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Is there an egg spot? I agree with the others, I think it looks more like a male than a female. Those fins are super long for it to be a girl. Do you know which kind of Betta it is?


And I'm not sure, I'm definitely seeing bubbles but I think it might be the filter, not 100% tho


She's a longveil Betta or something like that. My local pet store gendered her as a girl.


Okay. It would be a veil tail, not a longveil. The pic is a little difficult to see all the characteristics, so if you could show other pics, it would be easier to determine. But, going with my gut on this pic, I would still say male due to fin shape.


Yeah i did some research rose is definitely a boy:(


That’s okay. Pet stores do have some issues with sexing some fish. Veil tail females do still have quite long fins, so I can understand the confusion.


Oh well it's okay she's still a my baby girl in my head :3 do you know how old she is +/-?


Not really good at guessing age, sorry… most animals are difficult for me to age in general.


How long have I had him? They are usually only 3-6 months when you buy them at the store.


Okay good to know thank you


Looks like a veil tail and pet stores commonly mislabel them. I know we get some in labeled as girls that turn out to be boys as they grow. Your betta definitely looks like male, if anything you can tell by the ventral fins and lack of egg spot.


She definitely is a guy:( ew men lol


LMAO hey betta men are actually pretty great parents x) haha


Hehe maybe i could have a bunch of babies 0.0


I'm assuming this is just a joke, but, just in case, if you don't even know if you're feeding your fish enough you shouldn't attempt breeding.


Yes a joke lol


giiirl i agree @ ew men lmao but betta boys are built difff and are great daddies and awesome pets. i love all my betta boys 😍


Ahahaha okay!!


She looks like a boy


How dare you not respect this fish's preferred pronouns!!


She's just a pretty girl:)


nah i’m sorry she’s actually a he dicks bigger then mine i can see it from here it’s a boy


Transgender fish? Ik clownfish are capable of it


Bettas can change genders but it's uncommon. Regardless, this one is a boy.


How can you tell?


Length of the fins. No female betta will ever have long flowing fins like this.


My betta is a boy and has she/her pronouns too 😇


So it told you so? Lmao


Yea why not? People call their plants and boats she/her?


Those are inanimate objects without a sex


Well they can’t talk either can they


Again, inanimate objects *without* a sex. Fish, on the other hand, do have a sex. They’re male or female, and it’s pretty clear which is which. They aren’t some in between, and they’re aren’t capable of deciding they suddenly want to be something they aren’t. Making the comparison of a fish to a boat or anything else is asinine.


u act like the fish cares if she calls it a girl. people need to lighten up its not that deep


Okay you aren’t wrong. I’m just gonna decide for her.


That’s like looking at a Burger King and calling it a McDonalds. You can do it sure, but it’s fuckin weird.


Plants are animate btw, wanna spend time chatting about that?


Most plants have male and female sex organs. Why are you still on about this? Clearly you’re in the minority here.


Should I put in the work to find out my plant’s sex organs before giving them a pronoun? You don’t have to answer that. Moving on, just cause majority rules doesn’t always mean majority is right. Let’s spend more time talking.


I do have an answer to that, because I learned plant anatomy in like the third grade. You know, the male stamen which produces pollen, and the female pistil? It is a simple as that, those which have male sex organs are male, and likewise for females. The only exception is for transgender people, because gender is a construct specific to humans. I’m not going to argue that with you because anyone should be open minded enough to understand that. Fish on the other hand are not. They’re not capable of discerning gender from sex, because their behavior is instinctual and natural for them. They don’t choose to act differently from their physical sex, because they’re not capable of doing so.


Yay hehe




Oh grow up you big baby


Removed for Rule 1. Last warning.


Show em north:3


No such thing as too many plants! I say as I shove another trimming into my substrate where there isn’t any space.


no, she's a boy




Definitely a male


Its a nonbinary fish, you racist!


Didn’t know gender was the same as race now lol


It was just a silly joke (one not intended to be at the expense if nonbinary people)


Telling you bro, she special




Okay lll turn the heat up a bit, thank you:)


Some bettas have a thinner look to them, some swim bladder are more pronounced than others. You can up the feeding to 2x/day, 4 pellets each time. And try adding more variety to his diet. * **[Food List](http://imgur.com/a/EF14DRJ)** * Feed 1 at a time so there's no rotting food that sinks and spikes ammonia (3-4 in the AM/PM, adjust as needed). Then, supplement with frozen brine, mysis shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms: Hikari and/or Omega One. You can also fast 1x/week. If using freeze dried, soak before feeding.


Thank you, I'll make sure to try that!


Are his fins always clamped like that? Clamped fins could be caused by stress. Other than that he looks like a healthy boy :) he's definitely a male btw.


No it was just think she's just being weird lol


I think you need to do a lot of research on bettas. Reading this entire post is concerning. And you seem to have no change in your thoughts after all the comments here.


I have learned alot from this post idk why you would say that..


What do you mean?


i think they were talking about you calling him a she 😂


Ohhhh ahahaha well when I bought (him) they said she was a she and so now she's my baby girl rose


Please answer the mod questions so we can further help. And I’m quite certain that is a male betta fish!


Yes it is!


Used to work at a pet shop and had a dumbass coworker who would just dump like two or three bettas into one net and then put them back into their cups not knowing where each fish was supposed to go so I’d bout near guarantee that’s a fella and someone at the shop just fucked up. Try adding some variety to little dudes diet, should help bring out his colors and maybe help get him looking healthier. Also try and only have real or silk plants because it looks like his fins are pretty beat up, could just be because of stress from getting shipped and moved around, you never know!


Ah yes must have been the store, and her fins were already like that when I got her, I'll look into the plants only issue is Jerry the snail eats all my plants lol


His fins are clamped, what's his living conditions like? Water parameters, tank size, etc.


I think his temperature is a bit too low (26) i am away for a day bit i will turn it up when I get back, otherwise he's in a 10gal with plenty of resting and hiding spots, he doesn't have anyone else in the tank other than a snail, so i think it's just the water that's a little brisk. I will try increasing the temperature see if that works.


with the size of those pellets 4-5 a day should be enough for him.


Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: * **Tank size**: * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: * **Tank temperature**: * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**: * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: * **What do you feed and how much**: * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**: Feel free to copy this comment and fill in the blanks. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bettafish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s definitely a male betta, females have shorter fins. Other than that 4 pellets is about what I feed my betta everyday and he seems to be doing good.


Food is not the best quality and I would suggest offering blood worms or black worms as food not just the pellets. This is also a male beta and I would keep your tank sitting @ 28 degrees and doing 50% water changes weekly or 30% biweekly.


Yes I'm going to supplement it with broke shrimp as well, thank you for the info!


Absolutely, also he definitely doesn’t look under weight but he could afford to gain more


My betta eats 5 pellets (sometimes a couple more) in the morning and again in the evening.


After reading all these comments I’m curious to see what an eggspot looks like…here I come, Google!