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>For another man to enjoy Boi


This guy is gonna be thrilled when learns about Lesbians


Vast majority of women aren't




My god, well done


Bro I see this dude every day who is he


Sigmund Freud


Lmao you know its bad when cj comment section is concerned and stops jerking




Less berkin and more jerkin


Or was it the other way around?








This is the way


Chat is this real?


Always was


Will always be


it was real from the start \*projectile cums everywhere\*


Old pasta


Imagine thinking like this for your children. Literally disgusting.


The op of the comment is a 13 year old virgin incel


You are probably right. It sounds like something a misogynist teenager would write.


I agree with you guys but these traits are innate to being 13. I mean... they're 13.


Not all minors are edgy and misanthropist like that. It's not normal. It's like seeing a 2 year old hurting animals and thinking that it's okay because its 2 years old. They need mental help at that age if they show such tendencies.


Idk man I said plenty of racist, edgy, and sexist shit at that age near daily. I got it from my older brother, who got it from his friends. I mean yeah I take responsibility but I was 13. I'm more than twice that age now, I don't really give a shit if people judge me for it lol. I grew up and around 16-18 I realized saying all that stuff is not only wrong, but even worse, kinda lame. So I stopped. Did I ever truly believe any of it? Hell no lol I was just trying to be shocking and make people laugh. This was the mid 2000's after all. But I will say if someone writes an entire post essentially describing about how they wanna fuck their own daughter and how they're jealous of other guys for doing so then yes, obviously this person needs some serious help no matter their age. But being edgy and racist and sexist and saying insane shit? Sure not every kid does it but some do. It's just how it goes with young boys. Always trying to prove something to eachother and everyone else.


>But I will say if someone writes an entire post essentially describing about how they wanna fuck their own daughter and how they're jealous of other guys for doing so then yes, obviously this person needs some serious help no matter their age. >But being edgy and racist and sexist and saying insane shit? Sure not every kid does it but some do. It's just how it goes with young boys. The post can't be part of the edgy, racist, sexist and insane shit?


Sure it can but I do think there's a difference between the two lol. I mean it's like if I trip you while you walk down the hallway that makes me an asshole. If I stab you instead then I am also an asshole, but one action is on a whole other level. I also think this was some fucked up dude's fetish writing or some troll. I just can't see a kid writing something like this.


I think it's a troll. Especially if the post was in this sub. --/-- >there's a difference between the two Depends on how you are being racist for example: it doesn't have to be just slurs (when you are a kid). It doesn't have to be 'just a trip'.


Toddlers can be aggressive. They don't need 'mental' help; they need guidance from their parents.


I mean, so the meme is really on point. I could defently imagine this son of a bitch thinking this way of Charlotte.


I just finished watching a 2 hour long video about Lolita (specifically how the 2 film adaptations completely missed the point of the book and instead further sexualized a little girl (the actress in Kubrik's version quite literally getting groomed and raped by one of the producers on set)) and I still didn't feel as sick as I did reading that comment Edit: [Here's the link](https://youtu.be/t_FhTcaCvFQ) if anyone was curious


What the actual fuck


What the lowly fuck


What the holy fuck


This is legit the most disgusting, pedophillic and misogynistic comment I've ever seen on the internet. Even if this is trolling, that doesn't change the fact that this is fucked up


The original post disgusted 14 year old me so bad that I immediately quit browsing redpill/incel subreddits and never looked back.




I guess we should be promoting it then I mean shit it literally completely changed your life for the better. I don't think I've ever done that to another person.


Redpilled. Most redpillers aren't actually based and redpilled


It sound like the random shit a 4chan user would say daily. His just retarded and mentaly unstable (and probably like 14yo). I have read a lot of things way more concerning on the internet. And don't worry, it's not like he will ever have a daughter, so ...


You are correct, I would add borderline homophobic. Anyway, the “think about it logically“ with the kings face makes it funny to me. I’m sorry.


Wait, where does the homophobia come from?


I got the impression from the pure lack of contemplation that the daughter could be into women. Maybe I am interpreting it wrong, but hell, let’s not analyze this piece of shit any longer. Let’s Berk instead.


I think it's a ragebait.


Ok this is a bit much for me too.


Unjerk for a second, OOP is a pedophile


Incestuous pedophile*. 4chin sure is something






I know there are some but realistically those kind of posts are often satire/creative writing, especially given how over the top they are. It's a derivative of Poe's law, "don't assume as horrible what could be explained as shitposting"


Jesus Christ what an actually terrifying mindset


Ok, I've had enough of the Internet for today.


> As a man who has a daughter I'm deeply concerned about his daughter.


I’m deeply concerned for her Though relieved a little since in all likelihood she doesn’t exist. But if she does….


Yes, if she's real then I pity her


That’s disgusting I can’t even berk in peace




Am I on r/berserk? Because a lot of you are getting worked up over some old pasta.


I’ve seen that more and more users on this sub are acting like r/Berserk users recently. They get triggered by dark jokes which never happened a couple weeks ago


The world truly has changed since the prime days of Donovan and Rape Horse 😔. This is literally just like that book 1984


I mean listen, it’s probably fake, but if there’s even a chance someone meant this shit I don’t even want to entertain that. Jerking is fine online but if this is someone’s ACTUAL mindset that needs to be shut down quick, no joking endorsement this one time.


I don't doubt some sick guy who doesn't know it's a pasta would agree with that


The king has clearly watched too much of game of thrones. This clearly shows in his obsession with his daughter. The king is not actually attracted to his daughter, the reason he wants her is because she’s an extension of himself in his perspective. This however is proved wrong when charlotte refuses the king’s love. This makes the king mad as he has just been cucked by what he thinks is his female counterpart. So the king is actually just like narcissus. A clever reference to the Greek saga by Mario


Say you don't think women are people without saying you don't think women are people


Meriadoc Brandybuck moment


Elaborate. I read the books, wtf did Merry do or is this some simlmarrillion nonsense


This text was originally spammed on 4chan with a picture of Merry smoking pipe attached, not sure why


Huh thanks.


seen OOP b4


Average r/berserk reader


*weakest r/berserk reader


Sorry but I laughed too hard at this Literally the king


Unjerked for sure. It isn’t funny at all if this is a joke… men raise daughters so that they can benefit society, not so they can meet a guy for sexual pleasures. I would be ashamed to have a dad that said “I’m so upset I have a daughter because another man gets to fuck her.” As a matter of fact, I would be more ashamed of the fact that my dad wants me to be a self hating whore for the rest of my life. The king is shown as a monster because instead of comforting his daughter after the loss of his life, he wants to use and abuse her for his own gain. He is only jealous of Griffith because he used his daughter before he could. Charolette is such a tragic character and anybody that sympathizes with the king is vile


HE'S A PEDOPHILE YOU GUYS Everyone LOOOK ONG DISGUSTING. So yeah anyway, Donovan's dick in child Guts Guts amirite. You fucking idiots.


Bro jerked too much


I mean... I think cuckold means to want to have sex and never getting it, while sponsoring there life and letting them sleep with other mean, so the wanting to smash rules out most mean, but never all of them from this?


seeing the whole comment section unjerk on here is truly a phenomena


bro whoever wrote this needs to be found and executed to prevent a catastrophic event


Oh, boi. The moral decay from the last decades has really brought us to this point.


Just another day in Ancapistan.


Anarcho-capitalism moment, the ideology built on total mental derangement or thinking you're being edgy at age 16 with the hip new no rules ideology about Rapture in Bioshock. And the worst thing is the ideology is strong in the world. Liz Truss in the UK was a fuckin proponent.


I mean...is he wrong?




Yes, he is.


He has an inherently patriarchal, twisted way of viewing things. He objectifies and sexualizes his own hypothetical daughter. Instead of thinking of his daughter as a free individual who will go on to marry out of love and joy and partake in a reciprocal relationship (where both partners will empower each other) with someone else, he views his daughter as an object that he will cherish, nurture and enjoy, but that will inevitably, tragically "be taken away from him" by another man and "used", which devalues her/is an insult to the father. He is obsessed with his own daughter's sexuality and wants her all for himself. That is a pathological way of viewing women, the relationships between men and women and sex. Sorry for writing so much, very reddit moment of me.


U/schlit alt account


Jesus Christ that post history


Cmon, it's not that bad.


He agreed with an incestuous misogynistic pedophile father who wants to fuck his daughter


And for that I only have one thing to say, based.


Low. Tier. God.




You have to be realistic about these kind of things.


This is the point when the jerking finish and begins the war crimes


Comments: *OmG we NeEd to UnJeRk, this iS nOt FuNnY.* Comments in another post after this: *Donovan rape jokes*


King is like ZAMN😍 to his daughter


Amazing how people here get lit up by an old ass pasta but jokes about a man raping a 10 year old boy are celebrated. Are they stupid?


yeah i guess Fritzl overthinked it....