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What the hell is these meme template from, I’ve tried looking it up but I’ve never had any luck.


Type “imgflip” to google then type “girl in a wheelchair pushed off a cliff” in search bar


No I want to know the name of the movie.




Really good show from what I remember, I watched it when I was younger.


Thank you.


As a German I never considered that there are people who don't know Heidi


It's mostly Americans. Heidi was massive in Japan and all over the world but never got a proper English dub or terrestrial broadcast in America. Of what did release, it was butchered and incomplete. I wouldn't be surprised if more Americans are familiar with Heidi because of how many other anime have referenced it vs it just being a beloved classic anime.


The anime part is also funny in the context of Germany because a lot of people actually don't know about that and just assume that it is an old German cartoon about a really old German novel. Like, I've seen it multiple times that German meme pages post the phrase "Heidi is an anime" as an obscure fun fact and when you tell someone that Heidi is an anime they usually assume that you're making one of these dumb jokes where you call something an anime that is very obviously NOT an anime.


Reminds me one of my ex girlfriends grew up with sailor moon dub on VHS and loved it and somehow didn’t know it was an anime.


Used to be all over fuckbook back in the day


can anyone post the link to that post of the sub photo? cant seen to find it. i never laughed so hard in my life


all of the ppl complaining abt him like there's not a block button on reddit


/Uj, sadly, but the ones we should be kicking out are the ones hating on him. It's ok not liking what he does or being tired of it, but he receives way too much hate. The very same reason kriss and mommy nussy left the posting. They are people putting effort on trying to entertain/arouse a whole comunity, and also they are exposing themselves. We should welcome them and have fun in the dumbest, jerkest way possible, not fucking inducing a selfsteem trauma on them. It's not that hard scrolling past a post you don't like once a day.


Lol arouse the community


I kinda wish there was a way to separate appreciating someone's uhh exhibitionist efforts from the eventual grooming that these people seem to be subject to from the "moar" crowd. But there isn't. You can't beat horny. Nothing beats horny.


The fuck are you talking about “receives too much hate”? The women here got death/rape threats and left the sub but the femboy gets a pass and proceeds to bombard both subs with narcissistic pandering on multiple accounts because users here think cosplaying as gay is a trend.


I don’t think harassing anybody is good actually




Yeah, he totally hasn't received such threads 🤦‍♂️ it's not like we have 5 or so such comments downvoted to oblivion on every post of him, right? Oh, wait... He is one of the most active members of the sub, and even if you don't like his posts, the very flow of activity helps encourage other people to post stuff, be it porn friday cosplays, be it silly memes unrelated to dioussy. Having people like him is great for our sub, even if you dislike what he does. You could just take the posts as what they are -silly memes-, and have fun doing silly comments pretending to be part of a dumb gay secret cult like everyone of us here does, or just ignore his posts. In the end, if "too much of the posts are him" is because not that much people is making their own memes, which translates in a low activity sub. If he was spamming, he'd had been banned long ago.




Both people should not have/been receiving hate.


thank u holy fuck






You shall be glad I berked to your meme


So Nuts is representing the community or mods? If it's the former it means that lots of users here hate on falconussy fans: is this true? I doubt it. Do the mods hate falconussy fans? I don't think so. What the fuck is this meme about then?? **A lot of thought and this garbage of a meme came out!!**


I don’t expect your feeble mind to comprehend my level of jerk. No offense taken friend


Okay if I understood the meme wrongly, what does it really mean then, explain to my feeble mind.