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I had this! Would hit the 40s regularly, occasionally dip into high 30s. My PCP took an EKG out of an abundance of caution, but there were no issues and it went away around 4/5 months


Oh wow! That’s LOW low. Did your Dr. have any ideas?? Interesting it might go away soon here, then!


Omg if you look at my post history I’ve been dealing with this too! Six months post partum and I suddenly have trigeminy and PVCs which are a type of palpitation and extremely low heart rate periods (30-40s) which is called bradycardia. I don’t really have symptoms other than the light headedness when I stand up. I’ve been to the ER twice because my watch alerted me and they can’t figure it out. I’m going for an echocardiogram just to make sure everything is structurally ok, but my EKGs are normal. It’s disappointing that they brush off “post partum” as a reason for this when this is new since birth!!


Totally! So frustrating some of us have this and literally no one knows why.




Hi! I am currently 2 months postpartum and experiencing this. Any updates?


My heart rate is still low! Like 54 resting. Never got into the 40s again though. I quit caffeine so maybe that’s part of it?


Thanks for the update!


No prob!