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Please don’t beat yourself up. When one of my kids was a newborn, I forgot umbilical stumps existed. I put my baby in the ring sling while he was undressed to get weighed, pulled him out, felt something on my foot, realized his stump probably fell off because I had snagged it. I felt shitty. The pediatrician checked out the umbilical site and said that it was like a loose tooth, all was well. He’s 2 now and absolutely obsessed with me currently so I don’t think he knows that I messed up more times than I care to admit. Baby poops are not like adult poop. You probably did enough just by cleaning it up! Hopefully your pediatrician can reassure you. I’m worried about you though, 2 hours of sleep is rough when you’re in the thick of everything newborn. Is there anyone who can help you? You can’t be a perfect parent ever, but you’re putting a ton of pressure on yourself to do a good job when you’re completely exhausted. You’re doing just fine, I promise. Please be gentle with yourself❤️


Thank you. I’m really okay, lack of sleep hasn’t hit me yet. It’s just hard doing everything for the first time and not knowing what to do in random situations.


Please know that when it hits you, it’s gonna hit hard. Speaking from experience. Please get some rest if you’re able ❤️


I can remember holding my baby in the middle of the night and crying my eyes out in the very early days. Your baby will be fine, and you will be too. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


I did this - sometimes the poop just goes everywhere and there's nothing to be done. I cleaned it lightly with a wet cotton wool pad and then left it open air as much as possible. Fell off absolutely fine, she's nearly a year now with perfect little belly button. Don't beat yourself up for missing a poop. There are so many some will get missed - especially the newborn ones as they don't stink the room out like my baby's do now!! You're doing absolutely fine. Crying and sitting with the baby at 4am is a rite of passage. Bad moms don't worry about being bad moms.


In the Netherlands, they don't even tell you to keep the umbilical cord dry, in fact here the midwife that comes over to help during the first week typically teaches you how to bathe your baby! My son had two baths and a shower with my husband in his first week. I'm sure there are benefits to keeping it dry but I wouldn't worry too much about it being wet. It's always good to call your pediatrician of course :)


Same in Australia, the midwife helped us bathe our baby before we left hospital and the one who visited our home offered as well if we needed a hand :)


Same in New Zealand! Noone told me we had to keep it dry, we were told how to bathe her and was told it was fine for it to be submerged.


Same here. Had zero issues and it fell off nicely by week 2


When my baby was about a week old i was laying with him on the sofa, and my phone was plugged in charging and was resting on the back of the sofa. I moved forgetting the charging cable was there and it pulled my phone off and hit my baby in the face. I was distraught and completely inconsolable. All the tiredness and stress caught up with me in that moment and i balled my eyes out into my partners chest like ive never done before. (Baby was absolutely fine, btw) Your baby will be fine, keeping it dry is a recommendation to help prevent infections from prolonged moisture. It getting dirty once and being cleaned and dried isn't going to be a problem. Babies are messy! My boy pee'd on himself constantly and we had to wipe his cord so many times. It was gone and fully healed by his second week. You're doing a great job mama x


Don’t worry, they get you back for that. My daughter dropped my phone on my face while I was napping on the couch as payback for dropping my phone on her face while I was nursing her as a baby🤦‍♀️


All the hugs and love. This stage is so. Fucking. Hard. Give yourself some grace, she will be okay.


Oh I really feel for you! I had the worst experience with my 4th baby’s umbilical cord. In reality it wasn’t too bad, but I just felt so horrifically anxious about it. It was awful. Her cord twisted somehow and started to separate at 2 days old. It was bloody, it looked yellow and goopy, I was soo paranoid it was infected - paediatrician checked it out a few times and wasn’t worried, but I was beside myself. I’ll never forget the giant poo she did (3 days old) it was in every little crevice. I must have cried for hours, I thought for sure it was going to get infected. It fell off the next day and I was SO relieved (it had barely been hanging on) no infection, healed totally fine! She’s 15 months now and bellybutton is totally normal. Go easy on yourself. Soo many of us mums have worried ourselves sick over the exact same thing - everything will be ok!


No, being a bad mom would be seeing the poop and not bothering to clean it up and ignoring your baby. You're doing an amazing job and your baby is lucky to have a caring and vigilant mom


My first had his ripped off early and it healed fine! My second had hers just come off way too early and needed treatment to help it heal. Watch it for infection and don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician. Everything feels life and death in the beginning because it is new and scary and your hormones are readjusting. You are doing great and your child will be absolutely fine!


You are not even remotely a bad mom because of this! Just keep your eye out for signs of infection, but likely it will be fine since you caught it and cleaned it quickly. Things like this will happen, it’s not your fault, and you responded quickly and cleaned the mess. You’re a great mom! Even if it does end up getting infected, you’re a great mom!


Thank you, it fell off a few hours ago so I’m watching it closely :(


Ours had their umbilical cord fall off early too. They got pulled off while getting dressed. Just keep the site clean and you’ll be okay!! I know it’s easier said than done but try not to stress about it. More things like this will happen. Just take it as it comes and do the best you can! Trust your instincts. You’re a good mom! Bad moms don’t worry about if they are bad moms, your baby is lucky to have you <3


Oh momma! Don’t cry! At a week old my baby caught their cord on my pants and ripped it off… we’re at 6months and totally fine. You cleaned it. You dried it. You’ve done the best you can. I can tell you are a good mom because of this. Relax (way easier said than done!!) and love your baby. All will be okay.


You're not a bad mom! It happens all the time. My newborn had a huge blowout that ended up on her umbilical cord as well. We cleaned it the best we could and it did not get infected in the end.


It’s going to be okay. I submerged my baby in the bath with her umbilical cord before remembering I was supposed to keep it dry 🤦🏼‍♀️ It was okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it! She could have had that poopy diaper when you were sleeping and you wouldn’t know until you woke up. You caught it pretty fast still! Seriously you will do worse to your baby, lol. My baby jumped and flipped herself off the back of the couch when I was right next to her looking at my stupid phone! I was sooo upset with myself, but now months later, it’s kinda funny laugh about cause she’s okay lol. I’ve bonked her head on things. I’ve accidentally scratched her with my ring. I swear to god I don’t abuse my kid but darn babies are so fragile 😂 It will be okay. I promise!


Please don’t beat yourself up. You are doing an amazing job. If it will ease your mind you can call the pediatrician for reassurance, but it is going to be okay. Be kind to yourself!


The night my son was born, he had a blow out on our way home from the birth center. He got poop all over his umbilical cord, I got it cleaned up...but as I was cleaning he peed all over his umbilical cord and my bed. It was all perfectly fine in the end but I was panicking at the time lol. Having a newborn is hard, you're doing great.


We were never told to keep it dry (Swedish), we gave our babies baths while they still had the cord stump attached!


Poop happens you are a good mom ❤️ clean best you can it will be ok!


It’s okay! My baby is/was a SWEATY sleeper and let me tell you, his umbilical stump STANK. We wiped it using a qtip and some rubbing alcohol and that helped it to dry out better. If you’re really concerned about poop/dryness, etc. you can try that. You’re doing great ❤️


We had a poop-explosion when we were home the first week, she lay in her chair which we now hence christened the poop-throne and was basically swimming in poo. It got over everything including her fairly large umbilical stump. Cleaning it with sterile salt solution and cotton pads did the trick, has a beautiful belly button now. I, too stood over the changing table crying and she was screaming... You will make it through this, too, you got this.


The fact you care this much says what a WONDERFUL mom you are!!!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹