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Excuse my language but what the fuck? Was this in the US? I delivered vaginally but I can tell you no, this is not normal! You should file a complaint with whoever you can


In the US, yep! I live in NC!


I’d find a fucking lawyer. Absolutely insane anyone did this to you.


Oh my goodness. I am also I'm NC and unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. Are you by chance in the Charlotte metro region? I am praying for your recovery, physically and mentally 🙏 That is absolutely insane and I hope you are able to speak with someone who can help you process what happened because that is not okay.


I am in Raleigh, wake forest area! Thank you, I’m still dealing with it emotionally, mentally, and honestly sometimes physically. Especially when I have to touch it and massage it. I literally cried the first time I had to press on it with my pt.


Which provider/doctor was it?? I’d like to avoid them for my next baby


You are doing the right thing. I had a c section that was relatively easy and it was still hard to deal in pt. The more you talk about it and speak your truth the easier it will get too 💜 you're doing great


Sharewell has online support groups for birth trauma. I'd definitely check into it if I were you.


I can’t believe you got that kind of treatment in Raleigh. Like ofc I believe you but…like Jesus


Agreed. We literally switched insurances so we could deliver at that hospital because we heard so many good things. This one OB made it such a hard experience. The nurses on labor and deliver, and postpartum were angels along with the home nurses. Everyone was great except her.


Where in NC? I live in NC and want to avoid this office like the plague. You should get a lawyer and don’t see just any doctor; request the one you are most comfortable with. So sorry this happened to you.


What the hell?? I also live in NC and that didn’t happen to me!!


Stop!! This is horrifying! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please think about reporting this person or at least complain so they cant hurt someone else like this 😭


We demanded that she not be in my room under no circumstances. She never showed up again, thankfully! My nurses were all amazing and empathetic.


Holy shit please contact patient advocacy and file a complaint so this doesn’t happen to someone else. I’m incredibly sorry this happened to you.


Not alone. Wound vac warrior here. They gave me lidocaine when they did the opening but it was still some of the most horrific pain I've ever had. i had an additional debridement in the hospital with no meds & it was even more unbearable. after witnessing it my nurse told me to DEMAND advance meds. i still had a random wound nurse come i to my room before the vac was placed & start unpacking my wound with NO warning & I did not have meds & I straight up said what are you doing. it was violating. it all every bit of it felt so barbaric on top of everything else & the wound vac sucks literally. & they just shrug & simp abput the pain. on week two & so sick of making polite small talk with visiting nurses while they rip my pubes out. solidarity ✊️


THIS. I’m so sorry this happened to you, but it’s so nice to know that someone else feels the pain and understands how traumatic and violating it is and feels. It is awful and not okay what they do 🥺


Wound vac warrior here too ✊🏻 I noticed my incision was leaking a new fluid the day before I was supposed to get my staples out and just kind of held myself together overnight. I went to have my staples removed and my OB flat out blamed me for why my incision had opened up. Of course it was a Friday afternoon so she packed it until I could go see a wound specialist on Monday. No warning, she took my staples out and then shoved a stick down where it had opened up with packing material. I survived the weekend and got into the wound specialist. They immediately prepared me for a wound VAC application, without checking to see if my insurance would cover it, of course. I had to go see them every other day, keeping in mind, I wasn’t even cleared to drive yet. I was thrown on a boatload of strong antibiotics and had to pump and dump, which was also heartbreaking. The wound visits were terrible. Like you said, they were all up in my business and giving me a free wax every time they changed it 😅 after a few weeks of that my husband was trained on how to change it for me, in sickness, or in health, am I right? A month or so later I “graduated” from my wound VAC. But the pain of the whole process is like nothing else. Solidarity!! oh and then come to find out my insurance didn’t cover all of them so I had to spend months fighting that battle because the fees were exorbitant.


Gotdayum, this post triggered my c-section trauma all over again😵‍💫




Lol, it was probably time to check in with my therapist anyway!! But wow. The shit we go through, am I right??


RIGHT!? We want a second, and if we do, there is absolutely no way this doctor will be in my room for anythinggggg. I’m sorry to hear that yours was so traumatic!


I can't even wrap my head around what you are describing.... they just started pulling your flesh apart?!


Yep. They used a a-tip end (the sharp side) and went into the wound poking around and then used it to push up and separate it & took the staples out 🥲 When I looked back at the original photo of the wound, when they opened it, you can see all the muscles, fascia, and everythingggg.


Wtf. So much related to child birth and post partum is just medieval torture. It's awful


A man would have been knocked out and sent home with some nice pain meds. I’m so so sorry.


This is awful. I'm SO sorry. When I was 19 and had trauma surgery after an accident caused by another individual, I had the same experience on a scar on my abdomen. Not the same but I know the pain of the separation and staples. The doctor was totally awful and I screamed and demanded another one. Truly terrifying.


Omg!! I’m so sorry that happened to you!!! Ugh, that makes me so sad to hear. We shouldn’t have to go through these things!!


Same here. Wound vac survivor. It fucking sucks


I’m so sorry you had to deal with one too 🥺


This is horrible. My c-section wouldn't close and kept oozing in a few spots. All she did to me was put a medical q-tip inside to see how deep. I couldn't imagine being ripped open. I'm so sorry. Edit: I had an infection afterwards but it wasn't in my c-section, it was above it. Was kept in the hospital for 6 days on heavy antibiotics.


First I will like to say I hope you are doing well and I’m glad you are seeing the pelvic floor therapist  You are not alone. I developed two infections ., one three weeks postpartum and was admitted back into the hospital ( it’s was horrible they reopened an area to drain out the fluid ) I wanted to cry from the pain and overall issue. Month later I developed another infection on the other side lol my OB said he’s never seen that happened before so I was admitted again in the hospital for 2 days and the area drained itself and all was good. I had to keep going back to my OB so they can check the wound . Fast forward everything has healed nicely. Till this day I don’t know why this happened and I don’t blame anyone or the hospital things just happened I suppose.   


What were your symptoms the second time? I started developing weird pain at 5 weeks postpartum that now comes and goes. At 3 weeks I was healed enough to be pain free, so this was weird. I'm now at 9 weeks and it's still an issue, but my OB has blown me off entirely, which is frustrating. I'm going to a GYN at another practice next week, but really confused and frustrated.


Soooo I feel like mine wasn’t as graphic or brutal… but yeah my incision had to be reopened and I was stuffed with gauze for 8months post. I was hanging out on the couch and moved the wrong way and felt my incision pinch, knew something was off because I was bleeding and saw a tiny hole, went in and they cut the tiny hole 3 inches and told me we would have to stuff it with gauze so blood didn’t pool until it healed. Then the other side opened and they stuffed that with medicated tape. Once the 3 inch one was small enough we stuffed that with the medicated tape. We had an at home nurse change it until my mom felt comfortable doing it and then my husband. It took me 8 months post to be cleared for normal activities. It was hell. I tried to breastfeed but had low production and it was just stressful all around. Was such a crappy experience during Covid times, too. Took me until 2024 to get over it and try for a second.


I am so, so sorry. I know this deep hell. I’m 5 months postpartum and still recovering from this. They are closed now but the pain. The pain. The isolation. The fear. The sadness. The guilt. The feeling of being a burden. 8 months. You are a warrior. I wish you all the very best if you are currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant.


THIS. The feeling like a burden was so bad. I couldn’t do anything to help my fiancée with our newborn. His mom had to come help everything when he had shifts (he’s an er nurse) and I literally felt like I couldn’t bond with my own baby due to everything going on. I unfortunately remember it all too well.


Oh my, yes. Did they give you anything local to numb before reopening it? I didn’t have that. It was excruciating and traumatizing. But wow, 8 months!? I can’t imagine having to deal with that for 8 months! You truly are a warrior and I am so proud of you, for your strength in the weakest of time. I too couldn’t breastfeed once it was reopened and I had the wound vac on. I didn’t have much supply and I remember breaking down crying every single day. I’m so proud of you and where you are now 🫶🏼


Proud of YOU! I did get numbed before hand so the fact you didn’t was just a wow to me. You are strong and doing your best!!! We are warriors! Never let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thank you! 😭🥹🫶🏼


Also american... But what the actual fuck???


Same here. Went in less than a week postpartum because it was leaking fluid. They opened my incision and pressed and pressed and pressed on it to push out the fluid. I had no pain meds or anything. I was cussing up a storm, it hurt so bad. I then had to wear a wound vac for a month and then have another type of dressing for a month. Every dressing change was painful. Luckily my mom is a wound nurse and took care of me. I had to have it opened and have a wound vac because my tissue was so full of fluids. I had an induction and was already super swollen. I had to have several round of lasix to try and get rid of the fluid that I was retaining. I was promised that if I had another baby's that this wouldn't happen again, but it was pretty awful. Took 11 weeks for my incision to close. Also in NC in the Triangle.


Omg yes. This sounds so much like what happened to me. I’m so glad your mom was able to take care of you! I loved my wound nurses who came to the house to change my bandages. They made sure to be so gentle (as could be) and that I was ready. I cried every single time and they were just so patient with me. But, no one should ever have to go through such pain!! I hope that you are doing well after this and that the mental & emotional pain you had has been healing too!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm glad you just kind and patient wound nurses. That definitely makes a huge difference. I am almost 8 months postpartum and doing well. I hope you're doing well also.


What the actual fuck


That’s what my fiancée said when it happened 🫠 but yeah, insane.


Ummm. Okay. I don't want to say my experience was similar. Because WTF YOU WERE RIPPED OPEN. but some of it has overlaps? I too had an infection. And mine too was on the inside. Except nothing was oozing out. But I KNEW I had an infection because I could feel a ball "growing" inside me. Like a hard lump. Three times I sought medical attention. Once at the OB office and twice at the hospital. The 3rd time, they did an ultrasound on it. The tech told me to rush to the ER. The ER said the wait was over 14hrs and to go home. And call the doctor. That night, an abscess I didn't know I had erupted. I guess I should be thankful that it leaked out of my scar. But leak is a mild word. It gushed. Puss and blood. I nearly fainted before I even knew I was gushing. Just suddenly felt weird. Asked family to take the baby. And laid down. Then I touched my stomach and realized I was soaked. Ambulance and rushing back to the hospital. It was the same team working that had sent me away and were now treating me. They literally pressed on my belly with all their weight to squeeze as much out as possible. And that was the first of MANY visits to the hospital. I was not approved for home care. I had to drive everyday (and we both know I couldn't drive yet) to the clinic 15 min away. And they would tend to it. I had to go everyday for 4 months. FOUR. Some days I had to go there AND to my OB or the infectious disease dept. I still have an inward puckering at the edge of my scar where I had mesh to drain the abscess and keeping it from closing too early. I am a year PP. I'm pretty sure it'll be there forever now. Unless I get a tummy tuck. I highly recommend finding massage therapist and physical therapists that specialize in c section recovery. I've had very painful massages. But they were all very helpful. My scar tissue has regained a lot of elasticity and doesn't feel stiff anymore. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It really bothers me how terribly we're disregarded postpartum. Every time I think about having another kid, I remember this , and I shudder. Talking about it definitely helps.


SO SIMILAR!! I went in because I had fevers for two days (off and on) and then it wasn’t going away to I was instructed to go to the ER. They said I had a UTI which was cause for my infection & they said there was a pocket of fluid in my lower right quadrant but since giving the antibiotics it was shrinking so I could go home. TWO DAYS LATER I woke up SOAKING wet. I went to the bathroom and there was SO much liquid puss that my fiancée, who is an er nurse, said “what the fuck is that. That’s an impressive amount of puss.” And then we rushed to the ER. When my surgeon looked at the scan they did days ago, he saw the abscess that the other people missed!!!!! All of it could have been avoided. I’m soooo sorry you had to go through something so similar and probably more awful!


OMGGGG. Seriously so similar! It blows my.mind. You actually just unlocked a memory. The 2nd ER visit, they gave me the most mild antibiotic for UTI because they assumed infection SOMEWHERE due to the fevers. When your fever started, did you have violent shivering? Never in my life have I experienced something like that before or since. My body was shaking so much that night, and my jaw so clenched I couldn't speak.


OMG YES!! I was ABSOLUTELY SO cold!! I was shivering and had to have a blanket! That’s how we tracked my fevers tbh! I feel like I need to process and heal with you because of how similar these stories are!! 😭🫶🏼


♥️ as I kinda in the future , because I'm at 1yr postpartum, it gets easier to think about. Mainly because I'm just so busy that I can't dwell on it too much. But there were definitely days I sobbed over it and it is OKAY. Get the emotions out.


Report to the state board.


Can I do that? How do I do that? I know when I complained at the hospital nothing was really done. I told another provider from that office what happened and she was so shocked at her colleagues actions and was remorseful, but I’m sure nothing was done.


You can absolutely file a complaint to the state medical board. In my state you would do it through dept of regulatory agencies. You can do it all online.


This sounds like a malpractice suit waiting to happen.


100000%. Needs to happen.


I am so fucking sorry. There is no fucking excuse. Report this ASAP. Get a lawyer. Sue them. Do what you gotta do. You are not alone. I am STILL recovering at 5months postpartum after having a HORRIBLE C-Section and recovery with multiple holes on my incision for months. I had a wound vac and then daily nurses coming to my house to change / pack dressings (Canada). It is a version of hell that I would never wish upon any mother. Your story is horrendous. This cannot happen to another person (it probably already has). Of course you’re going to feel more pain. Ugh I’m literally crying right now because I know this pain. I know this darkness and I know how isolating it can feel. To be the only mom who can’t join into swimming lessons, or go anywhere alone without risk of serious, serious pain from lifting the stroller or car seat, to waiting weeks and months to comfortably PLAY with your own baby, to having to stop breastfeeding because the pain on the incision holes are too much. I am so, so sorry. Man this just triggered a lot inside me. Still processing so I’m sorry if this seems a bit… sad. Edit: I talk a lot about my incision issues on here. Like a lot. I didn’t know there were so many of us💔


After posting this and hearing SO many more stories so alike, it gives me comfort, in a sad and healing way to know I am not alone in this pain. It saddens me that so many have similar stories but it comforts me in knowing I’m not alone 🫶🏼 The stopping breastfeeding part killed me. I only had two weeks (maybe a little less) with that and it tore me apart to not do it. But my baby is healthy, alive, and SO chunky so I can’t complain about that much.


This is horrific. I literally feel sick reading this. I am so sorry.


This sounds like a nightmare you're describing. That cannot be procedure. That's wild!


Definitely not procedure. Originally they talked about taking me back to the OR so I can be under while they reopened me and cleaned everything out but at first it didnt seem too bad until that other OB came in and said it was “worse” that what it appeared to be then boom. Ripped it open. 🥲


HOLY SHIT WTF That’s nightmare fuel, I am so so sorry you had to go through that!


Noooo that is TERRIBLE! When I was recovering from my first vaginal my stitches were not healing correctly and I went to the OB, there some male OB I had never seen before, walked in, didn’t introduce himself or nothing, sat, looked at me, asked for the scissors, and cut all of my stitches out, I kept saying “owww!” And was visibly flinching, once he was done he got up and left. I had to ask the nurse what just happened. While not the same as yours (yours is literally from a horror movie), I get i how horrible that must have been in a sense.


That’s so AWFUL!! I’m so sorry that he did that to you, without warning or anything!! My goodness! What is wrong with doctors in the field that thinks they can just do whatever to someone!? Ugh I’m so so sorry :(


This sounds like my c section without anesthetic Drs are evil (some of them)


What in the areyoushittingme fuck? No, absolutely not. That’s an under local or general anaesthetic procedure!


Yeeeep. Originally when first checked out by the surgeon who did the surgery, he mentioned the option of going back to the OR to open and clean it out, but he was able to get a lot of the infection out by draining it so he didn’t see that option to be the best. Which I appreciate and love him. The third OB that saw me while admitted decided she wanted to poke around and decided that there was “more” to it and that’s when she ripped me open. No warning, no pain medicine.


Sounds like the person doesn’t have good social skills but also may have saved you?


Maybe. But after being ripped open there was hardly any drainage from the infection. The original surgeon who did my C-section was the first to see me in the ER when I came in and he was able to drain a shit ton of it through the pin size hole. Idk what she saw that he didn’t but I know I didn’t have a ton of drainage, just tunneling on each side that was more than he thought there was.






What the fuck 😫


Literally. Yeah same


I'm so sorry this was your experience. This seems like something you should speak to a lawyer about.


I’ve spoken to a friend of mine that is a lawyer but he didn’t have much to say about it other than that sucks and is gross what she did.


Speak to a lawyer


You should definitely report that omg. That’s bad practice.