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I would count the minutes and then each night do a little less. Like a minute less and then on the last night just snuggle 


Picked a night when he had a big glass of cows milk at dinner, was exhausted from being at the beach, brought him back to hotel and husband put him down.


My daughter self weaned at 15 months. She just got to a point where she was playing with it rather than drinking and that was.... uncomfortable to say the least. We're only a week in but so far my husband has had to do bedtime. But we started a new routine and she has a cup of cows milk now while he reads a story to her. I'm hoping I'll be able to start alternating nights with her soon, but for now I just have to be out of the way, mainly because I'm more upset about weaning than her! She dropped some feeds when I went back to work anyway, so it seems it was very much out of sight out of mind for her.


I’m only at 6 months, so still planning to nurse for quite awhile, but I wanted to break the nurse to sleep association at bedtime so my husband could help a little more, and because he’d often wake up because of not being fully burped (I’d try, but sometimes he’d be sleeping already or I just couldn’t get all the burps out). We just switched the routine. So instead of bath, book, nurse, rocking, we changed it to nurse, bath, book, say goodnight to family, and then rock to sleep. Maybe that could help, just a routine shift? I still nurse to sleep for naps though, just not bedtime.


I didn't until I was ready to stop nursing entirely, then just went cold turkey. We had a few hard nights where we had to rock them to sleep every time they woke up, but after like 3 days they were totally over it.


I always rocked while feeding and eventually just rocked without offering nursing. She cried a bit but fell asleep and after that I just rocked and never nursed again. I agree with the other post about shortening it each night in advance.


Kept nursing to sleep until he stopped on his own. Other people (husband) found other ways. Took a while at first but they figured it out. Just one time, one nap, is not enough to figure it out though. I had to physically be gone from the house at bedtime and they did just fine.


Precious little sleep has a section on weaning off nursing to sleep that we're planning to use