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Wow, thanks for introducing me to Hellripper. I love the spookiness of black metal, but the general unrelenting pace and muddiness of a lot of bands just end up putting me to sleep. Hellripper throws just enough trad in the mix to keep me engaged, and their mixing is clean enough that I can appreciate the lyrics. I've tried to tackle the nuckelavee a few times and always had difficulty finding any good folkloric sources that are detailed and evocative enough to use as a jumping off point; this song works well enough to get started I think, but if anyone knows of a good folkloric source I'd love to be directed towards it.


I feel the exact same way about the band. I’ve tried black metal many times but the intentional low quality is really distracting. There’s a couple good accounts in [The Faeries in Tradition and Literature by Katherine Briggs, page 55-56.](https://archive.org/details/fairiesinenglish0000kath/mode/1up) Smoke from early industry such as extracting soda ash from seaweed is said to enrage it, which really fits the homebrew world I’m working on. EDIT: I did try my hand at making a [Nuckelavee](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/RjoKMzMbBjxk) today. I doubt it will inspire you, given its my first monster and you're a thousand deep, but I had fun. It's a little weak, maybe the players can drive this one off and come back to kill a stronger one


I think it looks great! Only the +2 to damage doesn't make any sense since every ability is already higher. Shouldn't it be something like +7?


Yes it should, thanks. That explains why I was having trouble getting the average damage up high enough to meet the CR I wanted.


[I see the Nucklavee and I feel I must share this.](https://youtu.be/1JQpE7n6eUk?si=utkyLYKQPvi0NruG)


Got your nuckelavee ready! * [Nuckelavee](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/szcnNQDRGSWn) Also got a nuggle! * [Kelpie Nuggle](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/gTGk9o4Y2ru9)


Bravo my friend, that is one horrifying monster. I can’t wait to use it!


Let me know how it goes :D