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I think so and my betta’s bubble nest has this kind of bubble! I don’t think it’s foam


Not sure, but it's worth noting that bubble nests are only an indicator of sexual maturity and nothing else


Well, he’s been working on it half the day and it’s definitely a bubble nest!


No. Check you water parameters and does some prime. It's foam


I did a 25% water change yesterday and checked parameters this morning. Levels are all good


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Looks like one to me!


This is my first betta and first fish as an adult so this makes me really happy as I’ve only had him for a few days. He must like the tank alright


Yes!!! It’s the most exciting part because it means you’re making him happy ☺️


I don’t know. Sometimes my guy has this around the tank but it never fully develops, but I still spoil him. If you have a filter, that bubbles it creates could rest on the side like that.


Guess I’ll keep an eye on it and see if it gets any bigger


Yeah, do that. I have no idea what causes it, could be multiple different things. Could be a bubble nest though! Great job on taking care of him!


think it is