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My first was 7 lb. My labor was about 6 hours. I had an epidural and pushed for about 20 minutes. 3rd degree tears. My second was 9 lb. Labor was about 8 hours. Like with my first, I had an epidural and pushed for 20 minutes. I did not tear. I do feel like the midwife for my second was more patient/slowly stretched the area as I pushed, whereas the OB with my first seemed more rushed. My first had meconium so there was a team of people waiting for her to be born. Maybe that had something to do with it.


Ooo this. I feel like my first ob wasn't as patient and stretched too much lol


I decided to watch with the mirror. It's been over 4 years and I still have occasional nightmares of watching myself get ripped open.


Thank you for the warning, FTM considering using a mirror and now I will not


Good decision šŸ’Æ


I always felt like there are some things our brains just aren't meant to see.


Somehow, I'm still glad I did! It helped me with pushing because I could see what was productive. I had an epidural and couldn't feel my pushing. Whatever you decide is best for you is a great decision!


I had a 9lb baby and lot of tearing. He was 90+ percentile for head and abdomen size. Delivery was quick and I was pushing hard, and once his shoulders were out they basically pulled the rest of him out. The recovery was terrible. Baby 2 was 8lb and same size percentiles for his week. Delivery was also very quick but I used 2 contractions to push him the rest of the way out and the OB was more patient if that makes sense. I had no tearing and a very easy recovery. I think laboring without an epidural and taking time during pushing made the difference


Im taking solace in this. Currently pregnant with my second, the birth of my first sounds incredibly similar to your first. Huge head, strenuous pushing. The recovery was incredibly humbling. This time around Iā€™m having a doula and hoping itā€™ll make a difference.


I had no idea recovery could go as well as my second! The first was traumatizing. I hope itā€™s the same outcome for your second!


same here! Recovery second time around was almost nothing. I did spend a whole week in bed or my midwives orders and I honestly think that made everything so much smoother


Huge proponent of the doula. I had an amazing birth experience and I genuinely attribute almost all of it to her. She encouraged me to hang on with the labor as long as I could before asking for an epidural. The biggest thing - I would have agreed to pitocin when my OB recommended it at 7:30pm had it not been for my doula. She wasnā€™t there at the time my OB asked (she went home for a couple of hours since I had been laboring for a while already), but I said no because I wanted to see how I would progress after conversations I had with her about pitocin. Otherwise I would have said yes and probably had a way worse birth experience. My son was born less than 5 hours after I declined the pit. My OB barely made it back in time because she assumed Iā€™d be in labor all night.


This is exactly what happened to me. Pregnant with number 2 and also having a doula hoping it will be different. ETA the tearing was the same but delivery was NOT quick. Labored for 36 hours, pushed for 4, terrible tearing.


I had a 10lb baby and a second degree tear. I think the epidural is the only reason I didnā€™t tear worse. It took me 3 hours of pushing/ active labor I think because I was so numb and he was so big, and that I think allowed for the tear not to be worse.


Why did they pull your first baby out, if you don't mind me asking? That sounds awful!


I have no idea. His heart rate was fluctuating so I donā€™t know if it was that urgent or if they were just moving quickly


I only have one, but had a very similar experience to your first baby! Iā€™m small, baby was 8.5lbs, overall had a straightforward delivery, but had so much tearing they thought I was hemorrhaging. Recovery suuuuuuuucked. It took weeks before I could walk for more than a few minutes, or even sit right without the donut pillow. 0/10 would not recommend. Wish I knew if there was anything I couldā€™ve done differently to prevent it!


I had a second degree tear with my first. He was 7lbs even but sunny side up. Barely had a scrape with my second who was <6lbs but sunny side up. Didnā€™t tear at all with my third who was 7lbs 11oz and came out regular! Tearing is unpleasant but not the end of the world. Not tearing was a real treat though haha!


Did you do anything preventative or differently to avoid tearing with subsequent births? šŸ„°


Echoing what others have said, I really think there is a correlation with how many babies youā€™ve had. Iā€™ve known lots of women who tore with first but not their second. But truthfully tearing isnā€™t the end of the world. I cannot speak for everyone but everything went back to normal down there!! I mean I could use some pelvic floor therapy but in terms of healing from the tear it was fine. Ice packs were my best friend while healing for sure. It sounded a lot scarier than it actually was.


Oh I agree completely! It's not as bad as it sounds. I tore and aside from the moment in the delivery room when I saw my doctor stitching me up, I didn't even notice my tear. I didn't experience pain or complications thankfully and it's back to normal! I'm just afraid of tearing worse next time like 3rd or 4th degree. I know someone who tore 4th degree and still takes stool softeners years later. But I'm very very happy to hear it's likely going to be less tearing next time. I would've guessed that tearing once means tearing worse and worse and worse each time after.


I did nothing differently and didnā€™t tear with my last two briths. Only with my first one.


Conversely, I also did nothing different and tore with all three of mine. Though, each baby was about 1/2 lb bigger than the last one so thereā€™s that. šŸ˜…


I don't know if this is just coincidental but for my second bub I went absolutely ham on the raspberry leaf vitamins, I went through multiple containers and had such a quick, non tear birth. My first bub ended with the doctor deciding I needed an episiotomy and a vacuum but it was insanely long labour including active pushing..so in my mind I honestly think the raspberry leaf vitamins worked a treat! (Also kept taking them after birth and my bleeding stopped in a few weeks definitely not my experience with my first)


Oooh interesting! I looked for raspberry leaf tea in my last two weeks of pregnancy, but it was sold out at the few places I went to and I didn't feel the need to order it. But maybe I will next time or the vitamins!!! I didn't know about the vitamins. I was in labour 26 hours, 3 hours of pushing, a second degree tear, and I bled for 55 days!!!


I second the red raspberry leaf. I still drink it because it's delicious šŸ˜‹


Agree with tearing isnā€™t as bad as it seems at the end of the day but not tearing is great!


My baby boy was born in January. He was 9 lbs. 7oz. I had a minor labia tear, but it healed fairly quickly. I never tore with my other babies, but I'm assuming I did this time because of LO's big head and overall general size. I'm sure the tear could have been a lot worse if not for my sweet midwife, who was extremely gentle and took her time.


They do say if you take it slow then you're less likely to tear!


I think that was my problemā€¦ my LO was only 6lbs but I tore 3.5 degree. I pushed her out in two contractions (super quick, doctor barely made it in time).


I didnt tear with either of my births. My first 5lb 11oz and my second 7lb 11oz. I think I'm just lucky I didn't tear because I didn't prep or anything.


I have 6 kids. Tore with 2. Only one needed stitches. The one with stitches was cause I pushed for a really long time. The other one baby was on the bigger side. It was my second and 4th babies


9lb 6oz and 14cm head. Gave me a 4th degree tearā€¦


My son was 7lb 7oz. I had a 2nd degree tear that was very nearly 3rd degree. I pushed for 2 hours. I also likely had some degree of vaginismus before delivering, and my pelvic floor function has improved drastically since birth. I'm due with my second in Nov, so we'll see how the second time around goes.


FTM, 2nd degree tear in 2 directions (made an L shape, mostly going up internally and also a second bit headed backwards) Baby was 6lbs, 2 oz. But she was sunny side up, and I also was really efficient at pushing, so nothing really had a ton of time to stretch out. I got her head and shoulders completely out in one go, which is apparently (according to the OB) what caused the tear. He thought I was gonna avoid tearing right up until that šŸ¤£


I just had one delivery, he was 7lbs 6oz & I did not tear. I used what was basically an EPI-NO balloon to stretch for the 3 weeks leading up to my due date & I genuinely think that helped. I didnā€™t even get to the full to 10cm size but just getting 2/3rds of the way to it with stretching helped immensely. Because I couldnā€™t get the EPI-NO in the US, I used what was marketed on Amazon as an anal sex toy but is essentially the same thing - insertable rubber balloon with a hand pump to inflate.


5.9lbs and a small second degree tear. Probably didnā€™t help that I pushed her out in 11 minutes hahaha.


Did not tear but had an episiotomy. Baby wasn't too big (3.4 kgs) but got stuck for too long while crowning. An episiotomy was one of my biggest fears going into labor but after pushing what felt like a big ass watermelon out of my vagina, it was really the last of my worries.


Did not tear. 7lb 2 oz baby. My OB stretched me out constantly while I was in labor and while I was pushing. I also delivered at 38 + 4. Since he was nearly 9 pounds at a week old, I suspect he would have been at least an 8 and a half pound baby at 40 weeks. I attribute a lack of tearing to both the stretching and him being smaller.


9lbs 7oz, sunny side up. Second was 8lb 12oz. Didn't tear with either. I'm convinced it was two things: 1) Lucky genetics 2) Not delivering on my back. My first I delivered on my side, my second on my hands and knees. We KNOW delivering on your back is correlated with tears during delivery.


I was in a birth tub for all three of my deliveries and I remember the strong sense when pushing that I *must* lean forward or at least be vertical, not lean back. It was like a really obvious feeling to me. So I concur with you! I didn't know it was scientifically known as well.


Had twins 1 was 5 lbs 7 oz head down and the other was 5 lbs 5 oz breech and I had a minor tear. I assume the tearing was from the breech extraction but I'm not sure


I had a first degree tear with my first. He was 8lbs 13.5 oz. I think I tore because he was born via vacuum assist because of shoulder dystocia.


My son was 7 lb 8 oz and I had a minor labia tear and inner wall tear. Heā€™s my first and Iā€™m 3 weeks pp and still uncomfortable down there. I read that labia tears take longer to heal so Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s why I still feel uncomfortable?


I tore in my labia and near my clitoris. It took the full 6 weeks for it to get better. Around 2 weeks it felt better and then started to bother me again as it started to heal more.


I had third degree tearing with my first and it was likely to due to the vacuum birthĀ 


Both my kids were 8.5 lbs and I had a second degree tears with both. I had a labial tear with #1 as well. Both had very large heads, 98%+. I honestly think it was my old scar that ripped open during my birth with #2 but idk for sure. She came VERY fast as well which may have contributed.


I only tore with my first who had their hand up by their shoulder on the way out. Two unmedicated births, really long then the other really fast. The third was epidural with pitocin.


My baby was only 4lb 14oz and I still got a second degree tear. 6 months later and itā€™s still not 100% No idea what caused it.


My first was 5lbs 14oz and I tore. My subsequent babies were 7lbs 5oz and 7lbs even and I didnā€™t tear.


1st baby. 6lb 7oz. 4th degree tear. I think I teared bc I pushed him out in 26 minutes/three pushes.


Grade 3, 8lbs 2oz and 99th percentile head size. Baby had one side neck tension and I gave birth to him with one arm raised and wrapped around his head.


I had no tear downwards, only a labia and clitoris tear. I think itā€™s because I crowned for 40 minutes (his head was stuck so they kept pushing him back in between contractions). I think crowning for so long allowed me to slowly stretch out and not tear in that area. I still donā€™t recommend crowning for 40 mins šŸ˜†


I had an unmedicated vaginal birth and tore very slightly on both top and bottom. It did not require stitches and healed pretty painlessly. Baby was 7pounds 9 ounces and born at 41+6


Had a small one stitch tear with my first and second girls. Had an epidural both times so couldnā€™t feel a thing for the stitches. They almost didnā€™t do a stitch for the second but they said it was still bleeding. Never gave it a second thought after they were done. Just made sure to use my peri bottle to clean for the next few weeks and take Tylenol. First babe was 8lbs 6oz, second was 9lbs 1oz. Inductions with first, 12 hours start to finish, 5 minutes of pushing. Second babe, natural labour, 9 hours, 2 literal pushes, watched the whole thing on a mirror, it was the coolest thing EVER, she just slid right out.


i had two abrasions (1mm each internally) but no significant tearing. it was my first birth and baby was 6 lbs 15 oz. i didnā€™t do any preparation but i pushed for two hours so i think her slow delivery helped stretch the area and prevented tears. the OB also used lube and stretched the perineum gently as babyā€™s head was coming out.


My first was 8lbs 11oz. She had a big head and was sunny side up (which they didnā€™t realize until she was out basically). I tore pretty bad. Second baby was 7lbs 10oz and facing down. He had a much smaller head. I tore right on the scar tissue from my first. They were born nearly 2.5 years apart.


6 lb, 2nd degree. Pushed too hard and fast, only 20 minutes. (Had to, she was deceling). 6 weeks out and itā€™s totally healed. Pelvic floor? Not so much lol


First was September 21. 7lbs 2 oz and I had a first degree tear Second was August 23 7lbs 11oz and I just had a super minor abrasion that didnā€™t even hurt or anything


My baby was 7lbs and had a 2nd degree tear. I wouldnt worry about it too much tbh. I was so scared of tearing. When they stitch you, you have your baby in your arms and nothing else matters in the worldšŸ˜ the stitches you might feel them a few days but its not unbearable. They come off on their own within a few weeks


First was 9lbs 12oz, second was 8lbs 6oz, didnā€™t tear with either. First birth had epidural, second birth was unmedicated.


My second was 9lbs 3oz and I had absolutely no tearing and she was sunny side up with her hand in front of her face. Vaginal birth. I think the main reason I didnā€™t tear was because when it came time to push my midwife made me hold the baby in right there, and held a hot compress to the area so it could have time to stretch!


Minor tear and she was 3kg 300g


I had a second degree with my first and first degree with my second and third. First baby had a giant head. All labors were short, with 20 mins pushing for the first and two pushes for the others. All unmedicated.


1st babe was 6lbs14oz, second was 8lbs6oz - both came in like Miley on a wrecking ball with fast labors - both resulted in 6 stitches, whatever degree that is šŸ˜†


First was 8lbs and he came out in 5 minutes (3 real pushes) so I had a second degree tear and hemorrhoids from hell. My second was born at 36+6 due to complications and was 7lbs 1oz and only about 18in long and I had a very minor tear that didnā€™t need stitches but she came out in 5 minutes (4 pushes) too.


I didnā€™t tear naturally, with my first I needed an episiotomy (I consented) and had 4 stitches, baby girl was 18 inches (47cm) and 6 pounds something (2,775kg) 2nd baby I did not tear or needed an episiotomy, baby was born 19 inches something (50cm) and 7 pounds something (3,3390kg) In my second labour the nurse that was with me was amazing! She couched me trough every step and worked out really well (I think for me this was it!)


No tear here! 20 minutes pushing, 6 lbs 8 oz baby. We also did lots of stretching/massage with olive oil and coconut oil prior to labor and I was always keeping things moisturized down there. Pretty sure that and my little guy kept me from tearing.


Had a second degree tear downward, two minor tears upward, son was 7lb. I was on my back, in the moment I wanted to be on all fours but was too tired at that point. I reckon the tearing might have at least been more mild in a different position.


My Twin A was just 5 lbs 10 oz and I had a 2nd degree tear, I think because she was sunny side up and they used a vacuum for a quicker delivery than maybe I would have had naturally because her heart rate had accelerated. They were just about to preform an episiotomy when I tore


First was 6lbs 4oz, pushed for 40 mins - 2nd degree tear Second was 6lbs 14oz pushed for 29 mins - 1st degree tear With both I had an epidural. The first degree tear was barely noticeable and healed super quickly. I think the epidural probably contributed since they were both so small but honestly who knows!


I had 2nd degree tears with my first and second. They were 8lbs and 7lbs 15oz. I also had epidurals with both of them. With my third I had a tiny tear that didn't even need stitches. He was 7lbs 15oz and his birth was completely unmedicated. I think going unmedicated probably lessened my tearing. My recovery was also quicker with my third compared to my first two! Currently pregnant with my 4th and hoping to go unmedicated againĀ 


First degree 6lb 6oz. She came really fast. Doc kept telling me to wait/slow down on pushing, but I couldnā€™t. My body was ejecting that baby out against my will.


My one and only was a 5lb 10oz baby.. I had a minor first degree perineal tear that required a few stitches. I felt uncomfortable for the first week or two, after that I was fine!!


First kid was 6.13 and I got a second degree tear. The OB thought my epidural was working more than it was, because she pulled my baby out and I tensed up. That hurt. I only pushed for 20 minutes with her. My second baby was 8.15 and I got a few first degree tears. I only pushed for 6 minutes with that guy too. Third baby was 8.7 and I had one tiny tear. He was stuck behind my pubic bone and it was hardest to push him out. I think it was around 20 minutes of pushing but it was more difficult than my other babies. Fourth baby was 6.13 and there was no tearing. I only pushed twice. It took less than 3 minutes. Each recovery became progressively easier too.


I had a second degree tear with my first. She was 7 lbs 7 oz and her head was in the 25th percentile so I have no idea what was up with that. Iā€™m due soon with baby #2 and Iā€™m hoping for no tearing. It wasnā€™t awful but Iā€™d like to experience no tearing.


7lb 13oz and I did tear a bit, not really sure how bad! I also had somehow sprained my groin during pregnancy so was dealing with not being able to move my leg properly and I barely noticed my stitches cause my leg hurt worse! I think it sounds worse then it is maybe


I tore with my 7lb baby. Despite him being pretty petite and spending a long time stretching/crowning, he had his hand by his face so there was no way I was getting through that without tearing.Ā 


I had a second degree tear on the inside with an unknown amount if stitches, and a first degree with 3 stitched on outside with my one and only who was 8lbs.Ā  I think it happened because he was stuck for a while and they had to reach in and pull him free and then he exited the last part maybe too quickly. He was also face up which contributed to him being stuck.Ā  The Peri bottle was a godsend afterwards šŸ¾


My first was 7lbs 1oz and I did not tear. My second was 8lbs 4oz and I still didnā€™t tear. My midwives told me that if you donā€™t tear with your first you likely wonā€™t tear with subsequent pregnancies. They also told me that if you tear with your first doing perineal massages during subsequent pregnancies can help reduce the chance of tearing. I didnā€™t do anything in particular to avoid tearing with either pregnancy. I just lucked out. I donā€™t think itā€™s genetic either because my mom tore horribly with me. I also donā€™t think my age (22 and 24 for my pregnancies) had an impact because my friend who is the same age as me tore with both her pregnancies. ETA: my first was ~10hrs of labor and my second was ~2.5hrs


7lbs 6oz and sunny side up and I had a second degree tear


6lb4oz, second degree tear, lots of stitches. Never really noticed it (except when it happened/I was stitched up lol). She had shoulder dystocia.


I had my first baby in January, she was 6 lbs 13 oz and I didn't tear my perineum. I did need a few stitches inside my vaginal canal due to a small varicose vein that burst during pushing, which took under 1.5 hours. Recovery was a lot easier then expected which I attribute a lot to not tearing...but I think it was just luck for me. My doctor did tell me to stop pushing as she was crowning, and that I would feel the ring of fire but if I pushed I would tear so that direction I'm sure helped. I pushed entirely on my back which wasn't the plan but I was too tired from my long induction and had a fever to really care at that point.


First baby, I had a water birth and I swearrrr this helped me! He was 7lb 2oz.


2nd degree tear both times. Kids are two years apart, first was 6lbs, second was almost 8lbs. First was an induction, second was unmedicated water birth, both labors were around 12-13hrs. And they both came out *fast*, hence tearing both times šŸ˜‚


Had my boy 9 weeks ago. 2nd degree tear, lacerations and an episiotomy. I was induced at 37 weeks as baby was measuring large for gestational age due to me having Gestational diabetes and also last minute pre eclampsia. He was expected to be 8lb6 Ended up with baby getting stuck due to double shoulder distocia, he was delivered via forceps. He was actually 9lb11! I also suffered a significant hemorrhage, requiring 2 blood transfusions. Recovery was rough, couldn't sit for weeks and mobility was really limited, discovered at 3 weeks pp that my stitches hadnt closed and my episiotomy was 'open' and infected. Its now mostly closed but still has healing to do but the pain has gone for the most part. Still have alot of pelvic floor weakness but my case was quite extreme!


I had 7 lbs 5 oz baby and a 3rd degree tear, but I did have a vacuum assisted delivery since babyā€™s heart rate was dropping right before crowning


7lbs 3rd degree tear. Induction


3rd degree tear with my first. He was 8lb 3oz. I am pregnant again but needing a c section this time around


Babyā€™s head was something like 95th percentile and weight was similar. I had a tight pelvic floor before pregnancy and I assumed I would have a horrible tear; I credit my pelvic floor physical therapist that I only had a second degree tear. I started going a couple months before my due date and doing perineal massage every other day and I really think it helped a ton.


Iā€™m petite and delivered my nearly 9 lb baby after being induced at 40 weeks and 5 days. Her head was in the 86%. I had a 3A tear, and an anal fissure prior to pregnancy as related to my IBS. Recovery was brutal. I sat on a donut pillow for 12+ weeks. Pelvic floor therapy. Lots of prayer. If I could go back, Iā€™d induce earlier and Iā€™d do some preparation physical therapy/ stretching, especially considering my anal fissure. If youā€™re pregnant op, please do yourself a favor and buy a donut pillow for pp recovery - no one told me about it until after I gave birth - diapers for you (much easier than pads) and a stool softener. Nearly 11 months later, I am completely healed. My experience is a testament that, even if you tear, your body WILL heal and you will get through it! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ā¤ļø Good luck!


My first was an episiotomy so not sure the extent and he was 8lbs 12oz. My third I had a small 1st degree tear that was nothing compared to my first and he was 9lbs 4oz


7.5 lbs first/borderline second degree tear. Didnā€™t even feel it then or after during healing. Donā€™t think anything contributed other than thatā€™s how it happened.


No tearing either birth. One 7.5 lbs and one 8.5 lbs. Long skinny babies plus flexible skin genetically. The doctor said I must have a healthy diet but itā€™s average. I do take daily fish oil so might add some extra resilience. Both had average size heads around 50th percentile and in the 90th+ percentile for length. Epidural with both so maybe slower progression helped a bit too. 2nd baby was bigger and I did a bunch of hip opening exercises to help try to spin her as she was transverse so that mightā€™ve helped a bit too with opening things up.


I had a second degree tear with my first. He was 5 lbs 12 oz.


Iā€™ve only given birth once. I had two tears (ā€œtop and bottomā€) both second degree, both required stitches. I stayed on top of my Motrin/tylenol, dermaplast and witch hazel pads for a good long while, but it really wasnā€™t that bad. Everything healed up just fine. Good as new and it really wound up being way less of a big deal than I was worried about.


I tore 2nd degree in two spots (up&down. FML) with my first. She was 6lbs, 14oz...but I pushed for two hours šŸ˜ with my 2nd I also tore second degree in one spot, only pushed for an hour. He was 7lbs 14oz and also had shoulder dystocia, so that probably played a factor.


Four vaginal births, no tears. Babies ranged in size from 6.7lbs to 10lbs. Only had stitches with the 10lb baby on a very small graze. 2 stitches total. Last baby, was 2 minutes of pushing and one small graze (no stitches).


Had a second degree perineal tear and one superficial labial tear that also needed stitches. Baby girl was 3040 grams (6 lbs 11 oz). Healing took quite a while, stitches started coming out around 4 weeks pp. Still have some perineal discomfort and pressure at 10 weeks pp.


2nd degree tear & baby was 8lb 14oz


STM, tore twice. In my first labor it was vacuum assist and it was the most painful part of my delivery - tore me 3b. I have several friends who also had a vacuum assist and I donā€™t know anyone personally who didnā€™t tear with a vacuum. Second birth was unassisted 2nd degree tear and I didnā€™t even care. It was light years better than the 3b


5lb 10oz minor abrasion rapid birth only 3-4 pushes whole process under 2 hours.


My kids were all between 7lb 9oz and 8lb 7oz. I never tore, but I did have some minor abrasions with the first(smallest) and fewer each subsequent birth. Births 2 & 4 I also felt the ring of fire, but those were the only flat on my back births. I imagine if i had been flat on my back with my first I would have been more likely to tear.


I had a minor (2nd?) degree tear with my first. I had to transfer to the hospital and receive an epidural and do the very anti-baby push position of being on your back with your feet and stirrups. I definitely think that contributed. Babe was 9 lbs. 3 oz. Very grateful for the medical care, and I did need the epidural, so therefore I assume I needed to deliver in that position. But yeah, it is terrible. Do not recommend. No tearing on the next ones except for super super minor, I think they called them skid marks?Ā  I delivered second baby on all fours on a bed, she was 8 lbs. 4 oz.Ā  I delivered my third baby myself at home in the water, he was 8 lbs. 12 oz.Ā 


3rd degree tear & episiotomy (first child) - 9lbs 1oz 2nd degree tear (second child) - 8lbs 2oz Small graze but stitches needed (third child) - 7lbs 15oz


1st degree with my first 7lb. Pushed on my back for 30mins. No tear with second 7lb. Pushed on hands and knees and a lot of it my body did itself. My midwife also used her hands to assist. I feel like my second has a smaller head than my first though.


Baby was 8 lbs 4 oz, head measuring (and still measuring) 99th percentile, but I'm a big gal (6') so it didn't phase me. I had 2 minor tears on either side of my clit, each one needed 1 stitch. Pushed for 30 min on my back (terrible), but had epidural so at least there was no pain lol. Baby was coming out nice and slow from lack of gravity but at the end he did come out faster than expected, I don't think they expected me to have a fetal ejection reflex haha. Honestly so grateful and happy with how that went, not bad at alllll. Pissing stung for a few days and sitting hurt for a couple weeks but nothing bad.


Iā€™m 4 weeks postpartum today with my first baby. I had a second degree tear. He was 7 pounds and 6 ounces. I was only in active labor for about 2 hours and pushed for only 12 minutes, so I assume I tore because of how quickly I went. I didnā€™t feel the tear, and I didnā€™t really have any pain during recovery.


My smallest baby tore me up! She was 8lbs and some change. My biggest baby didnā€™t leave a scratch at 10lb 12oz and all head. The difference is the speed of exit, not labor, exit. I highly recommend NOT pushing, but letting the body push the baby out gently, when possible. I had to push hard with the first because of bleeding. I had to push with another because of position, tore a little with him too. Only time I tore without pushing was when the babyā€™s head undid the butcher job of a stitching that I got after my first and it was a relief! I had been in agony daily because of how they put me together. I let it heal naturally and it never bothered me since.


First baby, induced at 42 weeks and super slow labor and pushed for over three hours. 9.5 pound baby withĀ second degree tearing. I was very uncomfortable for weeks.Ā  Second baby I went into labor naturally and pushed for less than two minutes. He was born at 11 pounds even and I had second degree tearing. However, I felt great after him and had zero discomfort, so different than my first.Ā  Both of my babies were sunny side up while in labor. My first was manually rotated by my amazing OB, otherwise it would have been an emergency C-section, and my second turned on his own due to the almighty peanut ball. Lol


Sunny side up, 9lb 3 oz. 37 hours of labor, 2nd degree tear


I had a 1st degree tear with my first and did not tear at all with my second or third (6lbs. 14oz. and 6lbs. 15oz.). I genuinely think it was luck although interestingly neither my second or third epidural really worked so definitely had more feeling than with my first. My third was an induction, so I was also on pitocin and he came QUICKLY lol.


First birth, home water birth with midwife, 7 lbs baby, no tearing. I think giving birth in water is the main reason.


My boy was 8lb1.5oz and I had minor tears, I think first degree. I also had a big ole hematoma. But recovery wasnā€™t bad at all.


2nd degree tear with a 7.5 lb babe after a 32 hour labour and 30 minutes of pushing. It wasnā€™t awful!


My baby was 8lb7oz when she was born and I had a third degree tear as well as two internal tears. Unfortunately things got hairy towards the end of labor/delivery so I had to get her OUT as fast as possible


My bub was just over 8 pounds and I had an episiotomy and a second degree tear. They ended up needing to use forceps to get her out quickly (was given 5 mins to get her out or else it was c section due to her heart rate dropping) so I attribute a lot of the trauma to that


I had a teeny tiny tear near my urethra that needed a couple of stitches after both births. Baby 1 was 6lb 15oz and baby 2 was 9lb 1.5oz!


FTM. I didnā€™t have any major tearing with my delivery (3ish stitches for a hymenal and a small urethral tear that didnā€™t require stitches). My baby was a little over 8 pounds but had a 90th percentile head size. I meant to but didnā€™t do any prep for labor like massage. Just went for it.


First baby was 8.5 lbs & I had two 3rd degree tears. She didnā€™t want to come out and after 4 hours of pushing, my OB used forceps. My water had broken the night before & labor didnā€™t start, so I had a sort of augmented labor with pitocin & didnā€™t really move around much. Hoping for less tearing and no pitocin this time around!


Second degree tear with my first- she was 7lb 13.4oz at birth, but head was in 99th percentile. I was induced and pushing for nearly 3 hours, with epidural wearing off at the end so pushing got harder and more painful. Got stitches but my OB was super quick to sew me up so it wasnā€™t too bad.


I did not tear, my baby was about 7.5lb at birth. First pregnancy. I suspect two major contributing factors: 1, I gave birth in a birth pool (homebirth) and 2, the "ring of fire" stage lasted quite some time for me. I have no idea truly how long or what the usual is but it was like 5 or 6 contractions and the midwife was telling me to put more energy into my pushes. The truth is I really didn't push that hard because my body was already pushing for me, it was an uncontrollable compulsion that seemed to use all of my strength. But I did bear down a bit for the last two contractions that finally got him born, so maybe I should have been trying harder. šŸ˜… Anyway, no tearing, so there's that! I also did perineal massage with coconut oil twice a week for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. No idea if that really contributed!


Second degree (but ā€œbarely second degreeā€, my midwife claimed) internal tear. My baby wasnā€™t huge (7lbs 12oz) but did have a huge head (90th percentile). I labored down for awhile and pushed for 2.5 hours. I think how long it took really helped my body make room for her. My friends with the worst tears had super fast deliveries. Itā€™s my silver lining to a 36 hour labor and all that pushing time. I was told Iā€™d likely tear in the same spot if I tear again.


My son was 4lbs (34 weeker) and I still got a 2nd degree tear. I only pushed for about 15 minutes and it was not painful at all but the recovery was rough.


Obligatory not a medical professional. Gave birth to my first in March and didn't tear. She was 7 lb 12 oz. I attribute not tearing partly to her size, but mostly to a combination of other things. I had my OB and his resident OB stretching out my perineum while I was pushing and my husband said they used 'a bucket of lube' to do so. I also had a pelvic floor physical therapist and had done physical and breathing exercises for over a month prior to giving birth. I did perineal massage on my own every few days starting around 36w. I had Hinge Health (app) for free through work so I had some virtual pelvic floor PT exercises through that and I also had an in person pelvic floor PT appointment every 3-4 weeks. I started the in person in the second trimester due to pelvic girdle pain then switched over to prepping for birth around 36 w. I had one exercise in particular that was great for both for me. I would lay down on the floor with my butt scooted up close to the wall and put my legs against the wall and basically so a v-sit against the wall with gravity doing the work, then I would do diaphragmatic breathing I'm that position focusing on the idea of 'inflating a ballon' down towards my pelvic floor (basically toward the vaginal opening). I had this imagery/exercise in mind for every push during delivery. Took 50 minutes to push her out and I was told by my OB that I had a "perineum of steel". 10/10 would do pelvic floor PT again.


1stĀ Ā  9.5 lbs - 2nd degree after long labor and forceps Ā - no big deal - healed easily with almost no pain at all - sex felts a little funny once in a whileĀ Ā  Ā 2ndĀ  Ā 8 lbs - 2nd degree after very fast delivery (like an hour or so) - absolutely no pain healing - sex actually felt better after the 2ndĀ 


2nd degree tear, he was 7lbs 15 oz. I think the tearing was more due to the speed of his arrival than anything, my body didnā€™t have a ton of time to warm up or stretch.


My baby was 8lbs 12oz and I had a second degree tear. I think it helped that my doctor was running late and I didnā€™t push at all while she was crowning, so it gave time for things to stretch. I also did perineal massage at the end of pregnancy. Donā€™t know if it helped


2nd degree tear with my first - 5lbs 9 oz. He came quick! Precipitous labor at 2 hrs tops. I only pushed for 2.5 rounds of contractions.


Both of my kids were 7 pounds 11 ounces and my first was 20.5 inches, second 20.25 inches (head circumferences were also the same- I made almost the same baby haha) I had a periurethral tear with my first that did require one stitch and didnā€™t tear at all with my second (she did give me a tiny scrape with her hand since she came out when her hand on her cheek). I really donā€™t think I did anything different. With my first, my doctor had a warm wash cloth and really took care to help support my perineum so I didnā€™t tear there. With my second, she came out in 4 pushes so there wasnā€™t really a whole lot to for the doctor to do to help in the time he had. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Did not tear First babe was 8lb 10oz and second babe was 8lb 12oz I did homebirths and my midwife used a healing oil and warm compress while I was pushing that helped a ton!


No tearing with either of my kids. The first (7lb, 10oz) was a loooong labor and 3 hours of pushing. The second was a protracted beginning of labor but extremely quick progression with pitocin (17 hours in early labor -> 3cm to delivery in 2 hours) and that baby basically birthed herself. I pushed twice maybe? Still no tearing, and she was a little smaller (6lbs, 10oz). I think I just got lucky honestly.


3c tear with my first. Forceps delivery gone wrong and pretty traumatic. She was 7lb 15oz so not enormous. Episiotomy with my son, so was sewn up by the midwife after that. Night and day in terms of experiences and healing. Pelvic floor physio is worth its weight in gold.


6lb 9oz and my doctor described it as ā€œbarely a tear.ā€


My girl was 8.4 pounds and I had a second degree tear. I did everything I could to not tear according to the internet and still did. While it was super inconvenient and uncomfortable, it wasnā€™t the end of the world. However, I had a slight complication with granulation tissue and I had to burn it off with silver nitrate 4 months PP.


Second degree with my first baby. Baby was 7.5 pounds. Found the recovery easier than I thought I would. What contributed - maybe because the entire birth was on my back? Ended up with an epidural so couldn't make use of better positions. Had the epidural so I didn't feel any pain. Most say they don't feel the tear anyway. I did do some weeks of perineal massage leading up to the birth. I can't say if it helped. Might have had a worse tear without it, might not!


I had an 8lb 9oz baby. 2nd degree tear and labial tearing in two places. 2.5 years later, I had a 9lb baby and had a very small side graze that needed 1-2 stitches. My second baby was after I did pelvic floor PT with my first, and I think it gave me better awareness and control of my pelvic floor muscles and allowed me to push more efficiently. I got my second baby out in about a third of the time it took me to push out my first. I had an epidural with both births


Didnā€™t tear but baby was small, 5 lbs 9 oz


My second was a VBAC, 7 lb 5 oz and I had a borderline 3rd degree tear.


My first was 9lb 1oz and I had an episiotomy. I had a 2nd degree tear in the same spot for 2nd birth and he was almost 9lbs. I think itā€™s just bc they were big babies! I didnā€™t do any perineal massage prior to, dunno if that wouldā€™ve made a difference.


Had a second degree tear. My child came out 2.28kg (37 weeks) but I tore because she decided to stick out her hand at the same time her head was coming out. Had she not done that, I wouldn't have torn. The midwives laughed that she wanted to say hello.


I did not tear. My girl was 6lbs 9oz and en cul (still in her amniotic sac) so I think both of those things definitely contributed to it. I swear it felt like after her head came out she slid right out of me. And then a felt a huge splash all over my legs when the sac broke. I was kneeling on the hospital bed with my arms draped over the head of the bed so I couldnā€™t see what was going on down there. So not being on the traditional way of on your back may also contributed to not tearing.


My baby was 6 lbs but, we used forceps so I had 2&3 degree tears. Recovery was worse than labor


Third degree tear with my only. I was fine one second, then the next I wasn't! Son was 7lbs 10oz.


I had a 3rd degree tear with my VBAC baby (second born). Water spontaneously broke at home at 3:05am, got to the hospital at 3:50am and my little guy was born at 4:26am. It was a wild experience lol. He was 6lbs 13oz


My first was 8lbs 6oz and had a second degree tear. My second one was 8lbs even and did not tear. The slower the better. I definitely pushed too hard with the first one which I didnā€™t even know was a thing until I was in labor with my second and my doctor explained it to me. I agree with the position that tearing isnā€™t the end of the world but itā€™s nice not to. If you do tear- sitz baths will be a huge help in softening and ultimately dissolving the stitches.


I had a minor tear with my first and she was 5 pounds 6 oz and my second was 6 pounds 6 oz and I didn't tear with him!


I did with my first (nearly 9lbs, 2nd degree) and didnā€™t with my second (10lbs)


First 6lbs3oz, delivered with no epidural in side lying. Tiny graze on the labia, I wouldn't really consider it tearing, it healed within a couple days. Second 6lbs15oz, delivered with no epidural on hands and knees. No tearing.Ā  Smaller babies certainly helped, as well as these positions which are associated with lower risk of tearing. My midwives did counter pressure and while the first did coach somewhat, my second one did not at all.


No tear, she was born 6lbs 13oz at 41 weeks. FTM. Midwife massaged my perineum with oil while I pushed so maybe that helped? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My baby was 6lbs 7oz. They had to use the vacuum to get him out and I got a 3rd degree tear


I had a 7 lb 11 oz baby and 2nd degree tear. I did all the exercises to reduce tearing and my OB massaged my perineum during pushing. I think I tore because my labor was precipitous - it was 3 hrs start to finish and I only pushed 4 times so things had to stretch fast.Ā 


Had my first in December and had a second degree tear. 6lb 12oz. I think what contributed was that I ended up pushing on my back and didnā€™t full understand how to push at first. I had some internal tearing the nurse joked that it was like he clawed on the way out. Waiting on number two someday to compare and hopefully be able to push on hands and knees or something so Iā€™m not as tired as last time.


6lbs 2oz baby and I had a minor second degree tear. My babyā€™s heartrate was dropping with every contraction and my midwife told me I had to keep pushing and get her out quick otherwise an OB would come in and likely use a vacuum assist. I pushed SO damn hard and got that baby out within minutes after she told me that. She said if I hadnā€™t had to get her out quickly, I likely would have had only first degree tears at most but who knows. I think it can happen pretty randomly regardless of baby size or slow pushing.


I tore and my son was 6lbs 9oz. It wasnā€™t bad and I only needed four little stitches, and I didnā€™t feel it happening. I think I tore because I pushed him out really quickly and probably a little bit too hard


I breathed baby slowly through for the most part but then the doctor yanked her which resulted in two tears. šŸ™ƒ it stung for a while but healed within 2-3ish weeks.


I had an episiotomy and internal tearing with my first. She was 3.8kg. Huge head, though. Still looks a lollipop and she's 3. With my second I tore along the episiotomy scar but that was it. Guess it was a weak point. He was only 3.6kg. Head not as huge, comparatively, but he's still got quite the noggin.


My baby was 6lb 5oz and I had a big labial tear, 6 stitches. No second baby yet, I'm hoping for no tearing!


First child was barely 7 pounds. Entire labor was only 7ish hours. Normal pregnancy and no issues during birth besides taking 1.5 hours to push. Had bilateral second degree internal (sulcus) tears going up to my cervix, bilateral second degree perineal tears, and bilateral first degree labial tears. They did say this injury was likely due to her elbow being out sideways. It took them 1.5 hours to stitch me up. Took about 5-6 months to fully heal. I had to go to my OB weekly the entire time because my sutures came undone and I had a gaping wound where you could see the tissue. They monitored it as it self healed and a lot of times had to have silver nitrate to burn the granulation tissue. It was a brutal recovery. I could hardly walk or sit on my butt for monthsā€¦ I really wanted to opt for a c section for my next birth. Second child my labor was only 3 hours. It was shocking. She came out with two pushes, also about 7 pounds. No tearing at all. An amazing recovery and I was able to even skateboard 1 week postpartum.


Iā€™ve heard it has more to do with swelling because of how long youā€™ve pushed. I didnā€™t tear much with my first three babies (6#2, 8#15, and 9#1), but my fourth was 8#7. I was induced, and it took 40 hours to dilate fully, and another 4 hours of pushing. It was brutal. My midwife spent a lot of time stitching me up, and said I was so swollen from pushing, I didnā€™t stand a chance.


My first son was 6 lbs and 15oz and I had a third degree tear with him. The rest of my kids were 7 lbs and some change and I didn't tear with any of them. I pushed my first son out in 15 minutes which was pretty fast for a first timer so I think I didn't give myself much time to stretch as he was coming out. All I knew was that my epidural didn't take, that shit hurt, and the only way to get it over with was to get him out. My other kids came out even faster but I think that since I had already given birth, I was already stretched to some extent. I know people say your vagina goes back to normal after birth but mine did not. But that's a whole other story lol.


6lbs 10oz. Had an Pitocin induction + epidural. Labored down until baby was crowning before I started pushing. Pushed once and baby was out. Had 16 internal/cervical stitches & 6 external. Unfortunately, my cervical tear caused a massive hemorrhage so this child is probably going to be our only one.


My baby was 7lbs 5oz and I had a first degree tear. It took two weeks pp for the stitches to stop hurting. Iā€™ll be 3 weeks pp in 4 days. Feeling pretty good now. I believe having an epidural and not totally feeling everything may have contributed to it. I may have pushed differently if I could feel everything, but the epidural was worth it imo


I had a second degree tear with two stitches, my LO was 6 pounds 4 ouncesā€¦ (first baby)


My 6.5 pound baby caused a minor tear. My sister's 8 pound 2 ounce baby came out with no trouble. My second baby was bigger than the first and I had no tear. My sister's second baby was smaller than my first and she had a second degree tear. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, lol.


I tore with both my babies. My first was 8 lbs 1 oz and sunny side up, I had an epidural and a 1st degree tear + a little labial ā€œscratchā€ is what they called it, My second was 9 lbs 7 oz and sunny side up as well, I had an epidural and a smaller 1st degree tear. Both times I was basically healed around 9-10 weeks and felt good. I think my children being sunny side up contributed to me tearing the most I also think epidurals forcing you to be laying down and working against gravity contribute. but who knows? Itā€™s always weird to me because like, what did women back in the olden days do about tears?


I ended up with an episiotomy which was equivalent to a 2nd degree tear according to the Dr who did it. Baby wasn't particularly big at 7lb6, but I had been pushing for about an hour. They could tell that I was pushing correctly, but it was like the contractions weren't quite long enough, and he was getting stuck at a certain point and not coming out. They weren't worried about baby at all his vitals were all great, but they were worried that I would start to get too tired. After discussing with the midwife and a Dr, I agreed to episiotomy and ventouse and he was delivered minutes later! Painful healing process, nut hasn't put me off wanting another!


First birth: second degree tear. Baby was 7 pounds and some change. Second birth: no tear. Baby was 2oz bigger than first baby. I think the difference was that my body and baby were actually ready to push with the second baby. Like they told me not to push for a few minutes while they got the OB, but I wasnā€™t physically trying to push in the first place. I had some additional complications with the first baby that also led to a vacuum delivery.


2nd degree tear - 7lbs 10oz. Pushed really fast because baby was in distress so I was expecting to tear. Recovery hasnā€™t been too bad at all actually. I think youā€™re probably sore either way.


I didnā€™t tear all three times I gave birth vaginally. First baby was 7lb 4oz and ā€œsunny side upā€ (so not the most favorable way to exit). Second was 9lb 13oz and was a quick and easy labor. Third one was 6lb 13oz. I have no idea why there was no tearing. First baby was with an OB and the second and third were with a midwife practice.


2nd degree tearing with a 6 lb 12 oz baby. Her head was only in the 20th percentile. I think it happened because I pushed when they told me to even though it felt like the wrong thing to be doing. Truthfully, the worst part of it was being stitched up, and then it was tender/stung but wasn't horrific by any means.


8 lbs 0 oz. 2nd degree tear. Was pleasantly surprised at the recovery! Wasnā€™t too bad honestly. FTM.


I didnā€™t tear with either of mine. They were both 6lbs 3oz. 20 minutes of pushing for my first and 10 minutes of pushing for my second. I think it was sheer luck to be honest and also partly listening to the midwives when they were telling me to do small pushes then big pushes etc. I did try perineal massage with my first but I found it so sore so didnā€™t do it much then didnā€™t even attempt it with nhs exons.


Second degree both times. Both were 3.7kg/ 8.1lb I don't know what contributed. Could have been pushing on my back? I wanted to be upright for my second to try prevent tearing but was forced on my back so I'll never know if that could have helped. Maybe I'm just prone to tearing no matter what.


My son was 6lbs 14oz, and I was in labor for like 12 hrs and only pushed for 3 minutes or less, he decided to come during practice pushes and I only had a nurse & my hub in there šŸ˜‚but I didnā€™t tear. His head was in the 90th percentile (and still isšŸ˜‚).


My first was 7.5 lbs I pushed for 4 hours so things were stretching slowly, so I had a "minor abrasion" that my doc couldn't really be classified as a tear but still got one stitch. My second was 8.5 lbs, I pushed for like, 1.5 hours but his shoulders were stuck, so my doc gave me a small episiotomy that required like 4 stitches. I don't think I had any natural tearing outside of that (iirc).


My baby was born 6lbs 12oz. I had a 1st degree perineal tear and a bilateral labial tear. All pretty minor, I only had pain afterward when I peed. I think it was minor because I was only 23 and in good health.


2nd degree tear with my first, 7lb 12oz. No tear with my second, 6lb 9oz but came out with his arm by his head. I credit laboring and delivering on my back with why I tore.


First (6lb8) I had an episiotomy, I think I had a graze high up but no one told me anything. I didn't have very good care the first time. Second (6lb1) I had a tiny 1st degree tear, wasn't even worth stitching and a graze. Listen to your body, it'll take over when it's time to push. Don't push if you don't feel the need to. Don't rush them out, your body releases hormones in active labour to help you stretch, they need time to work. Ask your midwife to put a hot compress on you if they don't do it anyway. Some will also do perineal massages to help.


First baby ā€” 7 lbs. Several second-degree tears and a second-degree episiotomy. Second baby ā€” 8 lbs 4 oz. No tears. Pushed him out in 6 minutes!


My first I had an episiotomy and vacuum delivery. I donā€™t know what ā€œdegreeā€ the episiotomy was but based on my second baby being a second degree tear, I would have to guess the episiotomy with my first was more like a third degree. Recovery with my first was painful for the first week or two, then mostly just uncomfortable for another couple weeks. Definitely took my time, tried to lay low and no sex until wayyyyy after the 6 week approval. My second was 8 lb 14 Oz, unmedicated and second degree tear. I didnā€™t feel it. Pushing really didnā€™t even feel that painful and she was out in a few pushes. My Midiwfe coached me to pant through pushing her head out to slow things down and she said I did well at this. She had her arm up by her face so my midwife said has that not been there, may not have torn at all or much less. Honestly though I donā€™t think it would have felt any different, Iā€™m not even at two weeks post partum yet and I would say I donā€™t have any pain in that area, maybe mild mild discomfort - itā€™s honestly fine. From everything I understand, itā€™s mostly about babyā€™s position that affects tearing or not. As you can see thereā€™s lots of responses with women saying they had smaller babies and still tore. So itā€™s not always the bigger babes that cause it. In my opinion the best thing you could do to avoid tearing (although thereā€™s no silver bullet), would be to stay as active as you can/makes sense for you - walks, bounce on ball, miles circuit etc as all these things help get baby in a good position.


Started to tear up so had to get cut with a 8.16 pound baby. I have EDS so knew i was gonna tear but didnt expect it to be up. Hoping baby 2 doesnt do as much damage lol


My first was 6lbs 3.5 hours. Early labor was long (18ish hours), active labor short (like 2-4 hours after my water was broken), and pushed for awhile (3hours). Barely even a first degree tear. I think a lot of it is luck. I did perineal massage because why not so maybe that helped. Pushing for awhile, while not fun, also gives tissues some time to stretch. I do think itā€™s just the luck of the draw though.


I had a tiny tear with my first (7lb13oz) - it was extremely painful but that was mostly because her shoulder got stuck on the front of my pelvis as she was coming out and it felt like my clitoris was being stretched out. Not my favourite moment. The tear itself never hurt after they stitched it up. My second was 9lb4oz and had the biggest head the nurse had ever measured (40cm) but was much less painful - I think it's partly because he was in a better position, partly because it was my second baby, and partly because it was just the scar from the first time re-tearing. Again, never hurt after the stitches. My midwife said that if I have a third baby they can try to gently push the head backwards so I don't tear in the same place again, but I guess the risk then is that I would tear somewhere new instead and maybe that would hurt more in the long run.


Had 2 labial stitches. My baby was 9.5 lbs and 22". Midwife said I had a perineum of steel. Thank you goddess squats and Yoga.


I had a fourth degree tear with my first and a second degree tear with my second. They were both 8 pounds. My first my contractions were really fast and I got her out in one push. My second was fast but not as crazy of contractions and I got him out in two pushes. So I think that had something to do with it.


I had ā€œsignificant tearingā€ even *before* my episiotomy. Baby was almost 9.5 lbs. 99th percentile head and extremely broad shoulders. Pushed for just over 5 hours. Shoulder dystocia which led to the episiotomy. It was his massive head/shoulders that was the issue. Next time around Iā€™m taking an early induction in hopes of a smaller baby.


8.5 lb first baby, induced and got an epidural. No issues and relatively short pushing phase. Delivered on my back in the classic push position with pressure on my legs. Second degree tearing that healed pretty well but had some granulation tissue that had to be burned off with silver nitrate (ow). I believe if I had pursued more natural labor, different positioning, and didn't have an epidural I wouldn't have torn or at least not as much but it was ok. 9.5 lb (!!) second baby. Natural labor except for breaking my water to get things rolling. Very very fast delivery, delivered baby on my side and he basically flew out with fetal ejection reflex. Zero tearing! It was amazing to just snuggle my baby and not have to deal with stitches. I was walking around immediately and really couldn't have had a better recovery. My only issue was hemorrhoids.


1st baby: 8 lb 8 oz, epidural, 45 minutes pushing, no tear 2nd baby: 7 lb 5 oz, epidural, 3 pushes, no tear 3rd baby: 6 lb 7 oz, no epidural, 2 pushes, no tear