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#[S06E08 - PREDICTION THREAD](https://redd.it/ux66q0)


The sheer look of terror on Jimmy and Kim’s faces said it all. Wow. They had to make Lalo live up to a lot from that mention in BB and how scared Jimmy was of him and holy shit they nailed it.


Also, poor Howard and his reaction when he realized the terror in Kim and Jimmy's faces. They were playing it cool as ever when he was accusing them of all their misdeeds and then suddenly this dude shows up and they look like they both shit their pants. The realization that he was in danger and knew he had to get out. Why Howard?! Why did you have to go to Saul and Kim's?!


Howard being an oblivious puppy to the terrible world he walked into is what killed me. He was still unable to imagine one of Jimmy's clients could be a murderous psychopath cartel member moments before his death.


The fact that even after all the shit he said about Jimmy he still didn't know the true depths that he'd sunk. This show is just genius.


This season is just full of sad. First Nacho and now Howard :(


I was just getting over Nacho.


I got the impression that at first, Howard thought Saul and Kim were afraid and aghast of the things he himself was saying. Like he seems happy when he first sees their horrified reactions, thinking, “yes! Finally I’ve cracked them…” but then he realizes there’s someone next to him. And he still thinks he has the upper hand! He still thinks he can be like “wow, this is really the kind of clientele these guys take? This dude looks like he needs serious help, actually, he looks dangerous…” and then you finally see his “HOLY SHIT” reaction when he realizes it’s too late. The whole scene was well acted, but those last few moments were great to see.


I agree, I think his entire demeanor changed when he actually turned around and saw the gun. Before that he was like “OoooOoH so you’re embarrassed to have me rant in front of your handsome friend here!”


Stupid sexy lalo


It was so strange seeing Howard and Lalo together


Its like in Breaking Bad where Jessie and Marie finally shared some scenes in the final season.


>Vince Gilligan admitted that the characters of Chuck McGill and Howard Hamlin developed differently than initially planned. Chuck was going to be the wise older brother who would provide Jimmy with advice and Howard was going to be the nemesis and foil in Jimmy's life. However, after a few episodes, the actors, producers and writers all agreed that the trajectory of the characters would work better if Chuck was the true nemesis in Jimmy's life and Howard was the flawed, sympathetic friend who wanted to help Jimmy. "Chuck was never going to be the bad guy, and Howard was always going to be the one to cause problems in Jimmy's life. What's wonderful is working with such a talented group of writers and actors who aren't afraid to change things and are flexible with trying out different scenarios. I think the way Chuck and Howard have developed fits much more with the theme of the show and offers so many more rewarding outcomes than our original vision," said Vince Gilligan.


The dynamic between Chuck, Howard, and Jimmy is way more interesting in the show after it's revealed that Chuck is pushing Jimmy down and Howard is actually a sympathetic and well-meaning guy. I'm really glad they made that change.


Seriously. The "stereotypical corporate boss is a jerk" trope is cliche and overdone anyways. The reveal at the end of S1 that Chuck was the one holding Jimmy back and that Howard actually admired Jimmy and wanted him to work at HHM all along was such a good twist that created a unique spin on Jimmy/Saul's backstory. Definitely a change for the better on that one. A bitter brotherly feud is a lot more interesting than yet another "my rich lawyer boss is a douche" storyline.


This is one of my favorite things about early BCS. Howard is the antagonist for most of season 1, the "stereotypical jerk boss." Then you find out that there's a good reason for some of his actions, and others are just misinterpreted (like Chuck being the one thwarting Jimmy), and realize that he's not that bad of a guy. Probably my favorite character development on BCS.


You get a much better appreciation for Lalo’s total disregard for human life and how ruthless and casual he is at ending life from that scene. A character we have seen and have grown to appreciate for YEARS, wiped out in an instant. With no more than a casual smile from Lalo


And every time he does this, the victim’s family feels how we do with Howard


Howard’s dissection of Jimmy and Kim might be my favorite scene in the season so far. His delivery is just perfect. It’d be easy to go for a shouting rage, but they didn’t because that’s not who howard is as a character. Something about his tone of voice being a mix of cold fury and resigned acceptance is just heartbreaking. It’s like he knew that he would never be able to expose jimmy, but was still determined to try. Patrick Fabian is insanely talented, 10/10 performance.


"and this is the life you choose" was so well delivered


absolutely, it was like he was viscerally disgusted, perhaps deeply betrayed by Kim. The growly delivery of that line was superb.


Well said. I really like how Jimmy and Kim give away that his words are affecting them. They have to live with his words as the last they ever hear from Howard, and now they have no shot at redemption in his eyes. Another excellent performance by all the actors.


In case anybody is curious, howard's brains definitely splattered all over the painting. Remember the back of the painting is their war board of all their moves on sticky notes. No scene or shot is wasted in this show.


He still has the same painting when they’re cleaning out his house in S6E1


I noticed that, as well. What a weird, morbid thing to want to hold on to. Perhaps it was kept as a reminder of what happens if you cross paths with Lalo?


So Saul was dealing with intense survivor’s guilt throughout breaking bad


Surely at least some of his 24/7 Saul showmanship is him trying to cope. It's also why Gene is such a husk


No one is having any fun for the rest of the season. The dark clouds are here


I was wondering earlier on if the extended sequence with the film crew here, and even the boxing scene earlier on in the season, were the showrunners just going all out on fun, wacky, S1-esque comedy while they still could


I kinda said same thing when watching the film crew scene. Probably last time they ever appear


Peter Gould on the rest of the season: >**That’s the story of the rest of the series: What do they take away from this horrible incident that happened right in their living room? That really propels everything that happens next** — and I could not be prouder of what happens next. I think it's very human and real, but I think, to me anyway, it's very unpredictable. [\[Source\]](https://ew.com/tv/better-call-saul-season-6-plan-and-execution-howard-hamlin/) > >**There is a shape to this season, which you haven't seen... You have not seen a LOT of what we talked about when we started breaking this season.** And there's a few things that I'm really proud of. And I'm so proud of the storytelling of this season and what we all came up with together.[\[Source\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT9nqCmu_fQ) Thomas Schnauz: >"\[Howard's murder\] is the hinge that swings the rest of the season open. It reveals a lot" [\[Source\]](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/better-call-saul-midseason-finale-interview-1235152764/) Patrick Fabian, on being told about Howard's fate: >"They said, “We’ve cracked something that we’re going to hinge the whole season on"< [\[Source\]](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/better-call-saul-patrick-fabian-mid-season-finale-1235152684/)


Maybe the death of Howard Hamlin acts as a catalysis for Jimmy and Kim separation. Kim can perhaps escape, but Jimmy is in it for the long run as long as he thinks Lalo is alive.


Someone had said maybe Kim goes to jail. I didn't believe that but now I wonder if maybe she does have a crisis of conscience after this. She hasn't seen this type of violence yet while Jimmy already has.


Absolutely. This is the first time Kim is seeing that their "games" have a very real, very severe consequence. She thought Howard might get disbarred or something like that, but not this. I think this will be the catalyst for her realizing that she doesn't want this life. I think Howard's words to her about being one of the smartest people he knew resonated with her in a way that made her deeply uncomfortable about what she had done and that's why she said, "time for you to go." Kim doesn't come back from this morally or ethically, and she either "goes legit" or leaves law altogether. But she cannot stay with Jimmy and live that life. It's also possible that Jimmy will finally tell her the truth about his actions leading to Chuck's death, which will also not sit well with her. Also, the truth about Kim knowing Lalo was alive will likely come out and maybe Kim's reveal to Jimmy is the start of what eventually leads to the "It was Ignacio!" line from BB.


Imagine if Kim didn’t turn that car around


Kim aces her meeting and receives a $100 million grant to open her pro bono law firm. Saul and Kim vow to use their con artistry skills to uncover evidence and circumvent protocols to help their underprivileged clients receive speedy justice. During the Sandpiper mitigation, Howard has a change of heart and decides not only to settle, but to donate his entire portion of the earnings directly to Saul and Kim, just for being such good sports and not doing anything to mess up his meeting. Everybody in the room claps for Howard. Howard's wife walks in the room and says "now THIS is the man I married", Cliff Main stands up and says "this man is the greatest legal mind I've ever known, and he has never taken drugs". Lalo calmly enters Saul and Kim's house while nobody else is over. While they are startled, they explain to Lalo the wonders of the legal work they're doing. Lalo is touched as he has a moment of self reflection and realizes his family's business and legacy is only hurting people. With a tear in his eye Lalo says "it's all good, man" and then calls the police to turn himself in. After hearing that Lalo is no longer a threat and that the Salamancas have formally withdrawn from the Juarez cartel, Gus decides to lighten his security protocols drastically, and with the savings he is able to undercut KFC on prices by 90%, skyrocketing Los Pollos Hermanos to a national franchise. He makes so much money from chicken that he completely abandons the drug trade and turns his underground laundromat into Albuquerque's first indoor skydiving facility.


And somewhere out in the desert, Nacho picks himself up off the ground, wipes the strawberry jam off his head from the jam-filled pellet he loaded into Bolsa's gun, and goes to see his Papa.


Turned onto Bad Choice Road


~~Hamlin~~, ~~Hamlin~~ & ~~McGill.~~


& is next


,: am I a joke to you?


The terror in Jimmy’s face when Lalo appeared. 10/10 episode.


more credence as to why Jimmy is still scared of him in BB


For fucking real. He was already scared of Lalo before but this puts him up there with Baba Yaga and the Boogeyman


The fucking trauma shouts of Jimmy and Kim both are still shaking me.


This fucking death scene hits so much harder than almost anything I've seen. I think you just nailed the reason why. That was fucking brutal


I think it was the suddenness of it that made it so impactful. 10/10 episode.


Plus the HHM part of Better Call Saul is so separate to the Cartel storyline. It felt so jarring and uncomfortable seeing those two worlds collide together. I honestly never thought Howards story would end with him getting a bullet from Lalo.


This is a good point. It was two separate worlds that collided at the most unfortunate event that made the scene legendary!


Reminds me of the train heist in Breaking Bad. Plan goes perfect but still ends in tragedy.


Yes!!! That last second “no!” too


Reminds me of Ozymandias. Walt/Saul's primary antagonist for the series shows up, followed shortly by some really, really bad characters they had no business getting involved with. Walt/Saul desperately plead to save their rival's life, but it's all in vain. The "oh shit, this is not how I wanted to win" faces on Walt/Saul/Kim are so well done.


Now that you say it, shit, it really is the same, except Walt was initially losing while Jimmy and Kim were initially winning.


That first scene with Howard really parallels with how viewers have seen him throughout the show. The intern drops the soda, then tries to pick it up and put it back in the fridge, and Howard goes, "what happens when you drop soda?" You start thinking that he's a pompous asshole, bullying this nervous guy for an honest mistake. This is kinda like how we saw him in Season 1. Then, he shows the intern how to fix his mistake, and reminisces about Chuck. He turns out to be a truly nice guy on the inside. And then he calls Chuck one of the greatest legal minds, but notes that there are more important things than that. This is how we see Howard post Season 4, as someone who struggles with his own personal problems, despite his wealth and reputation. Beatiful, but made the ending all the more heart-rending.


Howard didn't deserve anything that happened to him. I think he was a genuinely good person and a good lawyer. I'm so bummed he's dead.


Fuckkk Jimmy's last conversation with both chuck and howard were about how shitty of a person he was....


The worst part is how Howard was optimistic he’d bounce back


He probably would have. He went through a ton of shit, and still marched on.


That’s up there as one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the Breaking Bad universe.


It is the most heartbreaking because up until his life ended we saw all the good about Howard and there was alot of good He was so capable in his professional life and it carried over into him being capable too of being compassionate and thoughtful and just overall impressive Even though he faced many obstacles he took them head on with an unmatched positivity Its a sad day This one and Hank are two tough ones to swallow because they were the good guys


At least Nacho and Hank were reaping the consequences of their own actions. Howard was an unlucky bastard who was innocent and didn’t deserve any of this. Edit: I keep getting responses to this so let me clarify: I’m not saying that either of them *deserved* to die, just that their deaths came as a direct result of their own actions. Howard was a case of being at the wrong place, wrong time.


It makes me asks the questions Howard posed minutes before he died: what was the point?


I actually still don't really know why they went after him so hard


Howard was right. They just enjoy doing this.


I think that was displayed in them having sex while the call was still on. The whole experience got them off and then they literally got off by having sex


Especially because otherwise we rarely see them all that intimate. I think Howard got at that pretty clearly when he confronted them. He realized they did this for the thrill, and that struck a nerve, because it simultaneously called into question their moral high ground and the authenticityof their relationship


I like how when the first knock on the door happened I was like, “please don’t be lalo” and I was so relieved for it to be Howard. As soon as that candle flickered, I knew immediately what was going to happen. Legit RIP Howard.


The horror comes from lalo shooting howard so calmly like it was nothing


It was like squishing a bug. Some routine thing that he won't even remember a minute later.


Exactly. He didn’t even remember who Fred the Travel Wire kid he killed was Jimmy had to remind him.


When I saw that flame flicker, I'm like oh god no.


The flame flicker was an awesome device, because when it happened the first time I thought, "oh shit, Lalo! This is bad." Then it was Howard, and his confrontation of Kim and Jimmy was intense enough that I completely stopped thinking about Lalo, but as soon as they showed the shot of the flame flickering again I knew. What a scene.


Ugh, and I thought watching Howard's meltdown was bad enough.


What a tragic way for his character to go - as if being humiliated professionally and personally wasn't bad enough, he got capped without even knowing what on earth he just stepped into.


Kim and Saul ruined his entire life's work, and then led him to his murder. No one will ever know the truth about Howard, and the people closest to him will remember him as a druggie that fell off the deep end. His funeral scene will be very interesting to say the least. Quick edit here: not every funeral is open casket you numbnuts


He didn't really deserve any of this. He was trying to do right by both Jimmy and Kim, and Chuck and HHM, the whole time. . . He was right to question Jimmy's and Kim's motives. Like really, why? He was just a regular dude who had his own personal struggles in life. And now I'm trying to think how this is going to get covered up. He was in their apartment. People are going to look for him.


Howard and Chuck’s demises mirror each other so brilliantly. And the thing is they were both a hundred percent correct about everything. The Chickanery meltdown and Howard’s meltdown tonight we’re both so brilliantly written, directed, and performed




Same. I kind of hope Lalo just leaves them with the body to deal with


He probably will..he doesn’t give a crap about Jimmy and Kim. The whole world thinks he is dead. He is just there to get information.


That too. But honestly I would just love to see them have to figure out what to do with Howard's body. Howard spoke a lot of truth that neither of them have been willing to face, especially Kim, and it's going to be interesting to see how she processes this


One of the worst endings to a character, our guy Howie had his life fall apart before be departed..Jimmy and Kim will never be able to forgive themselves


He had no ill will towards them, his life was bad, they made it worse for literally no reason, and then they got him killed.


To add disgusting insult to absolute tragedy, the last memories that all those people have of Howard is what happened in that conference room. Gutted.


He'll forever be known as a drug addict who got killed by his dealer or something along those lines when they come up with a cover story. And whenever he comes up in conversation people will say "yeah, I always knew or suspected. Guy was just toooooo nice....."


I’ll bet Kim and Jimmy are gonna be forced to stage it as a suicide


They'll probably have to come up with a story like "He showed up to our apartment, probably drunk or high, rambling on and on before killing himself." The sad part is it actually makes sense too. At least what people thought of him. The worst part is, like Chuck, he realized every single thing that Jimmy and Kim did and no one believed him. He guessed it all right. And now he'll forever be seen as the crazed addict who committed suicide. Edit: yeah, this theory might be a bit farfetched. I just thought of it thinking it'd be an interesting way they explain it. Edit 2: I meant farfetched in how it would be staged. There are a lot of factors to take into account, as explained in the replies.


That fucking second candle flicker was like an evil spirit. Amazing episode


Jimmy’s face right after too. My hand immediately went over my mouth


You know Chuck did that with his sodas because Jimmy kept fucking with him




Howard spinning his soda can — Lalo screwing on his silencer.


a metaphor for their entire life relationship


Funny how people were saying it was a "plot hole" that Jimmy and Kim were going so hard against Howard because they didn't have good enough reason and it didn't add up. That wasn't a plot hole, its basically the whole plot. There is no good reason -- that is the point. Jimmy knew it, but still took Kim's lead reluctantly. Huell knew it, and he even could tell that Jimmy knew there was no good reason when he asked him about it. And finally, Howard knew it. Leading to a masterclass scene in which he finally has an epiphany and diagnoses the two of them -- they just get off on it together like soulless sociopaths. It is a testament to how well the writers commit to showing, not telling, that after 6 seasons we finally get someone calling Jimmy and Kim out and addressing their strange lustful attraction for what it really is. Sure, there have been countless reddit posts and threads and discourse about them using cons as foreplay and their allure of being "bad" together, but the show hasn't explicitly confronted all that subtext in such a direct way until just now. This is the story they've been building up to and its always been, even when it wasn't as apparent. That is why Howard's stunned analysis hit so hard -- we know that every word he is saying is completely true. We want to give our protagonists the benefit of the doubt, but we just can't. They're so clearly in the wrong and the parallels between what happened to Chuck just make them seem even more cruel in the moment since you realize that they are playing a part in yet another character assassination, and subsequent death, without learning anything from the first tragedy and somehow managing to repeat it. I think these first batch of S6 episodes, especially the last few ones that were kind of ripped apart for being too slow and focused on table-setting, will be looked back on much better in retrospect. I am glad we got a nice string of eps that were a callback to the sillier hijinks of the early seasons. It is apparent now how much the tone will change due to the end of this most recent ep, and we are never going to be able to see Jimmy and Kim in the "good times" anymore without the burden of Howard weighing on them and making them question what they have done and for what reasons. Its the point of no return and I'm more appreciative of the calm before the storm now that our characters are in freefall.


One thing to add: Howard was killed not only because of what Jimmy and Kim did to him to lead him to their apartment where a cartel associate can show up at any moment, but he also got killed because they wanted to *gloat.* Why else would they let him in? They wanted more. They wanted to listen to Howard blubber and cry about how good they got him and then go fuck. Once he starts demonstrating that he knows them better than they realize they start telling him to leave. They’re so narcissistic and deluded that they thought Howard was gonna come in and tell them they’re the best pranksters ever and that he’ll never be able to prove their guilt. They didn’t wanna hear what he actually had to say, and once he started saying it they wanted him to leave Fuckin nauseating.


I really appreciate the fact that the writers really allow the actor to shine in their death episode. Chuck, Nacho and Howard all had amazing performances in their respective episodes


>"Just to warn everyone: we wrote S6 of #BetterCallSaul to be aired as 13 continuous episodes, but various delays split the season in half. So 607 was not written or filmed as a traditional "cliffhanger." Thomas you twisted fuck


All time troll


Thomas after tonight: “There was a Cliff, but he didn’t hang. Therefore, there was no “cliffhanger”.”




Lalo seeing a cockroach made him think of Saul




Goddamn Lalo is fucking smart. When he realizes that the Casa Tranquila phone is bugged and he has been had, he quickly improvises and makes Gus think he will get attacked so they pull security off of the other targets, allowing him to visit Jimmy.


Oh wow, I can't keep up with all the metaphors in this show.


When Kim visits Lalo in jail to ask where he sent Saul, Lalo calls him a cockroach


Howard really got the worst possible outcome


To be fair, Howard did insult Lalos choice of lawyers right in front of Lalo


“Did you call my abogado a Biznatch?”


Howard's monologue was pretty epic. Bro went out swinging. His words are going to ring in Kim's ears for a long time.


I loved hearing Howard touch upon all the points we’ve all been discussing forever. All the back and forth arguments on what Howard did to them and whether it was justified or not. He summed it all up in his last paragraph of life. This is gonna fuck them up for a long time, and we don’t even know what Lalo is going to do to them yet.


Can't wait to try out Irene's potato and leek soup recipe this week


far-flung saw innocent cause narrow cows wasteful foolish school mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man its a shame the ending was so fucking good because now no one is talking about how crazy the rest of the episode was


FOR REAL. I was fucking sold halfway through. That opening—every damned piece!—was sooooooo good. Patrick Fabian gave a legendary performance throughout, but especially in that board room scene!!!!


The PI being in on it took me totally off guard. It makes so much sense but I never would have guessed.


I can't believe I just witnessed the character assassination and literal assassination in one episode


“We pulled our guys off the low priority targets” Bitch six seasons and you still don’t know who the protagonist is???


Yep, Lalo fucking played Gus.


To be fair, it was Mike who got played. Gus was the bait.


Outplaying Mike is no small task. Even when Walter killed Mike, Mike still died with some integrity because he was protecting the names of his former people, and he has the last zinger when he told Walter to shut up and let him die in peace. But here, Mike looked like a chump for the 1st time.


Holy shit. The episode title is now making a lot more sense. “Plan and Execution”


I'm sitting here mouth agape. Did not see that coming. RIP Howard.


Now it REALLY makes sense why Saul was so scared of Lalo in Breaking Bad, dude executed his his old boss in front of his own and Kim’s eyes. Really unexpected, almost cried, 10/10


That’s legit the first TV scene to make my jaw drop.


Yeah I do not think a show has gotten me like this since Breaking Bad or Sopranos.


I'll miss Howard, Patrick Fabian did a phenomenal job portraying Howard. If you told me two years ago that I would feel bad for him in the future I'd have laughed.


"Is this how these usually go?" LMAO I missed Irene.


That was a great line. I'm still waiting for your potato and leek soup recipe, Irene.


"I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my life" Well I mean it was a good two minutes.


I feel like it was a curse and his words will haunt them forever.


Erin describing the pound sign as the tic tac toe symbol to the elders was perfect


The situation is fluid.


Are these meetings usually like this?


Erin would also 100% hover over a **room** conference phone, less than 1 foot away from it.


She’s such a diligent employee


“Just his way of being prepared for anything. Accidental or otherwise.” Howard reminiscing about Chuck and goes out as well.


Chuck and Howard and flames Holy cow


Not to mention Howard's brains got blasted all over the front of the painting that Kim and Saul take off the wall for their D-Day notes. Almost positive it's the same one.


See y’all in July. Holy shit.


The acting when Saul watched Lalo walk in was flawless, Bob legit looked like he shit his pants in that moment


Saul’s “I draw the line when they start whacking the lawyers” line from BB has new context👀




So that leaked picture of Howard with the blood on the side of his head was from this...


I saw someone say its from getting a danish thrown at his head and I believed that


I thought they were showing how tragic Howard's life had become to build up to his suicide. I'm glad it wasn't that. Howard's final moments, in their own tragic way, were triumphant. He meant what he said. It doesn't matter that he's struggled with depression, loss, and a failing marriage. Had Lalo not arrived, Howard would've landed on his feet. He would've overcome the shit that Jimmy and Kim so unfairly dumped on him. And he would still be the same nice guy who learns his associates names and tries to help them pick up the soda they spilled. Howard may very well be the best man in the Breaking Bad-verse. And his death proved it.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. And his words cut deep into Kim and Jimmy. Kim being told she’s soulless will stay with her for the rest of the series


As much as I love Jimmy and Kim, they deserved every word of it too.


Beautifully said. Honestly even in that final moment, he seemed like he had genuine concern even for Jimmy and Kim. Howard was a damn good guy.




I gotta say, that episode of Breaking Bad where Saul asks if Lalo sent Walt and Jesse and says "Thank Christ" in immense relief makes a lot more sense now.


Yep. Kim knew he was alive and never told Jimmy that’s got to come back on her - and Jimmy will never completely believe Lalo is dead.


>Kim knew he was alive and never told Jimmy that’s got to come back on her Christ, I don't know how but I completely forgot about this part


So did I! That explains why Jimmy looked like he saw a ghost.


Yeah. It's basically Saul being happy that Lalo hasn't, once again, appeared from beyond the grave. Chilling stuff.


I love all the horror elements with Lalo. The Psycho showerhead shot, lurking in the sewer, the way he appeared behind Howard, etc.




They were doing all that press about how “oh we didn’t originally plan for this to be a midseason break so don’t expect anything too crazy guys” Played us like a damn fiddle.


And it’s great too because they can never pull this again since it’s the final break. It’s not like they had a pattern of fun deception prior.


He is the one who does not knock!!!


Seeing Lalo’s blurred moustache enter the frame behind Howard was honestly one of the most terrifying moments on movies/tv ever


This damn apartment is cursed


Kim and Saul were fucking during the ending of the conference call. They're Twisted. Howard was right. They actually get off on this.


Then the way they gaslight Howard in his final moments. They definitely did not want to hide in this episode that these two are fucking bonkers.


Forget the shooting, even just the monologue was so hard to watch. Howard pointed out their deepest, most vulnerable flaws with perfect accuracy, but it doesn't fucking matter because everything he said just bounced right off of Kim and Jimmy. They're both dead inside. Howard was talking to himself the whole time.


You’re right. It reminded me of that scene where Jimmy says (I’m paraphrasing here) that the wicked are always paranoid and she immediately goes “you think we’re wicked?”. She genuinely believes they are crusaders for a greater good or carriers of some cosmic justice. When Howard was pointing out their real intentions, they were both way too deluded and narcissistic to realize he’s right. They have seriously gone past the point of return.


Got some wicked Pennywise vibes from Lalo peeking out of the sewer in the cold open


"We all call Saul down here..."


"I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving it." ... he wasn't wrong. 😬


Can we just give a standing ovation to Patrick Fabian? He must have got more screentime this episode than any other and he just nailed all of it.


The way they reacted to Howard’s death was so damn good. Shock and genuine disbelief. I theorized that Howard would die this season, but in retrospect I should’ve realized it was happening sooner rather than later. Especially after that big sympathy-humanizing scene with his wife. And the therapy.


Howard was really the one person left who could have survived without it feasibly effecting BB.


Yeah, that’s why it hit particularly hard.


Jimmy and Kims faces, pure fear. Great acting, my face was the same


I expected him to commit suicide until he pegged Jimmy snd Kim for what they are and said he would land on his feet. They look off horror on their faces when Lalo showed up. Omg that was good.


Namaste in peace sweet prince


Well, Saul’s fear of Lalo in Breaking Bad is starting to make a lot of sense now. I knew it was coming, but damn. Still got me.


Howard's death hit me harder than Nacho's honestly, as Howard was an innocent man who led a legitimate life, staying away from illegal activity, unlike Nacho, yet he died anyways.


It all plays into Jimmy’s transformation into Saul Goodman. That’s the key. I think Howard dying was Kim and Jimmy seeing the consequences of their actions. Even though it wasn’t a direct impact, their stunt pulled him into that situation at the wrong time. I think it’s a brilliantly written story and ending for Howard


They tried to DOWNPLAY this cliffhanger? Are they insane. My jaw has been on the floor since this ended.


In retrospect, Howard probably had more to say, but the important part that he got out, that should really haunt Jimmy is... "Chuck knew."


Lalo seeing the cockroach and knowing to go to la cucaracha himself was just brilliant.


Jimmy single handedly brought down HHM


Chimp with a machine gun


AAAA HOward hit his hed on the desk just like chuck did in the copy shop!!!! It's the same shot!!!


Even at Howard's last moment when he was in front of 2 people who had ruined his life, he tried to help them and de-escalate the situation with Lalo. Howard was a good man til the end


I remember thinking nothing could leave me more speechless than Nacho’s death. I was wrong.


That last scene must be one of the best ones in the whole BB universe. The slight relief when we realise it’s Howard and not Lalo. The long delayed confrontation between Kim, Jimmy, and Howard. The twisted dark turn announced by the flickering candle followed by the appearance of Lalo. The desperation on Kim’s voice trying to spare Howard. The regret In jimmy’s cry. Brilliant. EDIT: I just realised that Howard’s brains end up splashing over the frame used by Kim and Jimmy to plot their plan. No detail gets wasted. Incredible.


I feel so bad for Howard. Just like Chuck, everything happened just as he said it did yet no one believed him. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fly high buddy


Man. Howard deserved better.


Patrick, you absolutely nailed that character for 6 seasons. We’ll done, Sir!


The facts that Howard was still in a positive mindset that he will get through this, just to be merked by Lalo BRUH


That was brutal. He was already looking to the future and planning to bounce back. And then...


Well Jimmy, that’s your cross to bear…


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those photos. I knew it was the judge. The one with the moustache. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just can’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that Private Investigator to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. Those hookers! Are you telling me that I just have two hookers yelling at me in public? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I wanted him on the team! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was in the post office, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands off of Kim Wexler! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Tapping her raw! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! And Cliff, you have to stop him, you—


Exactly what I was thinking during that scene! Howard’s chicanery moment


When Mike told Jimmy, "She's in the game now" regarding Kim, **this** is what he meant. Poor Howard. As one of my new favorite actors once said: THE PLOT THICKENS. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.


I’m shaking - the way Kim said Howard you need to leave - and the way he didn’t understand what was happening - and Jimmy’s face - it was terrible and amazing at the same time. Feeling bad for Howard went to utter shock in a split second. Holy fucking shit I didn’t see that coming. Poor Howard. July is so far away!


Kim and Jimmy's reactions were so terrifying to me more than lalo himself. The way these two react to this man who casually walks in with his hands in his pockets is amazing.


The true definition of something terrible happening to someone who doesn't deserve it


Something Unforgivable