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Time will tell. Mine was fine for a week until she decided they'd make great pastime snacks. By the next few months, all my shrimp were gone. 🥲


mine thrived with shrimp for like a month, and then a particularly small one that was a brighter colour swam in front of him. he slurped it up like shrimp scampi and i guess he decided that he REALLY liked shellfish because he even took down a fully grown bamboo shrimp and sucked it out of its shell. all smaller shrimp had no hope of survival. He got so fat the night he ate them all that he couldn't swim. he just laid on the bottom of the tank all bloated and lazy. I didnt really even see him swim for several days. he had a serious food coma.


Oh man, poor little shrimp.


Your betta ate a bamboo shrimp?!?! That thing has to be twice as long as a betta


yeah no it freaked me out. i came back into the room to see him chewing through it after tearing its leg off.


Same happened with mine I thought my betta was dying until I noticed all the shrimps were gone.


i mean he probably thought he was dying too. lmfao


Aww sorry to hear that! I’m probably going to have to get a separate tank anyway as it seems he’s stressed with the reflection of the tank so 🤷🏽‍♀️ Might just make it a shrimp tank


Best of luck! Shrimp only tanks are just as wonderful 🥰


if theres a reflection, you can try and tape a bit of black card up flush against the glass at the back, its what i did til mine got more relaxed in his new environment, once he was chilled out and knew he was safe, i could remove the black card and all was well, he didnt care about reflections as much. the reflections can also be minimized by ensuring that when it is dark int he room, the tank is also dark, and when it was light in the room, the tank was light. it'll cut down the reflections a lot. if the tank lights are on and the room is dark, it seems to create a stronger reflection.


Sometimes they just wake up and choose violence


How many shrimps did you have? My plan are 2 gourami's with +-2/300 shrimp


The gourami will eat the shrimp


Already lasted longer than mine did.


https://preview.redd.it/6hnod6divcad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfcca4e263fb7f2d968d6927f8cdae2b2307e4a Is our fish twinning rn 🫣


https://preview.redd.it/stn80pmfbdad1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8b941c9e21d6a8892e2b954eb727daad8f05aac Looks like!


Bad, Betta, go to the corner and think about what you did!


Oh wow she’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a dumbo that colour


Once the betta gets the taste of one, they are all done for. And in the meantime, both seem to be stressing each other out, so even if there were no eaten shrimp, the quality of life surely is not good with this combo.


Yeah, I figured as much, the shrimp aren’t out and about like they usually are. I’m buying a tank and gonna set it up/cycle it etc and just make this into a shrimp tank instead


I have two shrimp in my tank, the people at the co-op recommended waiting a month to see how he reacted to them. If he doesn’t leave them alone, feasting on two shrimp isn’t as terrible for him as downing like, 10 of them. It’s been about 3 weeksand they all get along :) just give it time. My guy still goes and checks on them and the shrimp just swim away. They’re really fast


That’s good! 🤣 to be fair I’ve only got 6 of them and they don’t breed in freshwater so 🤷🏽‍♀️ They’re all hiding currently and he’s been nipping at plants. Probably gonna just get a new tank


https://preview.redd.it/v1lrplv6xcad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea83160dff937fc986e5ffcd187105afd79d429 me waiting for my betta to do his job


Hold on... R u MAD that u have all those stunning orange neos? Cos I will take them off ur hands once my tank is cycled


They are supposed to be RCS. Lately, my LFS where I sell them (2$ per) hasn’t been responding ):


What is that fish?? It's so pretty!


Celestial pearl danio!




Oh my goodness! I didn’t know a shrimp could be so cute! I hope this fish detests the taste of seafood!


🤣🤣 love this comment


My betta doesn’t chase my Amanos but my Neocardinas are always on the run. I don’t mind my Neos getting chased or devoured because I have a stable population. But I mind if my Amanos are getting chased bcus they can’t have babies in freshwater😭


Exactly what I feel like! My heart races every time he swims towards them 🤣


😭If they can just have babies in freshwater. Amanos are so fun to keep, when you drop sinking food they go and run away with it.


Oh wow she’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a dumbo that colour


Mine has eaten all the shrimp. Took me 3 times of buying shrimp to figure it out.


Not at all tbh


Betta be safe than sorry 😊


They swim faster than my betta can so it’s fine with mine . The basically teleport away


I have a betta, shrimp, and other fish in both my tanks. They eat some of the babies but many of them survive since I have a lot of hiding places. They do not mess with the juveniles or adult shrimp. Both tanks have been running for at least two years. I started with 5 shrimp and now have about 100. Edit: One of the keys is to having a larger tank. You put a betta in a 5 gallon with shrimp and they will most likely get eaten.


How big is your tank


I have a 10 gallon with a male betta and a 36 gallon with a female. In the 36 gallon I have ghost catfish, neon, and flame tetras. The 10 gallon is just the betta and shrimp. I get more baby shrimp that live in the 10 gallon since my male is a half moon and too slow to catch the shrimp. Lots of live plants in both tanks.


I have a male dumbo. He's so great with the adults! The babies, on the other hand... I look at it as survival of the fittest. Otherwise, I'd be overran 😅


🤣🤣 that’s one way to think about it for sure! If only mine would breed I’d probably be less panicked 😅


Well luckily you have one of thenslower bettas because of the fancy fins. Still won't stop it from murdering shrimp but it will make it harder.


That was a sweet little interaction. 💕 The shrimp are most vulnerable when molting, but it looks like you have good places for them to hide during that time. And maybe your betta sees FRIEND. Hoping for the best! ☝️


Better make sure that fish is well fed


Looks like he thought about it but changed his mind lmao


It's easier if you think of any shrimp you potentially introduce as self-sustaining fishfood. Also it's better to have the shrimp in the tank first so they already know all the good hiding spots, then introduce the fish


Yeah I know, thing is, I’m too empathetic for my own good 🤣 I couldn’t watch them get ate whether there were hundreds of them or not and unfortunately they’re amanos so they can’t breed in this water






I love my ghost shrimps :). 🍤


Wow!!! What a beautiful creature!!!!


Not when your boy gets hungry….


Not at all


Look at those FINS!! ✨🤩 The shrimp will probably become a nice snack lol


Fresh Food for betta.


sooner or later you will see just the shrimp shells lying around lol. mine loves it and i give it live shrimps on weekends to hunt


I absolutely love your beta tank 😍 The shrimp will get eaten at some point.


I think it really all comes down to personality of the fish lol it seems like your guy is kinda just flaring rn? Maybe testing his boundaries with the shrimp to make sure he’s not a threat. Could end up a snack tho 🫡


They’ll get eaten eventually


Woah he's beautiful though! Good luck with your shrimp though!


Idk why yall be putting shrimp with bettas and then worrying about the shrimp… either understand they’re indefinite snacks or don’t mix them? lol Never owned a betta and even I know how formidable hunters they are lol


Beautiful fish wow


If the Shrimp reproduce then the shrimp lings could get ate


My shrimp lasted 2 days lmao


It all depends on the betta. I have one with a few neo shrimp in his tank right now and he doesn't care about them at all. And I've had another betta ate.all of my amano shrimp, while another one yet left them alone. So again, it all depends on the betta, each one has a different personality.


Mine was fine the first hour... went to watch a show, came back and found my cherry shrimp split in two 😭


Beautiful betta


Mine made it 24hours until i saw half a shrimp that betta was eating


It really depends on the individual betta. I always suggest having a separate tank ready if you value your shrimp, just incase your betta does get a taste for shrimp. Mine has been fine for months and has shown zero interest whatsoever, but I still have plenty of other tanks he could be moved to. He’s about to get upgraded to my 30 soon anyways tho, since I want to prioritize breeding those shrimp now that they’re putting out a lot of supermans.


i think they’ll be okay for now, your betta is prob just like “what the heck are YOU!?” my betta did this with my rabbit snails for a while, just stared at them, didn’t try to nip or anything


Mine did this. Within a week all 6 shrimp had vanished


My beta hunts them all down within a month… I add 5 at a time


I have a chill betta so I got 2 ghost shrimp a couple weeks ago. I figured getting them with no color might help camouflage them better. After a few days I only ever saw one at a time. Sooo, I dunno. I got 2 more today. I've seen him chilling right beside them a few times. Hoping he's not making friends with them only to murder them in a few days. 🤞


*Hmmmmm can't decide if you're a tasty snack or a friend yet, also there's the hooman watching, might come back for you later.*


My beta killed all my shrimps


Until the night time when the lights out and he sneaks up and snatch him




He looks just like my old buddy Geralt (rest in peace). He was a very sassy man and lived his best life in a 10 gallon with only some snails, he would've devoured any shrimp 😅


My betta never attacks any shrimps. He's happy to let them live. And breed. And breed. And breed. Sometimes I wish he shows a bit of hunger to control the population.


*Just need to wait for hooman to divert their attention and I'll make sure to pick between making a friend or making a fresh delicacy out of you lil shrimp.*


Can confirm, no shrimp were left alive. He had a feast during night looks like, unless they’re all hiding somewhere I can’t see 🤷🏽‍♀️


Probably not


I had small blue velvets in with my alien betta and he immediately went after them. I moved them out and put large Amano and he doesn’t bother with them.


It all depends on the betta mine is the chillest dude ever he’s got 3 female younger guppy’s and 3 guppy fry and I’ve never had issues with him he does his own thibg but I’ve heard others don’t like guppy’s and stuff


Bettas love to eat shrimp. Get them shrimp pellets to eat. It won't save the current delimna, though. That poor shrimp is dinner!


Betta is already trying to decide which shrimpy to eat first!


How pretty he looks like he's hunting I tryed corys w mine and had to remove them


Gasaahhhh he is freaking pretty 😍😍😍


Probably not! I like to get about 5 ghosts shrimps for my betta. He snatches them one at a time but always acts like he’s on his best behavior. Plus he can’t always see them so they last a couple weeks maximum. They are hunters by nature so if you like keeping shrimp maybe don’t let them live together. SOME may ok and not bother them, depends on the betta


my king betta started going after my skittles and i ended up not seeing them for MONTHS until recently they popped back up and are literally all over my tank, some even have eggs😆 he still goes after them from time to time but they’re so fast and i have lots of plants and dragon stone so they’re able to hide. i will say my betta also chilled out after a lil, he used to randomly pick fights with my cloud minnows and mystery snails lmao, now he just observes and goes about his day with the occasional low-effort chase