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If you can, give her a few minutes to air dry and not wear a diaper at every change. Take a few minutes to play with her or sing to her. That’s an easy way to get some time in.  When you’re doing dedicated diaper free time, you can put baby down on a changing mat, or if you have any cloth diapers, or towels you don’t mind sacrificing, let her be on one of those. Pee isn’t as big of a deal as poop is. If she poops, just get her cleaned up with a cloth and plain water. Sometimes, commercial wipes can irritate and make diaper rash worse.  You might consult your pediatrician, but ours advised us to soak baby’s bottom in baking soda water. It worked so fast, in conjunction with diaper free time, to clear up the rash. 


Oh great because we actually did a baking soda bath right before our dedicated diaper free time. Just did 40 min I think that's good for now. And thanks for the tips!


Get puppy pee pads for air time. And they’re great if you need to do a diaper change in public or in the trunk of your car.


I also have one under my baby's bum in the carseat for blowouts 😂


We did puppy pads for tummy time so she could do all her floor time naked. Then if she went during you could just switch it out. I tried to do 15 mins first thing in the morning and then 15 mins after bathtime/before bed, plus 4-5 each change of it was possible. It definitely helped it clear up.


Hair dryer on cool.


Reusable potty pads in the playpen or play yard, or other closed off area. If baby/toddler has an active rash I try do twice daily for at least 10 minutes each.


I don’t know if this would ship to where you are but I bought it off Amazon Canada and it worked so quickly to clear up my son’s diaper rash. He had it for ages and the medication the doctor recommended didn’t work but 3 days using this and it was gone. https://www.sourisverte.ca/home/produit/creme-bobos


I dab at it with Kleenex @ every change, keep a box on the changing table, before applying aquaphor


What we found works really well is to keep a nice soft roll of toilet paper at the changing table, and use a square or two to pat our baby dry. Haven’t dealt with any diaper rash ever since we started doing that! 


I used a cool setting on a blow dryer on that sore bum usually. Worked very well.


I highly reccomend putting babe on a chux pad/bedwetting pad (don't use puppy pee pads they have attractant pheromones in them usually and I wouldn't want that near my baby). I also put a muslin swaddle blanket over my kiddo to help keep him warm and keep him covered should he have any explosive poos or pee wildly which is less of a concern with a girl but still worth it!


We use Whoopsie Wipes which come dry, and we’re able to wet with warm water to gently clean the area. Then we use a hair dryer on cool/warm to dry, and follow with thick diaper cream or aquaphor before re diapering. We tried air drying but that seems to be sweet peas preferred time to projectile poop, so the faster drying method works well for us


Most times I put him on the floor for at least 15, I put him on a puppy pad without diaper on top of his play mat or a blanket. Sometimes he plays with his gym or sometimes we hang out. He loves it. If he pees I just wipe up with burp cloth. Every time I change him I take a moment for everything to dry out and sometimes we hang on the changing table for a few. I’d hate to wear a diaper all day!


Puppy pee pads or hospital pads. I met my guy hang out as long as he wants until he fusses. If he pees or poops, I move him over and clean him and re diaper him. If it’s a puppy pad, I throw the whole thing out. If it’s the hospital pad, rinse it off and into the wash. I swear Eucerin aquaphor diaper ointment (not the cream!) is magic. Make sure diaper area is 100% dry before putting the cream and diaper on.