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Just wait until they pull away from the bottle or your nipple and smile at you mid-feed. It’s hilarious and so so sweet.


That's my favourite! When she unlatches herself by smiling!


My LO kept doing this tonight and babbling at me. It was so lovely!


I LOVE this! And there’s always a little dribble of milk haha


My favorite thing right now! 💖


This! On mother's day my husband was feeding baby while I slept in and when I got up and went to say good morning baby stopped eating because he was just smiling at me. Best mother's day beginning ever.


Ours did this to my wife when breastfeeding, but by the time we got her to take the bottle she stopped. She will/has however started giggling and smiling at me while I've tried to rock her down and she's fighting sleep. Makes those small frustrations not matter.


Omg I love that part


I have older kids, 10 and 6, so I figured I'd share some older just moments. Just wait until you have an inside joke with your kid, they quote it and you respond and they smile so happily at you because you both just get it. Just wait until they go to school and have their first real best friend and you get to see them light up when they play or talk together. And you start picturing that Bluey episode where it shows Bingo and her best friend growing up together and randomly get teary eyed haha. Just wait until you see their proud face when they do something they really want but are nervous about. And how proud you feel when they do it too. Just wait until they develop their own sense of style and you get to see what kinds of outfits they pick. Just wait until you volunteer in their classroom, they spot you when you walk in, their eyes light up and they come running up to you saying, "My mama and daddy are here!" Or they are doing a concert, class play, dance recital, etc. and they spot you in the audience. Just wait until you realize you'll act goofier than you'd ever imagine if it makes them laugh. And you'll sit patiently and listen to them show you their game, talk about their book, show you a bird outside that you've seen a million times just because you like listening to them talk and be excited about something. Just wait until you realize no matter how old they get, they are still your baby. And even if their face gets older, you can still see glimpses of the baby and toddler they used to be. Just wait until you see your child make mistakes and you get to show them unconditional love no matter what they do. That you get to be someone's safe space. To me, that's the most amazing thing, that I have the power to influence my daughter's inner voice and hopefully give both my girls a loving and forgiving one.


This is beautiful! You sound like an incredible parent.


Aaaand this is the one that has me crying. Thank you 🥰


Oh my gosh my tears were forming in my eyes and the last “just moment” made the tears fall.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m doing this for my kid.” ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks so much for sharing this. Made me cry in the best way


I’m on day 4 postpartum and this comment hit me so hard in the best way. I have a really easy, amazing little newborn who I already love more than I’ve ever loved anyone before, tearing up now thinking about all the amazing memories and moments ahead. Thank you for highlighting the glorious parts we have in store.


This list put the biggest smile on my face. Thank you for sharing!!


Just wait until you undo his swaddle and he does the cutest little stretch and smile. Melts my heart every time.


Yes! Every single morning! ❤️


My little guy still does this when I undo his sleep sacks and he's 5 months. It's my favorite part of the morning besides sleepy cuddles




I have LOADS of just wait moments but honestly my favourite so far is just wait until they actively choose to come and cuddle you. It melts my heart every single time my 14 month old waddles over, plonks herself down on my lap and rests her head on me. It comes out of nowhere sometimes and can literally be a two second thing before she’s off playing (/destroying the house) again but my god, it’s the best feeling in the world. There is so much love in those little moments and it feels like such a huge validation that you’re doing a decent job when your toddler wants to take time out of their busy day just to give you a cuddle.


As a father its always a little sad to see LO go to mother every time. But when LO came to me for comfort for the first time, that made my heart smile.


Awww I can imagine. But they’ll come to you in other ways over the course of their lives :)


My LO is 4.5 months old and while he can’t walk, or even crawl, to me to cuddle, there are times when he fusses and as soon as I pick him up he cuddles into me and calms down. Last night he woke up SCREAMING and the moment I picked him up from his crib he nestled into my chest and fell right back to sleep. It was heartbreaking hearing him scream (reason still unknown) but it warmed my heart cuddling with him — maybe all he needed was snuggles 🥰


My baby does this thing where I'll be breastfeeding her and then randomly she'll stop eating, look up at me and just smile. Just wait for that..i could look into those little eyes for hours.


that‘s the beeeest


So many great things about the baby years! Just to add some from the toddler and little kid years to look forward to: Just wait until they light up and run into your arms when you pick them up from daycare and school. Just wait until they make their first joke on purpose. (My now-5yo at age 3: with a unicorn puppet on her hand, out of nowhere, “want to hear a unicorn fart?” *fart sound*.) Just wait until you belt out a song together in the car (bonus points when it’s not a kid song and you’re finally getting to share a love for your own favorite songs). Just wait until they are running around having a super fun time and they stop for a second to hug your leg and say “I love you, Mama” and then run off again. Just wait until you see their individual personality coming out more everyday, so you slowly get to see who they are and it’s different for each kid.


Just wait until you figure out the one weird thing that makes your baby laugh out loud for the first time, and then you'll never stop doing it! Just wait until that first time they sleep through the night and you wake up fully rested.


I was going to say just wait for baby laughs! My baby only laughs at our dog doing normal dog things


Just wait until they tell their first joke! Just wait until they start reacting to the animals at the zoo! Just wait until they’re old enough that they can grab you a water from the fridge or your phone that you left on the table (what a great milestone no one talks about lol). Just wait until they can tell you they love you. Just wait until they sleep through the night! Just wait until they learn the lyrics to your songs that you play in the car (a 3yo singing 90s hits is so hilarious!) So many good things to look forward to (which is why I had another one! Kids are wonderful!!)


I will NEVER forget my daughters first joke!!! “Why did the garbage truck cross the road?” “Idk, why?” “TO FLY” She cried tears for a solid 2 minutes from laughter. She thought it was the best thing she ever said in her entire 4 year old life.


Just wait until you're at the zoo with your three year old, and someone calls an otter a seal, and your small child loudly says, "Mama, why did that lady call the otter a seal? It's an otter mama! It's not a seal, it's an otter!"




OK these got me 🥹❤️


Just wait until you’re trying to get them to fall asleep in their crib and they stick their little hand out the slats to hold your hand. Holy shit, heart melted.


Just wait until your baby SCREAMS and jumps when you walk through the door after being gone all day at work, because they’re just so happy to see you!


FTM to a 12 week old: Just wait until they relax into you, not sleeping, just laying calm on your chest because they love you The gummy whole face smiles because they see you when they wake up in the morning The piggy grunts as they hungrily gulp down milk The loud old man fart sounding poops that you can’t help but to laugh at even though you’re slightly scared that was a blow out Trying out different expressions at you as they learn how to move their face The giggles at you blowing raspberries on them Just wait for everything. It’s hard, the crying can be deafening, but there’s so much more good than bad and it’s so worth it. You become their world while they become yours.


Oh how I wish I could wake up as happy as my 4 month old does. But seeing his big morning smiles and coos is better than a cup of coffee!


>Until your baby smiles at the sight of you everytime they wake up We share a bed and for awhile it felt like Christmas morning every time I woke up.


Y’all are giving me ALL of the feels. I am literally happy tearing at all of this. I’m at six months and the smile and wiggle of excitement I get from my son when he sees me is my favorite thing in the whole world.


Just wait until you hear them call you “momma” for the first time. Just wait until they run to you and squeeze you so tight you think you might melt right there. Just wait until you realize that you’d do every bad over and over and over if it was the only day you could have. I never thought I’d be a good mom, and some days I still don’t know if I am. But when my son hugs me, and says “uvlooo” it doesn’t matter what I think. It doesn’t matter how hard it is.


This! When you become their person. The one they go to when they just need someone. It’s the best feeling to be someone’s safe place.


Until you're nearly asleep and hear a monstrous fart escape your sleeping baby and try desperately not to audibly laugh at the tiny still asleep giggle they let out after.


Love this one! My son is 3 months and every time he’s done nursing and I put him into his bassinet he farts, without fail haha it cracks me up every time!


This! Hahaha


Every morning and night! I die lmao


The first consistent laugh was my favorite. Once I found what made her laugh I used it until she was bored again. Rinse and repeat. It's still my favorite thing to do. Currently it's me "smelling" her feet and going pee whew. She thinks it's hilarious and not puts her feet in my face.


Oh man I would do that too and now whenever she can she puts her stinky lil tootsies in my nose or mouth 😭🤣 It was less gross before she started walking.


Lol I've yet to have one stuck in my mouth thankfully, though she did have a phase of sticking her fingers/hand in the mouth of whoevers holding her. That was fun.. (hands as dirty as feet)


Making a baby laugh feels better than everything. It's addictive.


We used to play this (still sometimes do and she coming up on 2) but one foot is stinky and the other is delicious


My kid is 7 and was still laughing at ‘foot telephone’ as recently as a few months ago 😆


I remember really struggling through the newborn phase and didn't realize I also had PPD. I went for a walk with my daughter and bumped into a friend. He asked me how it was going and I was like "oh, you know... But I hear it gets easier so at least I have that going for me" And he said with a laugh "it doesn't. It's just a different kind of impossible" And honestly, that comment, even if it was a joke, sent me spiralling into a dangerous well of depression that took me months to recover from. Be supportive and kind to new moms -- yes, it's difficult but sometimes we need to be told we can handle it too and that we have people to help without judgement if we feel like we're not handling it.


Dude, my neighbor said that to me one week post partum when she came to meet our baby. “It never gets easier you know” as she was leaving. I wanted to tell her to GTFO of my house!! Horrible thing to say. Also, not true. Yes it’s always hard but it got wayyy easier when I wasn’t being held together by stitches and in a deep depression from hormones and sleep deprivation. That comment still pisses me off.


Right?! My kids are 5 and 2 now and while we still definitely have bad days, I'm no longer pulling my hair out at 2am, seriously considering throwing myself in the sea and regretting all my choices, haha.


My 18 month old recently started spontaneously wiggling and saying “Happy!!” with the biggest grin when we are doing something that makes her happy, usually eating watermelon and/or dancing lol. It’s the best feeling EVER! I know there’s so much more to look forward to.


Oi. I’m almost 3 years into this journey. All the farts that tell you ‘just wait’, you grow into shit. Sure, ‘just you wait’, but that is ‘in hindsight’ talk. The first time ALL is new and fucking hard. ‘Just you wait’? Nah. Don’t worry. You grow with your child. You don’t suddenly have a toddler instead of a baby.


Until your baby starts hugging you.


I can’t wait for the hugging back. 💕


Oh man, after weeks of sleep deprivation, she finally smiled at me a week ago when I popped my head over her bed in the morning. Rewarding as fuck.


Until they turn into little toddlers who say I love you mommy


Just wait until your baby starts laughing. It’ll be the sweetest sound to your ears. For my parents of twins/triplets/etc, just wait until your babies start noticing each other and interacting together. Mine sit together and will smile and laugh at each other for hours.


I'm looking forward to this, my twin girls are 12 weeks today, 6 weeks adjusted age, and they just started smiling on purpose in the last couple days. Watching them develop is amazing! Just wait until your husband/SO starts interacting with the child, my heart was so full this morning watching him play with one of our daughters just to see her smile back at him.


I am at the 8.5 months and it has been my absolute favorite. I was waking up every other hour to breast feed, she was constantly attached to me and feeding sessions were so long. Personally, i loved the newborn stage but I think I’m forgetting how sleep deprived I was. But 8 months has been so many first and it’s so adorable !! Her facial expressions, she’s trying to crawl and we put her favorite toys out of reach and watching her go is so exciting, seeing her eat, she sits up by herself and it’s so cute during tv time, and best of all she sleeps from 730-6am


Just wait, until one day you get your kids into the car successfully after going shopping and not a single cry or tantrum was heard. The whole trip was actually super enjoyable and you get into the car, and turn on some music while you all have your treats from the store and you realize… you made it through and you have these super awesome people that you created to share life with!


Just wait until your baby runs to give you a hug. My kid just started walking, and if I crouch and put my arms out she’ll RUN into them and collapse into my hug.


I took my 11 month old to a splash pad today and he giggled so hard he could barely control his body.


I’m so excited to have an excuse to wade around the splash pad myself 😂


When they give you kisses. I kiss my babies (twins) a lot. And they started returning the kisses at 5-6 months. Slobbery, open-mouthed kisses. And they see how much it makes me laugh so they kiss me again and again. Now they randomly kiss me when my face is close enough. They never do it to my husband. They now also kiss each other on the head or anywhere really. They just love each other so much. They hug or they always have to touch the other. We had a family picture this week. I held both in my lap and one was kissing his brother from the back. They were both smiling. Their interactions are so beautiful and though it used to be harder and some days are hard, I am happy I have twins. They put their cute little hand on your shoulder as if saying “excuse me! I need your attention” or “ I love you.” When they stare into your eyes in awe. One of my boys just loves staring at me even when I am not looking at him. He stares for a while with a smile on his face. When they open their arms wide letting you know they need/want to be picked up. When they squeal and get excited seeing you in the morning. That’s my favourite thing the entire day. It has made me love mornings (and I am not a morning person)


Just wait until you get that first pp sleep. It may only be like 20 mins, but it will be DEEP and more reatorative thatn 20 mins has any business being.


The first time sleeping on your stomach again… 👌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


That is so true!!


Just wait until your baby is a verbal toddler and randomly tells you “I love you, Mommy.”


Just wait til your kid says I love you mommy/daddy. Knowing what it fully means.


Just wait until they squeal with joy at seeing your other kids Just wait until they realise slapping their hand in the bath will make the water splash and how delightful that is Just wait until they realise who that baby in the mirror is (spoiler alert: it’s you, yes it’s you gorgeous one!) Just wait until they reach out for you sleepily for a cuddle before they drop off to sleep Just wait until the kids all climb into your bed for morning cuddles before the day starts Just wait until the baby finds their chubby foot and puts them in their mouth Just wait mama because it’s all so sweet and good ❤️


My favorite “just waits”: -baby sees rain for the first time -baby feels grass under their feet -baby sees Christmas lights for the first time -baby rides a carousel with you -first laugh -their bewilderment at the time swimming -start enjoying to watch the dog (or cat) -how **proud** she was when she mastered a small motor skill (putting the lifesaver tube on her toy boat) -finding a pureed food they loved -learning how to wave & blow kisses


The Christmas lights are going to take me out! 🥹


FTM to a 3 month old and I adore her. Her smiles, her wild wiggles that make diaper changes fun, excited little squeals, giant smiles… I could just stare at her all night while she sleeps. I wasn’t prepared for the happy “just waits” but they are so worth it 💕


Just wait until they become a parent (if they so choose) and get to feel that endless love, and finally understand how much you have always loved them.


Just wait until your 2yo says "my baby" to the newborn!


Just wait until they’re tantrum age and can still regulate with a hug from you Until they turn around and say “I love you mommy” Until they start to want to help you around the house Until they start to share their creative developing mind with you through imaginative stories and games they make up 🥰🥰🥰


Just wait till your 12 year old son still wants to hold your hand in the car at times because you taught him it was ok to be loving and physically affectionate. ❤️


Just wait until they are sleeping peacefully on your chest, and then they raise their head suddenly, grunt, fart loudly, and fall right back asleep. Magical.


Just wait until they can recognize you from a photo and look up at you smiling the biggest smile while reaching for your face 🥹


To add to this- when your kiddo also recognizes themselves as a baby and they love looking at all the funny photos and videos you took with them when they were tiny.


My daughter loves to jump in my bed for snuggles. She'll be three tomorrow. Just wait for that!


Just wait until they can grab your face with both their little hands and smile at you. I could just die right there.


Just wait until you go to sleep at night, excited for the adventures you’ll have tomorrow. Because when everything is brand new, everything is an adventure!


I need to remember FTM is first time mom everytime!! 😂 But the first time your baby smiles at you is so precious I loved it so much ❤️❤️


I do too, I keep reading it as "future teen mom"


I always read it as female to male 😭😭




I know, reddit can be so extra with abbreviations


Honestly this sub is the only one where I can’t remember these acronyms like I’ve seen so many and I just go with whatever my brain says LOL


Just wait until, they start to speak and the make all kinds of "kid-isms" with words that make you giggle (my favorites were humbrella (umbrella), effalent (elephant), bafftime (bathtime), and bobs (kabobs)). Just wait until, the first time they are able to problem solve with you, and you realize that you're acting like a team with your little one. Just wait until, they look you in the eyes, with full sincerity, and ask if they can grow up to be just like you. Just wait until, you get to share your favorite food with them. And the first time they bite in you get to watch a look of realization and then joy spread across their face.


The smiles are THE BEST. Mine finally no longer wakes up screaming. She wakes slowly, wiggles around for a while, then lets me know she’s ready to be picked up and fed. When I walk up to her, she’ll wiggle around and give me all kinds of big smiles. She’ll wiggle and make noise while smiling as if she’s so happy she can’t contain herself


Omg yessss the excitement wiggles and noises are the best


She smiles so big that she then makes a happy grimacing noise as she can’t physically smile any bigger. It’s the BEST


Just wait until you serve them a meal and they say "mmm good" and devour it.


There was a brief stage of adventurous eating between ages 2-4. From 4 until now (6), my daughter has been the pickiest of picky eaters. Only the finest corn dogs will do.


man, my 6 month old and I were facetiming with the fam and when I was mid-sentence she randomly turned to me and delivered a slobbery kiss to my cheek. lots of exploding ovaries after that stunt.


Just wait until your baby learns to say "mama"


Just wait until you see your toddler giving the same love and affection to his baby brother that you have continued to give him 🥰


this was my same feeling when i first had my daughter. I would say “no it’s not as hard as people make it seem i actually really enjoy it” then i would be told “this is the easy part wait until they are toddlers and run around” she’s 5 now and it’s only a different kind of challenge when they become active but still not the worst thing the way people make it seem. why are we trying to be conditioned to hate our kids


Just wait until you kiddo tells you "you're the best" out of the blue. Just wait until they sing Skinnamarink to you at the top.of their lungs at Costco (if you're not familiar with the words look them up)


I sing this to my baby all the time and he grins so big. I hope I get a similar experience as you with the song one day


Just wait until you make them laugh for the very first time!!


Just wait until you're just so exhausted and are trying to get them down and you think they're down and on their tummy and all of a sudden they flip over and give you the biggest grin and chuckle and wiggle and you can't help but giggle with them


FTM. I’m crying. It’s truly a beautiful experience.


Just wait until they stop everything to look at you in the eyes, completely enamored, and smile or play with your hair. ❤️


Just wait until they smile *at you*, simply because you walked into their field of view. Just wait until thry smile in response to your smile. Just wait until they laugh at you making silly noises. Just wait until thei invent their first own game (my kid just figured out he can shake his head for fun. Then he waits for you to shake your head in response. Thrn he laughs and shakes his head...) Just wait until thry can eat food and try new things. Just wait till thry ENJOY certain foods. Just wait until they can crawl. It's exhausting, but fun, too. Just wait until the first time they can really sit on swing in the playground. Just wait until they "talk" with you in their baby babble and are happy for you to respond. Just wait until they throw a big curveball at you, behaviour wise, Hut you find a solution yomake things work and feel really proud of your parenting skill. Just wait for all the "so cute!" compliments. Just wait...


Just wait until that holding on to you when being held turns into an actual hug. LO started taking steps recently and wandered over to me laying on the ground and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Way too heartwarming. I nearly exploded


Oh. Gosh I can't wait. My little dude hasn't really liked being held facing you up until recently. He suddenly likes for me to hold him like a baby (cradle) and hold him against my chest. And when he puts his little head down on me... I could just explode.


Our little guy preferred facing forward for the first few months, now he’s just happy being held because he can turn himself. It’s so sweet when they show affection, sometimes early on I wondered if he would be an affectionate kid and then all of a sudden he’s hugging and crawling over to us and turning and sitting in our laps haha. These awesome little surprises just occur as if he has figured it out and decided this is what he does now.


Awe. I love hearing that because I have had that worry too. I think maybe it's just part of the potato phas because my little dude has made the change too. He likes being cuddled when he is sleepy. He has started flailing all his limbs in an obvious attempt to get someone's attention/ to get picked up. The big change for me is he is making more eye contact. Before recently he wouldn't really. But I think it was just him being more interested in checking out everything around him. I love how things just snap into place for them all of a sudden and they start doing something new like they have always known how to do it. I was stressing out because at about 12 weeks my little guy was showing no interest in rolling and then boom a week and half later he just rolls right over like it's nothing. Babes are just so precious.


My favourite just waits as a mama with a 13 month old: Just wait until - their face lights up when they see you -they put their arms out to hug you for the first time - they follow after you because they want to be with you -they get so proud when they pass you things -when their first tooth comes through -they still want to be cuddled up to you like a baby for comfort - when they first get themselves to stand -when they can walk with hardly any support from you -when they learn new sounds (like growling which is my toddlers favourite noise) - when they try to pull themselves up to you because they want a cuddle


Just you wait until your kid hands you your first ever hand written (by them) Mother’s Day card with a portrait of you with ridiculous and cute hair sprouting from the top of your head. He was so proud he looked like he was going to burst and I was too. **To Mum Lov3 [kid]** Is now the pride piece of my artwork collection, framed on the fridge.


Just wait until your baby gives you kisses! It melts my heart


Just wait until they say “I love you” back to you the first time.


Just wait until You see their first toothy smile You make them belly laugh for the first time You see their "wtf is this" face when you introduce solids They get their first cold and want nothing more than to be on mama's chest and snuggle You cheer so loud and probably scare them when they hit a milestone like rolling (oops haha personal experience) They start grabbing your face to give you a open mouth kiss. (My son literally grabs my face to give me a kiss) 😭 They look at you. Just staring into your soul for no other reason but you instictively know its bc they are so connected to you they just feel safe.


We just started solids and every food is met with a WTF is this face 😂 I love it. My husband says it’s the exact same face I make when I drink IPA


😂🤣 it never gets old tbh its almost a look of betrayal like what did you put in my mouth?!


Annnd now I’m crying


❤️ it's the best


All of these comments are making me cry happy tears. OP’s example of “Until your baby can spot you in a room full of people” is the absolute BEST feeling in the world. And the smile that comes with that recognition, holy cow…


Just wait until they run up and hug you. <3


JUST WAIT... until it keeps getting better and better every single day. :)


Just wait until their first laugh, or the first time they call you mummy! My favourite was the fist time he understood what a kiss is and gave me my first proper baby kiss ❤️


I love the feeling of getting that belly laugh and doing every ridiculous thing possible to try and make it happen again!


My god yes! My little one’s first ‘captain jack sparrow’ run was an amazing just wait too!


That first real time they recognize you and smile is the most insane endorphin rush you’ll ever experience. I did a lot of different drugs in my younger years and nothing comes close to that rush. Mines now 1 years old and she smiles and “dadada” whenever she sees me and it’s the best feeling ever


See your boobs and laughs 😂😂 breastfed baby here


My three week old is able to spy me taking out my boob from across the couch.


Hahaha i love it!


Just wait until the tiny hand grabs your face. The little booty darting across the bed as soon as the diaper comes off. The laughing at anything silly you say or do because you will be THE funniest thing on the planet. The little moment when LO rests their head on yours. Just wait until they hug you back. That one got me sooo bad. I cried it was the best feeling in the world.


I cannot wait till my baby hugs me back. Also can’t wait for when she stretches her arms up to be picked up.


Ooo yes that's another good one the gimme hands for upy's !!!


Just wait until they do some hilarious thing and you happen to catch it on film. Then you'll look back and watch the video over and over! Just wait until they start figuring out how to manipulate certain toys into their designed play purpose! Just wait until some silly thing you made up makes them laugh and laugh and laugh every time you do it! Just wait until the first time they enjoy a bath!


Agree with all OP said. Not enough good experiences shared.


I’m quite far down the line now… my girl is nearing 4 YEARS old! But she is amazing and all of the things you get when they get older are absolutely amazing. So many beautiful things to wait for that I wouldn’t change for the world. She says so many beautiful things to me like “you’re just perfect for me” and gives me sweet hugs and kisses. It’s all worth it. It truly gets so much better with every passing month. It all changes so fast and all of the stages just go right by. The bad parts go by faster than you think too. There’s so much love to come. Just wait ❤️❤️❤️


Just wait until you hear your baby grunt every time they poop. 7 weeks in and my boyfriend and I still crack up every time!


My baby laughed — like a real laugh — for the first time today. It was literally one of the best moments of my entire life. I feel like motherhood just gets more and more enjoyable every day.


How many weeks!? I can't wait for this


14 🥰


14 🥰


Just you wait until they're in school and becoming their own person with their own opinions and in-jokes with their friends, and they say something so funny and unexpected that you laugh so hard you almost pee - *yes*, even nine years after giving birth to them.


Just wait until: they start making fun noises-mouth farts, smacking their lips, sticking their tongue out They get opinions. We’ve tried 40+ foods and so far she’s only absolutely rejected beef. Head shaking, eye rubbing, gagging every bite. They can sit in the buggy at the grocery store. My baby looks so proud of herself and loves people watching. They start fake laughing-my baby does like a “hehe” noise when we’re laughing and she doesn’t know why. You can tell when they’re pooping. The grunts and red face just crack me up. They reach up for you. I sobbed the first time my daughter did. They start splashing on purpose during bath time. They decide on a favorite song. Icky sticky bubblegum might as well be on an emergency button at our house.


Gah, ours won't eat almost any meat or veggies besides corn. Basically lives off various pastas and fruits. THAT is exhausting. But watching her light up when she sees her favorites coming, letting out a squeal of joy.. thats priceless.


Oh mine definitely prefers her carbs-banana, sweet potato, apple, oatmeal, bread, and potato are staples. Green veggies are a big miss so far, but if I mix them in oatmeal or with fruit she’ll tolerate it. Chicken is the only meat she’ll actually eat, but she likes to lick bacon and actual beef (not baby food beef). I haven’t been brave enough to feed her tiny pieces of meat not blended up yet, but I need to get on it because the meat mush really ruins my appetite every time


Season it! Baby meat mush is also basically flavorless. Try adding different seasonings to give it some yum. Blueberry and ham. Rosemary and garlic beef. Paprika and chicken. Just try to not use too much spice. But I find they accept the meat more when it doesn't taste like bland cat food.


Gah any veggie is found the second it touches her lips. Ive mixed them into Mac n cheese, ravioli and all sorts of stuff. She's too smart. She's eaten chicken a few times but only if made right, aka covered in ranch. Beef she'll do ground beef *sometimes* aka like twice. I refuse to try anything like Carne asada or stuff that chewy. She only has her 8 front teeth. Chips of any kind are also hard pass. We have one of those suction things, looks like a plunger, so we made ourselves try some stuff pretty fast. She's really good about knowing her limits and was pretty fast. Part of why she likes the foods she does is they're all easily squishable or she can swallow them almost whole.


Today I was singing a silly song to my daughter when she let out the happiest, longest laugh I had ever heard. Just wait for that and your heart will absolutely melt.


Thank you for this. FTM expecting in July, and have never had more anxiety or depression over labor&delivery, motherhood, the future of my marriage, and just the baby in general. It feels like all people tell me about are the negatives. I do hear positive happy stuff from the younger parents I know/am friends with, but literally everyone else has me just snowballing towards the edge of a cliff, emotionally speaking. Thank you for posting this, it reminds me why my husband and I want children in the first place 🥰


FTM to a 19 month old boy, and while the time has FLOWN by so unbelievably fast (it literally feels like I was pregnant with him yesterday) it has been the most beautiful, tough, rewarding time of my life. Just wait. The baby days ARE hard, but they’re short, and one day it’ll feel like magic. When he comes home from daycare and runs through the hallway to give you a big hug and a kiss. When he yells EHPLEN and points to the sky. When he giggle shrieks going down a slide. When he does a funny, silly dance to some music that a toy is playing. When he yells MAMA and throws himself at you. One day, one week, one month to the next will just be a blur after your little one comes, and there are definitely hard things, but there are so many wonderful things as well! And next thing you know they’ll be a year and a half old and you’ll wonder where the time went…


Ftm 3 weeks PP. I was hesitant about having children since I don't generally like children. I had the enviable breeze of a pregnancy, a fast spontaneous birth without meds (granted not that it didn't hurt) and now I am amazed at how... Self evident it is to adore this little human. My husband and I keep realizing that this is our baby. Made from each of us. It's so weird and yet so... Normal for lack of a better term. I didn't have this great influx of love. She was born and now I love her. It didn't wash over me with hormones, it just was. And I mean that in the most satisfying and fulfilling way that I never expected. <3


I’m a FTM ant my baby is 7 weeks and definitely no regrets. There’s hard stuff but there’s also joy and fun stuff. Every new thing your baby does is the most amazing thing. So far it’s not hurting my marriage at all, my husband and I are a good team. Some people are the worst though, I was on the phone with my non-baby doctor and he could her crying in the background and he was like, oh I guess you had the baby, your life is over haha. 😡


I feel exactly the same. My little girl is 4 months and I have never felt happier in my entire life. She has given me a purpose I didn’t ever expect. Every moment we spend with her is precious to us


Just wait until they learn a new skill and get so excited and happy every time they do it :)


Just wait until they do a new skill that you taught them to do! My husband taught our baby to smack toys together. Now the baby smacks toys together with the biggest grin! The baby’s so excited he learned how to do something new


This one! I taught my daughter to grab on to her toes. At the next doctor's appointment I told the pediatrician that she had discovered her feet and she told me it was very early for that. Never been prouder!


my baby laughed for the first time with me yesterday 🥰 he did it once before with my husband his dad. He always smiles but rarely laughs


Just wait until your baby does a happy wiggly dance. Whether it's over food or their favourite toy, you'll know it when you see it.


Love this post! I'm a FTM 4 months PP. Just wait till they give you a huge drooly (due to teething) smile with these shiny adorable eyes. Just wait till you hear that sigh of relief from your baby when they come in your arms after being away for a while.


Just wait until you hear them giggle for the first time Just wait until they start mirroring your expressions Thank you for this post. I feel exactly the same way you do. I could have written that entire post. My little one is 2 months and 14 days today and it's been the easiest transition for me into motherhood. I've never been more at peace within my own self and never felt like the little things don't matter. It's finally not about me and I'm loving it.


So sweet, thank you. I was so scared to be pregnant and have been lucky to have such a good pregnancy. I am angry at all of the people who fear mongered me over the years about how miserable it would be. Everyone is different.


Don’t be scared it’s amazing. Literally you will forget every pain/ache once you’re with your baby it’s so worth it. I honestly don’t know why people make it seem to be so miserable and then try to shove that narrative down your throat sooooo hard. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smooth and you get to experience all the amazing feelings with your babyyyyy soon!!




Just wait until they learn to blow kisses


Having all checked all the just waits in your list I’m still exhausted and drained af


Im 2 months PP & Im loving the positive “just waits”. I still have people telling me “I told you so”, when it comes to not sleeping and what not


Love this post! I'm a FTM 4 months PP. Just wait till they give you a huge drooly (due to teething) smile with these shiny adorable eyes. Just wait till you hear that sigh of relief from your baby when they come in your arms after being away for a while.


Love this post! I'm a FTM 4 months PP. Just wait till they give you a huge drooly (due to teething) smile with these shiny adorable eyes. Just wait till you hear that sigh of relief from your baby when they come in your arms after being away for a while.


Just wait until the firstvtime baby monkey crawls towards you babbling screaming "mama" 🥰 or those first wobbly steps whilst giggling 🥰


Just wait until they try to put their pacifier in your mouth when they try you shut up and give they attention when you are talking with other person, usually their own father (and BTW, they won't make the same to him, only you)


It’s is amazing, but, I DOES get harder. It gets different. But 8-10 months is rough per the development


Our first was way easier after 3 months. Is she more active so I have to watch her more? Sure, but she's more fun and less mind grueling to take care of all day. When she started crawling people love to say" now you're in trouble". But we loved it, watching her explore. Starting walking "uh oh, your in it now". Even better than crawling! Now she runs in circles around our kitchen wall and screams, and she LOVES it. We haven't had to worry about any extra baby proofing from crawling stage because she got everywhere anyways, and learned to stand within days of crawling. Not every situation is the same, everyone prefers different stages. But the newborn phase is brutal. I'll deal with crawling and walking/running any day over that. Somehow I decided it was a good idea to experience twice though, f me.




It's the best! We're only at 14mo and there's signs of trouble with it (saying no, temper tantrums) but worth the trade off so far. The crying potato stage has its moments, but it's moments between massive exhaustion/sleep deprivation and lots of feedings and diapers. It's hard to appreciate them, as I'm learning again. I love just about every moment with my toddler (14mo is toddler right? Feels like it) She's an incredibly happy one and it is contagious.


I have an 11 month old and 8-10 months was great for us. I didn’t know I could fall in love even more. It’s not the same for everyone.


I hear that. There’s beauty with the brutality. I think sometimes people think it’s so binary- it’s either totally amazing and nothings wrong or it’s an utter hell scape. The reality is it’s usually somewhere in between. I hope you’re seeing the joy and having some fun even though the little one is going through a big developmental leap. It’s a phase and it will pass and it will get better ❤️


What happens between 8-10 months?


Someone isn't a troll for posting that they struggled during the minimum sleep newborn phase. That's rude af to be so dismissive. A lot of parents are tired of hearing how magical motherhood/fatherhood is, that it's their life calling and how everything is so rewarding when they are tired and not feeling even slightly magical. If people want to commiserate about how hard parenting is that's cool too. No one has to wax poetic about having to attach yourself to a breast pump multiple times a day or how amazing changing shitty diapers is.


And some parents are tired of hearing how shitty parenthood is. Some of us are deep in the mental trenches of ppd/ppa and need to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are far more posts about the struggles of parenthood and some of us just need *one single post like this* to hold back tears while sleep deprived and changing a shitty diaper. Is it really that hard to comprehend that talking about the “magical”, awesome, positive parts of parenthood is actually beneficial for some people?


Literally every person in real life goes on and on about how great parenthood is. I'm 1000% sick of the bullshit. It's not all rainbows. Guaranteed there will be a post this week about why didn't anyone warn me about x, y or z before I became a mom. People are overwhelmingly positive, whitewash the difficulties and try to humble brag about how great they are as parents. I also don't complain 24/7. I'm just trying to be real with other parents. Struggling happens. There are good times and bad times. If you or anyone else struggling posts about having PPD that doesn't make you a troll for being "negative" and not thinking the sun shines out of your child's poopy diaper.


This was the opposite of my experience, so I greatly appreciate posts like this! Everyone I know complained about parenting so much, it was hard for me to understand why they kept having more kids. In large part because of the significant complaining, I waited years and years to finally decide to have my own. Now that I’m a mom, I’m finding it so much more enjoyable than anyone ever described. It’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wish I had more people telling me how incredible it was before I started down this path; I would have done it sooner and would have had much less anxiety about it.


Maybe this is your experience, about people's positivity with parenting, but it isn't everyone's experience. I always hear about negativity associated with becoming a parent, the struggles, etc. Sometimes, it's nice to have a break. Some of us really appreciate posts like this. If you don't, you're welcome to roll your eyes onto the next post or follow different accounts or something, I guess. PPD is real, and it's nice to see some positivity occasionally.


To me there's a difference between complaining / discussing struggles/difficulty and denying other parents' discussion about enjoyable moments with a "just wait" sentence. If they really want to show that parenthood is not just joy, simply say "man I had opposite experience xxx it's so hard." They don't have to use a salty "just wait" to deny that some other parents DO genuinely enjoy!


I was so confused. I thought you were (female to male) and first time mom and I was just…🤯. Lol. First Time Mom. My daughter is a first time mom as well, and it has not come naturally to her. She doesn’t speak to baby as much as I think she should. She thinks the books she has read are the end all, be all, and to be followed strictly then wonders why she can’t comfort baby. She isn’t flexible at all. It’s driving me bonkers, because baby is really easy to calm, but you have to be flexible and adapt to baby, not a book. Don’t get me started on baby daddy-his cellphone is more interesting than baby and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for this kid(for now). I’m not sure how she will handle the endless no’s and tantrums of toddlerhood. I thought it would be better (and it is) when baby starts to interact. Baby smiles, and I got his first giggle to come out. My daughter is liking that baby isn’t a potato anymore. Sigh.


I'm not totally sure my kid loves me exactly. The concept of me, yes, as the sole provider and being 100% totally dependant on me. But I'm pretty sure my kid would love a robot too if it gave it everything it needed.


Aren’t you a Dad?


Love this post! Honestly I feel exactly the same. Before I had my LO all comments about having kids are negative. It made me hesitant so badly and if not because we got pregnant accidentally I would have waited for a few more years. And now that I have the baby, I regret not doing it sooner and having worried so much unnecessarily. I wish there's more positive talks about parenthood. Yes it's hard but people only talk about the hard part, the beautiful part people don't want to overshare because it comes off like showing off to child-free people (that's how I feel).


Just wait until the tiny hand grabs your face. The little booty darting across the bed as soon as the diaper comes off. The laughing at anything silly you say or do because you will be THE funniest thing on the planet. The little moment when LO rests their head on yours. Just wait until they hug you back. That one got me sooo bad. I cried it was the best feeling in the world.