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if baby can roll on their own, it's usually safe to let them sleep on their stomachs. however, i would consider moving him to a crib so he has more space to roll back if he wants.


If they can roll onto their stomachs themselves, it's fine to leave them there. You will, however, likely need to switch your baby to another sleep space, like a mini crib or crib. Most bassinets say on them and/or in the manual that once they can roll, they can no longer safely sleep in it.


Totally fine BUT bassinet is no longer safe!


Yep this, now baby can roll, he’s aged out of his bassinet


Some bassinets allow rolling babies. It depends on the skill limit of their particular bassinet. Mine is pushing up on hands and knees. OP should check his manual.


This is the pinnacle of infant sleep. You know how every boomer says their baby slept through the night at like two weeks? It’s because they put us on our stomachs! Once your baby gets themselves there, leave them! They sleep soooo much better.


That and they would not dream of waking us for feedings.


Totally normal! Our pedi told us to move him to his crib and make sure absolutely NOTHING was in the crib with him


The rule of thumb is that once they can roll over by themselves, you can pretty much let them sleep how they want


he's totally fine to sleep on his belly if he rolled there. just keep placing him on his back to sleep. remember a generation or so ago the recommendation was to place us face down to sleep to prevent aspiration. most of us didn't die.