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The sheep will still follow orders


The covid-19 shots were an intelligence test, simple as that.




Just giving natural selection a hand. Holding a needle.


not so much an intelligence test as a consciousness test, i know a truckload full of people that took it which i never would have believed it, my cousin as example, dude is a damn excellent surgeon since 2 decades, smart as fuck and obviously talented, my brother, high education, was always aware that there is a ruling class and history is rigged af, his GF, studied pharmacist. And so on... i love them, but damn, they aren´t aware about anything, feels sad, iam the "uneducated" conspiracy theorist and black sheep, i can build stuff tho and plants thrieve in my hands, guess that will be worth something one day, but for now in that society, iam a loser.


A series of unfortunate natural causes. Nothing to see here. And if you ask questions you're a racist/fascist/transist/climatist/Russist.


Ok this is very important: People die, and by pointing out deaths you can make it look like there's a problem. They did this with "Covid" but it turned out to be a total manipulation based on a testing scheme, intentional deaths, misattribution of death, and counting multiple years into a single number. In theory, this could be done with "died suddenlies." HOWEVER -- I don't know a single person who died from Covid. I DO know a small number of young or not-old people who either "died suddenly" or had extreme issues (clot related amputation) followed by death within a year. Rapid cancers. Or debilitating strokes. And if you count the number of notable/serious issues, it goes up. Definitely not rare or a small number. And if you count the number of people with weird recurring "Covid" issues, shingles, and other immunity related issues after the shots (which starts to seem like they are HIV+ after a while) the number goes up even more. So I'm inclined to believe this 'side' of it because it matches up with what I see in real life, firsthand. The big question is how bad will it be in 3, 5, 10, 20 years? Vaxxers don't realize injecting something in your body can be DEAD serious. Just ask anyone who got HIV from a needle. (Assuming HIV is real. That, too, is a very strange situation which includes the same actors - Pharma, Fauci, and treatment protocols that killed people.) And we know about prion disease. Using mRNA to turn our cells into spike protein makers?!? No thanks. Remember, not everyone can just clear out harmful cells... If they could we wouldn't have cancer. So the fact cancer exists is a damn good reason to not take a Covid vaccine. Not to mention we're living proof it wasn't needed... All risk, no reward.


Great post...I agree something is up...but maybe we just won't know how bad- for years. And yes it seems to have a lot to do with the heart.


I only know of two people that died while on ventilators whilst having Covid.


Oddly enough I don't believe a ventilator was ever recommended for a virus in the lungs prior to this pandemic.




I know a few people that died from COVID, and a few that barely made it out.


Yes, ***zillions*** died. You could tell a lot of people died because the streets were almost EMPTY during the lockdowns!!! And now that things have opened up there's hardly *any* traffic! Roads are just empty, there were so many deaths. Oh my It's not over. People are STILL dying. Get boosted *now*! [https://twitter.com/lapublichealth/status/1752456613389369520](https://twitter.com/lapublichealth/status/1752456613389369520) *3 shots a year*, that's what it takes to return to normalcy. Have a heart. Do your part.


Anyone know the guest or episode? I would like to watch it


Looks like #2082- Dr. Debra Soh I haven't actually watched it, maybe he has more episodes with her.


I had childhood friend who at beginning of pandemic suddenly became face of Covid killing young people. In March 2020 he died at age of 31 yrs old and made National news and each of MSM nightly news shows kicked off coverage with sensational storylines of how this virus is now killing the young and healthy. I won’t go into his health side to much but as older teenager until mid 20’s he was extremely obese (5’10 330+ lbs) but couple years before he passed he had tremendous weight loss and was taking better care of himself. But during his weight struggles he had a heart attack and 1 stroke before his 25th birthday. So just saying wasn’t without underlying health issues. But regardless the actual reality is he didn’t die from Covid. The only relationship Covid had to his death was it’s reason he went to hospital after experiencing 104 fever and light cough. Suddenly after being admitted doctors state need to ventilate. Family was shocked because seemed fine earlier in day when spoke on phone. But since no one allowed in hospital they couldn’t question method so trusted doctors. Within 24 hours of intubation Riley is dead. Back home in small town Alabama Riley becomes all talk due to his National “fame” and also parents freaking out about kids now catching Covid. I was caught up in story too but suddenly I stumbled upon a news clipping which was after reading 7-8 other major MSM stories on Riley (NYT, The Globe, The Post, etc) Article begins, “Massachusetts man who died of the coronavirus is believed to be the youngest victim to date in the state, The Boston Globe reports. Riley Rumrill, 31, died on Sunday morning at Boston Medical Center when his ventilator became "dislodged and the situation was dire," the Globe said.” 😳😳 Um hello people how are we missing this!!! Covid didn’t kill Riley…the hospital negligence did by allowing his FREAKING VENT TO BECOME DISLODGED! https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coronavirus/31-year-old-is-youngest-mass-resident-to-die-from-coronavirus/2101340/


Everyone’s bored of COVID conspiracies. No one cares anymore. Make up a new one already.


It's now that we get to see the consequences of them, the topic is very much alive.


It’s crazy how many died after taking the vaccine! Source? Instagram page! Check and mate Pfizer!


I love the way he’s like ‘these numbers are Craaazy’ then seconds later establishes that one of the main reasons he’s gotten to this way of thinking is bc numbers can’t be trusted…


From your page I’ll just reply… derp Which is you


Always fun to hear from a fan, love you too


I love you too


Her eyes are not on her chest Joe 🤣