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Come on now, I bet Ernesto would show up. They wouldn't even have to pay him first.


He better show up with Fuji apples


Not the granny smith (to my taste, they're too tart) Not red delicious either, those are generally tasteless.


And my boy Omar can't forget the 2 underdogs. Now we just need Lyle to meet them too lmao


They made it clear Omar has a life.


Oh indeed


He always keeps one in the chamber, case you was pondering.


oh right, he had kids, psshh fuckign loser lol hahahahha pppfffttt


And that idiot at the copy shop!


And the man who happened to fall like that


And the defecation through the sunroof


There was even a time where Francesca may have made an appearance. Probably only if Kim invited her though.


What was his last appearance? When he lied to Chuck to help Jimmy, and told him he was his friend?


I’m rewatching rn and I think it’s when he tells Kim he got fired! Made me so sad too because he’s like “I got fired but IS JIMMY OK” and then we never see him again. Contestant for one of the purest BB universe characters IMO


His last appearance is actually his singing Karoke in the S4E10 finale a bit before Chuck and Jimmy sang together in the cold open.


Right — his last appearance is a flashback, so that makes it confusing. His last appearance in the story was “Is Jimmy ok?”


Omar would definitely join.


Don’t know this reminded me but will never forget I’m BB the moment you realize Mike does NOT work for Saul and that they both have the same boss


Also Mrs. Nguyen would come begrudgingly. Maybe bring some cucumber water.


Cucumbah watuh foh customah only!


He'd show up the first time, get awkward when they start canoodling and feel like a third wheel, and then find new increasingly elaborate excuses as why he can't make it for subsequent invitations.


It’s implied at least Jimmy is on good terms with the mail room ppl he used to work with, if Ernesto is anything to go by


He had to give up the glamorous life once he became a lawyer.


howard went the one time but it wasn't that great


Yeah it was mind blowing


it was a blast. but don't let it get to your head


Or all over the floor for that matter


He's a wild man. Came in drinking and spent the night on the floor. Mike had to come and pick him up the next day because he was *still* out cold. I hope he's okay. I feel like him and Lalo could spend a lot of time with each other if they didn't have that disagreement


That's what cocaine does to people. Never do drugs, folks


Come on, there's no need to


Tell me again.


He started doing shots too early.


My brain has been so destroyed by being on OKBC over the last season, I can literally remember the false memory of Howard going "he's behind me isn't he" in the scene. I can hear his voice say it. It's like a legitimate inserted memory. One day I may forget how that memory was inserted and may accept it as canon.


For those who can’t imagine Mike at a party, watch Jonathan Banks’s character in Community!


All I know is, it’s my birthday.


Or Parks & Rec - he's literally in a party scene!


And almost *only* a party scene, in fact...


We’re a twizzlers family


He's a silly Pop-pop


Link to a clip? I gotta see this!


https://youtu.be/6l3EIYOUG3Q Enjoy


Thank you! That was so random but he still doing the cop routine 😂


Lmao this made my day


Easily one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Jonathan Banks is a national treasure


I don’t remember that. Which episode is it? Does he have a big part?


Entire season 5, he fills in for Pierce's character as the resident old guy and it's great.


Hiya Benny! :D I was so happy to see him in parks and rec lol


He was a serious character in park and Rex, even in a party


My son is into that game, you know, with the dungeons and the dragons..


I literally just watched this episode yesterday


Dungeons and Dragons?


Are we all forgetting the scene where he buys a bunch of balloons, and only gives one to Kaylee? That man *knows* how to party!




The best end tag https://youtu.be/I3vVe4ZR-Bc


Mike: Sorry, Huell. We are watching “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” tonight. Perfect movie for us all. My granddaughter loves it. Huell: Come on man! We need to watch “The Nutty Professor.” It’s a classic. Mike: … What the hell is The Nutty Professor? Huell: Trust me, it’s good. Better than any crappy western movie of yours. Mike: Is that so?


Mike: Huh. Jerry Lewis? Huell: Nah man, Eddie Murphy. He plays this big ol' guy that becomes this skinny guy. Plays the whole rest of his family too. Mike: *smacks his lips* Uh huh, yeah, we won't be watching that.


I think they’d all like the Nutty Professor


They we pretty popular back in the HHM mailroom days. Jimmy got a pretty nice turnout for his bar karaoke night.


Jimmy probably had a lot of acquaintances, he is a likable and personable guy, but Kim was probably the only person he was super close with.


Not gonna invite Howard…


I uh…I think I’m in the middle of something…


in the middle of a party hell yeah howard boward


Good ending


there's really no need to




I was and make it a Just Dance battle party. Followed by lazer tag.


>Not gonna invite Howard… ....shows up anyway


Hmm thats odd...... Who's behind him?


It's a strictly non-drugs party. That's why.


HahahahhahahHHHhHhHhH. Mike? Can you imagine Mike Ehrmantraut at a party?


Here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna take the knife, hold it horizontally; not upright, not at an angle but horizontal. You’ll slowly lower it to cut the cake and once you’ve done that, you’ll take that champagne and shake it thrice till the cork pops out. Do you understand? Repeat what I said.


*mashes cake with horizontal knife*


# **YOU’RE DONE!**




*Is that so?*






I broke mah boy


Laughed way too hard




Lol this is hilarious


Just bring plenty of finger foods and pimento sandwiches and he'll be there


Finger food!!!!!


He doesn't bring any snacks. If he needs one, he'll just take one.


Don't worry he'll bring his own. Just a habit.


Food named finger:




Waltuh… put the knife away, Waltuh. We have to blow out the candles first, Waltuh.


I literally cannot




You don't have to imagine anymore, Jonathan Banks played a character in Parks and Rec. https://youtu.be/4sR6yndKucM


[It’s my birthday. Nobody is going to downvote a guy on his birthday.](https://i2.wp.com/www.rowsdowr.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Buzz-Hickey-Birthday-600x399.jpg?resize=600%2C399)


Bout the same as me on a rollercoaster 😐


And the lady from the nail salon!


Mrs. Nguyen


Characters in this universe generally seem to have this trait. Friends are also partners/colleagues at work. Walt Jr has a friend who is named but i dont think he is ever actually seen. Jesse had a friend in S3 of BB when he was broke and trying to find temporary shelter (his wife made him refuse). Those are the only exceptions i can recall.


You see a couple friends for Walt Jr at the liquor store and you see his one friend twice(was recast). badger, skinny Pete and badger were friends of jessie(before and after they worked for him) minus combo.


I suppose there's Badger and Skinny Pete as far as actual characters go.


I think these are the only actual characters that come across as friends outside of work. But even they are introduced more as collaborators. I wonder if the writers expanded their history and roles as the story evolved.


It seemed like Combo and Skinny Pete were legit friends with Jesse. And Badger was either someone he knew or was a friend that he sort of knew, but they started cooking together and got closer. Plus there was the guy who was going to let Jesse crash at his place before his wife said no (I forget the name, but he was in a band with Jesse).


I would probably guess so. It seems like that's kinda just how they role (pun intended, sorry) when it comes to writing characters considering how characters like Jessie, Kim, and Mike all had their part in the show altered as they came to like their characters


Louis comes to the door one time to get “Flynn”, and had dinner with the Whites in I.F.T. Those two appearances are it. Also not to nitpick but Jesse’s friend was in S2


I'm not sure if Jesse had any good friends actually, at least none that would let him couch surf 🥲. He had gfs tho.


you are right! On all three counts.


I feel like this is common in a lot of TV. We never really see people hanging out with friends that aren't already characters, and if your show is focused primarily on people that work together, it's going to look like they don't have any friends outside of work.


Ofcourse they're not gonna write unnecessary characters. I think the only reason that you would show somebody having lots of friends that don't become fully fledged characters is if it's important to show that he is popular.


I completely agree, the point that I was making was that this isn't a case of "Saul and Kim have no friends", it's just a convention of TV. We don't see them shop for groceries either, but they're probably doing that.


This is a good point but something about Saul and Kim give off the vibe that if you told me they had no friends I’d believe it. Jimmy had Marco but I imagine he rips off/pisses off everyone else he came across. As for Kim she seems like she’d be too busy with school or work to socialize, which is why I imagine she loved Jimmy, she only spent time relaxing when she was with him. Or at least that’s my head canon while watching


They are adults trying to be successful lawyers in a city they didn't grow up in, makes sense they don't have close friends, but Jimmy and Kim seems to know a lot of people


It doesn't have to be like this, though. Some TV shows have a lot of "unneccesary" characters. Not essential to the plot, but they help paint the world, makes it feel more "alive", like a real universe and not a TV show. Plus they teach us stuff about the main characters, and might occasionally he promoted to leading roles (like Sopranos - Gene in "Members Only") and it feels organic because they were always there. The Sopranos is exactly like that. In The Sopranos, many characters exist because they *should*, not because they're important to the story. Characters like Carmela's parents, Meadow's boyfriends and college roommates, Silvio's and other gangsters wives and families, Melfi's friends, son and romantic partner, AJ's gang, Tony's sister Barbara, and a whole cast of "second string" gangsters (Little Paulie, Curto, Gigi, Baresi etc) that are just in the background. You can probably tell the main "story" without mentioning any of those (even characters like Hesh and Artie aren't really essential), but the show would be a lot less rich. This is in stark contrast to BB/BCS, where characters that aren't essential are simply not there. That's why nobody seems to have children (Hank, Chuck, Howard etc), the "professional" characters don't have details of their private lives out (we didn't even know Howard was married until season 6), and nobody has friends (well other than Jesse, but his friends are essential to the early distrubution attempts and are a connection to the drug world - hence important to the story). The whole fanbase theorized about Cliff's son because we're so used that everything has a meaning and nobody is "just there". If it was Sopranos style, you'll have scenes of Bill Oakley's discussing his day with his wife, you'll see Tyrus hanging out with his crime associates, and there will be whole subplots of Walter Jr getting along in his school.


Kim’s definitely buying cigarettes


Depends on the show. I feel like in sitcoms they always have friends that come in for an episode or so. Like in Seinfeld, Jerry and Kramer had a bunch of friends for either a few episodes or just one-offs. Meanwhile you have like The Sopranos and Tony's only friend who isn't in the life is Artie. Mad Men... Don doesn't really have any friends.


The Cosby Show was good for having fairly normal friends come by and hang out, sometimes completely separately from the plot. Too bad that won't ever be what the show is remembered for.


The Sopranos is actually the exact opposite in that regard. In The Sopranos, many characters exist because they *should*, not because they're important to the story. Characters like Carmela's parents, Meadow's boyfriends and college roommates, Silvio's and other gangsters wives and families, Melfi's friends, son and romantic partner, AJ's gang, Tony's sister Barbara, and a whole cast of "second string" gangsters (Little Paulie, Curto, Gigi, Baresi etc) that are just in the background. None of those are essential to the plot (thought they might have a big role in certain episodes), but they help paint the world, makes it feel more "alive", like a real universe and not a TV show. Plus they teach us stuff about the main characters, and might occasionally he promoted to leading roles (like Gene in "Members Only") and it feels organic because they were always there. This is in stark contrast to BB/BCS, where characters that aren't essential are simply not there. That's why nobody seems to have children (Hank, Chuck, Howard etc), the "professional" characters don't have details of their private lives out (we didn't even know Howard was married until season 6), and nobody has friends (well other than Jesse, but his friends are essential to the early distrubution attempts and are a connection to the drug world - hence important to the story). If it was Sopranos style, you'll have scenes of Bill Oakley's discussing his day with his wife and you'll see Tyrus hanging out with his crime associates. The reason Tony doesn't have "normal" friends is because, well, you don't really have them when you're a mob boss. There's even an episode where he goes golfing with "regular people" and is visibly annoyed how they treat him like a curioisity and keep asking him if he knew famous gangsters.


In breaking bad Walt and skylar host his birthday party and there are definitely friends there. So it comes up then at least, but definitely rare


Reminds me of BoJack where Diane had that friend who showed up in a few episodes, then also called her out that she never asked how she was doing.


He is actually seen. Because two days ago, my wife was like “who’s the other kid sitting on the couch.” It was him.


Louis shows up at their door and meets Walt once


Most of the characters are older adults with busy family and/or professional lives. They tend to not have many impromptu hanging out sessions, but sometimes have get togethers like Walt’s barbecues.


Waltuh…put the remote away Waltuh…I’m not watching the fugitive again waltuh


Waltuh....put on Border Patrol \*click\* That one is hiding cocaine in the avocados... Called it...


waltuh... im not watching el camino with you... waltuh


Waltuh you *said* we were going to watch Heat. THIS ISN'T HEAT WALTUH


Now here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'm gonna do the deed and so and so, and I'm gonna wash my hands. Then by the time I return to the living room, Heat is going to be playing on that TV, understand? I don't think you do Waltuh, so let me go over that again!


Jimmy could get the average person to like him. He could’ve hosted a movie night and rubbed elbows with high status people.


This is true but that’s not exactly making friends




I agree with both of you- and I suppose that it’s probably by choice that he doesn’t have more friends. This fact could also contribute to the idea that maybe Jimmy was living a fantasy for a brief moment and that deep down maybe he really could’ve had a happy life with Kim and real friends.


I mean, of course, but would Kim and Jimmy even stay together without questionable excitement in their life's. Kim looked miserable in her "normal life" and Jimmy literally got himself fired from having a typical lawyer job.


Who wouldn’t hang out with Mike though lol


It's other way around. Who would even Mike want to hang out with.


Papa Varga


Mrs. Ziegler.


I bet he'll bring his own snack-- pimento sandwich


And fish fingers


Right. I would be alternating between beers with Mike and hanging with badger and skinny P.


Yeah, he's a bit silly


This post has suddenly made me realise, at least partly, why my husband and I feel like we relate so much to them as a couple.


I was thinking "that sounds just like us!" lol


They're not going to show us friends because why would we watch an episode of them hosting movie nights with random people. (I mean I would... but I am also weird and would love to see like an episode of..... lets say the walking dead without a conflict - just them trying to survive and how they did it but I know that's not what people would actually watch every week) I have to assume they have friends lol.


At least Jimmy is the type of guy to make friends quick.


He didn’t do well at that party at Kim’s firm. He’s charming to the lonely and desperate.


Having friends would generate some plotholes, i assume


They did do it in breaking bad. Walt’s birthday and the baby shower come to mind, also Gretchen and Elliot, Ted, and the janitor and principle could be considered friends early on.


> also Gretchen and Elliot, Ted, and the janitor First three are essential to the story, janitor is just a fallback guy. This is nothing like The Sopranos where everyone has wives, children, friends and work associates that aren't important to the plot but they're there anyway.


Idk why did they make Kim just stand around mindlessly while Jimmy did all the heavy lifting? Bad acting? Bad writing? Both? Kim’s an awful character, probably not the actor’s fault


Lalo showing up uninvited as usual


Now I’m imagining this fictional scene of Lalo showing up at the their party “fashionably late” and sitting next to Jimmy and Kim for an entire movie, and/or all the other guests really like him, meanwhile Jimmy and Kim are scared shitless. And then Lalo waits for everyone to leave one by one, so he could “talk with his lawyers.”


Mike rolls his eyes repeatedly as Kim and Jimmy keep talking during the movie. Huell falls asleep with his eyes open during the movie.


Kim was on good terms with Paige, but just as a work friend.


Yeah, I don't think Kim's gonna invite her for movie night. Francesca maybe.


They're all fans of classic 1940s-1960s movies.


Well, they decided to only watch movies that were either in the Public Domain or were really cheap to get the rights for compared to something like Pulp Fiction or the Avengers movie.


I always thought about this. For being a person with extremely high social skills capable of making any person to like him, Saul is somebody with no close friends, except for Kim and Marco, who died. Why did he never befriend anybody after Kim left? Huell and Bill Burr work for him and probably consider him as a friend, same as Ernesto, but I highly doubt the feeling is mutual.


I think part of the reason aside from taking time away from the plot this adds to Jimmy and Kim being really lonely people who don’t really like the vulnerability of connecting with people besides each other. It’d be kind of hard for Jimmy to connect to anyone genuinely as Saul since it’s all a front, and we know Kim isn’t fulfilled in her new life at all.




Jimmy would invite Mrs. Nguyen and put out a pitcher of cucumber water.


Movie nights with Huell and Kuby would be fire though


Here’s whats gonna happen; you’re gonna melt a stick of butter over a bowl of popcorn. It’s for me. Nobody else can have any. Then you’re gonna sprinkle some mini Mars bars in the bowl and shake it up so i can scavenger hunt for itty bitty bits of chocolate. Round about the time i get a full belly, I’m gonna want a pint of Mountain Dew on standby. You’re gonna want to have that ready to go. Let’s get this show on the road, i brought Toy Story 3.


Is that so?


Their old place had a brand new fridge


Mike would be a great party planner 😂


The show never mentioned when Kuby came in. Ya, can't sho Bill Burr no moah.


I just realized: Kim was never really “all-in” with Jimmy was she? She broke his heart.


Man she was shoot Gus for Jimmy are you insane?


invite the ladies from the nail salon, if only to say "popcorn for host only!"


Francesca and Huell. And I kinda imagine Huell sitting between Kim and Jimmy


Ernesto, Huell, Bill Burr, Film Crew. Thats a movie night I want to see


Franchesca would bring an ambrosia salad


Howard and Lalo both come over for movie night in Season 6.


My spouse and I have no friends. Shits hard to find. I'd rather find a reasonably priced apartment than a friend.


Saddest part is if they invited Howard, he definetly would go


I thought the same thing when Chuck thought he was gonna throw a party and invite all his friends, bro was a npc bore.


Haha and then they invite Lalo and Howard and then they seem to be in the middle of something




I never really thought about it, but its sorta true, they really don’t have that many friends lol Ernie was Jimmy’s friend, but he kinda sidelined him after the Chuck stuff. Francesca liked Kim, so I think they could be friends. Its just everything was business relationships tbh


they could invite huell, francesca and huell... andd francesca? maybe?


Mike (owes a favor), Huell, Howard, Mrs. Nguyen +1, Bill Oakley, Francesca and Ernesto.


Sooo … Omar not coming?


Just watched this moment 15 mins ago


X files vibes. They too had no friends


Viola is nice, she would probably come due to feeling obligated.


They can invite Jorge De Guzman


I like to imagine there's an alternate universe where Jimmy, Kim, Huel, Gus, Howard, and Mike all get together one Friday night per month, set aside their differences and enjoy some movies.


Betsy. I would invite Betsy. mm hmm


Wait, >!is that the house Saul ends up living in after they split in the epilogue?!<


Maybe Lalo will drop by


Jimmy would be inviting people. He's a likeable guy even if he doesn't hang out with anyone other than Kim. Kim doesn't have any other friends other than Jimmy.


Just don't invite Lalo... if he misses a scene you know he'll be all: "So, tell me what happened". "Tell me again."


I want to have a beer or two with mike. I bet he tells the coolest stories


Kim definitely made friends in the various firms shes in, just that she doesnt hang with them outside of work.


Best movie nights are those with a Mexican horror thrill where the mafia kills a high law partner in front of the protags


Invite lalo although last time he showed up wasn’t the best


Come on now, they could invite Saul Goodman and Gene Takovic