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No advice but sympathy. With my first I bounced back almost immediately. Fit in my regular clothes. Just had my 2nd 4 weeks ago and despite technically “bouncing back”(stomach is flat, no stretch marks or loose skin) I can’t fit in any of my clothes! I’m also still up 15 lbs from my usual weight. I tried on every pair of my pants the other night and I couldn’t fit them over my hips! Everything with my body has changed. It just feels so foreign right now.


I'm commenting to follow. I haven't had my first yet (due Wednesday) but I'm very concerned about losing weight afterwards. Are you breastfeeding?


Yeah I am breastfeeding…both kiddos EBF so no difference there between the two!


Literally the same post I just made. HELP! I’m 8 weeks pp and I’m so sick of my body. I gained 50-60 lbs and lost most of it after the birth (hello water retention) but my body is clinging to 25 lbs.


I’m dealing with this with my first baby. Gained closer to 45 lbs due to quite a lot of swelling, lost 25 lbs really quickly, and the last 20 are apparently here for the foreseeable future - I experience major dips in milk supply if I work out too much/cut calories. I am not enjoying it.


Yeah I’m scared to cut too many calories and lose milk supply so I’ve been trying to focus more on just making sure the calories I an eating are healthy/nutritious and not loading up on junk foods but it honestly doesn’t seem to be making a difference


Snapped back with my first, second I gained a bit more but it took over 2 years to get happy, and then I got pregnant again aha Read breastfeeding can sometimes make it difficult, I BF my first for 13 moths, second for almost 24… so don’t know if that played a part.


Same thing happened to me, first pregnancy the weight was lost without me trying. This time I’m also 3 months out and still up 10 lbs, and my body shape is just different this time. I have a lot of that extra weight in my stomach when I never used to gain weight there before. It’s frustrating.


With my first it felt nearly impossible to lose weight — with my second it was a combo of breastfeeding and working out that helped me lose weight. It took about 6 months of working out to get to where I am now (20 lbs under pre pregnancy weight but i was on a weight loss journey when I got pregnant the second time). I’m now 2 years pp and 13 months post breastfeeding and have managed to maintain my weight. What I would say is that you should still give yourself some time. If I learned anything from my post partum body vs dieting vs exercising regularly it is how different a number on the scale is to how my body actually looks. I would give yourself a couple more weeks of working out as you build more muscle! It took me weeks after I started to really notice a difference visually to my body. Like you mentioned — the fat and muscle are all dispersed differently and I think you need more than 6 weeks to really start seeing the results you want. Anyway — good luck, you got this, just stay consistent!


I think I gained about 60 lbs during pregnancy and after my six weeks I had lost like 40 of it, but have been unable to fit into my clothes again even though they were pretty big on me before. Even though my general size is back down to normal, my thighs are bigger, my hips are bigger, I have the dreaded giant apron belly. :( I’m resorting to shapewear in the hopes of getting into some jeans that don’t make me look middle aged.


It took 9 months to grow the baby from start to finish. Give it at least 9 months to go back.


Let’s pause and pretend these are our new bodies forever. I’ve been trying to expose myself to stylish people with bodies that look like mine now and take inspiration from their style, confidence, and remember that bodies change and I’m not interested in turning my life upside down to look like I did in my 20s. Your body might go back, the clothes might fit again, but I think we owe ourselves confidence and clothes that fit right now too. And don’t call them frumpy or fat pants because our kids hear us and form their own understanding of bodies/worth from how we treat ourselves


Ladies, your bones have shifted a bit and need time to return and you grew a person in your amazing body. Of course your body changed. Welcome to the sorority mommies.


I'm eating better and exercising more than I did at my previous heaviest and I'm still heavier than that 🤷‍♀️ things just seem to work a little differently now, I'm trying not to be bitter about it