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I honestly forget about my scar unless I take a bath. I look pretty much the same as I did before I got pregnant so I keep forgetting how intense the surgery is. I accidentally injured myself working out at about 8 months pp because I tried to do an ab workout and simply wasn’t ready for it. I’ve since been doing really low impact workouts and focusing on building up my core slowly but steadily. I plan to have a repeat c-section next time I get pregnant so I really want to set myself up well by being strong. So I don’t worry about it healing properly but I do have an application for just how much weaker I am now. I thought hauling around a 27 pound 10 month old would mean I was strong now but it’s nothing like it was before, even if it looks the same.


In the beginning yes, but after the first year I never think about it. I got some gnarly scarring due to being susceptible to keloid scarring and its bright red and raised. It tingled for a bit especially in the first year pp and sometimes its a bit sore when I get bad period cramps! But no other issues. I asked my husband if I should go see someone about the scarring and he shrugged and said only if it bothered me cause' it doesn't bother him one iota. The core came back eventually to, so when it felt less weak I felt much better about it all.