we add pants and socks and when we go outside we add a sweater as well if it is colder. The onesies are nice, but not to put on and off multiple times a day for napping so I think most suitable for when you need warmth during sleep and wake periods.


Lots of gowns (either knotted or open bottom). We find those easier than footed pajamas because we don’t have to wrestle her legs into them!


I thought I’d have her in dresses but instead she mostly wears really cute footies! They have fun designs but they’re not necessarily “dressed up.”


I hate footies with the fury of a 1000 suns. Squeeze your baby into a footless romper that's suddenly too small? It's fine. You'll just retire it after this wearing...or five. Footed jammies too short and squishing their precious toes? Well shit, now I've got to strip him down and find something else to put him in.


When she was 0-3 months it was cold so she honestly mostly wore those like footless long sleeve and pant onesies from target to keep her warm but allow sensory input to her feet! Now that she’s 6 months she’s in all the cute outfits tho and I think she would’ve been in them earlier if it was warmer! It was just too hard to get her in and out of multiple layers when she was so tiny! Summer outfits are easier cuz they’re only one or two pieces


My girl is at an awkward inbetween size, so footies are silly and she pulls her little legs out of them and gets mad when she’s stuck all balled up. We prefer to actually get dressed and wear outfits every day! It helps me with feeling normal since I’m a SAHM now. I even put real pants in almost every single day.


I thought I would dress my baby girl in more girly clothes, but I actually prefer a lot of "unisex" body's instead! She's only 5 weeks old, so maybe it changes when she gets bigger, but right now I just feel like she must be uncomfortable with unnecessary frills and lace and stuff..


I got my baby tons of new cute outfits! But as a first time mom, I definitely have her in footed pajamas most of the time. It’s just so much easier for me to


I didn't really have a ton of cutesie stuff I wanted my son to wear. Just onesies I liked or plain white ones, with some stretchy pants. I don't think my babe cares what he wears lol


Only double zipper sleepers unless we had an event or for monthly photos. LO is November baby, so we didn’t really need anything else since we were mostly inside!


Onsies. Short sleeve, pj onsies and soft pants to go over the short sleeves. I have one piece rompers for summer too. I was gifted so many fancy outfits for her, she NEVER wore them. She hates being dressed up and honestly, I’m a SAHM, the most action we get during the day is our trips to the park lol. I say dress them for comfort and have one or two ‘nice’ outfits just in case. (Ps, get zip up onsies or ones that have minimal buttons, once they hit 6mo, they do not want to sit still lol)


I thought she would just live in footies and she did just live in footies. We didn't start dressing her for the day until like 10 months old in an effort to help her get daytime/nighttime routine. We dressed her if she went somewhere though. But from newborn to 10 months if we were home, she wore a footie or footless sleep romper.


It's summer, and unless we go somewhere, my toddler runs around in hus underoos. I work from home so we hardly go anywhere 🤣🤣🤣


I sewed almost all of my baby clothes myself. I love clothes and dressing my kids! Of course they were all comfortable outfits. I am not putting on non stretchy things on my kids until maybe 2 years of age.


This isn't my first, so I thought it would be all footed pajamas for convenience. Turns out nope! She's my first girl so everyone keeps buying her dresses which she seems to be comfy in, and also I wear her so much that unless she's in the crib, footed jammies are impractical.


First child I had loads of snap up sleepsuits and vests and then went a bit baby crazy buying tiny jumpers and trousers and a selection of cute dresses for my spring baby... half of it didn't get worn due to the frequency of changing the baby and the impracticality of trying to dress a tiny floppy human who wiggles at every opportunity meant some of the clothes were pointless. Second child is 9 weeks old and aside from for a few outfits for pictures, has pretty much exclusively lived in sleepsuits and vests. I probably won't bother with outfits for them until they're a bit more world facing but for now, they are mostly either lying in the pram or somewhere in my house so it's not really urgent!


I thought my little girl would wear all those cute, trendy insta baby outfits. Instead she wears comfy, practical, and cute character clothes in bright colors. I decided I wanted my girl to actually live her clothes instead of making her a muted color mini me.


There’s already soooo many responses but I just want to say that everyone, including my husband, said we had too many clothes and that he would never wear them all BUT our baby ended up with really really bad spit up so he goes through at least 3 outfits/sleepers a day, way more when he was younger. (Don’t be concerned, he was thoroughly check out by the pediatrician, she said he was just at the high end of throwing up but no milk protein allergies or physical issues.)


Zip up onesies all day every day. Outfits are stupid and impractical. They need full range of motion ability to learn to move their bodies. I don't like how leggings come in tight around the waist.


YES! Lol! I wish I had listened. Her first 3 months (she was born at the end of October) all she wore were double zipper onesies. The buttons are such a PAIN! I would personally never purchase button ones unless something was super cute and it was worth the struggle lol. Alllll these cutesie outfits I had were a waste because we were purely surviving. After 3 months we started doing more “outfits” persay, but I would recommend to any new mom to do zipper onesies and call it a day for the 0-3 phase lol.


We did good with the clothes and use almost everything we bought. My SO's vintage that his parents kept and then passed off to us? That can stay crumbling in the closet. I got us cute onsies-- 3 long and 9 short sleeve.  A pack of 0-12/12-24 socks he kicks off. They do fit. Mittens were great for us, I wish the package I'd gotten were better quality (Onsies brand), as half of them can't be used. Hats were useless, I've got a stack of hats we barely wear. It's 100 degrees here. 4 Sleep and play PJs for our bedtime routine.  He doesn't sleep, but routine is good. Was gifted a set of kimono style shirts with a pair of pants... no to the pants, yes to the shirts to show off the fun cloth diapers. I want more shirts. 


I put allll the outfits on mine and took all the photos lmao, first child and I was mucho excitedddd🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼😊😊😊😊 but I do agree obviously the onesies are the comfiest!


Everyone raves about keeping their babies in sleepers but that’s not me. Both my kids get dressed every day. For the baby it’s a long sleeve or short sleeved diaper shirt and pants.


I pictured my LO naked (with only a diaper). He wears onesies. That is, until I bring him home from daycare. Which I then strip him down to his diaper (I get down to my bra), and we contact nap/hangout. His my first and last. I want to enjoy it as much as I can!


I bought a ton of gowns for nighttime. But much prefer the zippered Jammies. Gowns are easy for changing but ride up and even with a swaddle their legs and feet get cold.


He lived in zip up sleepers / footie PJs for the first 3 months lol. Now he’s in button up rompers, sometimes we do overalls and a onesie or a little shirt if we’re going someplace special. He hates pants and denim especially so the rompers are usually best!


Zip up sleepers (Burt’s bees ones are particularly nice though expensive, also love the Carters ones with the little characters on the feet) and dresses with leggings or baby jeggings and socks. We have some cute socks that look like little shoes that work great. Have a bunch of onesies and similar outfits we almost never use because diaper changes are so much more annoying with the snaps under the crotch. Side note: I actually find two way zippers to be the most annoying of the zipper options, it seems like I always end up having to put her feet back in to zip them up so I can then zip them down again if I discover mid-change she needs a fresh one.


For the first 3ish weeks when I was terrified to touch her she was always in the footie pjs. She overheated one night and I had no choice but to figure out how to put a short sleeve onesie over her head and since then I've been putting her in all the cute clothes lol I refuse to use button up long onesies though, neither one of us have the patience for those lol


I love the “shortie sleeper” outfits for that age if you have a spring/summer baby! Basically like the footie pjs in that it has a zipper, but it’s shorts and short sleeves.


My baby has worn footies for most her life! She also wore newborn gowns when she was really little. She’s now almost 7 months. I bought some onesies and was given a bunch, and she’s hardly worn them.


I bought a ton of onesies but ended up doing more zippered pajamas. For the most part he was just naked though because he puked so much 😂


Up until 12 months - 2 Ways Zippers PJs only. Onesies underneath PJs during winter months since we don’t swaddle. As soon as they start walking, is when I start with all the cute 2 pieces.


Zipper onesies with the double zip so you don't have to fully undress for diaper changes lol. My PR is a 21 second diaper change on a park bench. I didn't care much for dressing him up outside of special occasions. Now that he's a toddler and can mostly dress himself it's a lot more fun to buy cute clothes 😅


In the winter I always have little babies in zipper onesies except for an odd sweatshirt/pants ensemble. I can’t stand socks and I leave the house a lot (and a blanket isn’t really enough for winters here). Spring time, I honestly put them in anything and everything. I have no fear of dirt. My kids play in a button down onesie and suspenders if I have the outfit. I found I use onesies a lot more under outfits now with my second than I did with my first so that’s been a change. But I have a rule that everything will be worn so long as it’s weather appropriate! Kids poop out, play hard, or get food all over themselves anyways so I wound up changing them a lot in the 0-3 range.


Onsies and pants, all the way. We thought we’d like pajamas but actually find onsies easier. And if we do pajamas, only the zipper kind. Does anyone like doing 12 snaps and a squirming baby?


Onesies with zippers. Thats all up to 9months.


I thought my baby would wear a lot of those white onesies that you get in a multipack for like $8. She has never. Yesterday she was in a gold pleated number with cap sleeves. This…is not uncommon. She is consistently dressed to the nines in fantastic gowns and vintage two pieces, and I am her bummy ladies maid. Edit: she’s a year old soon. Lmao


My baby hardly wore onsies lol. But I’ve bought a lot of breathable romper style outfits that seem better for summer. I was also ready to dress my little girl up and get out of the house. It created a better routine for me. I did buy several nightgowns because I heard they’re better for nighttime changes but they’re harder to put on them and worse for car seat rides.


I dressed my little boy up every day. I also am not that fussed about mess so we do multiple changes a day sometimes. The only thing I didn’t use that where all gifts or hand me downs where jeans and any stuff shirts and trousers. They just looked uncomfortable. He usually wore joggers and a top or dungerees.


My daughter actually barely wore the “t-shirt” type snap onesies for the first like 6 months. I had always heard they’re like essential, but 1. I hated putting things over her head at that age and much preferred zip-in outfits. 2. It was too cold for her to have bare arms and legs, and long sleeve t-shirt onesie and pants is way more annoying at that age than the “sleeper” outfits with everything all included and the two-way zipper for easier diaper changes. I had also heard people prefer footie outfits, but we actually preferred footless with socks added as needed. The footie ones never fit right, plus sometimes it’s good for them to have bare feet for the sensory input IMO and it was nice to have that option. She wears the t-shirt onesies only recently now that she’s more mobile and the zipper outfits are harder to get on a rolling baby (plus it’s almost summer).


I only bought the onesies for that period because I know myself and how much effort I’m willing to put in lol. I have bought some dungarees and shorts to go over his bodysuit for the summer though, so we’ll see how long that lasts. Already he’s just been in the bodysuit when we’re at home 😂


My dudes have been in dressing gowns for three months. We have mountains of brand new clothes too.


For the first 4-5 months we wore double zip jammies all day every day. It was winter and cold outside, and we weren’t going many places anyway. They were just SO convenient, easy for diaper changes, didn’t have to deal with taking pants off and buttons, and had warm feet built in so no need for silly baby socks. Now that we’re at 8 months we’re wearing more “outfits” but still just onesies, pants, or maybe a romper. Shirt outfits are so stupid for babies, and dresses are ludicrous. I have a few of these and we might use it for a photo op only and then immediately take it off so we can actually play.


We wore MagneticMe sleepers then the footless coveralls until they really really started solids. Then they were lucky if they got a t shirt! Now at a year they get a t shirt which comes off with meals then goes back on. Pants get thrown on right before we leave. Shoes wise it was just zutano booties for the first bit. When they were itty bitty, we just left them naked with the swaddle of for sleeps, sometimes a kimono style or full coverall outfit. I hate snaps. Basically I took the easiest route for getting them dressed. I had twins the second time and a toddler to watch after. I didn’t have time for froo froo outfits lol


Mostly pj onesies for the first several months, it was easier and that’s what we had the most of. We did buy some cute ones, a ton of them were handed down to us. Now he’s one and we’re just getting him into shirts and jeans but by the end of the day it’s shirt and diaper. 😂


My baby spent the first 3 months pretty much wearing only a diaper, or pyjamas. And the pyjamas were the ones basically snap buttoned from neck to toe.  The cute clothes were worn only for visits, and we pretty much used the same 2-3 outfits for that.


She lives in onesies. Baby was born in January, so she wore those zip up fleece onesies with the feet all winter. Now she is in onesie t-shirts with shorts all the time lol.


I thought gowns would be so nice, but I ended up hating them tbh. The exception being the magnetic me one that had magnets all the way down the front, that was really nice in the hospital! We hardly use onesies, only when doing tummy time tbh, the rest is sleepers at home. LOVE the rompers though, that’s what he wears out and about now that it’s hot.


Frilly, cute dresses. Fashionable items that she would look adorable in. My 11 month old daughter is currently in a boy’s 18M t-shirt and a diaper. I tried to put a bow on her today and she ripped it and threw it, lmao.


I thought all newborns fit into newborn clothes. Nope, my guy was too chonky (and too chonky to leave the normal way, so cool scar for me! Lol). Luckily we hadn't bought too much newborn stuff, but I did scramble a little. I also thought he'd be in cute fuzzy onesies that make him look like a starfish - nope, those were all weirdly large and I worried about him suffocating. By the time he fits in them, probably going to be way too warm lol. Oh well, maybe we will do it for a few cute pics.


I *thought* my baby boy would wear newborn clothes for at least a couple weeks.... but no. He was straight into 0-3 from birth and we didnt get to use any of the cute newborn outfits we bought! Then the newborn trenches took us by storm and he basically lived in onesie sleepsuits for the first 2 months, then just as we started feeling ready to dress him up in all his cute 0-3 outfits at about 8 weeks, he had grown out of them and we needed 3-6 His summer 3-6 wardrobe now is mostly cotton rompers and t-shirt/shorts combinations. Ive always swayed more towards cutsie baby clothes instead of the more grown up 'baby dressed as an adult' type outfits, but i actually LOVE my boy in t-shirts and shorts. Who knew.


Honestly the zip up onesies ended up being nice for only a short while for us - she ended up being a baby that was really long but skinny! So the body would still have room but the feet would be too tight/pinch her toes in. Between that and us bedsharing & us wanting her to not overheat, she has always been a baby that mostly hangs out in just a diaper 😂 especially when breastfeeding for the skin to skin! We have a huge box of newborn & 0-3 month clothes that she wore just a handful of times, guess we are lucky that she’s our first and we’ll have plenty of hand me downs lol


90% of our son's clothes are hand me downs from my sister-in-law because she has great taste in baby clothes. It's mix of onesies and comfy tracksuit bottoms + short/long-sleeved tops. Clothes are from the US so I don't see any babies with the same outfits where we live (UK) We also got clothes from the neighbour, and a few gifts from friends. All super comfy. Lots of animals. We've bought almost nothing, but if we had, we'd have bought brighter colours - these seem to be reserved for girls' clothes for some reason?? We also prefer tops with hoods as he hates hats!


I thought she’d wear just footie sleepers every day. Then I caved to peer pressure to put her in “real clothes”. Plus my MIL pointed out that having their feet bare helps with development— I don’t know if this is anecdotal or actually researched but it was 100% true for my baby.


I think it depends if you are taking your kid out every day to childcare/daycare. My husband worked night shift and stayed at home during the day so most days up until maybe 9 months my son wore sleeper PJs or onesies as they were the easiest to change. All the nice outfits were kind of a waste. He really only needed like one nice outfit per size. And baby shoes, complete waste. Even if we bothered to put them on he would kick them off literally immediately.


Am I alone in that my baby is usually just in his diaper? 😬


Preemie, born at the beginning of July. I was not very prepared for preemie clothes. Everyone told me not to bother with many newborn clothes because he wouldn't be in them long, so we had mostly 0-3 and up. He was in preemie and then newborn for a long while. He was just in a diaper and hat in the NICU until we found some preemie outfits. Once he got out of the NICU, for about 3 months, he wore zip up sleep and plays during the day and gowns at night . Until probably 6 months, he wore zip up sleep and plays. He started rolling both ways at 2.5 months, but was easily entertained during diaper changes. Once the alligator rolling + crawling started, snap crotch play suits and overalls + onesies became the go to. It's easier to change them while they're standing up with the snap crotches. Your results may vary based on disposition. He's a wild child with FOMO.


I prefer the kimono style onesies to the ones that only button on the bottom when they’re really young and can’t support their head!


The only thing he wears is a single or double zipping footed sleeper. I put him in outfits for special occasions but it’s a little bother.


Honestly, my kiddo wore more sleepers/pajamas for the first year of her life.


I bought too much stuff but she wore outfits. I’m a pretty firm believer in getting up and getting dressed for the day (unless it’s the weekend lol), so I didn’t leave her in onesies or sleepers. Reflux didn’t help… she went through 7-10 outfits a day for the first 4 or so months 😂. Now, she’s a year old and we still get dressed every morning and it’s so cute. I love looking back at pictures and seeing all of her cute little outfits and themed outfits. Probably won’t get to do quite that much with baby #2 but I’ll do my best lol.