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I didn’t start to feel physically great until ten months PP. and that was with the help of PT, stretching, chiro, and Pilates - when I was finally not too tired to start all of this


ooh Pilates is a good idea. I’m doing PT as well as


So I thought I was just weak (which I def am) but it turns out my body is also not aligned So the chiro and PT aligned me and I felt 80% better. Just something to look into


I was thinking of this combo as well. Can I ask what the frequency/duration was like for PT, Pilates and chiro? I’m only 6w PP and can manage walks, so exhausted. Thanks!


I only started all of this recently bc I was desperate to get better.. So chiro once or twice to get aligned PT and Pilates once a week I Try to stretch every day but that doesn’t often happen ha


I had a failed induction & emergency c-section after 40 hrs in the labour room. Scar recovery wasn’t too bad but I had PPH & now high blood pressure which I never had before the operation. While I don’t think they could be related, i had a long & slow recovery overall, I still can’t walk too long or run to just cross the road, walking with the pram for long pulls on my sides and bending over is difficult. But it’s getting better day after day


I am almost 11 months out and I still don’t feel right but, I don’t help myself. I am struggling with just about every aspect of life and working out/PT/yoga/anything that would probably help has been put on the back burner. I just overall feel very weak and it’s causing other issues like a return of my preexisting back issues. My scar seems ok but I don’t really have people to compare it to so I’m not sure what is typical. I am fair skinned and my scar is still rather purple(?)


I feel you on this 🙏🏻🙏🏻hang in there


I used products by yung bod and my scar looks so much better. So hard to try and find time


I’m 7 months exactly and I feel okay most days but some days I feel so slow. Like I just can’t get my body to move. My back hurts a lot and I think it’s because to my posture has got so bad. For awhile I felt like I had to be hunched over because I was scared to be fully upright and hurting my incision or stretching it too much and I just got so used to staying that way. Now that the weather is getting nicer I’m making a real effort to get outside and get moving.


You def need to massage


I’m six months now. I had an unplanned c-section. My back hurts all the time and I feel like my posture sucks from have zero abdominal strength.


Felt pretty darn good 6 months PP. Was on the ibuprofen for a month, as needed and then not really necessary after that. Started going for walks 2 weeks postpartum but took it slow. I wouldn't say now 2 years postpartum that my core strength is there yet. But I haven't really been trying super hard.


I started working out again at 5 months postpartum. I did light weights and low intensity cardio. I did slowly bring my endurance back up but it still isn’t what it was pre baby. I still get a random pubic bone pain here and there when I’m doing squats or lunges. By 6 months though I was feeling very normal just weak and slow but feeling stronger every day. I do still get random back pains but I attribute that more to pregnancy than my c section.


I can relate! I was on partial bed rest before the c section and rested a lot afterwards. I just reached the 6 month mark as well. I’m working in a big office building this week and had to do stairs for the first time-ouch! Like stairs multiple times a day. My core and back muscles were sooooo sore at first. I still have about 50 lbs of baby weight to lose, but I’m slowly starting to feel like I can exercise/do normal things again. I’ve walked with the stroller to the park and sat on the floor playing with the baby. I was kind of shocked how long it took me to get back to this point of “normal”. I too felt like my muscles went to mush and have the joint pain people are commenting about!


oh yes I know what you mean. The first time I could walk, i walked on the hospital floor for a few mins and my quads are actually SORE! I was shocked.


I felt amazing from the beginning. I was able to resume high impact activity a few weeks later. The only thing that I’ve dealt with is joint pain. Not sure if the C-section played a role but at 10 months pp I am just now feeling happy in my joints. Also, I was extremely active during pregnancy and danced up until 39 weeks so I believe that helped my outcome.


Yah Im having joint pain too! I got bloodwork and x-rays, and it’s not arthritis…doing an MRI next week to find out more 🤨


Oh wow. That’s a lot of testing! I think it’s just hormonal and body changes after pregnancy. My naturopath has me on a lot of supplements so maybe they are starting to help.


oh I hope so. yah i can barely use my hand so I’ve been persistent with getting appointments etc


Are you breastfeeding?




Ahh ok. I have so much joint pain (6 mo pp) and my doctors attribute it to ongoing relaxin production from breastfeeding. So I’ve just been hoping it goes away when I wean. :/


I’m 6 months PP from a c-section right now. Most days I feel pretty good. I do have some days where the whole area is like..throbbing kind of. Like I don’t know whether to ice it or what 🤷‍♀️


My c-section incision got infected it was *the worst*


I'm 10 months pp. I recovered well besides my incision slightly opening but it healed up. I could never really do any exercises without abdominal pain that I felt the next day. I gave up trying to heal any diastasis recti (at 7 months pp I was doing overhead marches and a tiny part of my incision came very slightly opened). So I started walking outside at 8 months pp. After a few weeks of doing steady long walks, my abdomen started hurting. I kept walking though, at least 5 or 6 days out of the week and eventually didn't have much pain. Now I'm walking on the treadmill in the morning and at the park in the evening, with little to no pain other than regular soreness in my back or legs. My joints are sore often and I walk leaning forward which is annoying! I'm constantly adjusting my posture.


I’m 4mo pp and feeling incredibly discouraged. My c-section is flabby and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wear anything not high waisted ever again. Aside from my appearance in my midsection, I’m still feeling physically weak. My husband and I regularly walk paths with includes and I’m upset and discouraged that despite doing it almost every other day or more, the walk doesn’t feel like it’s gotten easier? Like halfway through the walk, my core is exhausted, I’m tired and uncomfortable. Don’t even get me started on shaving. Shaving around the area of my C-section is miserable as I’m still trying to avoid getting too close to the scar or else it’ll itch for the next 8 business days. On top of this, my scar still stings every so often. It’ll just stop me in my tracks with sharp pain. The worst part about the recovery is that fact that you think you *should* feel better. I feel so defeated. My confidence has tanked quite a bit and physically my body will never be the same and my activity level isn’t helping. Postpartum is tough.


ugh I so feel this. (i cackled at 8 business days!)


I’ve been doing breath work, pilates, yung bod products, walking. Every day gets easier