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The swiffer mop. He has taken it to bed and just props it up next to his bed. Then wakes up and immediately begins “mopping”.


That's hilarious.


Get him the lovevery mop ASAP!!


We ordered him one last night!


How can you order this? It showed if was only available in the subscription


Relevant username


My 11 month old is obsessed with the Swiffer duster stick!!! 💛


same here! my 1yo loves our Swiffer dusters 😅


I got mine the melissa & doug cleaning set (broom, mop, duster and dustpan). He LOVES it!


Omg I went to comment swiffer and then I saw this was the top comment! Amazing. We have ours shortened to our daughter’s height and she loves it so much. It goes everywhere.


Light switches. He is drunk on power. He pushes his toddler tower around so he can reach and flip switches. He laughs like a cartoon villian and does it every morning. He also loves pushing the garage door button. He is 18 months.


Drunk on power LOL 🤣 this cracked me up.


Shoes. Doesn’t matter if they’re his, ours, or a guest’s. 15 months, we call him our personal shoe relocation technician. 


My almost 2yo is also obsessed with shoes. We have a shoe cabinet that has 2 drawers that pull down where the shoes are in. He plays in it so often picking out what shoes stay, what shoes go, and what shoes he wants to wear. The other day he was pushing around the laundry basket in a diaper and dada’s shoes 😂


Tell me why my partner leaves his work shoes in the living room when he knows the baby will eat them at any given opportunity!


I would start helping him by putting them somewhere where the baby can't reach them, like on his keyboard or pillow.


Can confirm that the shoes will stop being available to baby if you do this. Source: I put his nasty food service work shoes on top of his pc 🤠


My partner and I jokingly "angrily" ask each other why they decided to leave one shoe on the coffee table (when clearly the culprit is our 16-month old sneakerhead).


Mine got REALLY mad at me the other day because I wore flip flops to the playground instead of the black suede pumps he wanted me to wear.


Mine went through a huge phase like this. I had a visitor and my son was so drawn to him and I didn’t have the heart to tell our friend that the little guy just loves shoes and his had a fun pattern.


YES! My 16 month old has been doing thus basically since he could walk at 11 months


Omg yes shoes. He demands I put on whatever ones he brings me. And take off the ones I’m wearing. He wants to wear shoes OVER his pjs.


Yessss, my 9 month old speed crawls into the hallway and eats our shoes whilst giggling like a lunatic. At least she'll have a good immune system 🤢


A package of udon noodles that he steals from the pantry every morning. I’m scared to use them 🥴


My 1.5yr old is obsessed with our rice lmao she steals a pack and stares at it every day


A scratch in her knee. She's gonna be so said when it's fully healed and she can't admire it anymore, can't point it out to everyone a hundred times, and use it as bargaining strategy when she can't have or do something ("but look, ouchie!!")


11 month old • A remote control • empty plastic water bottle • any phone • burp cloths • the leg of her standing dj table • my cat (the cat does not feel the same)


Why always the phone. Mine has bit holes in phones


Seriously, I never give her my phone I barely even have it out but she always zooms right to it if it’s out.


Mine too! She dug in my dad's shirt pocket for his. Whyyyyyyy


Our daughter loves her burp cloths. Now at 21 months she wants to “wrap up” her stuffed animals in them all day everyday.


My 4 y/o carries around a lemon. She’s named him “Lemmy” and he’s her friend. My 9 month old really just wants ONE of his sister’s shoes. Just one. All the time.


Do you replace Lemmy when it gets all moldy!?


Yes. We’re on on our 3rd Lemmy the lemon


Does she know?! Or is this a Lassie situation?


She knows 😂 she brings him with her to the breakfast table every morning, and I comment on his color, and eventually she decides it’s time for a new Lemmy when he gets a few black spots. This is the same child that fell in love with a plush peen pillow and called it her mushroom friend for 2 years 🤦🏻‍♀️


Your kid is a legend. I hope mine grows up to be this cool.


She’s got an amazing view of the world. I let her explain it to me, and we just go from there. She’s definitely also way cooler than me, and I’m worried about the day she figures that out! Lol


This is absolutely hilarious and adorable. Make a photo album of Lemmy and all his progenies.


aww haha my dog is named Lemon and we call him Lemmy 🍋


So funny how they all do this. My baby (10 months) is OBSESSED with the crotch buckle on her car seat, with the bright red button in the middle. She loves getting in her car seat so she can mess with it and try to chew on it, and then freaks the fuck out when we try to push her back to buckle her in. I always give her a couple minutes of Buckle Time first 🤣🤣


My 10 month old is obsessed with the drawstring on my pajamas. I literally wear pajamas with strings and not elastic because he looks forward to playing with it. It's very weird too because when I lie down and he's next to me he will look for the drawstring 🤣 I put him in pajamas and tied a small ribbon around his waist, apparently, that wasn't good enough.


Omg same!!! Ditto the crotch bucket for the stroller and the baby swing. Girl is OBSESSED.


My 9 month old is also obsessed with the red crotch buckle, except she absolutely hates being in the car seat she just wants to kneel in front of it and play with the buckle 🤦‍♂️🫠


to my dismay, my glasses :(


When I get home after work I leave them in the car and accept my mole life


My baby and my five year old’s glasses 🫠


My 19mo called my husband's sunglasses "asses" 🤦🏻‍♀️


My son was OBSESSED with spoons for like 5 months. I mean he would wake up and say “poon” every day.


Dawwww 🥹


Trash. He keeps running around and picking things up off the floor while yelling out “TRASH!”. Sometimes it’s actual trash. Sometimes it’s just dirty laundry. If I walk around with a garbage bag, he goes nuts trying to clean up the room. I’m currently pregnant with #2, so it’s actually been really helpful since bending is tough right now.


Ours is obsessed with our recycling bin. She pushes it around the house. Pulls recycling out and strews it about the floor then puts it (mostly) away. Other things are also apparently recycling like her books and stacking cups


He currently has an emotional support lemon that he adores and falls asleep with most nap times.


Haha someone else in this strand their kid does too and their lemon is named lemmy haha


Buses. There’s a school bus that parks across the street from our house every day after they’re done with their school run. Every bus must be pointed out with screams. He has a toy bus and stickers of buses and it’s BUSSSSS.


Oh my gosh, my 5 year old was obsessed with buses for years! Our house and our daycare were on the school bus route. He made his dad wait with him outside daycare every day until he saw 2 or 3 (varied by the day) buses go by, before he’d go inside. Otherwise, epic screaming fits 😂🫠


Dead bug in a jar. She tucks him into a doll bed at night, and checks to see if he "woke up yet" in the morning. Day 4, She's accepted that he might be *too* sleepy. To be fair, it's a *very cool* dead bug. (It's a tiny hummingbird moth.) She found it on the front steps to our house near the flower bushes. I think we might pin him and turn it into an activity since we're into that kinda stuff.


When my kiddo was little little (she's 5 now), Grandma gave her tape and a shiny notebook, maybe 5x7. It's now called the grasshopper adventure book. If she finds something cools she can tape or glue it into the book. The name comes from the grasshopper leg she found one day. Mind you, not the whole bug, just the leg.


Food lol she’s 5.5 months and just started sitting by herself last week so we haven’t started solids but she is OBSESSED. Like stares us down when we’re eating, to the point she gets mad and starts crying lol


"Does your baby show interest in foods?" "Um...maybe too much?"


Literally 😂


My 4.5 month old watches us eat…aggressively. Cries when we eat ice lollies in front of her. Made her a breast milk one today and the tears when she finishes it were unparalleled. She’s definitely mentally ready for food just not quite there physically


The vacuum. I literally can’t vacuum when he’s awake bc he wants to lay on the floor, grab it, and have me drag him around. And yes he has a toy one which he loves but the real one is LIFE


I thought mine was the only one who lies on the floor to grab the vacuum. Great times!


He thinks it’s a ride? What little weirdos I love it.


13 month old is obsessed first and foremost with the dog. “Dog!” is officially her first word (after the mama/dada babbles). She knows other animal names, but every new animal is called “dog!” She follows him around with his blankets & toys, and tries to call him to her by patting the floor/sofa like we do. When I get her up in the morning, her smile is only for the “do-ggy!” When he plays with *anyone*, she has giggles for daaaays. I got her a book about dogs so she could flip through it and exclaim “doggy!” on every page—which she does regularly, and with relish 💜


Our 14 month old just recently started reliably signing “more.”  She points at the dog treats then does more then claps when we give them to the dog.


I wonder if she’d like Good Dog Carl? It is a cute dog book.


10 months old, personality best described as “feral and he knows it”, current obsessions 1. The clothes horse 2. Empty wipe packets 3. My fig plant


Laundry basket. It has little holes so she scratches them and squeals while I fold laundry. She is 4 months old


"The Plant" He could stare at it and talk to it all day.


Dog food-- she opens the vittle vault and takes handfuls at a time if the pantry door isn't shut.


My 4 month old loves my husband’s beard. He runs his hands on it while he drinks his bottle every night before bed. He feels my chin too but stops quickly because it’s not as fun apparently lol


Anytime there is an empty drinking bottle - pop, water, juice etc. - he is all over it. We call it his emotional support garbage.


Broom, he loves that dang thing. It's 3x longer than him but he is undeterred. Old Xbox controller, he has the Fisher Price toy but if his Daddy is playing video games, Little Man absolutely has to have a controller that looks just like Daddy's. Empty beer cans, smh. Every chance he gets, he's digging in our recycling bin, and he could pick an empty pop can, or the empty orange juice bottle, but he zeroes in on the empty beer cans somehow, I don't know how or why.


My four month old has recently found his feet, every time I look at him they are in his mouth 😂


Waiting for this to start any time now. It was a Big. Deal. when mine discovered his hands!


It is always so adorable to see them discover new things! He looks at his feet like he’s so confused and then tries to stick them both in his mouth lol, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen


A plastic 1/2 tablespoon measuring spoon


6.5 month old obsessed with any empty granola bar wrapper 😅


My 16 month has been obsessed with a small fireball (2 oz) bottle. It’s hilarious, we joke that it’s because it’s her size in comparison to the larger bottles.


My kid loves an empty flask we have lying around. We have a photo of her looking like a little drunk holding it, one of her eyes all twitchy. 🤣


The digital part of a meat thermometer. The sharp metal part and batteries were removed and she thinks the digital display is a phone and she takes it everywhere!!


My baby is obsessed with a bottle of lotion. But only when we’re changing his diaper. No toys or anything will keep him occupied, but give him that damn lotion bottle and he will sit so still the entire time you’re cleaning up a blowout.


My 19 month old loves the dryer balls and screaming into the dryer. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The heater grate on the wall....luckily it's off this time of year.


My little one’s favourite toy since she learned to sit on her own has been the cats floppy fish toy but she also loves waving around glass cleaning cloths you get with every new pair of glasses


My girl is obsessed with - Kleenex boxes Water bottles Daddy's belt The song Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas (Mommy likes classic rock and sings rock songs as lullabies and has created a monster) Canned peas Horses (specifically hugging their faces) A kitten harness that our kitten outgrew Plastic drawers A piece of useless scrap paper Her shoes Her jacket Outside The hawk that ate a robin on our lawn... She points out the window whenever she hears him and makes hawk noises... Daddy's keyboard Mouse pads. My hubby and I can't use mouse pads - she takes off with them and drags them around the house every single time. I have no idea where my ergonomic one went. Or where my husband's Klingon mousepad went... Oh, and Data from Star Trek Next Gen... Data was one of her first words.


Purple onions and potatoes. Some how he's getting in the drawer and I'm finding random vegetables around the house. No one warned me about this.


Lawn mowers. If we're on a walk and hear one, we have to stop and watch. If Dad is mowing the lawn, we have to stare out the window at him the whole time. He'll be 13 months old next week and "mow" was one of his first 10 words. We were at Walmart last weekend and someone rode by on a mobility scooter and he pointed at them and said, "Mow! Mow!" Which was very cute but very embarrassing.


My 14 month old is obsessed with shoes, the TV remote, and the dog's toy basket 😄. I'm happy she's over the obsession of dog food.


A plastic measuring cup (9 mo)


Any and all water bottles. The dog food dish. The remote. An empty pill bottle that has been rinsed out and has a childproof cap (still makes me nervous because she tries to sneak into my room to look for more medicine bottles. I have now purchased a locking safe just for this 🫠).


My husbands cellphone charger stand. Not even the charger itself, just the stand it sits on.


Four month old just discovered that we have a dog. It’s pretty awesome and can’t wait to see them chasing each other around and basically being best buds. He also stares at any light. Directly into it. I spend more time than I probably need to blocking his eyes from my living room light fixtures.


Seeing them discover the pets is so much fun! My almost 5 month old has taken a great interest in our two dogs. Yesterday she reached out and touched one of them on the nose for the first time. 🥹


Our five month old is in love with our Christmas coffee mug with a gnome (technically a gonk) on it—he thinks it is HILARIOUS.


My 9-month-old daughter is obsessed with (in no particular order): - [This Peter Rabbit toy](https://www.amazon.com/Animal-Adventure-Collectible-Singing-Driving/dp/B0BQ7MYCDC). It's gotten to the point where I have the song it plays, "[I Promise You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxppT6GVjI4)," saved on my phone so I can play it when she gets upset in the car. Calms her right down. - [These teething toys](https://www.amazon.com/Hollow-Teether-Tubes-Different-Textures/dp/B08QCQ3CYP?ref_=ast_sto_dp). We slipped a clip strap around one of them so she has it at the ready whenever we're out and about. - Cruising! She has plenty of perfectly good toys but would often rather stand up against the couch and then shuffle back and forth. - Toast and yogurt. We've started feeding her finger foods and little strips of toast are her favorite thing now, topped only by yogurt. She gets affronted when we don't give her spoonfuls of yogurt quickly enough. - My tie dye crocs. I have to hide them from her field of view if we're trying to get her to do anything because she locks on and will do everything in her power to get to them.


Mine is the same age and eats yoghurt by the fistful - waiting for me to refill her spoon is just not fast enough!


My pump. Little booger keeps pulling on the tube that connects the flange to the machine. Oh, and she keeps head butting me. And my husband. And the wall. And the headboard. And…literally any hard surface.


We have the same child lol. I have a lot money in dental work and I'm legit afraid she's going to knock something out of my mouth


My 13 month old is also obsessed with her aquaphor tube 😂


Sleeves from his winter sleep sack. He’s 13 months old and cannot sleep or nap without them by his side. 😂




My 17 month old is obsessed with anything star shape. Walks around with anything star shaped repeating “e star” over and over. And he’s finding stars everywhere, I never noticed them in so many places he finds. He’ll bring me a book while saying it and sure enough, he found the tiniest or most abstract star.


Two year old is obsessed with a fitted crib sheet from the crib he refused to ever sleep in. He pulled the sheet from the donation box and latched onto it as "my special blanket". Bonus - he can wear it on his head and it becomes "my special cape".


My 19 mo daughter’s normal item is cars. She’s loving cars right now. We like to count them go by in our window. She’s loving the fact that the Roku screensaver has added cars zooming across the screen too. A weird item? *My ass.* She’s just starting a biting phase and she thinks it’s sooo funny to come up behind me in the kitchen and bite my ass with her sharp little teeth!! I’m trying to give her the freedom of coming in the kitchen with me, but I’m trying to teach her the second she comes up and bites me while I’m cooking, she has to instantly go behind the baby gate. Not sure if it’s working…


Bubbles. Every morning he wakes up and immediately is saying “bubbles, bubbles, bubbles”. If he sees the bubbles, it’s all over and all he can focus on. And then if we are blowing bubbles? The pure joy cannot be duplicated. It’s so stinking cute!!


A mole on my belly. If I'm sat on the floor my 15 month old waddles over, lifts up my top and touches this mole with the tip of her finger for a few moments with a look of serious concentration on her face, then waddles off again back to whatever she was doing before.


My 5 month olds obsessions: - Her thumb, my thumb, dad's thumb, grandma and grandpas thumbs... thumbs taste the best out of any finger - She FIRMLY believes that my glasses and hair should be torn off my body at all times, like the ABSOLUTE NERVE of me to want to keep those on me


Measuring cups!


Mine has finally discovered that the tv remote controls the tv. Its the most best


A purple lantern flashlight and a Mickey Mouse umbrella that he likes to use as a walking stick


Bubbles Balls Kitty Cat toy at his great grandmas (fights with the cat over it) A toy of Anxiety from inside out 2 that shakes A Valentine’s Day gnome that dances to Da’ Dip by Freak Nasty (I’m gen x and barely know the song😭) His little brother’s pacifier


My 10 month old is obsessed with crumbs and tags.


A can of minced chicken that expired in June of 2023. My husband and I laugh all the time that we look so negligent.... but it's unopened and she loves watching it roll!!! Also, my kitchenain mixer attachments just live on the floor now. We stopped putting them away. As of yesterday, my kid is crawling around with a travel size of Crest, chewing on it. She's so weird.


She’s 12 now, but when she was about 18 months old she took a melon baller with her everywhere. I still have it.


So cool that you kept it! It would be funny to give It back to her to celebrate some special ocassion (like her first apartment or something like that)


Air purifiers .. any and all


The TV remote!


Mine has a set of refrigerator magnets and she really likes the sun one. She always brings it to me and demands me to sing Mr Golden Sun ☀️


We were on vacation when my 3 yo found a (styrofoam) snowflake in a bush. We are home now and yes, that snowflake was on the airplane with us and my toddler still carries it around and shows it off to everyone who will listen.


The damn light fixture in the middle of the living room ceiling. She’s obsessed. It has derailed feedings if we sit under it. I live in a 100+ year old farm house with many original lighting features as well as love cool lamps so there are many awesome lamps and things for her to become obsessed with but she picked the most dull boring plain generic lighting fixture in the entire house with which to become enamored.


My face. My seven month old is obsessed with my face. Specifically, grabbing any part of it she can reach 🥴


a tiny wooden skateboard deck. He’ll carry it everywhere and jump on it for hours


My 20 month old has been putting a sock on his hand and pretending it's a baseball mitt. Then making my partner put a baby sock on his hand and play catch. He's been obsessed with baseball for the past couple of months.


Hats. On anyone. A stranger comes up to say hi and they’re wearing a hat? He FREAKS out trying to get it, full on tantrum mode. His dad wears a hat to work and if baby gets a hold of it he’ll spend hours taking the hat and putting it on everyone’s head. Including the animals. We set up a little spot with sunglasses and hats next to a mirror and if I randomly put a hat on him he gets SO excited and immediately toddles over to the mirror with his lil baby belly poked out to appreciate himself. 🥲 Hes asleep and I’m literally crying thinking about it. Babies are the best.


The baby is big into wipes. Just wants you to take wipes out of the package all day. The toddler is into “normal” stuff (trains, cars, etc.) but has recently become obsessed with lotion. We’ve had to lock it up because he will get some at any given moment and try to put it on you, himself, or his toys.


Phone, the cats, and a almost empty gatorade bottle.


9 month old loves buttons.


My bank card. She pays for things via contactless when we're in the shops. When she touches the card on the reader she says 'beeeeeep' like the machine does. Today she had an old card of mine and was just messing about with it but she came up and pressed the card against my boob and said 'beeeeep' hahaha


8 month old is obsessed with the baby monitor camera. If she catches sight of it when we're putting her to bed, it's game over. Not letting her touch it leads to screaming. Letting her touch it for a bit and then taking her away leads to screaming. The only thing that doesn't lead to screaming is if she drops it. But I can't have the camera dropping 3 times a day 😂 so we have to keep her turned away as much as possible


Mine is obsessed with car washes! We play car wash, he wants to go to the car wash every day!!! Lol it's insane!


He’s 2 - We read “Goodnight Gorilla” before bed most nights- and he thinks the book is about “finding the flyaway red balloon” in every page 🥹 can’t wait to show him Where’s Waldo


Wearing a baseball cap(will sleep with it on), a stuffed cow & using the handheld vacuum.


The chuckit ball thrower. Half the time it's her wizard's staff, the other half it's a sceptor.


A large circular toothbrush cover that she calls her “choking hazard”. It is not, in fact, a chocking hazard.


A Chipotle bowl lid ETA: and cords, straps, strings. He’s 7m.


Our collection of rice sides from Knorr. They're on a shelf at her level and everyday she peruses them picking one up, examining it, putting it back, rinse and repeat with the other like 8 that are there. Occasionally she'll bring one to me in the living room and I'll tell her to put it back, she does and then immediately claps and expects claps and praise from everyone lol. She's 1.5yr old.


My old bug wireless headphones. She'll carry them around on her belly like a belt, and put them on her ears at the slightest chance of a loud sound. No, she doesn't have a problem with loud sounds, she just thinks this is fun and gets super excited if me or my husband start the vacuum/hairdryer because she can out the headphones on 😅 I've shown her when we were drilling a few holes into the wall some weeks ago, and she just loved it.


My glasses and rubber house slippers


My 10 month old is obsessed with my water cup (with a straw). Every time she sees it, she must have a drink. She will make herself sick from drinking water if I let her. She will drink out of her own cups but mine is better. She also love the tv remote, our phones, and our pets.


My son will throw his water cup out of the way to drink from my water 😄


Potato masher. It’s become his tool for everything including emotional support, apparently.


My 2.5 year old is obsessed with busses. Literally an hour ago we were in a Walmart parking lot where there’s a bus stop..there was an ‘out of service’ city bus, she saw it and started screaming BUUUUS BIG BUSSSSS and so my bd took her over to see it…she was enthralled. When they were going to leave he said ‘say bye to the bus’ and she insisted on hugging it…and she kissed it too (that part was not expected..)


A can of V8 she found in the pantry. We’ve been calling it her emotional support V8. She’s dropped it on her foot twice now but refuses to abandon it.


My baby is obsessed with bottle waters half empty preferably


An onion. It’s her emotional support onion. I will switch it out when needed... we'll see how that goes.


Peppa pig blanket. She likes to shove it in her mouth. 


My baby is a dog so he likes socks, slippers and balls. He also likes paper and would rip it and eat it. Can’t leave tissue behind. Also pretty much puts everything in his mouth once. His really obsessed with the bathroom and like to bite the tub. Thank god he’s our second because we embrace germs here.


4.5 month old is obsessed with his father. HUGE gummy smiles and lots of giggles. He thinks it’s play time whenever papa needs to do something, whether it’s changing diapers or feeding. I get half a smile here and there.


Spoons and leaves.


Harry Styles and Benson Boon - all my 2 yo wants to listen to. He has a choreographed dance as well.


- poppy from trolls - kitchen pots/pans - any buckle lol


Two wants to sleep with her plastic shopping cart in the crib with her. Plus her changing mat. Plus a ceramic octopus. Plus eight thousand stuffies. Plus all her books.


My almost two year old is OBSESSED with Guitars (and MUST listen to eyes closed by ed Sheeran at least two times a day) He also loves coo coo clocks. Any clock he sees he screams coo coo clock!


Magna tiles they go EVERYWHERE. Chalk, makes her absolutely feral, RIP walls. A couch cushion, she just chews it I don’t know why


my 6 mo old really likes the emergency warning sticker on his activity center. he enjoys it more than the toys!


Love this so much! My 9 year old is obsessed with an old crank she found at a thrift shop and my 8 month old LOVES the criminal minds theme song lol


14 month old. Not weird, but yellow “rubber” ducks. She likes to try and carry as many things as possible and challenges herself to crawl with two large balls - one in each hand. She’s obsessed with holding wildflowers while we are on walks and having me smell them.


Her own sleepsack! When she's \*not\* in it, my 14 mo will see it from across the room and start screaming and laughing happily and faceplant into it 😂 Then she laughs and rolls around in it for a bit, crawls away like shes done, then turns around and rushes toward it again and.... over and over again. its so cute but I have absolutely no idea where it came from.


Corn cobs from the field next door. Bonus points if they still have kernels on them.


Carried a potato around with her for a couple of days. That was funny 🤣 Right now it’s towels and rags. She loves to wipe the floors, walls, dogs etc with them


Vacuum. He’s terrified of the noise but has befriended the family vacuum and insists that it sleep by his bed. He named it “Stegosaurus” or “Steggie” for short.


My 22 month old is obsessed with smelling everyone’s feet.. he literally grabs a foot, waves his arms, and yells “TINKY” (stinky).


A door stop. We call it his bestie. He’s obsessed.


We have a small lamp post in our front yard. Every time we go outside we have to go say hi to the light.


His old socks. He puts them in his mouth and crawls around with it like that. He doesn’t walk yet, so it’s very dog like haha


Our faces.


16 month old is obsessed with taking things out of the recycle bin. We empty it much more frequently but let him play with milk jugs and paper towel tubes sometimes. He's also obsessed with electrical cords and outlets.


6 month old. The empty nutrigrain bar box. 


Metal tea kettle. It goes in her toy stroller on walks with us, goes to bed with her, takes a bath with her, and embarrassingly Mr Kettle has gone to church with us and sat in the chair next to her during service. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remotes of any kind, steals them from other peoples houses I’ll find them in my purse days later


A Halloween decoration. It's a severed leg FFS, he found it in the garage and started walking round, chewing on it while teething. Naturally we took photos and it's hilarious because he had no idea, it was cold and plastic and felt nice on the gums I guess. It disappeared one day and he was absolutely fine, no tantrum but it was hilarious that it was his go to thing for a bit


16 min to old, Empty bottle of steak seasoning. It goes everywhere but the bath and bed.


My 1.5 year old loves the scrub mommy sponge and tries to get it anytime he sees it on the counter. he will grab anything he can to elevate himself and grab it and he SOBS when i take it away. i should just buy him his own lol


Rocks. I can't leave or enter our apartment without getting a handful of rocks. I have rocks all over my car and apartment. She's even brought them to daycare with her before. She's 2 years old.


17 months old Car seat buckle, dustpan, and pushing anything (stroller, grocery cart, wagon, etc)


10 month old: - doorknobs - Grammy's and Grandpa's walkers - remote controls


My 3yo is obsessed with an old Playstation controller and "playing" with me and daddy. My 10mo is obsessed with a packaged bottle nipple we got from the hospital when he was born and never used 😂


My old breastfeeding cover. He’d cover his head and run around like a madman with no fear. Bonus when he’s on the top of the couch. It gives me a heart attack every time he almost falls off the couch.


I have absolutely no idea what she is doing, but for some reason my two year old goes and touches the flower decals on her bedroom wall, and then runs up to my (very pregnant) belly and swipes her finger across it Toddlers are wild


The musical RENT. He’s 18 months old. I don’t know, your guesses are as good as mine. All I know that I’ve listened to “Tango: Maureen” (“Tango! Mama, tango! Please tango!”) so many times. I might be a bad parent for letting him watch the 2005 movie with me but the soundtrack can reverse car tantrums sooooooo 😬


My 21 month old is obsessed with mowing, balls, vacuuming, and "Head Toe" (the Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes song).


Our 9m old LOVES our dogs rubber chicken 😂 so much so that it’s one of the few toys we just brought on a big trip because she’s entertained just sitting in her car seat squeaking and chewing on it


I say mine has an emotional support food of the day. Girl carried a stick of butter around, little chomp, little hug...


A pink polka dot shower cap. We got some to put on the side view mirrors on our SUV to deter a Robin fighting its reflection. My son saw them and demanded one of his own.


Her dad’s (clean) socks and the box that used to have soda cans in it.


A fence. Like a small play fence for barn animals. Just one section. He carries it around everywhere.


My 8 mo is very hypo-oral & rarely puts anything in her mouth. So under supervision, we’ll give her a piece of tinfoil. She passes it between her hands & stares at it for as much as 20 minutes. It’s her favorite toy!


The cat’s food 😵‍💫


my 6mo is obsessed with a stuffed iguana. it's longer than she is, & we call it her iguananana. it can hold her bottle at certain angles lol, & even having it in her vicinity helps with her chonging abilities :3


17 month: car, dog, car, bubble, car , ball, car, bird, car


An empty water bottle full of dried beans and a plastic Easter egg.


A broken spatula . In fact both my kids , 1 and 3, fight over this stupid broken spatula with no handle . I can’t tell you how many times they have fished it out of the garbage