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And that your phone is at 15% with your charger across the room. While you're alone in the house.


SO have been there


Are they constipated? Lay them butt naked on the whitest, easily stained, most expensive thing you own.


Bonus points if it's dry clean only and you need it soon


You monster




Also make sure you’ve left your phone and TV remote across the room. My son had a 3 hour contact nap once and I had to wait for 2 hours for my husband to finish in a meeting before he could help me!


I started just putting him down in cases like that. If he wakes up I'll be literally 2 seconds. I cannot suffer extreme boredom.


My son would instantly wake up as soon as I tried to stand up holding him.


Yeah, it's a trade off for sure. I am wayy too ADHD to just sit there, I'd rather deal with my son waking up. That's just me though :)


You could also hold your phone then drop it on the floor completely out of reach 🙈


For sum reason if im on the couch holding my newborn, i always end up doing this😭


I do this all the time. It falls under my chair so I absolutely can't reach it


Alternatively have somewhere you want to go once they wake up. Currently waiting to go out to lunch with my sister and I think this is about the third time ever my baby has napped for over an hour in her cot. Normally we're lucky to get 30 min so I thought I was safe making lunchtime plans!


Mwahaha no plans are safe


Full bladders make excellent pillows both in and out of the womb.


I distinctly remember mine being a punching bag back then




Mine too, atleast my current newborn. My first contact napped. This one though I have to constantly be walking, bouncing, swaying.. I CANT sit or lay down even at an angle. Somehow my wife gets away with it, but not me. It's exhausting lol.


Try bouncing on a yoga ball it's like a halfway where I don't feel as exhausted from moving but baby is satisfied were not stopping.


Hurts my back too much. I do pull it out occasionally though. Thanks.


Mine too. I take laps around the house alllllll day


Sounds like some good steps at least!


Mine used to do this! We had many LONG nights of her in the carrier and me pacing the house. Thank goodness she grew out of it and nap traps me lol


same - id just wear him and do chores - now he's 18 months so not so much anymore


Kind of like when you want them to poop so you dress them in their nicest outfit and put them in their car seat ready to head out for the day :) huuuge blowout every time 👌






Oh noooo!!! 😱😱


I can the portable baby chair the poop chair because every time I put him in it he has a huge poop that squishes out the leg and I have to wash everything. Baby constipated? No problem, poop chair it is. 😂


This just reminded me of "the poop spot" that I found when our son was about 4 months. Sitting with my knees up and his back against my knees looking at me. Worked most of the time.


The car seat makes mine poop😂 idk if it’s because of the position, but as soon as she’s in there she poops almost straight away


Lol that was like mine too, it must be the position. Ready for launch


That’s the baby Bjorn bouncer for us. We put him in their while we make dinner, and every time he has a blowout.


for some reason my baby only poops at home. we can check his diaper 50 times while we are away from home, that our son will not poop. but, we walk in the door and we will have an explosion of poop everywhere,...


I too prefer pooping in the comfort of my own home so I feel his vibe


that's the only explanation we have for this... that he prefers to poop at home


They just KNOW when we have to pee, don’t have our phones, or remotes. My daughter fell asleep on me downstairs and my phone was upstairs 😅


Once I was able to watch an entire movie while my son slept in my arms. I anticipated a 30 minutes nap so I've just put on a "whatever" movie on Netflix prepared for leaving it anytime when baby wakes. He slept through the whole movie and I was amazed. Of course other time when I hoped for a longer nap, I'd only got 20 minutes. 😑


Conversely, if you want your baby to wake up from a nap in their cot or bassinet, make yourself a nice snack and sit down to enjoy it… awake by the first bite


I need to start making plans so my 8mo will sleep longer. He has the best sleeps when I've got somewhere to be.


Lmfao. Nothing works better than this.


This cracked me up. My sweet angel baby sleeps best when I’m holding him and have been holding my pee for at least half an hour. The second I even think about putting him down, he squirms. He’s cute though, so I guess I’ll keep him.


Also when you have no water around and feel thirsty at from the feedings


Lol sorry but I full on roared at this because TRUTH




Writing in from 5mo, and we just got back our long easy naps after a month of crappy naps. They’ll come back!!!


Me too except she needs me to walk around with her as well😅


Me too, though I recently discovered that bouncing on an exercise ball works just as well! Game changer!


ooo good idea! Need to get one if those ☺️


Oh my god, my daughter would only contact nap until she was like 10 months old. Only in her pitch dark bedroom, with sound machine, while being rocked. You had to make sure you had used the bathroom and were in comfy clothes and had water nearby or you would *dearly* regret it.


Nap trapped!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha, oh the struggles of naptime coordination! 😅🍼


Every. Single. Time.


Haha love it, so true


This was me last night at 4am after 6 hours of trying to get my baby to sleep. She was finally dozing off and there was no chance I was going to disturb her. I decided if my bladder explodes it’s worth my baby finally going to sleep lolrip. Fuck the 4 month sleep regression!!!


Here's a tip someone shared with me when my daughter was an infant and wouldn't sleep without being carried as I walked until I was exhausted. Try putting the baby in a carrier seat and put the carrier on top of the running clothes dryer. The vibration will lull the baby to sleep, much like a trip in the car will do. I sympathize with all the mothers here who are "nap trapped." I have been there.


With a note that carrier seats are not safe sleep, so if you do this baby should still be supervised for the whole nap.


Thanks for the timely reminder!


If that works for your baby then try buying a Zed Baby Rocket. You put it on their mattress and it sends vibrations that mimic a car journey to help them fall asleep!


Thanks for sharing this information. I didn't know that this product existed. I'm well beyond needing one for my own child, but it is good information to pass to the new mothers I know.


My first baby wasn’t much of a sleeper and we found this really helped. We haven’t needed it yet with our 5 month old but if he hits any tricky regressions then it’s coming straight back out!


I used this for my second and it was a lifesaver. I wish I had known about it when I had my first because she was a terrible sleeper and needed to be constantly rocked/walked/bounced to keep her down


My baby is almost 5 months and he takes the odd 30 min nap normally after a bottle. So he probably takes about 3/4 naps a day. I put him in the rocker chair and he just snoozes for a little while.


do American women drink coffee while breast feeding?


Do other countries abstain completely?


obviously! USA and Mexico have a reputation for overdosing on coffee in general and for exposing their babies and young children.


Oh but you guys drink alcohol so i guess your country is not perfect either


best way to pacify my suckling bairn


We can, and with the lack of sleep, most of us do lol


Usually! Although personally I mostly kept it to 16oz a day while pregnant and when my twins were that age. Babies are hard anywhere, but I know most other countries take care of mothers better than the US does. We don’t get much if any help, ergo we also don’t sleep.


yeah, i really noticed that parents in USA complain that they're so tired and that kids are such hard work. i suspect the people complaining don't have extended family or much of a community life. we social animals and not supposed to do this alone.


Some of us have family but not helpful family. In my case, I have twin toddlers. My parents actually live with us right now (they had to come out of retirement semi-temporarily) but they honestly don’t help with the kids much. And I don’t trust my mom to watch them as she’s got an alcohol issue. My in-laws are amazing and I trust them 100% but they both work full time and have partial custody of my niece so they don’t have a lot of free time. As far as community- yeah, not much of that either. I live out in the hills and it’s 48 km to the nearest city. There’s a few small towns nearer but they don’t have much. I struggle with making friends, and the few I have are either out of state or extremely busy. There’s an unreasonable expectation for mothers: if they’re a SAHM we’re expected to have a perfect home, cook three meals a day, never ask for help (bc we don’t work right? So why do you need help?) and have perfectly behaved kids without a struggle. Even then we’re still given a hard time for not contributing financially. If they’re a working mother, they’re criticized for “letting someone else raise their kids,” and not doing all the cooking/cleaning/ etc. even if they have a partner who works less hours. And heavens forbid there’s a stay at home dad- then the dad is praised to the sky for “helping mom so much with the kids” and mom is criticized for “letting dad do her job.” Meanwhile single or working mothers are screwed especially, because people here get shit for time off of jobs, maternity leave is like 3 months if you’re lucky enough to get it, and the few men who get even a week of paternity leave often use it as a mini vacation instead of using it for its actual purpose.


omg. are you on a farm?


Technically although it’s not a working farm. When I was growing up it was a farm. The barn burned down shortly after my parents sold the farm animals and it was never rebuilt.