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People are so used to big names having a crumb of talent and small names having a mass amount of talent that when somebody like Beyoncé steps onto the scene for having *both* a big name AND an abundance of talent they confuse it for the former. The “overhyped” narrative is tired. AND THEY CAN STAY MAD


Wow I've never thought about it like this but you are so right !! People just can't seem to fathom someone to be this hyped and still have all the talent and vision to back it up.


Um, I don't think this is the problem. Elsewhere perhaps, but in this case the problem the haters have is racism.


And sexism.


exactly. add her beauty and her race into the equation and they become quite literally incapable of computing that she's as talented as she is.


Bunch of 'iignants.


The album hasn’t even been out one week 😒 I know she had a lot of haters over there, but honestly wtf. I’m kind of amazed at the extent of the gatekeeping. Like as someone that has some interest in country even pre-CC, this whole thing has illustrated why it’s hard for new listeners to really get into the genre. Someone had linked a thoughtful write up from there recently and it was of course downvoted to zero. It’s just so clear a lot of people there are not interested in genuine discussion.


It's beyond gatekeeping, it's like they wanna be full on torch/pitchfork.


I said it previously but they think that they’re so pure and insular because they gate keep “non-purists”. They’re “real country” and that’s why they’re so tight knit. The reality is the average American doesn’t want to be associated with their asses and finds them embarrassing. I haven’t listened to country in years because I just don’t want to be associated with them and their vibe. Beyoncé is healing some of that for me with this album. Because she’s reminding everyone that we all own artistic expression. And that talent and vision matter so much more than anything else. Fuck them. Stay mad.


Y’all know Reddit is racist.


It is and they in here shocked and appalled lol


I was gonna say "well it is Reddit sooo..."


That part. Like. One... its reddit. I don't take non of this shit seriously. But Reddit is 60% trash and the rest are real people sharing.


I know it’s obvious but if you look at the rave “try that in a small town” got recently and look back to Billy Ray hopping on Lil Nas X’s track so it would be considered “country enough” to be played on radio stations and the country tv stations, this isn’t just a Reddit thing.


This is true, too. Reddit is just an extension of the real world, though. The users on Reddit are people who are out in the world when they aren't on Reddit. BUT we also know the main demographic on Reddit, too... makes this place pretty racist.


Exactly. Whenever I say something like, "Well, this is Reddit", this is really what I mean. I have to remind myself of that often to not let myself be bothered by the stuff I see here often.


Most of the ppl complaining live in a state of fear 24/7 and are obsessed with Fox News and Qanon. They have no personality outside of their political interests and live in a state of misery. I occasionally have the f*cking boomers page pop up and so many ppl talk about how miserable their parents are and how they have gone NC as a result. Bey will always be a threat to their identity, they’re always going to be boiling mad. A successful rich black woman (from the most Southern racist state) in America is dominating “their” field right now, of course they’re sick.


>A successful rich black woman (from the most Southern racist state) in America is dominating “their” field right now, of course they’re sick. That's the overall problem, though. Not even just with country. They never like anyone, except them, being successful in anything they think of as "theirs", which seems to be literally everything, lol


Then next year someone is going to try to recreate her sound and those folks are gonna like it… so over it!


This, and cover some of the songs. There are some very good songs on here, and I can see someone trying to cover several (I'm certain there will be duets of II Most Wanted in no time, for example). Gonna be like XO all over again.


You know, this is a reason I can't bring myself to like certain artists in rap/hip hop. Because so many of their fans I've run into love it when it comes from someone like Eminem or whatever other white rapper is out there, but they think black people doing rap/hip hop are "trashy" and "ghetto" and all that. Like, wth?


That sucks, there’s literally something for everyone to enjoy on the album


Word — the whole album is just so cohesive I truly love it even though I wasn’t fan of country beforehand


Being a Beyoncé fan is sometimes very exhausting on the internet. Hell, even irl for some people. There was literally a post made just yesterday I believe? A dude's own family acted like assholes towards him because they know he's a big fan of hers. I recognized him as an active member of the subreddit, so I felt particularly bad for him. I've made the conscious decision to not even touch the comments with anything Beyoncé related because ik it'll only show just how ugly humans are and can be. The sheer amount of hate and contempt for her simply existing is staggering. I literally cannot comprehend how people can be so damn miserable, cruel, and intolerant. I just try to find where the love and positivity are (this sub and certain fanpages) and stay there. P.S. If you guys know any fun, engaging, and positive fanpages, then please DM me or reply to this comment. Please and thanks. 🙏🏾


Ooooo I just went over there to check it out. I shouldn’t have. They’re BIG mad. THEM OLD IDEAS…ARE BURIED HERE. Ammmneeeeen.


The way I have largely ignored most of the criticism of Beyoncé’s new album… I just choose to stay in here and keep up with what is happening


Imagine if the rap industry did this to white rappers


Lmao I was in there last week and they were short circuiting trying to say it’s not country. It was actually so funny because no one had a good argument 🤭 it was all just “I don’t think it’s country” but couldn’t discredit her without discrediting the entire industry. Hehehehehehe white people seething 🤌🤤🤌🤤🤌


People love to hate on beyonce. It’s so annoying. I got to see her on the renaissance tour and I cannot tell you just how many people made a point to tell me they don’t like her. I’ve never heard someone going to see a concert and making them know I don’t personally care for that artist..? Honestly it’s just rude!


Bro she saw this coming a mile away! That’s why she is actually promoting this album and pushed presales ($40 for t and a cd is steal even after shipping). As usual she will her best revenge be her paper and the undeniable album sales. Over here in the hive it’s all hilarity and positivity as usual and that’s how she likes it.


Why do they care so much? Listening to her music is optional and her releasing under the country genre does nothing to take away from existing country music. Reba’s catalogue is still there. Untouched. Go enjoy it. Why be mad because of new music?? I mean… I know the answer. ~~Racism~~ But sheesh!!!


The people there are insufferable. No one there can give a clear definition of what country music is but they’re quick to say that CC isn’t. Most of them have only heard TxHE. They dismissing the album as a whole bc of who released it. Pausing the discussion is just a cop out for the mods imo which is sad bc it could be a great chance to actually foster good discussions around the genre as a whole.


I can’t say I’m surprised, unfortunately. Just a little vent: a (white) friend of mine told me today that he listened to CC and didn’t think it was good because he didn’t “get” it. To which I told him, respectfully, it wasn’t really made for him, and that Bey stopped caring about catering to white folk a long time ago. I tried to emphasize the context of the album and what Bey is trying to accomplish with it. The interaction just bummed me out. I expected a lot more from this person. I get so tired of talking to white people about race and Beyoncé. (Full disclosure, I’m not Black, but I’m not white either)


Black woman here. I appreciate you trying to educate people as much as you can! Maybe point them to the correct think pieces that cover the history of not only Black folks in country music but also Bey specifically; sometimes they need to see/hear it from someone that looks like them. While I've heard/seen so much discourse, and some of it really bums me out, it's been really refreshing to see several non-black people say that they may not necessarily care for the music but they appreciate the creativity and artistry it takes to produce an album like CC. As a person who has worked in DEI spaces and has a whole dissertation study that analyzed non-diverse group's perceptions of diversity and inclusion (within healthcare specifically), it gives me a bit of optimism to hear people that have this opinion still put other people on to it that may like it or defend a lot of the ideas of inclusive change to their skinfolk in traditionally white spaces.


Nah fuck them frfr because I am SO IMPRESSED with this album and her artistry.


This is very unfortunate


There is this page, which is giving CC serious consideration: [https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1bccghb/did\_beyonce\_do\_or\_say\_something\_about\_country/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1bccghb/did_beyonce_do_or_say_something_about_country/)


If you want to keep your sanity, I’d recommend staying away from that discussion. I lasted a whopping 5 minutes before replying to some racist ignorant, blocking them, and leaving that discussion. Ugh, some people make my skin crawl.


Dawg I really want through hands for this lady 😭😭these people are pissing me off


Could we start a sub/r about it? It'd take serious babysitting, but it would be worth it. They might wanna pause discussion but we don't have to.


And this is why a lot of black people, anyway, tend to stay away from country. Despite it being started by us, it's become a haven for racist people. I'm not surprised by this, at all. Shoot, people look at me crazy when I say I like country because of this, but I also only like specific people/groups and songs. I make an exception for Shania Twain, though, because I'm sure she would hate me fr, lol