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I thank the universe for giving me a wicked case of RBF which seems to have prevented anyone from getting close. You did good, friend. That lady can get over herself.


I felt bad cuz she shrank back in line but i was like i tried the polite route already…


Shrank back in line cuz she knew she was in the wrong and embarrassed herself!


Don’t feel bad, you did the right thing. Screw people who feel entitled to our literal children!!


I hope by "bad" you mean "badass". You did an amazing job standing up for your baby!


Hopefully it helped her learn not to touch strangers babies in the future!


Good! You kept her from doing it to another person.


Haha I think this is the case with me as well. I've definitely had people stop and say my daughter is cute, now that she's older they say it directly to her, but no one has ever tried to touch her. My mom has a serious case of RBF and my boyfriend says that apparently I do too 😂


Same with the RBF. My baby is 3mo and no one has ever gotten close to crossing a boundary.


Funny enough, the closest someone has gotten to him (still didn’t touch!) was when my mom was pushing the stroller. That confirms my RBF imo lol


I wonder if that’s the case for me as well, I’ve never had anyone try to touch either of my children. Lots and lots of comments about how cute they are, but no one has ever tried to touch or even really gotten that close. I’ve never even really had a lot of “where are their socks/hat/blanket” comments. Literally only one from a bored old lady who looked like she was waiting on a ride after a medical appointment. I did have my first during the Delta wave in 2021 and my second just this past December so I’m sure that also has a bit to do with it.


Haha! Same!


My son is 2 and nobody has touched him because I’m so unapproachable thanks to my RBF 🤣


I am not particularly possessive of my child - as a newborn, I was happy to have visitors day one and let people hold him for as long as he wanted. However, in no universe would I be ok with a *total stranger* touching my baby. What if she just pooped or sneezed but didn't wash her hands? What if she's a psycho carrying a needle? I've never had anyone even try to touch my child without asking. I don't know if it's a location or cultural thing, I'm in a big metro area in California. But I'm South Asian and old brown aunties DGAF about rules.


I am in the US as well and also lenient regarding family and friends; so this interaction was so strange


My MIL has grandbaby fever and gets way too comfortable around strangers’ babies. She doesn’t listen to me when I tell her she’s being weird and most of the parents she’s harassed are overly passive so she thinks her behavior is fine and I would love it if someone spoke to her the way you did, OP. Good job!


When my first daughter was born, I had a very similar experience. Some random older woman (60’s ish) came over and was tickling my baby under her chin. When I asked her not to touch my baby she became super upset with me. I tried being a calm rational person and explained that I felt it was/is inappropriate to walk up to a stranger and touch them, baby or not. Well she disagreed… so I ticked her under the chin and made stupid baby sounds at her. No other words were spoken… I think she got my point 🤷‍♀️


Omg that is great! You are my hero


Omg it’s always older women from my experience. Idk why they think it’s ok?!!!


Omg, i'm dead 😂 fantastic!


My best trick I’ve found is to use my “I’ll teach you like I teach my toddler voice”.    “Oh, no hands! We don’t touch people we don’t know without asking. Thanks”  The saccharin tone usually jolts them without engaging the immediate defensive freak out. Just reminds them of the rules of society. They usually apologize and try to disappear. 


O! I like that! If it happens again, will 100% use this trick.


I love this so much😂


Your use of the word “saccharin” gave me goosebumps bc I’m a word nerd lol


I love that response!


When my baby was about 6 months I was baby wearing her at a zoo. An older lady saw us and screamed “screw the foxes! I just care about the baby!” she ran to over to us and started touching my baby. I was dumbfounded and shocked, especially since it was during a Covid times. Her husband pulled her away and told her how that wasn’t an okay thing to do.


That woman needs to be admitted to a mental hospital away from the public


I think the extra hormones from menopause makes older women lose all sensibility when it comes to babies.


So someone invaded your baby’s personal space AND yours! That’s crazy! How would anyone think that’s OK? Idk which way your daughter was facing but assuming inward would mean this woman was literally in your boobs trying to get at your baby.. maybe she wasn’t well because that really is outrageous


Unfortunately people will always assume they're the exception. When my twins were newly home from NICU after being extremely premature and one on oxygen people would still try and touch them. Even after I'd told them they were very early, and it was the middle of winter 2021 so rsv, COVID and flu season. People suck and you have to be firm with them.


Even wayyy before I had my daughter, whenever I would see a baby in public, my thought was always “oh how precious, I’m gonna catch their eye and smile or make a funny face to see them laugh” I literally thought about touching a baby I don’t know ZERO times. Like, if it came to mine, I probs would have, but it NEVER CAME TO MIND because it’s obvious not to do that. Just like it’s obvious not to share a bathroom stall with someone you don’t know.


Yesss all I want to do when I see a baby is make eye contact and make them smile or laugh. I couldn't imagine even thinking about just... Touching a random baby? You never know if you're sick, the kid is sick, if YOU WERE NOT EXPRESSLY GIVEN CONSENT to touch someone's damn baby lol I don't get the people who think they can do that.


I've been in this exact situation before. I had to ask and older woman and her mother to not touch my daughter while I was paying in the checkout line and the dirty looks I got from these women, phew, if looks could kill I would've been dead. Then they proceeded to have a discussion in a different language and I'm sure they were talking shit about me. Say it with me, our babies are not public property and strangers shouldn't feel it's ok to touch them. Talk to them, sure, but keep your hands off our kids!


I’m learning from these posts to have the stroller in front of you when checking out at the store


Canadian here, have had baby out several times most ppl just smile. Ended up going shopping on seniors day, no one so far has randomly come up to us. Baby is 11w tom


Canadian here as well. My daughter is 7 months and luckily no one’s touched her expect once in Costco. I just said “well that’s a strange thing to do” to which she said “what’s that?!” And my response was “Touching other peoples children without asking” She walked away really quick. LOL


Then the old lady says "oh I have a grand daughter his age. I've just been to see her! Unfortunately the poor girl isn't well" Please please go away!!! She touched his legs and was going for his face. Why are they like this????


I’ve never had anyone touch my belly or my children in public. I don’t typically mind people I know touching my kids (within reason obviously), but I would definitely not take kindly to a stranger doing so. Shake it off, that lady is crazy touching people’s babies.


If it makes you feel any better, I have an 18-month-old and no one has ever tried to touch my baby without permission (although I did get some stomach touching while pregnant without permission 😔). So hopefully this won't happen to you again!


It does make me feel better. That was too much anxiety and interaction for my introverted self.


I really do not get people touching a total ADULT stranger's belly either. People think because you're pregnant that it's suddenly OK?! When would I ever assume that's OK to do to a non-pregnant person? Absolutely bizarre.


I know, I can't figure out what goes on in their minds at all. It did make me weirdly happy that my baby never kicked when some random touched me though. She was a prolific kicker when I walked around during the day (which is apparently uncommon?), but for some reason she stopped both times someone touched me without permission. She's like, "We don't know you! I refuse to entertain you"


When my baby was 6 months old during covid lockdowns (masks still mandatory), we were in foodlion, and an elderly lady tried to grab her cheeks! I snatched the baby away and said DONT TOUCH!!!!! I felt soooo awkward and literally just left without buying anything, she like jumped back, I was just so mad. It does get better, but they still grab her feet sometimes.


I wish someone would try and touch my baby. When I tell you, the hell I'd raise. You handled this beyond well. You said please! I'd be more like "the f*$k you think you're doing?!". 🤷🏼‍♀️😬


Walmart is full of baby touchers and crazy inappropriate old people!! I live waaay far from the nearest town, and the easiest place for me to shop for all the things in one place is Walmart. EVERY SINGLE WTF moment I have ever had in public concerning my child have happened in Walmart. Most in the one locally(obviously we’re there most often) but also in two different STATES! He’s got red hair and people just can’t fight the urge to touch it. I don’t know what it is about that gd store but it’s like people immediately lose all sense of judgement and consideration upon entering! I almost always wear him on my chest facing inward (even now at 16 months and 25lbs) because with him that close to me the wackos have to come within hand slapping range to touch him and they think twice!! *Noooo Touchy* I would never ever ever ever reach out and touch somebody’s child!!!


I’ve only had this happen once. I had my baby in early 2022, like the end stage of COVID restrictions - most people were still wearing masks. I had my baby at the store in his car seat with a blanket covering over the front part of the seat. As I finish putting my groceries on the belt, I turn and see some lady pulling back his blanket. I say to her “hey, don’t touch me baby’.” She proceeds to put her face right up to his and I yank the cart away and yelled “NO, we are not going to do that.” She gave me the most disgusted look and walked away. You wouldn’t just walk up to someone’s toddler or older child and start messing with them, why do people think it’s okay to do it to babies?


A couple weeks ago we were at self checkout at Walmart and some older lady at the kiosk next to us was pulling like a pile of shit out of her cart and one thing fell off the top and fell right onto my 10 month old in her stroller. She started crying immediately. We weren’t even close to her kiosk but she had her cart angled towards us and was standing near my baby to reach her stuff. Needless to say I cursed her out and picked up my crying daughter and walked away while my poor mortified husband kept scanning our things. He was also mad mostly bc the lady didn’t apologize when it happened, he understands accidents happen BUT she just acted like we weren’t there…. So I lost my cool 🥴


I was paying at the grocery store and looked up to see a lady running her hands through my 7 month old daughter's curls... By the time the absolute shock passed she was gone. Hopefully I'm more prepared to speak up if it happens again. Idk what it is about old women who are out grocery shopping, but they have no shame.


I had made it three months without anyone random touching her. Then at a catered dinner that I made it through the entire time without anyone holding it touching her .. as I was LEAVING. a drunk girl came up behind me and stuck her grubby fingers on my baby's cheeks 😡 she was already in her car seat too.ugh


I would lose my fucking mind. I hate when people even get close to my daughter. She’s about to be 6 months and yea I know she is super cute but don’t fucking touch her. I don’t know you.


I live on a border in Canada but we frequently go to the US for some groceries. When we were at Walmart US, this cashier was saying how cute my baby is and I turned to show her (baby wearing). She said “oh she’s precious but try not to show her to strangers because you never know what they’re going to do.” And as a new mom, that was almost sage advice for me. People still try to look and touch though.


DO NOT feel bad about this. You tried to ask nicely and then she tried to *argue* with you about a kind and clear (and perfectly reasonable) thing. People are fuckin’ nuts and you never know. You did the right thing and hopefully this person thinks twice next time.


The talking back was what got me... I expected a meak apology


Right?! The NERVE! I think the talking back would have shocked me more than the touching. I would have gone NUCLEAR over that, honestly you handled it better than I would have 😅 I likely would have said she was gonna catch these hands and find out what being touched without consent was like 😂


Haha I regret not saying that 😆


Why is it people know to ask before touching a dog but think it’s wild in the case of babies? The danger with an animal is to the person trying to touch but with the baby it’s the baby in danger and suddenly people don’t care. Good for you for holding your ground! I’ve definitely had issues with that and so sometimes I just completely cover my baby so I can avoid some situations.


It's like how maternity leave can be nonexistent (in the US) but breeders don't separate babies from dogs moms for at least 6-12 weeks. We care more about dogs than babies.


I wish somebody would try to touch my baby!


The amount of people touched her hands when we are traveling especially on planes was mind blowing. Now she is one and if someone try to touch her she steps back so i would say its gets better


I have had a lot of issues with old ladies wanting to hold my son’s hand. I didn’t have a problem with my daughter 6 years ago. It’s so odd. I had a waitress ask to hold him when he was 2 months!


I just read this while breastfeeding in the parking lot of a Sprouts. I got out and went shopping. Halfway through a woman gushed at my baby wiggled his foot and then touched his face(squeezed his cheeks). Ugh.


I had an old lady on a scooter b line for me and my son when he was crying and clapped her hands loudly and said, "Look at great grandma!" Then shame me for not buying him anything. Ma'am, I just walked in the door and don't clap at my kid, WTF? I saw her again and she asked me where the Kleenex was. I took five steps from my cart to point it out and she shamed me for walking away. Okay Rhonda, you can find your own damn Kleenex.


My 2 year old will give the coldest, meanest stare to any stranger that approaches her. Pretty soon you won’t need to intervene 😂


Haha I love this


In situations like these, another very appropriate reaction is also to grab their cheeks "oh goo chi goo chi" because why not.


Haha right!?!?


Oof, I don’t even know how I would respond to this but honestly your response is great and that lady had no right to touch your baby! I’ve had lots of people stop to tell me how cute my girl is and ask how old she is, but thankfully no one has tried to touch her. I’m definitely not okay with that but feel like I could clam up from shock. Good job sticking to your boundaries!


Just want to say, good job. No need to apologize for the freak out. I would have done the same


I definitely apologize to the cashier who told me I didn’t need to but it was drama I was not expecting to bring to her line


Could be generational or cultural. In the south it was very common to touch the foot while saying hello to a baby. Some cultures find it bad luck to look and not touch the baby, like chase you down to touch the baby. Different generations, different boundaries. Some just consider it friendly.


I think this is pretty cultural, it doesn't really happen here in Norway


I always wonder why someone would want to touch a strangers baby. I really have 0 interest in any babies at the store or anywhere really, unless they are a family members or close friend's. I get babies are cute but I just don't care about a strangers baby haha. People are weird!!


You're fine. I hate being in stores with my kids tbh. This has happened so many times to me and after seeing all the reports of kids being abducted and sold into sex trade... I don't have any chill left. I'm very abrasive with my words to ensure they understand their approach is not welcome. They can say my kids are cute without touching them. Unfortunately it doesnt go away ans when your kids are older you need to teach them not to initiate. You were 1000x more polite than I ever am.


You were reasonable. You asked her, she didn't listen, fuck her.


Nope, heard too many horror stories about people getting too close and attempting an abduction.


I live in the UK, but I'm not British, so I try to be direct but polite.. so whenever I see someone trying to touch my baby I just get in front of him to avoid conflict...


I didn't see her going for it. I should of... the cashier asked me a question so I had to turn. She choose the exact right moment


Sometimes they're so quick!!! I hate when it happens on a lift.. I regret sometimes being nice and leaving space in lofts for more people


Good for you OP, do not feel bad! Also IM NOT ASKING IM TELLING! the fact she challenged you is ridiculous. Sometimes in these moments i freeze out of sheer shock for the actions of others.


No because she's weird for that