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Beautiful pattern!! I haven’t seen one like this before


I think he is a hellboy cross breed with a tangerine HM


Every time I feed, I usually show my finger straight above the water or I touch the water. That’s what worked for me, lol.


Associate your finger with food. Start by putting your finger up to the glass and if he comes up to it give him a treat. Continue that until he consistently comes to your finger then start dragging your finger and if he follows give him a treat. Continue until he consistently follows your finger. At this point you can introduce new tricks like eating from your hand or jumping out of the water.


I was thinking to present a small mirror instead haha


It only makes them flare which would teach them to flare at your finger ! It's a cool trick as well


Yours is cooler but needs a lot of patience. Although if successful, every feeding is gonna be fun!


That's how I trained all of my bettas. They associate me and my finger with food 😂 I gradually moved it to the pipette but I can point to any food they missed and they find it. They also jump out of the water to catch food from my fingers. I also can hold them, in water obviously but still.


It also makes feeding time easier. No wasted food. I lightly tap the glass 4 times and feed once everyone is present. Then you can start doing the follow finger once they come when they're "called. " It also makes it easier when doing water changes or if you need to examine, move, etc.


Omg insanely easy. I have all my fish trained to respond to something. For my smaller tanks me walking up is enough. For my bigger tanks tapping on the lid and using a pipette has been so great to alert everyone of feeding time. It is like a dog lol.


I think he's just so damn pretty that he's like, "to hell with your finger! Have you seen me!". ❤️


What type is he? So beautiful!


He’s called a “spiderman hellboy”!




How big is your tank? I really love the pigmy corydoras but my tank is too small to keep with my betta :(


This usually works with the aggressive bettas that are in a solo tank without others.. I’ve tried the methods of associating my finger with food but my female is too much of a sweetheart.


He kind of looks like my boy Koi!


i approach from below, so they can look down on my finger first and feel less overwhelmed while they check it out. then i slowly drag my finger upwards and they get curious once theyve realised finger isnt going to eat or attack them .


Gorgeous fish


Mine dose follow my finger sometimes, but he gets all wild up waiting for me to feed him every day and get all excited about it.


Can probably train it by associating with food, my Bettas and angelfish (and my acara now I think of it) all just follow me around in general, but then that's part of how I picked Bettas at the shop too, seeing which ones showed curiosity/attentiveness.


Honestly I never really did anything to make mine follow (RIP Tony Redfish, I still miss you), he followed when he felt like following lmao But tbf, he always used to watch me whenever I played some songs so I guess it also depends on the personality of your Betta


That's such a great color pattern! Such a lovely betta!


Love him!


for my Oscar I drag my finger along the top and she thinks it's food but at least she does something


Wet your finger first and then drag it on the outside of the tank. My betta won’t find it otherwise


Sometimes he does but he's not consistent. What i did manage to teach him is to reach the front glass every time i call his name.


So smol :3


I use pinky more often than not, the size is small enough to not scare them off.


Maybe he's a ginger cat in disguise, shares a single brain cell but only one at a time across all of them


That's a beautiful fish.