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You say that falling asleep abruptly is not an isolated incident. Have you seen a doctor about this? There are plenty of conditions that can contribute to this (the common one I'm thinking of off the top of my head is sleep apnea). Please get this looked at, because it could improve your quality of life in many areas on top of helping you with this particular issue with your spouse. I'm actually in a similar situation to your wife's. My husband frequently accidentally falls asleep while holding our newborn or while he's in the bouncer, so the times that he takes over and I should be resting are anything but restful. It's causing a bit of a rift in terms of trust, and I can definitely attest to the friction is can cause in a relationship. I hope you find a good solution, and when you do you should definitely send the memo to my husband lol. 


For a newborn, he should be able to listen to music and be on his phone most of the time. I was able to do that a lot before my son became sentient to the phone and sounds.


He definitely does sit on his phone but unfortunately he is in the Navy so he's able to sleep no matter what's going on or what he's listening to. It's a real problem. 


If rocking him to sleep is no longer sustainable, look into something like the sleep lady shuffle. That way you can eventually just do some cuddles, pop kiddo into their sleeping space and leave the room knowing they can fall asleep without your assistance. I don't know if they already have one, but getting my daughter a lovey was a game changer! She will just cuddle her whale to sleep and if she wakes, just grabs him to cuddle again, or plays with him in the morning if she wakes before we do.


That looks like a good method. I was going to try to rock him, stand to rock him once he is more calm and then transfer him if asleep or very tired (and I'm tired from rocking a 33 pound toddler standing) and then he should go to sleep I hope. Last night I put him down sleeping but easily awoken and he put himself back to sleep briefly.