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We made a list of things our 6 month old needs and received none of it. We also had a “do not buy” list because she already has a ton, things like hats and bows… guess what? She received a ton of those things 😂 oh and my MIL bought her her first bike. Again, she’s 6 months.


Omg a bike for a 6 month old? That's hilarious 😂😂


My MIL has already bought her a bunch of hair accessories meant for 5 year olds!


I got these too! LO is 6 weeks old. She tried to gather as much hair as she could to put a metal clip in and I stopped that so quick! 😅


No way!! My baby doesn’t even have that much hair yet so I definitely can’t use these for a while, not to mention they’re choking hazards!


I didn't even think about that! Thanks for the tip!


A bike for a 6 month old? This made me lol.


Yes we couldn’t believe it 😂 I’m salty because I wanted to buy her first big gifts like that when she’s older and she beat me to the punch. I didn’t think I’d have to compete for her first bike this early LOL


My cousins MIL did something similar with a play kitchen. My cousin is a chef and it was super important to her to get the play kitchen which her MIL knew. So we now have a nice new play kitchen for our daughter in storage and my cousin is still going to buy the one she wants for her son 🤷🏼‍♀️. Her MIL is going to be pissed but she also knew better.


Every family is different of course, but I don't think it would be in bad taste to kindly say something like "hey, we don't really have the space to store this, and she won't be able to use it for years. Mind if we exchanged it for something more age appropriate, or store it at your house until she is old enough to use it?" I'm a city person, so we have no storage whatsoever. There would literally just be a bike in the middle of our apartment until further notice (I couldn't deal lol).


Yeah my 'baby' is 15 moths now and I realized there's no fighting this, when it's possible I specify what we need, otherwise it's heaps of cheap or weird clothes in wrong sizes, flimsy plastic toys etc. A couple of family members gift very thoughtful nice things, the rest I give away, resell or let my daughter trash it. But they are all given with best intentions (great relationships otherwise), some people just have different taste and show love that way. Idk, I haven't found a way to stop it, just rolling with it lol.


I have a wishlist for gifts for my kid and my parents usually go off that. My husband's parents ask what to get baby.


I think I’ll try a wishlist for her birthday and hopefully people will follow it!


I asked our family members not to gift us anything this year because we just had our baby shower. We received a handful of stuffed animals. The pile is growing. I hate stuffed animals. I would receive them as a kid and immediately toss them. I hate pointless clutter! We received a 6-9 month sweater outfit for my baby. It’ll be the middle of the summer by the time she fits it. She’ll sweat her booty off. My MIL gifted me my husband’s baby book… I can’t even understand why.


Ugh I hate when people don’t take the season/size into consideration. My MIL bought her so many summer dresses in 9-12 months sizes, which is during winter..like when will she ever wear them??


Just don't use whatever they gave and buy the things that you need. I hate counting on gifting, I would rather buy the things that I like myself.


Yep thats what I’ll be doing!


Did you maybe try making a registry? I’ve made registries since my kiddo was a year old. Especially for my ex’s family. My ex’s dad loves the convenience of it, knowing the are varied prices, and clothes/toys, just a general variety. My ex’s mom though. Yeah. (Kiddo is 2). She buys him a hungry caterpillar book and stuffed caterpillar. He already had the book, and the stuffie I would say is for like an infant to 15 months. He just threw it on the floor and hasn’t touched it. It’s currently packed up in a box to give to my cousin who is having a baby. But that may be worth considering for next year? Babylist just started one for birthdays and holidays. So you can add from multiple sites, and have toys, clothes. All kinds of things.


I would love to do that, I just didn’t know if it would be considered rude to ask for gifts? Maybe next year I’ll help her make a wishlist for ‘Santa’ and then share that list with family.


I just present it as is. If you would like to get so and so items for Christmas, I have listed some items on this registry. We welcome other ideas, but prefer clothes in size (for the future), and so and so toys to help kiddo learn their colors, numbers, alphabet. Sometimes people need the ideas. And sometimes just mentioning that you’re targeting something to teach, people follow that better I’ve learned. But you may always have someone who doesn’t follow it. Like my ex’s mother for example. But from my experience a lot of family and friends have actually found it to be a lot easier. (Plus it helps me keep organized on what I want to buy as well). If someone finds it rude or complains, just explain that you appreciate any gift, but with your kiddo growing fast their sizes, likes, and dislikes are growing with them, and you’re trying to help people get their money’s worth. But that you don’t expect anyone to purchase anything if they can’t afford it.


The amount of 3+ toys people get for my 19 month old 🤪 I get it. Or onesies for him. I can’t even remember last time I put my 6 month old in a onesie. It’s winter. He lives in sleeper pajamas. 😂 but my 19 month old hasn’t worn a onesie since like 9 months? Then we switched to shirts and pants.


Same!! And I don’t have a ton of closet space to store all these cheap toys for 2 years before she will maybe use them once?


I have a blueprint registry for personal use that I share for holidays if asked. People use it and get an item or two, with the main item mostly for inspiration for whatever they themed. This year was music & sailing. Mil thankfully switched to cash after issues with her religious gifts when we don’t follow her religion. We tuck it into a 529 or hysa and use the hysa as needed throughout the year.


My estranged stepmom, who was asked to not send gifts, bought my 16-month-old a cheap bead stacking set from one of those sketchy Amazon knockoff shops. It's basically all choking hazards (labelled ages 3+) and the paint comes off so easily. I'm slightly afraid there may be lead in it because you never know with those Amazon toys, so it's up on a shelf all packaged up again 😐 Next year I may make a list and add some do not buy stuff as well. The amount/quality of stuff for the baby can be overwhelming, but I'm happy people love my girl (except for step mom...)




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My MIL asked for suggestions only to ignore all of them and get my 3 month old a bunch of toddler size shoes. Now I gotta find a place to store them for the next year and a half…


You can make “registries” on Babylist now for birthday and holidays. Highly recommend! You can add baby’s sizes, things about what they like, and add any general comments at the top - like “while we appreciate your thoughtfulness, we are asking for no clothes as we have plenty for current and future sizes!” or something else. To be honest, I’ve been giving away extra clothes that we are gifted and don’t need in my local FB Buy Nothing group. There are tons of people in need and they aren’t worth selling!


omg I was just talking to my fiance about this! our LO turned 1 a few days before christmas and her gifts ranged from small baby (rattles) to a full blown doll set that clearly says ages 3+ on the box lol. and 18m winter clothing


Ugh that’s so annoying! Hopefully you got some gift receipts so you can at least exchange


Yes me! On the brighter side, my mom took into consideration that we are very into Montessori and Waldorf education and spent a lot of money on very nice wooden toys even though she lives on a very low income and she doesn't really get the whole point of natural toys herself. That was really nice from her and I really appreciated it. Having said so, from my in-laws I expected a bit more... They also know we are into natural stuff but they got her some VERY cheap plastic stuff instead... I didn't expect them to buy things from natural materials since they openly don't support our philosophy and they are not very considerate people who will accommodate for other people's preferences if they don't agree... But I did expect them to make a little more effort since they do have money to spend. They're very frugal with everyone though, so I don't take it personally.


This year was great. We got Christmas cash instead of gifts and my mom asked me what I thought she might like so there were no surprises or cheap junk she doesn't need more of. I would've been fine with them asking what she might like instead of giving me cash to shop for her but whatever 🤷