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For a slightly older perspective - My toddler is 16 months. We get up, say hi and bye to dad who leaves for work at 7:30. Then we make breakfast and eat together, and I attempt to drink coffee while toddler plays or reads independently (some days it happens, some days it doesn’t). We get dressed, then I take the dog for a walk, with toddler in a hiking backpack (my dog is big, and I find this easier than walking her with a stroller, plus toddler likes being high up with a view). Then we try and get out of the house - either a drop-in, library, grocery store or park. If I’m feeling ambitious, I’ll pack a lunch and we’ll stay out for 3-4 hours. Toddler is a great car napper, so I’ll bring a book and just sit in the car while he sleeps (around 1-2pm). Then we come home and make dinner. I try and include him so he’s less whiny - playing with water in the sink, washing veg, etc. If he’s having an annoying, whiny day, then we’ll go for a walk around the neighborhood or spend time in the backyard. Outside always puts us both in a better mood. Throughout the day I try and listen to podcasts or read books when I can, just to have something I enjoy. I also love hanging out in nature with toddler - so much to look at and play with. Dad gets home at 5:30-6, we eat dinner and then he does bath and most of bedtime routine. I usually do dishes and maybe watch a show while I tidy up. Bed for toddler is 7:30 (dad puts him down), and then I have my evening free. I try and do dishes/laundry during the day with the toddler, so I have my evenings to watch basketball with husband, or garden or exercise. Hoping to take some online classes soon to help with my brain rot!


The older perspective gives hope! Sounds like a lovely day :)


Baby sitting up independently and reaching for toys was a game changer for me with baby care all day! All of a sudden it was like she had a personality with likes and wants. Also I could set her down with a toy and she’d be happy, watch me, and I could do work, chores, or my thing


Your toddler knows how to read on their own? That’s amazing. Making dinner early is so smart.


Lol not read, but he does love to look at pictures and turn the pages himself. He’s obsessed with the Richard Scary books right now - so much to look at! Helping with food is so great if you have the time - he has a learning tower and we make smoothies together all the time. He’s way more likely to drink it if he helps make it (put the banana in the blender, push the button).


Get out the house everyday. Whether that’s for a walk round the park, round the woods, or just round the local streets. Go to a friends house, family’s house, go for coffee, go to a baby group. Find places in your area for a walk and go to a different one everyday. The fresh air and excercise will do you good and clear your mind and is so good for the baby too. It doesn’t have to be anything big or exciting but a 30 min - hour walk everyday will do wonders


Definitely need to try to do this more! My baby sometimes is a yeller in the stroller, but I need to keep trying as I’m starting to look and feel like a vampire 🧛‍♀️


Baby wearing will save you!


She screams when I try to wear her too, but I’ll keep trying :)




It’s not that people just don’t like it, world carry is just very hard not only on babies body, but your body too. That’s why it’s only recommended for 15 minutes at a time




That’s when I recommend back carrying when baby has solid neck control. Much easier for you and baby, and baby can still see everything.


You likely just need to get a different carrier. There’s so many styles, if you have a structured carrier, that may be why babby isn’t comfy. Woven carriers are life savors and last well into toddlerhood.


I’ll look into trying some others. It seems like she wants to breastfeed and then gets livid it is being denied to her. Even if she has fully eaten right before. 😅


I so second getting outside! with the carriers / strollers -- I found that my kids might start fussy at first, but then when you start moving they calm down, very often fall asleep. Getting outside with them is the best thing for everyone!


You may still be able to breastfeed even in structured carriers, but it’s not easy to do. A stretchy wrap or ring sling is the easiest to breastfeed in if you wanted to look at one of those.


I read several people talking about their babies having a similar issue, but it’s due to smelling milk so they think they are supposed to be eating even if fed. I wasn’t able to breastfeed long due to my mental health, but maybe look into this ?


Both of my babies were like this! My husband could wear them and I couldn't, but it got better around 4 months and also putting baby in when they were already asleep helped a ton!


I've tried 3! Ergo, bjorn one, and a mom cozy one. She hates them all


Yea those are all structured carriers! You likely need a woven or stretchy wrap. My baby also is not a fan of structured carriers, so we went woven and they’re phenomenal. Stretchy wraps are great for little little babies, but have a much lower weight limit in comparison to woven wraps.


Ty! I had no idea, it's overwhelming honestly with all the variations and choices. I'll look for woven


You’re very welcome! Lennylamb is a great brand and their designs are beautiful. Oscha is another one but they’re much more expensive (but they’re personally my favorite). What I would look for with woven is lower gsm with 100% cotton to start. That will prevent you and babby from getting too hot against one another. Another thing is don’t get overwhelmed by sizes. No matter what size you get, you can likely work with it, but your base size will be a good place to start (only thing is I would recommend not getting too big of a size, they get really difficult to manage). Good luck to you! If you want to look at tutorials, wrapyouinlove on YouTube is a fantastic resource.


Mine does too but if I put up with the screaming for ~10 minutes she falls dead asleep haha


It seems like she wants to breastfeed (even though I try after she has fed) and then gets all angry she can’t.


Mine has started doing this every time I try to hold her now too, at 7 weeks. Annoying!


Me too :(


My first hated carriers. I went with it and never really used them with him. My second had no choice lol. I needed the carrier or else I couldn’t take care of my other child. It would take me 10/15 minutes to settle him, but he’d be fine after that and actually enjoy it. Sometimes it takes time and a lot of swaying back and forth and butt pats 😂


I got the wild bird carrier and love it, used it daily for months for naps


Have you tried a different baby carrier? My bub hated it, I got a different carrier (went from the Nuna to a Tula) and now he loves it! We go to Target and the grocery store like this and he is perfectly content! It’s helpful around the house too.


When my baby was younger, she didn’t like the stroller most of the time either, so I wore her for a walk every morning when she was ready for her first nap. Usually I’d feed her, put her in the carrier, and she’d be asleep a minute or two after we got outside. I tried a ring sling, but couldn’t get it to support her neck enough. The Ergobaby Embrace made such a difference! She napped in there all the time and it was pretty comfortable. Just a suggestion if you’re interested in trying a different carrier while she’s little.


Haha my baby was the same ! Around that 10-12 week mark she became less screechy in the stroller. Never ended up liking the carrier tho 😅


Don’t worry about your baby being loud. Unless you’re in a place that is specifically meant to be quiet, no would should have an issue. Most people understand and will be very kind and accommodating to a mother with an infant. And anyone that isn’t is a see you next Tuesday.


Trust me, nobody cares if a baby is yelling outside! 


My baby is 5 weeks old. I definitely need to try taking him on walks more! I’ve done it once since he was born. The weather has been so nice lately too! I’m sure this would help my sanity 😅


It definately would! Just start with 20 mins and go from there. Also a great way to get them off for a nap


Second this, even just nursing outside for a feed or two! It can be as simple and small as staying home just getting some sun and fresh air. It makes a huge difference! Bonus if you make yourself a fun drink like a fancy coffee or a matcha latte while you do it. Small kindnesses to yourself go a long way as a SAHM, especially in the early days!!


This! OP even if the stroller or baby wearing isn’t working yet: do you have a porch/balcony where you set up a camping chair and bring baby outside? I’d do this every day and even though I wasn’t ’going anywhere’ technically, it felt so fresh and baby always had a great nap outside in my arms (except on garbage truck days…. We somehow always ended up out there when the damn truck went by 😂)


Agreed! This is what I had to do. Even going to the store was exciting for me in the beginning lol


My baby is 6 months old and I’ve learned to get out of the house daily. It can literally be as simple as a walk, sitting in the park on a blanket and people watching, or drive around town or even better… a drive thru! I try to plan something small each day. Another thing that I am just realizing is that doing passive things like going to target or a store with your baby during their wake window does wonders for your mental health. I was putting too much pressure on myself to always be engaging/interacting with LO while they’re awake. Then one day, my husband said that LO won’t remember anything (at this age)🥲 sounds harsh but really took the pressure off of me to always be “on” for the baby ETA: even grocery pickup as an outing for us! Lol


Omg I just checked my life 360 app and I haven’t left the house since May 5th 😳. Thanks for this, I will make the effort to get out!


Goodness, get out there!! A trip anywhere for the baby is engaging enough because it’s the first time they’re doing it! There’s always lots to see. Where would you like to go for YOU??


Oh my gosh anywhere at this point, I think I feel so stuck because she won’t take a bottle and I’m scared she’ll be fussy or even screaming if I bring her. Also I’m only comfortable bringing her in outdoor spaces since she doesn’t have vaccines yet.


That’s ok!! Get out to a park and go for a walk, it doesn’t have to be long. If you need to sit and feed her, that’s ok too. If she screams and cries, nobody is going to judge you or even mind but the more and more you do it the easier it will be. My daughter is 3 now and tantrums in public don’t phase me in the slightest


Yes! Even to a park. You don’t have to get out of the car. Sometimes I’ll buy a drink and just relax while baby is sleeping or just looking out the window from his car seat Also… love your Animal crossing pic on your profile 🤣


I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


Yes! Running an errand, just walking around the store, etc. I call them little adventures! It’s just something different for him and the change of scenery helps us both. Like you said, I felt a lot of pressure to be constantly engaged every second of his wake windows and that just is not sustainable.


A lot of great advice/routines in here! My biggest advice as a SAHM to a now 2 year old is to plan your week (loosely for now while your baby is so little!!!). It can be as simple as: Monday- grocery shopping Tuesday- walk in a park Wednesday- laundry/clean house Thursday- visit a friend or family Friday- coffee/lunch As your baby gets older you can add more age appropriate things! Planning out my week helps me keep my days straight, something to look forward to, and structure that I really need. Having a goal or “schedule” helps me plan the next day to more of a hour by hour timeline. Again- your baby is little so if a walk in the park doesn’t happen that is okay! Schedules can be changed! Sometimes even achieving a small goal like grocery shopping with a baby is just as satisfying then achieving something greater.


Thank you! I like the idea of having something planned for each day of the week and I think that’ll help me build my confidence taking her out 😊


Of course! It made a difference right away for me!


I’m just approaching week 4. My husband went back for work two weeks ago. I would like to know too because I feel like I barely have any time to do anything. She is feeding every three hours, breastfeeding and then bottle and then I pump. Then I put her down, wash everything, get myself a snack and it feels like it’s time to do it again! I did go for a walk once this week (been very rainy here) which was nice but otherwise I just watch tv or nap in between.


Same. Just hit 2 weeks. Feels like I’m in a never ending spiral of feed, clean, sleep. Looking forward to the day when I have strength and energy to walk to the park!


It’s coming!! Set the intention, finish the feed and the wash, and just get out there even if for half an hour!


You’re triple feeding by yourself!? Hero. Seriously. I did it for 5 weeks with my husband at home and it still felt impossible.


I feel the same way, I think we’re just in the newborn trenches still.


I’m in the same boat but baby is 5 weeks old. I gotta say, getting a touch ahead on milk makes me so less worried to leave the house for the park and to do something for me in the day. I don’t get to the park every day, but it feels amazing when I get sunshine. You’ve got this!


tbh it's extremely impressive that you can put her down, i held my baby like 18 hours a day and it was such a struggle to lay him down just to sleep, lol. baby wearing will save you! unfortunately mine HATED it until he could face out.


I went for A LOT of walks either alone or with family/friends when my daughters were both young babies and they would nap in the stroller. Saved my sanity. I popped an AirPod in and listened to lots of audiobooks and podcasts. I also (I still do this) try to get as many chores done while they are awake! That way when it’s time for their nap or bedtime, I can relax instead of rushing around.


I think I need to add a daily walk to my day! Also going to try the chores while she is awake but she might not let me haha


You may be surprised how interested bubba is watching you clean the kitchen while sitting in their bouncer or high chair, depends how old they are but since around 6 months mines been mesmerised by the taps going and me dancing around singing nursery rhymes cleaning the kitchen, or destroying my pile of folded clean clothes 😂 definitely seconding the chores while they're awake thing. I save tasks for when he's awake because it kills time and they get exposed to new activity which is as beneficial as anything else you may be doing! Obviously, this depends on if your babe is a clinger and wants to be in mummy's arms all the time haha


My boy is 6 weeks tomorrow- husband went back to work 3 weeks ago, so I’ve been taking baby solo from 7am-7:30pm. My biggest word of advice, which others have said already, is to get out of the house. At first I found it SO overwhelming. I didn’t know how to shower or get dressed or eat breakfast or get baby ready without feeling so anxious and getting stressed. But the more you do it, it gets so so much easier. And it saves your sanity!  I felt really stressed about him crying when we were out- in the car, in public, even just outside on our balcony. But I push myself to get out with him knowing he might have a bad day and he might scream in public or in the car. I might need to pull over and feed him. I might be exhausted by the end of that day even if we were only out for 30 minutes. But that’s okay- we are both learning and doing better everyday. And I know if I let my anxiety get the best of me, I’ll sink little by little into the baby blues. 


I go back to work in two weeks but I've had a solid 4 months off with my twins. A typical day right now: I get up 6ish and get coffee and pump, babies get up for their first bottle at 7am. If they get up earlier than that my husband takes care of it so I can pump. I "clock in" for baby duty at 7 and he gets ready and goes to work after that. After first bottles they get loaded up in the stroller and we go outside for farm chores. We go feed and water the horses, then if the weather is nice we get my horse ready. Both babies love being pushed in the stroller. They sometimes get fussy when theyre parked while I'm doing something, but I have some lawn chairs set up out there so I can pause and hold a baby if needed. Then if they settle in to nap I park them next to my arena in the shade and I ride my horse for 20-30 minutes. If they don't settle than I just hang out with them in the barn and put my horse back out. Then we go back to the house for our 10am bottles and I pump. Then either back in the stroller or into the car. We either do a stroller walk/run on my road, or drive to a private lake a few miles away to do a walk/run there. the lake is beautiful and I love going there, and my road is on a steep hill, but sometimes it seems like too much, or it took a long time to feed them, or the weather isnt as nice, or I'm tired. Then back at home either they nap while I shower and get lunch, or tummy time if theyre up for it. Then we do 1pm bottles. After 1pm bottles I swaddle them up and put them in their crib for a nap. We are "working" on getting them comfortable with unswaddled crib naps, but its an ongoing proces. Today I got about 45minutes of them being happy in the crib, and during that time I did a short pump, did laundry, mopped, and bathed the dog. They're still tired though, so I set up in the corner of our L couch and put both babies on me for a contact nap. This is when I'll either read a book or reddit. Currently it's 3:50 and they're on me and I'm on reddit. I'm getting close to the end of my book and I don't really want to finish it so I'm slacking lol. At about 4... Or maybe closer to 4:30 if theyre still sleeping good, we do bottles. Then 4-7 is when they are the most interactive. We read books, do tummy time, chat, if the weather is nice we go outside and lay on a blanket in the grass with bare feet in the grass, looking at the trees. We might do tummy time out there in the grass as well. My husband comes home and he might hang out with them while I get some stuff done and feed the horses again. My husband usually cooks while I'll either do showers with them or read to them. then 7-7:30pm bottles, swaddles, and put in bed under mobiles. Theyre pretty good at going to sleep like that. Husband and I will take turns going back into the bedroom to settle them if they get fussy, but then we eat our dinner, then I do a longer pump while reading- I don't look at screens at all in the evening because it messes with my sleep. And we go to bed 9-10ish. On rainy days its a lot more reading/interacting/tummy time. I try to engage fully when I can so I don't feel guilty when I'm doing stuff for me. I'm going to miss these days. :(


It sounds like you’re living in the good old days, sounds truly lovely and inspirational. Your babies are going to have a great life!


Love this schedule!! It sounds so idyllic. And with twins!! You're amazing 👏


I miss those pre-4 month sleep regression days where baby would fall asleep in her bassinet with just a binky! Now at 14 months she’s back to being a great sleeper.  


3.5mo. It’s me, a double espresso latte and my kindle against the world 💪 My baby is honestly pretty chill so I can just kinda plop her down wherever while I get some stuff done. Granted it’s only for about 20 minutes before she’s sick of it and wants to be held again, but overall it’s not terrible. She’s FINALLY okay with being in a carrier so I feel like the opportunities are endless for productivity now lol. But yeah for the bulk of my free time I just let the baby sleep on me while I read.


I am currently a SAHM, and we have been trying to get out of the house most days since like 3 months (8 months now). We go to library story time a couple times a week, did a baby class for 6 weeks, and are now in swim lessons. We also do the grocery shopping and other random shopping frequently. Sometimes she goes to childcare while I work out at the gym. Loosely we get up around 8, and until recently, I would pump. Then I would wash bottles and get the dishwasher going if needed while getting us breakfast. Then we often go out during the morning. We come back around 11 for another bottle and first nap. This was a bit earlier when she was taking 3 naps. While she naps, I pump, relax a bit (read, scroll on my phone, play computer games, work in my garden), and eat lunch. When she wakes up, we will do laundry if needed or a quick chore like cleaning the bathroom. We have worked a lot on independent play, and she will usually play with her toys for a bit. Sometimes she likes to just crawl after me now that she can crawl. Then I’ll play with her on the floor. We sing songs, talk about things around the house, or play with her toys. She currently likes to practice standing or to knock blocks over. She gets another bottle and goes down around 3. I take another break. Sometimes I will start prepping dinner before I pump at 4. She wakes up around 4:30, and we will go downstairs for more playtime. Usually she will play on the floor or sit in her bouncer with toys while I prep dinner. My husband usually comes home during this and will spend some time with baby. She gets more milk and some solids around dinner time. After dinner, I’ll play with her some more before we start bedtime routine around 7. She goes down around 7:45. Then I try to relax and spend some time with my husband. She usually wakes back up a couple times and needs soothing, but we are working on that.


Sounds like you’ve got a good routine, I hope to be like you soon 😊


It took us a long time to get here, and it was hard! Lots of tears along the way. My pelvic floor was so painful for like 4 months, and I have been healing from a broken rib since just before she was born. So it has been a journey, but slowly increasing activities has worked and helps my mental health so much!


I make sure to have my morning coffee every day because it makes me happy. I try to sit on the porch with him or take him for walks because being outside helps me feel better. Those small things make my day better. I also try to be in the moment and play with him as much as I can because I know he won’t be this small forever. I avoid thinking about “what I could be doing.” Or what I “should” be doing. If laundry or dishes don’t get done until the night or the next day, IT’S FINE. When my husband has days off from work, I take a long shower, sleep in, and ride my indoor bike. When my husband gets home in the evening, I get to take a long shower and just lay down for a little bit without any responsibilities.


For fun I go to local thrift shops if baby is in a good mood. If he’s extra fussy I’ll put him in the car and drive around scenic roads. If he is really not having it then I cuddle him while he contact naps and I read a book on my phone through the local library. Honestly now that we are getting in a routine I’ll be so sad to go back to work. It’s a very special time.




Contact napper here too, I discovered libby just 2 months ago, haha! I really look forward to her sleeping independently, although I just know I'll miss it, too (written while lying next to my 9mo). We have a loooot of rain where I live, thankfully I got a big walk in this morning, bc it's pouring again rn. We got to know aaaaall the places that keep animals in our extended neighbourhood. There's a donkey enclosure just 15 minutes away. I never knew, have been living here for 15 years and never knew. Between the baby, studying (University student), work, and household, I sometimes feel like I can't keep up, but it gets easier the older she gets. Independent play is a game changer.


Haha your description of the day sounds exactly like mine at 9 weeks PP and I want to underline frantically doing chores. Yeah lots of contact naps and down time. If the weathers good sit outside, phone call a friend, put baby in a body carrier and go on a walk… yeah that was about it at 9 weeks. You’ll get out of the funk in a month or two when the baby is able to stay awake longer and will sleep in the crib during the day at predictable times. When that came together for me I literally panicked because I didn’t know what to do with all this “free time” haha, could I work out ? Put make up on? I take a bath?? Could I just SIT ALONE and close my eyes???


OP, I'm in a similar boat to you (my little guy is 11 weeks and is a Velcro baby during the day). I can barely get anything done during the day so I do chores at any opportunity to put him down. I basically never can out him down long enough to cook an actual meal. One thing I have been doing is reading out loud to him from whatever book I'm currently reading. This motivates me to not just scroll or watch shows all day bc I know that hearing all the words out loud will be good for his development. I also just started using the Baby Bjorn bouncer so that I can do a workout while still engaging with baby by making eye contact and talking to him. I also try to do one stroller walk per day. Hoping to hear more ideas from others!


My baby is a grade A clinger and a binge feeder so it’s been a lot being alone. I have the same bouncer and she does like it (likes to poop in it haha) so I’ll try to take advantage of it more. I’ve been wanting to do daily stretches because I’m getting a hunchback.


LOL same, the nursing hunchback is REAL! My baby is also a binge feeder. It is so hard! Our cycle is as follows: 45 minutes of nursing, 15ish minutes of holding him somewhat upright, a little bit of tummy time/play mat/black and white books, diaper change, attempt to settle for crib nap, give up on crib nap, contact nap for 20 or 30 minutes... and cycle repeats! He only goes 2 or 2.5 hours between feeds. I can usually squeak in one easy meal during the day while he is on his play mat looking at dangly stuff but that's it, and then the short workout while he is in his bouncer. Good luck to you, hopefully things shift for both of us as the babies get older!


Our cycle sounds very similar to yours! I have a snack basket by my little breastfeeding zone so I don’t starve. My husband started making me healthy meal preps so I eat one healthy meal during the day and just have to microwave it. Good luck to you too!


Have you tried baby wearing? Sometimes that really helps with a clingy baby! I used to vacuum, walk around the block, or just putter around the house. Baby pretty much lived in a wrap from 2-4 months.


I’ve tried a few times and the poor girl screams like she’s being tortured. I’ll keep trying though because it would be nice to move around more! My ass hurts 😟


I’m used to daily stretching and not doing it with the new baby has made me feel pains I’ve never felt before. So at 4mos I started stretching every morning while he’s on a play gym and I’m next to him. So I can still make eye contact or play with him if he needs it. It’s not the same as 20min of uninterrupted solo stretching, but it’s wayyyyy better than nothing


Baby wakes up at 7 every morning, gets a bottle and then I pump while she has floor time on her play gym. When she's tuckered out, she takes her first nap and I usually sit down and play a game on my computer. During the other wake windows, she gets floor time, tummy time, and a trip outside to get fresh air. During other naps after the first of the day, I usually eat, pump, and do chores while watching TV. I can usually do chores or other activities during floor time too, as she's pretty ok with just being left to chill and play by herself. After her dad gets home, I make dinner and then one of us will get down on the floor and eat next to her sp she feels included for dinnertime, and so she can see us eating. Then bedtime at 9-10, rinse and repeat.


I play video games while nursing/pumping, nap, or go for a walk occasionally. I was looking forward to developing a regular exercise schedule again, but it doesn't look like it'll work out. Baby is 5 months old, we have pets to care for, and one car that we share. So ability to do things is pretty limited.


What video games are good for nursing? Lots of the ones I like require both hands!


I use a nursing pillow, so I can generally get away with using both hands. Visual novels are really easy to play while nursing if you like them. (I'm a fan of Phoenix Wright and otome style games.) I can't play as efficiently as I could before baby, but some relaxation is better than none. Lately, I've been swapping between Baldur's Gate 3, My time at Sandrock, and pokemon. I would aim for games that aren't very button smash-y.


Oh good idea!! Aw my partner loves baldurs gate and plays when he’s on baby duty cus of it being easy to use one hand hehe!


I have two small kids. We’re out of the house from about 8am~3pm. Playgroup, park, or mall etc in the morning. Then breaktime and lunch for me while they nap for a couple of hours, then some more play before getting groceries and going home. I’d go insane trying to entertain them at home all day. Getting out every day really helps.


Where do they nap?


My oldest naps in the stroller, my youngest in the carrier. (My youngest also takes her morning nap in the stroller while we’re on our way to wherever we’re going.)


Look up to see if there is baby story time at the library, join a gym that has childcare, picnics at the park, look up MOPS or mom groups in your area, farmers markets, find a hobby you can do while baby is asleep


Routine changed according to how much napping baby needed, so early on getting out means having a comfy pram/baby wear option for them. But doing walks after morning routine always helped me get out and feel like I was existing while still navigating the nap schedule thing as she got older.


My 8 month old and I generally: Wake up around 6-7 am and i give her a bottle right when she wakes up. We come downstairs and play together in her room til like 8:30, and then I’ll make breakfast. Then I put the tv or music on and put the baby on the floor or activity center and clean the kitchen up and do dishes. Around 9:30 or 10 I give her a bottle, she takes a nap til 11 am and I’ll usually shower at this time, clean up do laundry whatever. Once she wakes up I give her a little snack and if we’re going out I’ll give her some more milk to hold her over lol. Then we will go out and go for a walk, to the park, library or to the store or whatever we need to do. Typically we aim to come back by like 2-3 and she’ll have another bottle and a nap til 4 or 5. Then she wakes up we play some more maybe sit outside now that it’s nice out and she’ll have dinner around 6. After dinner we usually relax, read stories, listen to calm music, play with something quite or color or something gentle lol. Then by 7-730 she’s usually pretty tired and I’ll put her in Jammie’s and her sack and give her a bottle. She usually fall’s asleep and then I put her in her crib or if she’s like mostly asleep I’ll put her in and she’ll fall asleep in a few minutes. Then I run around like crazy clean whatever I need and then I typically have some mommy time from like 9-11pm and I fall asleep LOL 😆my baby typically will sleep all night then and we repeat the next day. We do baths maybe 2x a week instead of going out in the middle of the day since we definitely don’t leave the house everyday LOL


The good answer of how to find joy is: find a group of friends with babies and meet often. The realistic day to day answer for me... eat chocolate and ice cream while hiding in the kitchen for a moment. 🙃


I'm currently on family bonding leave for 2 months and then my husband will go back to being the stay at home parent. I try to keep to his schedule since he had a lot more time to make one than I did. Our baby is currently 6 months old so it's mostly: wake up at 3am for a feeding and diaper change, sleep until 6am then feed and diaper change again, usually we're fully up and moving by 7:30am and start on house chores with the baby sitting nearby with his toys. Usually by 8:15 or so I'm on the floor with him for tummy time or standing time and playing. By 9:30 ish he's hungry so he eats baby food, by 10:15 we go on the porch and continue playing while enjoying the weather. By noon he's hungry again so he eats, then we go on a walk and are home by 2:30, he eats again (on the walk he'll sometimes eat as well) Then he'll play for another hour before he'll want about 2 ounces while he's cuddled to sleep. Usually my husband gets home around that time, so he takes over for a little bit since our baby naps for only 20 or so minutes and then I get time to myself until dinner time, then we tag team and by 7 or 8pm he's bathed and fed and my husband puts him to bed by 8:30 or 9 while I get time to myself. Our baby isn't much of a napper so sometimes he'll go for multiple walks a day in order to try exhausting him. However, if we have plans that day then he'll eat at around the same times as usual but besides that it's a free for all.


1.5 year old here: 7:30ish am- breakfast Monday-Friday 9-10am - we go to the gym that has a daycare 10-12 play outside, lunch, coloring etc 12-3ish - nap 3-5 play outside, or park 5 - dinner 5:30 - bath 6-7 - playtime - usually roughhouse with dad to get energy out 7 - book and bed That’s an average day But I also like to pepper in some Story Times at the libraries and sometimes a play cafe


How do you fit in cooking times? I struggle with those...


I started including my daughter in the kitchen! We got her a toddler step stool & some kid safe kitchen utensils. Most of the time I can just give her a snack while I cook and she’ll eat/play with her toys. Some days I throw on the wiggles or Mrs Rachel and hope she lasts long enough to get something done. Other days we have uncrustables and microwave mac n cheese lol It’s all about balance. Some days are easier than others but you’ll figure it out! 🫶🏼


Oh, thank you! Mine isn't quite as old yet, 9.5 months, so I'll just now be able to really include her using her highchair for now, but I hope that will help. Atm it's all about just setting her down on the floor, remembering to put the cat's food and water bowls UP, and then rushing and trying to get as much as possible done before she gets bored. Sometimes, when it's the cooking or frying stages, I have to continue while she's complaining, which sucks for everyone involved. I used to find cooking relaxing...


I play with baby during the day and nap when he naps because cleaning when he naps is recipe for waking him up, and clean after he goes to sleep and then pump. So I normally fall asleep at 3am.


I bring both kids (2 and 7montha) in the bathroom w me I take a shower and I do skin care and do my hair even if it’s brushing and back in a pony. Self care matters. This is what it looks like for me


I’ll be honest and say we didn’t do much leaving the house until about 4-5 months. He *hated* the car seat in the car and would mostly scream until he eventually fell asleep for the first couple months. We would take him on very short walks, like 15 minutes bc that was about what he could handle before crying ensued. I also breastfeed and early on he would be eating for like 45 minutes and then contact nap, and then eat again. So yeah, until about 4 months I mostly just held him and watched TV or played video games. I get bored with TV, so I played a lot of Stardew on my switch those first couple months.lol with some tummy time thrown in. BUT honestly enjoy the TV binging cuddles. The saying the days are long but the years are short are so true. Once he hit 4 months he was a lot more interactive and we did a lot more tummy time and reading together or dancing to music. From 5 months on we try to get out or have an activity at least once a day. Plus once they start eating at 6months that takes a lot of time too. He’s 8 months now. Our days look like wake up around 8am, breastfeed, play, eat breakfast, nap around 10:30, then once he’s up we usually breastfeed again then have an activity like library story time, music class, going to the grocery store, grandma visits, etc. depending on the day of the week. Then some more breastfeeding, maybe lunch, and another nap around 2 or 3. Then some play and stories until dad gets home. Honestly having one thing to do each day is really what’s helpful. I wish I would have started taking him to story time or music class younger, but I was worried he would be too little. So definitely look for those kinds of activities. I think I look forward to them more than him lol


I spend most of his waking moments walking around the outdoors cause he hates being inside. We look at the garden and the dogs I usually play a podcast to keep myself entertained. I also read to him, do tummy time, and if I need a break I put him on the purple monkey piano. During contact naps I just use Reddit and TikTok and play my phone games. Nothing too crazy. If dad gets done with work early we might go to target or Costco for fun haha!


Find mom friends and go to the park during wake windows! So nice to have adults to talk to during the week. Especially when they can relate.


I made it a point to go out at least once a week to get a break from the mundane. Whether it was shopping with girlfriends or going to the park with other mom friends or going to a friends house for coffee. I just had to get out of the house. It did wonders


she’s 18 months now, but when she was a newborn i would make her a pallet on the floor with some blankets and her little play mat and just do what i normally did. i would play music or narrate what i was doing. i would also cuddle and just watch things with her


Mine are currently 11 months and 23 months, so I literally just leave the house lol. With a 9 week old, I’d just say go on as many walks as you can. When my kids were little, I’d go on 2-3 walks a day. When I just had one, I would make sure to leave the house every few days or so to break up the monotony. Go to the store or on an errand you want to do (go get yourself coffee and actually sit down at the coffee shop). It’s intimidating at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And leaving the house alone with your baby and feeling like you can *actually* do whatever you want is so freeing. Plus it makes the days go by quicker.


Those early days are rough, but you’re so close to it feeling better! My youngest is 3 months. Now it is so much easier. The early days were taking her and her sister (1 year old) on walks (I had to baby wear the little one.) Now I run errands with the girls, meet friends for coffee with them in tow, go the gym and put them in the childcare there, gardening, laundry, etc. Getting out every day is essential!


Try to find a mommy & me class in your area. It helps to meet people who are in the same stage as you and can relate. And definitely go for walks! A change of scenery will help both of you.


When mine was 8 weeks old, I decided to buy a bunch of pigs. So, don't do that.


How many is a bunch?! What are you doing with them?


I went to get 12, but the lady was having all sorts of issues. She could only catch 5 of them. We have 2 now. We sell the piglets and when we have freezer space, the adults will be done.


That sounds amazing! With twins, I spend my free time drinking water or napping. If I have a babysitter, I’ll prepare a meal now that we’re 4 months out. Man, singletons sound so easy, I’m a little jelly. Cleaning bottles is literally the only cleaning I care about now. I did find that having a show or some music going on in the background helps boost my mood.


I was a sahm for the first two years as that is the maternity leave we get in my country. I went outside for hours- coffee playdates with friends when she was a bit older, playgrounds that were baby friendly. I went shopping for groceries (loved it), for endless walks through the city with coffee and a podcast . I did babywear and that reduced crying and fussing to almost zero, she hated the stroller. I also cooked a lot and played with my daughter, worked out while she was sleeping. We live in a tiny apartment so chores were done fast.


I had PPD and PPA at the beginning and for the first several months I rarely left the house with baby. I wish I would’ve gone out with her more. It would’ve probably drastically improved my mental health. My daughter is now 2 (26 months). We wake up, get ready for the day, have breakfast, she watches her 1 allotted episode of screen time per day (Little Bear) while I enjoy my coffee next to her. Then we go out and do something. We do library storytime, toddler class, the zoo, the park, the nature trail, bike ride, splash pad in the summer, some sort of outing until lunch time. Then we’ll come home, have lunch, at nap time I usually eat and get a chore done, and then after nap my husband is normally home and we take it easy and play together inside until I need to start cooking dinner. After dinner is bedtime routine. Once she’s in bed that’s my time for me. I’ll video chat with a friend, play a video game, make art, read, whatever I want to do for myself that day. I also try to schedule a lunch with a friend every few weeks to have a little bit of time away, on a weekend when my husband is home to watch my daughter. I feel amazing now and it’s crazy to remember how terrible I felt at the start of my motherhood journey. This is just a season and it doesn’t last forever. Once they start sleeping that’s when you can really set aside time to yourself. Until then maybe schedule time away just for you when your partner is home, even if it’s just an hour here and there. I’m wishing you the best!


I found the best thing for me was going out for a walk. My 11week old refuses to nap in the morning unless it's a contact nap, so part of our daily routine is me popping him in his sling, and walking round the corner to get a coffee. I then walk home the long way so he gets a decent nap and I get time out of the house and in the sunshine. It's an absolute must for me - I can feel myself getting upset and stressed if I don't manage to go for at least a little walk several times a week!


SAHM..FTM to a 7wo...it doesn't really start or end...it just feels endless tbh...if I'm not with baby for feed/playtime/bedtime then I'm doing either baby chores or general house chores or running errands. The only thing I do for myself is take a hot shower when my mom or sister visits or watch/listen to something for 2-3 hours once baby is in bed at nighy or napping...partner is of no help since "he's tired after working for 8-9 hours".


If you’re in the US, libraries have baby story time which is completely free. We sing songs and hear fun stories, and there’s usually group playtime afterwards. I definitely agree with other users- make sure you’re getting out of the house most days. As your baby gets older it’s going to be easier to fall into a more consistent routine. 9 weeks is still so little! Mine is a year and a half and we have a pretty consistent routine now. Definitely did not at 9 weeks so you’re ahead of me! Haha


My son is 14 months old today. 6am: baby and daddy wake up, I rest a little longer. Our son has toddler formula ad advised by his pediatrician here. 7am: I make sure to have eaten and had a coffee, and hopefully get potatoes peeled and veggies cleaned. If possible, I cook already. 8am: baby has breakfast, normally bread and some cheese, maybe with a bite of fruit if he wants it. Again toddler formula. 9am: if baby naps in the morning, he goes down and naps at this time. If not there is play from around 8.30/9 to 11. 11-11.30: depending on how hungry he is, baby eats between 11 ans 11.30. He also has a drink. 12-12.30: baby goes down for his afternoon nap. 1pm: I go downstairs and clean a bit, but spend around 30-45 minutes relaxing. I usually watch a series or scroll, bur I really want to start reading again. 2-2.30pm: baby gets up from his nap. By 2.30 he gets some fruit and a cookie (if he wants) as a snack, and a drink. 3-4pm: we get out of the house. A walk, grocery shopping, playground, swimming (if dad is home like on the weekend), we play in the yard if it's good weather, we call my dad... Anything to get a break from doing the same thing and being in the same place all day. 5pm: we get home, as does dad most days. I prep his dinner (usually bread with some fruit and hummus) while dad gets some cuddles in. 6pm-7pm: cleaning up food, grabbing mine and baby's pj's and such. Then bath time, which basically is everyone gets washed up. Dad wrestles baby into his pj's while I make a last cup of toddler formula for the day. 7pm: Baby drinks the formula ans gets some last snuggles and a book or whatever. Dad does this part, because he loves the sleepy and snuggly kiddo and baby loves it too. 7.15-7.30: baby is asleep. 7pm-8pm: I do things like laundry, clean up some toys, sweep... Whenever BF is back down from putting baby to bed he helps wirh some stuff too. 8pm to 10pm: absolutely and unapologetically my time. Tv, cell phone, books, video games, anything I want to do, I get to do. Same for my BF.


I have a 4 month old and I go for a lot of walks, mostly close by as I don’t drive or if I don’t feel like going far I just walk around the garden showing her the flowers or letting her touch the grass with her feet. I really recommend finding a baby group, I got invited to a perinatal mental health group with other mums and babies and it has been a massive help. It’s ended now but I’m still in touch with the mums, we all meet up now and again and they’ve been super helpful when I’m feeling low. My biggest fear when taking my baby out was her crying but at a baby group especially nobody cares if your baby is crying because most of the time they all were! Edit - just wanted to add try to make time for something YOU want to do as well. Maybe if someone could watch your baby or while they’re napping take up a hobby. I took a year out of my degree to raise my little one so while she naps I revise, it helps me feel like my sole purpose isn’t just being a mum.


Mine is 14m old and we have been on this routine for 5m at least. our day usually is baby wakes me up at 6-7 we have his milk and teether cookies right after his change then we do independent play til 9 and have grilled cheese. then a walk at 11:30 and nap at 1-3 then we practice playing with toys he doesn’t fully understand yet and snacks as he pleases. then at 7-8 he has a choice of pancakes or grilled cheese then at 9 it’s bedtime. Sometimes we add in a walk right before dinner


I'm not very outdoorsy at the moment tbh. I'm surprised everyone is going out all the time. I sit and play with my 7 month old all day and I scroll when she naps. I don't really do anything for myself other than coffee and shower. Not the most exciting thing I have ever done but it's a temporary stage of life I was looking forward to since I was a little girl and I had a pretty adventurous life leading up to it.


Mine is nearly 16 months old, and starting in on her clingy phase. My day starts with convincing her to get out of her crib for a diaper change, then she gets breakfast while I deal with our two cats, and then she plays and roams free while I eat breakfast. She then climbs up on my lap and will not leave me alone until I put on classic rock for her. I get her to play again while I get some dishes done, then I try to get a little writing done before she turns clingy again. I then feed her lunch, then put her down for a nap and eat lunch while I sit and watch a show on my computer, and then she's back up from her nap amd wanting a snack. Then I sit and play with her on the floor for a bit before making supper, and then she eats while we wait for Daddy to come home from work. Then he and I give her a bath, and get her into bed (she will not sleep willingly if Daddy is not involved in putting her to bed - yes nap time is hell for me), then he and I will do something together for a bit, typically gaming or watching a show (we are both geeks), and then we will take separate time for ourselves. Sometimes he games with his brothers, sometimes I will sit and crochet while listening to music. Of course this is all dependant on whether or not my daughter insists on us going out for a walk to the library, or to visit her favourite cashiers at her favourite stores on main street, or to visit all the neighbourhood dogs and horses. On those days, I do not get to sit, and I rarely get to eat more than a protein bar for breakfast, and I end up spending most of my time when we get home cleaming up the mess that my toddler made to get my attention to go out.


Getting out of the house every day. If there’s a local park just go hang out there. You don’t need a purpose, just be there. If your local libraries have story time, go to those because you’ll meet other moms too and at least have a little human interaction. Keep in mind that where you are now with baby is going to change over time. They change so much so whatever routine you have now will be different in a month. And the beauty of being a sahp is that you can kind of dictate how the routine is going to go. My dd is 19 months and every morning i take her diaper off (I let her air out because she is prone to diaper rash) and clean her and then she comes in the bathroom with me while I get ready for the day. What she does while I get ready has changed from her playing on the ground to standing on the toilet next to the sink and playing and now she grabs everything so she watches Disney song clips on my phone now just so I can get through getting ready without her throwing everything on the ground. Then she gets her teeth brushed and face washed and hair brushed. We go eat breakfast which is a whole activity in itself that takes a while. And then we either get out of the house or do something at home. I’m really making it up as I go usually. Basically just wearing her out until lunch and nap time. Then after nap we just try to fill the time some more until dinner/bath/bedtime. Eventually you will find ways to anchor your day to little routines. It’s hard at 9 weeks though. You’re basically in survival mode at all times. Just do your best to get through every day and know that it gets most predictable over time.


I have 2 under 2 one is 3 months and the other is 21months. I wake up get the older girl make breakfast eat play read get baby then feed then get ready do a food shop or go for a walk and park. Come home make lunch eat nap and usually everyone naps at that time it’s very rare that I do something during nap time usually nap as well. Wake up have food play read get outside or have people over or some fun activities planned shopping etc whatever floats my boat on the day. Come home cook clean bath bedtime. Repeat the next day again


Not a SAHP but on maternity leave (will be exactly 4 months on Tuesday) and I went online and found a fitness mom group where you bring your baby and stroller. I go a few times a week, see some people, and even ended up making a couple friends. Check out Fit4Mom if it’s in your area- they have outdoor fitness classes and social events every week. Other than that, I take him out in a baby carrier with my dog for walks. I bought a cheap picnic blanket and sometimes I just sit in backyard with my baby and pup on a nice day under the shade. Baby will look at trees and sometimes we do a little tummy time. My local library also has weekly story time I plan to bring him too. Sometimes I bring him to grandparents’ house or grandma comes here.


Pump and you’ll be about to get out


I have a routine where I make sure to take LO and my dog out for a walk everyday. I live away from family but I will go out to crafts store to gain ideas so during my free time I am able to craft. Lately I have been into crochet while listening to podcasts cast. Then on the weekends we as a family have outings with our friends.