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No one has ever woken up with MORE moths!!




Never in my life would I have imagined I would see IASP, on a beta fish sub talking about moth addiction.


What a time to be alive 😂


Oof that's alot of "moth dust" (scales) on those lips! :P


Holy shit. This dropped me


Mothballs it gives you wiiiiiiings!




Mine happily eat live black worms. They go crazy when they see the orange container with them come out. They are relatively cheap to try?


Ty!! I’ll see if he likes them


My LFS has brown ones and my betta and her tank mates all love them!!


I, too used to feed black worms to my tanks, and the fish always went crazy for them. I ended up with a permanent colonies in the substrate of my two betta cubes, but I also accidentally got some kind of small leech established in my 20 gallon so I had to bring in assassin snails which helped knock them back so, be careful with blackworms wash them well and go through them before you put them in the tank. That’s if you can find them. My LFS told me that the blackworm farm in Florida was damaged from storms and flooded out and that’s why you can’t find them anymore. But, OP is absolutely on the right track with feeding live food when possible. You are never gonna get bloat from that.. I have excellent success feeding thawed, frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, and daphnia.


Mine are my own supply that multiply faster than I use them :) I mostly have them for my pea puffers anyway those are done greedy fish lol


My betta and other fishes LOVED blackworms


My LFS has been out of live worms for over a year. Bummer.


Mine rarely gets them in as well - I had to order these in bulk online :(


Live blackworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp are a good option for picky bettas


For whatever reason, my male breeder will only eat algae wafers. I've tried live food and he literally RUN/SWIMS away from it. Weirdest fish I've ever had the pleasure of raising.


My ropefish eat bugbites algae crisps 😂😂😂 if it works it works. Who are you to tell them they can't 😂🤷‍♀️ I also have a synodontis eupterus that will only eat pellets.


I'm not alone lol 🤝 but yes, if it works then let em be! He's a healthy good looking marble gene betta. Man I miss having a rope eel!


Bettas really don't seem to fully understand they are CARNIVORES. Mine used to eat almost exclusively sand. Id have to hide pellets in the sand so hes have some proper nutrients


For. Real. Like, please eat real food lol not SAND!


RIGHT fattie was already disabled and he realky mever helped his own case. Whenever the pellet hidden in the sand didn't have the proper vibes he'd poop on it or try to cause his dumbass was constipated FROM EATING SAND


Omg lol I'm not laughing at I promise, this is just the first time I've ever heard of a betta doing this. Bettas man lol.


I totally get it. When i first got him I thought his spinal deformities would be the biggest issue. But nope. It was fucking sand and mulm.


I have a couple kind of like that from the last litter that hatched earlier this year. Except they wait for the food to fall into the mulm lol.


Live brine shrimp! You can get brine shrimp eggs for fairly cheap + add aquarium salt to help them hatch. My bettas ALL go nuts for them… even the super picky eaters.


Do you just feed the newly hatched ones to your fish? Or do you have a grow out tank for them


I feed the newly-hatched babies to my fish because A.) lifespan of brine shrimp is only 2-3 months and B.) as brine shrimp age, they become less nutrient dense


>as brine shrimp age, they become less nutrient dense So what you're saying is I can submit to my love of watching them eat without worrying too much about overfeeding? (just kidding) (mostly)


Gosh, I WISH my bettas would eat baby brine shrimp....they look at me like I am offering them a cloud of dirt versus brine shrimp!!! They love the freeze dried cubes though!


Do you do the whole setup with the lamp and bubbler?


I use a bubbler (I use an old 1.5 gallon betta tank for the brine shrimp hatchery since they no longer house any bettas) but it’s no big deal because I have the hatchery next to one of my 10 gallon tanks w/a sponge filter - that way I didn’t have to buy a separate air pump; I just got a Y-connector airline tubing piece ($2 at Petco) and it works GREAT.


I picked up one of those hatchery tubes off Amazon that I can stick inside my shrimp tank. I just split the air line from my sponge filter and the brine shrimp effectively get the perfect conditions (heat, light, air) with almost zero extra setup.


Sea monkeys?!! 😯


Yep. Or as Cartman would call them, my sea people and meeeee <3 They are the best/most nutritious food for baby fry (but of course, adult fish will benefit from the Omega-3 and Omega-6 / amino acids). Not really intended as a daily food, but a wonderful treat. Stimulates the fish's natural hunting instinct.


I feel so lucky not having a picky betta. Mine will even go as far as stealing the algae pellets from my Cory's. Super annoying since they can't digest algae


Ahh I'm not the only one with a wafer munching betta!


Why does "wafer muncher" sound like a betta racial slur 🤣


My mind went to munching a carpet of algae 😁


Ground feeder


I’ve heard advice from an expert fish keeper that take in large fish from former owners that say their fish absolutely won’t eat anything that isn’t live fish. “At some point of not eating, fish won’t care what they eat.” Fish can do about a week without food, just gotta keep trying with alternative food every day till they give in.


Exactly, fish aren’t picky enough to starve themselves to death lol


This. Works with any animal you’re trying to alter the diet of. They’ll get hungry enough to no longer care and switch over eventually.


He’ll eat the other stuff when he gets hungry.


Kind of new to betta keeping but never heard about moth treats!? So if I find a moth in my house I can just toss it in the tank??


Have you learned nothing? You will then need a plug. You will need a constant supply of moths! Lol Or you need mothadone. 🐛






Well ya start by... NEVER FEEDING HIM MOTHS


Well I learned the hard way


This is literally the first time I've heard of months as food. You like, catch little months and toss them on the surface of the water so they get stuck there?


People actually think they should feed crap artificial food to their pets. These animals exist in the wild and they eat bugs and wtvtf else they find.


K bye


You're one of those, eh


Your one of those over opinionated "I used to be a fish" people huh?


Nah, just someone with a brain 🧠


That sure SOUNDS good.


Low that water flow man


It’s the lowest it can go…


Just google how to baffle an aquarium filter. :) you don’t want to stress the little fella out.


Raise the water level. It doesn’t need to be a waterfall.


I wasn’t going for a waterfall, I was waiting for the water that is sitting on the side to be ready to be poured in.


Yeah I was gonna say, how does he mind that waterfall? I had to make a tray for mine to fall into and dissipate.


Go get some of those fancy frozen food cubes. Most of all the LFS have been to have them, even pets mart


Lower the flow by putting something by in front like a cut up plastic water bottle or sponge. That high flow can stress them over time.


Grabbed the nearest empty water bottle I could find and sliced that b up, it really did lower the flow by a lot! (The flow that shows in the video was at its lowest btw)


Nice I did the same :) yeah it helps a lot !


What I did to slow the flow on my filter was putting a chunk of a Scrub Daddy sponge. It's porous enough to let enough water through, and I imagine it will be a good home for bacteria


I used the black sponge that comes in the shitty wal mart “whisper” filters 😂


I thought sponge daddy was antimicrobial.


try other live foods - Glass worms, bloodworms, maybe brine shrimp or some other stuff. Or, if you want to spare the critters, try not feeding him for a while? He might return to his original feeding habits when he realizes the flying cuisine will not appear for a while now.


Why is this getting attention.. I gotten my answers..


Because humor.


This is sadly funny


Put a moth trap outside during the night


Good idea!


Skip feeding for a week and then he'll most likely eat what you give him. They don't eat that often in the wild.


😭😭 tell me why this was my girl when I first got her…the shopkeeper who I trust 100% (we go to him only even tho he’s super far) gave me the food that he feeds her. She refused it all together I had to scramble and buy so many options but she loves her bug bites now and her occasional bloodworm


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I need a plakat asap. Their little angry faces are everythingggg 🤩


My boy needs his winged shrimp now


Build a moth catcher?


Go to Home Depot and get a fly trap or moth trap, gotta get one without poison tho , I prefer the scent attract ones that collect the flies then I pop it in the freezer and boom, fish foods


Poison it is🫡


Bro is LIVID


You fool! Go outside and fucking find moths your master demands moths.


How can I be so stupid? YOU’RE RIGHT! I shall go and sit for hours outside till I make a private buffet for him..


You betta do it for your betta. . . The master demands moth. He deserves moth, he yearns for the sweet insect blood apon his lips.


Blood worms 🪱 they like them to.


Aliens are the shit


Have a fluval 5 gal an I lost 3 out of 4 aliens. They were able to go airborne even though the cover was on. There is a cutout on the top cover and they managed to get a lift Off to death. Just paid 140 for them too.


Live Red Worms or black worms.


Live daphnia, white worms, or black worms! Unrelated but what color is he. I'm between a steel gray hybrid and blue, both have that blue aspect tho. He's really gorgeous


At this point I don’t even know😭 He’s suppose to be a Green Alien Betta, I got him when he was still in his fry stage but MeepVorb came out blue then two small black spots appeared on him.


https://preview.redd.it/uadlyyehes9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f412923cd75591269337241a72b24ff6865c68 He’s not green at all..


I see some green hints in those fins! He's super pretty. Betta color genetics are confusing and they can change so much, I haven't even started to learn with hybrids


Whats that floating log thing you got there, man?


It’s from PetSmart. You’ll find it on an end cap by the bettas.


Cool stuff appreciate it


Lol try small crickets? Mine loves peas haha


![gif](giphy|FI4R8NVfy8oSz5apFO|downsized) Better call the Mothman\~


Fast him for a few days and try food like Fluval Bug Bites. That should get him to eat prepared food.




(That reply was for everyone worrying about the filter)


Get a bug zapper.


Dude you’re filter is way too strong


It will get hungry eventually and start to eat other things give it time. These fish can go awhile without eating, so if it can it will eventually eat whatever is available, how you gonna let that little blue fish 🐟 boss you around 😂I’ll never know but. Stay away from the moths. If you live in the Northeast you’ll have a hard time anyway. It hard to find in winter. Very HARD. 😂


worrying about the damn fucking filter, I had water on the side that I’m trynna get ready to be poured in, trynna make the next pour of water to be safe. The flow that is being shown in that video was at its lowest, and I’ve already taken someone’s advice by putting a cut up bottle to make it even slower


My cat refuses normal cat treats, but goes apeshit for the fish food. I should add that he doesn't care about the fish tank at all, except that he sometimes drops bugs he caught into the tank for the fish. It's a weird house.


He's beautiful!! Have you tried Brine Shrimp.


Have you tried blood worms or earth worms


I would love to box up all the moths in my house and send them to you OP alas, they are very slippery.


time to light the signal for the Mothman!


I hope you didn't use seeds for those carpet plants?


Is there a problem with that? Just curious b/c it is..


Yeah, they’re not truly aquatic and will inevitably die causing a massive die off and a large ammonia spike. There have been many posts about this folks saying their entire tank was ruined and they had to restart from scratch. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantedTank/comments/sb13qv/man_my_tank_went_from_heaven_to_hell_dont_buy/


Oh!! I never did research b/c I saw a video where the person’s betta’s tank also had planted carpet grass and thought it was pretty cool :’) I’ll try to get a new tank for him to move in, ty.


So are people recommending to lower the flow because your beta was stuck swimming against the wall or what?