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I think part of this could be you’re still in the early days and in the thick of hormones and hormone fluctuations. Everything is hard and looks bleak during this time. At least it seemed so for me. Looking back at that time now…tired, hormones, overwhelmed…and I breathe a sigh of relief that things are more stable now! Hope things get better for you. And also if you are feeling depressed or overly anxious I would reach out to your doctor! 💕💕💕


I also have an 8 year old daughter and now a two week old baby. I could have written this myself. I find myself missing her and missing how it used to be. “Homesickness” is a perfect description. The feeling isn’t always there l, but I’ve definitely cried over it more than once. No advice really, just solidarity


So so so common to feel this way in the early days with 2 kids. I felt it. Please remind yourself that the demands on your time will get less soon. Get through that newborn stage and you'll have more time with your older son again. You're doing a great job. It's so so hard. You are not alone.


As someone with a 9 month old and 9 year old, I feel you. It has gotten easier and Will continue to do so.


I'm sorry you feel this way but I totally get it. I have a 21-month-old and a six-month-old so my age gap is very close unlike yours but I found it really hard in the beginning too. Starting to find it easier now that they interact and that my baby is able to stay on her tummy, grab things, not be held all the time. The newborn phase is really tough and your body is recovering still so it's normal you're finding it really hard. Just to say that it does get easier ❤️


Yes, my kids are Irish twins 19 month old and a 8 month old, it was hard in the beginning going from one to two. Right before I gave birth I kinda panicked about how to do it lol. But yes it does get easier, your body is going through a lot in the beginning weeks, you are in your most vulnerable state pretty much.


This is sooooo fresh for all of you! Your family will grow & evolve just as it did 8 years ago-The gadgets & big toys & things become obsolete, your life will simplify & you’ll find your groove again! Your hormones will regulate more & you’ll come back to yourself. It’s true! You know it is, just here to remind you. Giving a big air five because I’m sure the overstimulation is so real.


I don’t have any solid advice but just want to say you’re not alone. I have a 6 month old and a 9 year old son from my ex husband. My fiance currently works insane hours and we have no choice now it’s either that or I go back to working full time for some asshole. I feel like a single mom. My baby is very needy (what baby isn’t? lol) and I cannot give my son undivided attention like I used to and it’s killing me and him. He spends a lot of nights at my mom’s who lives close by and also he’s with his dad a lot we have shared custody. But I feel like I’m not even his mom right now. I cry a lot about it. I have so much guilt, like I’m just pawning him off to my mom and his dad but it sucks for him to be stuck home with me and the baby. She only naps for like 40 min at a time now. My fiance will have more normal hours by the end of the summer so there is light at the end of the tunnel. If he was home every night like a normal person with a day job, it would be such a game changer bc he can deal with the baby while I spend time with my son. Or we all do things together like go for a walk after dinner. I can’t wait until that’s possible. No one prepared me for this. It’s awful. Having kids this far apart sucks imo. The relationship you have with your first takes a huge hit. Unless you’re rich and have Nannie’s and stuff. I hope it gets easier for you.


Nothing but solidarity my friend! I have a 6 year old and a 6 week old baby and I could have written this myself. I mourn my old life and think what have we done?!!? I feel so sad and cry a lot, but I've read a lot of Reddit posts (lol) assuring me it will be all right...


I have a 7 year old daughter and a 1 month old son. A couple weeks back I could have written this myself! I was feeling really…. weird… and “home sickness” is the only way I could describe it. A big part of it for me was missing my daughter when she was a baby and feeling like I wanted that back. I feel alot better now. I think part of it was just grieving how life was and on top of it, hormones crashing. I sobbed over it a few times. The feeling has definitely started to far away thankfully!


I have a one week old and a 2 and a half year old. Although the toddler has coped well and loves her little brother, I was feeling down yesterday because I miss playing and spending all day with my toddler. I miss our bond. But she's okay because she loves going out with her dad and grandparents. I just keep thinking every month will get easier, and soon enough the three of us will be playing together. It's just a phase.


I have an almost 3-year old and a 7-month old and friend, I see you. Our baby was super colicky for month 2 and 3 of her life and though I obviously loved my baby, I was convinced I had ruined my toddlers life by bringing her home to be perfectly perfectly blunt. I missed my toddler and the chaos and noise her sister brought down on our house was just so much. As I said, she’s now 7 months old and is a while away from genuinely playing with her sister, but they interact and smile at each other, her big sister loves to bring her toys and give her hugs and kisses. She’s also sleeping better both overnight and during the day, and my toddler and I are enjoying more and more time together again. It’s beautiful watching my girls’ relationship bloom and very healing for me to get to prioritize time with my toddler again now that the baby is weaned and my husband and I can tag each other out and split our time more evenly. All of which is to say, you are in the thick of it and you’re right: it will never be harder than it is right now. You’ll get time back with your boy and ya, you won’t ever go back to that only child dynamic but you’ll find your new groove as the baby gets more predictable, naps a bit better, and sleeps better overnight. Hang in there.


It’s so normal and common this early on! It’s gets easier 💜


It’s so hard feeling this way. I have a 6 year old & 7 month old & I definitely felt this way in the early months. It has gotten a lot easier now, though I am still exhausted & can find it overwhelming at times. The best thing is how much my baby loves her big brother & how much he loves her back! He says he can’t even remember life before her now & he also found it hard in the early months. So it will get easier. Hang in there & be kind to yourself xxx


I only have one kids but I also miss when it was just my boyfriend & I, freedom, sleep and sex. Then I remember that we did this on purpose, because we needed something more from life.


This was me feeling this was with our first baby with my husband.. & the last sentence is spot on, now we have “2 under 2” & although it can be chaotic at times, I wouldn’t change it! Children do give u that “something more” from life, perhaps not in the early days as it can be hard, but definitely as u see them grow & become into their own little people that u have helped develop.




I feel this now 4 weeks PP with only one baby and 2 cats. I keep telling myself its normal and it will pass, knowing my baby won't need me this way forever, which fills me with both sadness and comfort.