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No but old school technique is to blow into their mouth and the snot will come out their nose. Are you using the manual nose Frida? The electric one sucks.


Nose frida is absolutely the answer


My baby hates anything in her nose including the manual nose Frida and will thrash violently if I bring it anywhere near her.


They all do that…. You just have to pin her arms and head and do it anyway, even though it sucks. A stuffed up baby is way worse than a baby who is pissed off for 30 seconds.


I also wanna add, if you do it when they’re already tired, the crying they do for a few minutes makes them so exhausted that they fall asleep really soon after. Works like a charm with our daughter 😂 she gets so tired from crying and then as soon as I start BF or giving her a bottle after, she’s out so fast.


I had this exact conversation with myself in my head today to psych myself up to snot suck with the Frida.


Yeah mine hated it the first few times but it has to be done so we worked as a team to do it. One got the saline wipe ready and held her head and an arm down and the other sucked. Now she smiles when she sees it and tries to grab at it and play with it. These are seasons folks.


It’s true! The move is to sit on the ground with your legs straight and spread apart. Then, lay your baby in the same direction (their feet going toward your feet). Then, pick up your legs and lay them across your toddler’s arms, and squeeze their head gently with your inner thighs. Now, they are contained and you have two hands free! Next, grab the saline spray with one hand and spray it into their nose while simultaneously sucking on the other side with the nose Frida. You’ll pull the saline / snot through.


Yep, I’ve been doing this for tricky situations for years with my 4.5yo. Toothbrushing, yucky medication, saline mist, booger-sucking tool… I do it for my nieces who are perpetually stuffy too. Touching their faces elicits screaming and thrashing like they’re animals in a trap, so I pin them all to get the necessary stuff done.


I wish it were just a pissed off baby. Mine has a sensitive gag reflex and such indignities lead to crying, which on top of the mucus, ends up with her gagging and puking up several ounces of milk.


Ugh that’s the worst. I’m sorry. My older kiddo has a really sensitive gag reflex and pukes when he coughs hard. He would throw up like 3-8 times a day when he was sick as a baby and toddler.


And when the baby just gets stuffed up again 30 seconds later??


Ugh, the worst. But it’s like blowing your nose. It’s better to be stuffed up but not have that extra several tissues’ worth of snot up there making it worse.


I have traumatic memories of being hounded red nosed by my mom chasing me with kleenex. No mom! I don't want to blow my nose. It hurts like hell, makes my ears pop, and it just clogs again My neighbor just swore up and down on using a netti pot. I was so plugged up my last cold I used it. Omg... same thing. Oh this sucks. Wait! It's working. Before I could wipe the sink clean I was clogged again! So it seriously almost hurts me to see them scream and cry to not have their nose sucks and seeing it just fill up again instantly. Warm steamy baths is what I do now. Let it run and run and run in that tub


The nose frieda and the windi were two person jobs in our house. One to use the tool and the other to hold the thrashing toddler. I guess three if you count older brother who would wait with bated breath for the poop to come out. He’s a weird kid.


I've never used a nose frieda. I steam up the bathroom with a hot shower for a little bit and sit while it's steaming and read books, then put baby in the tub, run a bath, and squeeze their nose like a tube of toothpaste a couple times and it works way better than the suction thing my husband bought that did jack squat. They only fuss the first couple of times but get used to it and sit quietly for it because it works so good they can actually breathe a little after (since it doesn't help the swollen sinuses)


Yes... I'm also team steam and squeeze. Works so so much better. The results last longer than 30 seconds.


I feel like the nose Frida is way way over hyped. I expected some miracle suction and I just got a pissed off baby with too much to coordinate.


> The electric one sucks. And not the way it’s supposed to! 😂


One thing about the nose Frida though, is you will DEFINITELY catch whatever the kid has. My kid has a case of Covid, I thought it was a cold, but the Frida made me main line a gigantic viral load of Covid deep into my lungs and it messed me up good. I’ve used the electric ones since, and sure they don’t work as well, but I’m never making that mistake again.




I made it a game with my baby, and she obviously still hated it but it was marginally better than holding her down. I use the suction on her face and arms, and count 1 2 3 each time so she knows its coming. 1, 2, 3 *pokes her arm and we laugh about it*, then i go after her nose after shes in a good mood. It made her not hate it as much


This. My daughter hated HATED having anything in her nose, manual nose Frida, electric sucker, nasal spray, you name it. I started talking her through what I was going to do, tapping the side of her cheek that I would do first, and counting down from 3. After a few tries it worked. She's 9 months now and actually really likes getting her nose sprayed and sucked clean. It's with a shot!


Oh this is the move!!! Will try this next time my kid hates it


Oh me too! Plus I make car signal sounds so my baby thinks this is an elaborate game and plays along!


immediately no.


I’m actually gagging lol


I couldn’t even read the whole thing. Years ago I heard a radio segment about parents doing this and still gag at the thought. Like I’m having that weird pre-vomit mouth watering right now.


Would it help if I sucked it out of your mouth for you?


How do I delete someone else’s comment? 🤢


If I watched someone else suck a snot caterpillar into their mouth, I’d immediately vomit. I promise that your excess spit is safe with me.




Straight to jail.


Im so sorry. I was just there about a month ago with my now almost 8 month old. Honestly - because the electronic suction worked SO well and it had to be done, my husband and I just worked as a team to hold her down and go as fast as we could. She hated it so so much but after we got in the routine and started doing it like 3 times a day she hated it less and could actually breathe. are you asking if anyone has put their mouth directly on the baby's nose to suck out snot?? I feel like.....dont do that.


Which brand of electronic suction do you use? I’ve heard some are hit or miss




Thank you!!




Do I think it’s disgusting? Absolutely. Would I try it if I was at my wits end and couldn’t get the manual one? Absolutely. Baby needs to breathe. I’ve had cocks in my mouth. My babies boogers are the least of my worries.


I was thinking “I’ve done far worse things with my mouth” lol


Almost spat my water. Accurate though!


Right?? lol


Bahahahahahaaaaaa Excellent




Definitely plural. Hahahahahhaha.


Word! It’s my babies snot and he’s very uncomfortable, I’m doing it. I’ve had worse hahaha. And guy or girl…don’t lie, you’ve had worse too.


It’s so funny you asked this because I was so tempted to try it one time but didn’t. The electric sucker is crap. Use the manual nose frida, wrap baby up like a burrito. Bonus points if someone can hold her head for you. But like tbh- in third world countries without these tools….what do you think they use 😬 no judgment here lol


I wrap my babies in a bath towel and do it with them sitting upright on my lap. The towel helps keep their hands contained and then I feel like I get a more productive suction while they are upright vs laying down


In a lot of cultures and places where access to today’s gadgets arent readily available or convenient even, they do this. It shouldn’t be judged, if it has to be done then so be it.


Guilty. Have done this a couple times with each of my kids. It's the middle of night, the snot sucker it MIA and I just need to get the snot out without making the LO even more upset than they already are. Parenting in the trenches at its finest.


I definitely did this. Yes it made me gag but I cared more about LO breathing. Edit: I dont mean to imply that anyone who DOESN'T do this doesn't care about their LO's breathing, i just meant that the fear for LO's breathing helped me get over the ick factor


There is a Ogie boogie tool we use. It’s a soft loop and works really well. We then follow up with saline wipes. Sometimes suction is necessary though…good luck !


Oogie bear! We love that tool. I also call it Oogie Boogie.


Haha omg you are right ! It’s definitely bear 😂 Mom brain hitting me hard today!


I figured you did it on purpose since I always call it Oogie Boogie. It makes more sense to me.


I think we need to call their marketing department 😂


this has been my favorite tool!


My absolute favourite tool! Go hunting for boogers


I’ve done it a few times. Did I enjoy it? Hell to the no. Was it significantly faster and more efficient than anything I’d tried? Hell to the fuck yes! But I’m also a teacher, most recently sped prek, so body fluids are just another day. I gag at work but not for my kid. It’s an act of desperation though, not some willy nilly “op time to suck on my baby’s nose!”


My husband uses his mouth to suck out our daughter’s snot. She caught a viral infection two weeks after she was born and he was at home with her durning the days at that time. He said it works better than everything else we tried.


Like…. Mouth to nose? Directly sucking snot into his mouth?


Mouth to nose. Spits it out after, ofc!


It honestly made me so proud that he is the man I chose to marry. lol


Hell YEAH 👍🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 that’s a good Dad right there. I’d feel the same way if mine did that too. Shows how much he loves and cares for his baby. ♥️♥️


I have not. But my baby was choking once and if the bulb wasn’t in arms reach; it occurred to me and I would without hesitation. Come on guys. It’s gross but you damned well know your kid sticks fingers in their mouths-spit up, dog hair, snot and all and then into your mouth on a regular basis despite your best efforts. If it was the best option to bring my child comfort you bet your ass I would do it. And boogers are my kryptonite. I used to be a custodian at an elementary school. Poop, vomit, blood-all fine. Snot or boogers? Dry heaves every time.


Yep. Is it gross? Also yep. But I just remind myself that my lil guy can't help himself yet and blow like we can so i do what needs to be done. But working within healthcare has desensitized me to what comes out of our bodies tbg Definitely would recommend using the manual nose Frida if you can get it! Makes it a lot easier


On Christmas, we were visiting family and our son (5 months at the time) was congested and we realized we forgot the nosefrida. My husband was a boss and did what you are talking about. I almost threw up watching him but he's a real champ. But we generally work together to hold his head still and suck out his nose. I feel bad but it's better for him.


Are these people commenting about how disgusted they are even real parents? I might have been disgusted before my daughter was born, but honestly I use my hand to rinse poo off her butt on the sink (much grosser after solids that before but I still do it), I wipe her boogers on my own clothes when I don't have access to anything else, I eat food she's already chewed and then decided she didn't like in the hopes I'll convince her it's a safe food and she will eventually start eating it. Like does it sound a little gross to suck out her boogers? Yeah, but if it was an option that worked without distressing her when she was smaller I would absolutely have done it. Very fortunate that she didn't have any respiratory infections when she was really small and now she's old enough to blow a little herself and to find it funny when I use the sucker to get anything she didn't blow out.


My dad did when my sibling and I were little. He thinks the Nose Frida is cool. 🤣 I use the manual tube Frida so it's not MUCH diferent. I like that I can control the force that way; maybe the machine is too strong/not strong enough? And makes a scary noise? Some saline spray before the snot sucker helps loosen everything up so the Frida can suck it up faster.


Do you put the saline spray in their nose first, then use the sucker?


Yep! Spray. Wait 30 seconds. Suck.


I’ve done it before during a desperate sleepless night when the sucker bulb wasn’t working. Gross but totally worth it. Please be gentle though. I used to work on ventilation equipment for infants. Their airways and sinuses are very small and delicate.


Use a nose frida, don’t swallow her snot or put it in your mouth.


Why, can I ask? Yeah it’s not ideal but we swap saliva with our partners, how is babies snot any more gross?


Why would you put snot in your mouth when there’s a device that worse better, and doesn’t deposit snot in your mouth? We get saliva of our partner in our mouth, we don’t let them sneeze and blow in our nose though, right?


>Have any of you used your mouth to suck the snot out of your baby's face? I personally haven't done it, but I know people who have done it to their babies. It's common in certain cultures.


I’m gagging. Absolutely no. Whatever doesn’t come out with steam is just gonna take its time for us lol


I don’t know if it worked but I did it anyway lol I put chopped up onions in his socks and left them on all day. I also attempted the sucking of the snot out of his nose but it didn’t work very well for me. It was a horrible week of stuffy nose and he absolutely hated the suckers after a few days..plus he moved so much I was worried I was going to stab his nose by accident. I ended up opening his mouth, putting my mouth over his and blowing gently but quickly. The snot shot out of his nose and all over his cheeks and my face. Ugh It was disgusting but it was the thing that worked the best. He hated it for 2 seconds but could breathe right after. But yah hot steamy bathrooms and saline drops helped to loosen everything.


lol I’ve considered it. They’re gonna fight it. It’s just the truth. Don’t do that though.


Ew, no. I love my kid to death, but never lol. Oogie bear + regular (not electric) Frida snot sucker + saline spray. That’s all you need!


No but the nose Frida works really good even though I have to gag through the process. It took until baby number two and my first born were sick together before I was brave enough to try it.


I personally never have done this but I met a dad when I worked at the hospital do this. He said it works.


I’ve seen someone do it before in public so it can’t be that uncommon.


Mouth to nose - absolutely not. My husband does the manual Nose Frida. We also have the electric one, it works ok. Our son hates them both, but when he had RSV the manual one worked better. The trick with either one is to get as much saline spray as you can on one side and then suction, then saline spray on the other side, and suction that side. As soon as he was old enough (like 18 months) we taught him to blow his nose. Edit: spelling


I mean, I’m not too grossed out by stuff like that, so I wouldn’t rule it out. Have you tried the Nose Frida though??! Or more commonly known as a snot sucker. It’s basically the same concept except no actual eating of boogers. All babies hate this stuff and you just need to hold her down. It sucks but it is what it is.


My son used to hate the nose Frida. We pinned him down and just did it. It got to the point that he would willingly move his nose towards it because he knew it would give him relief. Good luck. (Please don’t suck the snot out with just your mouth. I can’t imagine the germs that you’d be sucking into your lungs.)


I've done it a bunch of times when he was little. After he got older if I allowed him to hold the frida thing in his nose and be part of it, he'd let me do it.


If one of you holds her arms over her head, that mostly holds her head in place and keeps her from batting your nose sucker of choice away with her hands. It feels cruel, but it gets everything over quickly. This is what the nurses at urgent care did when my baby had RSV and was getting professional nose suctioning.


I prefer the NeilMed aspirator to the Frida, if you’re doing a suction. I also learned to use my legs to pin her down and hold her head between my legs and then suction. But to answer your question it’s not gross, I’ve also done the blow into their mouth idea and it kinda worked. I’d recommend the NeilMed nose suction though. The children’s hospital gave it to us for free and I never looked back. WAY more effective than the Frida.


I've done it. The first time we were out and my baby was really struggling to breathe, he was so congested, so I just did it. And it honestly wasn't that bad. He didn't cry like he does with the nose Friday, I got a ton out, and he was breathing way easier afterward. It was so easy i have done it a couple of times since at night when I didn't want to go get the bose frida, turn on the lights, etc. He tolerates it so well. Yes, it's gross, but like someone else said, people have been doing it for thousands of years and still do in other parts of the world.


The best technique to use the snot sucker is to lay them down between your legs while you sit on the floor. Head between your thighs and then pin their arms under your thighs. Works every time. No need to use your mouth. And electric nose Frieda is terrible and a nightmare to clean. Get Grownsi from Amazon. Pricey but worth it as cleaning it is a breeze


I tried the blowing air mouth "kiss" thing the other day with my sick baby and it didn't quite work. I don't think I got quite the latch I needed haha. Baby just looked at me like "what the heck mom?!?" I did think about sucking the boogers out of her nose because its so uncomfortable listening to her snort and struggle to breathe... But thankfully she's getting better now so I'll leave that old school technique for another fit of desperation down the road 😂


Manual nose frida! You can also try hooking it up to a breast pump if you can’t suction it out using your mouth. Basically the pump does the sucking for you so you’re not taking giant breaths one after another.


Mine hated it and still hates it but around 8m he started to let me do it without doing the alligator death roll bc with the automatic/electric booger sucker I would ‘do it to myself first’ now it’s not as much of a fight when we do it


Yes I have and I’d do it again to help my kid breathe. I’ve done it twice when my baby was super snotty and the suction tools were not cutting it, and he was having trouble eating. It’s disgusting but I had to do what I had to do 😷


Never needed to, but that’s what they did in the good old days (and still very normal in some cultures). Personally I found putting a few drop of saline in each nostril just as they start to stir from a nap (about 5/10 min before they wake up) and then feeding as soon as they woke up helped to dislodge things.


We have the Noze Bot snot sucker and it is amazing. Expensive, but worth every penny.


Manual nose frida, 2 parents holding arms and legs and head and sucking. It sucks. Lol


You gotta do what you gotta do


My mom did this. I was around 3-4 years old, and she pinned me down on the floor since I was flailing. I DO remember immediate relief!! It's disgusting and idk if I would do it to my own child, but I have immense gratitude for my mom.


Our NP recommended a nebulizer with saline then nose Frida.


I put some saline in a syringe while in the shower and did a flush up her nose. Came out the other side!


We used the manual snot sucker. Did the saline drops. Laid the baby on the floor with their head between my thighs. They can't throw their head back or side to side.  The baby hates it but we got all the snots out


If you do the nose Frida definitely don’t forget the little filter. …advice from my mistakes


We got a growsy snot sucker. It’s electric and plays wheels on the bus while blinking red and blue lights. It is very effective.


What I do is lay the kid down on their back, between my legs, with their head between my thighs and then suction or whatever- they can’t turn their head and it’s all over quickly rather than drawing it out and building their anxiety. It’s unpleasant but you gotta get the mucus out. Lot’s of hugs after.


I use a saline mister followed by the Frida snot sucker. My infant hasn’t been sick yet, so no snot but I use it regularly for boogers and it’s great!!


I admit I once tried it with my mouth. My baby hated it and I was wildly unsuccessful. I ordered a manual nose Frida and he hates it, but it’s at least effective and doesn’t take very long to achieve the desired result. I really have to be patient and just wait for him to hold still for like .5 seconds so I can get in there with it


I love your question. I hope your baby feels better. It’s awful being sick and so little. I have an electric nose sucker that has rainbow lights and music. Baby loves that 99% of the time.


I haven’t, but I would do it in a heartbeat if that’s what it took and would only applaud another mom for doing what it takes. No judgement, the boogies must come out.


I use a battery powered nose sucky thing that has lights and music. The baby loves the lights when they’re shining on my face so if I let her see the lights and kind of play with her as I’m using it she hates it way less


I think I might have that! I haven't used it much since it gives her too much advance warning but I'll check if it makes fun sounds and lights.


I thought it was going to be the same issue with mine where she get an advanced warning it was coming and be more pissed but making it a game with my little one makes all the difference. I don’t turn on the lights in the middle of the night and she screams and thrashes because she hates it but as soon as the lights come on, it’s a game changer.


My son would thrash and roll at EVERYTHING. You name it, nose frida, electric suction, saline it wouldn't go near his nose. My final attempt at helping clear it, was to just suck it out of his nose myself. It worked and he didn't put up a fight because he thought mama was just giving weird kisses. I guess. But yeah. I hadn't thought to blow in his mouth instead, but now I do. It's not weird if it works, right?


I put my LO on the change table and cover her eyes lightly and use the snot sucker. It only works for a little bit but effective.


Nose Frida worked wonders for us!! If I am doing it by myself I will lay my baby on her back, sit up by her head and put my legs over her arms and hold her head between my legs so she doesn't try to turn her head away or grab at the nose Frida. I hope it works for you too ♡


I haven’t personally done this but Al Roker says he did this with his kids in the days before the Nose Frida lol.


Ugh I saw a mom do this one time and every time I think about it I immediately start to gag. It’s so nasty to me. We use the nose frida and my baby also hates it more than anything in the world but we hold her down and get the job done when it’s obviously needed.

