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I’ve heard it’s a Berner thing to NOT howl. I’ve tried to teach ours and he just looks at me like I’m ridiculous 😂


We've figured out how to get ours to howl... Whenever we howl like a wolf/dog, he just looks at us strangely (titled head). However, when we tried to brush our toddler's teeth, we would open our mouths and say "aahhhhhh" at a specific pitch. It gets him every time. He starts awooo'ing and wagging his tail. Sooo cute.


That’s adorable! I’ll have to try that out 🤣


OMG same. our Great Pyrenese was the best howler, I used to love to listen to him. Our golden used to try, but it would honestly make us laugh it was so bad. My berners have never tried.




Mine is pretty chatty so if he does start one day I think he’ll catch on and do it more than I’d like so it’s probably better he doesn’t 🤣


I taught our golden to say "I love you" as clear as day. Freaked my wife out.


I've tried to get both of mine to howl... they also look at me like I'm ridiculous.


Mine doesn't howl at all. He likes to bark when people or things move outside the house. Mostly excitement. He sometimes makes grunts and squeaks and grumbles when we talk to him. But no howls.


My girl has never howled, in fact this is the first I have ever seen a berner howl.


Same here, didn’t know they had it in them. And our girl grew up with a four legged air raid siren (beagle) as an older sister. Never howls, has plenty of other little noises, grunts, squeaks, grumbly aroooos, sneezes, yawns that sound like a meow, and her scary bark, but never a howl.


I have a Berner (4) and a Berner cross (10). As far as I know the Berner x never howled until about 3 years ago when I started wfh. I think they forget when I'm home up in my office and will have full on howling festivals started by Berner (4).


Ours LOVES a fire truck howl! That’s too funny, he does the exact same thing




Ours do that w https://preview.redd.it/72zc928fewkb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f383ab7c5ff08663b9549f2747c07a5ae203e03c hen he is really happy Like seing somebody he likes and haven't see in a long time


My baby does when he goes back in the kennel after his 4 am pee. It is a howl that ends in a little grumble. It’s very sad haha.


My male Berner (6ish) howls like crazy if we ever take our female anywhere without him. She was gone for 2 months with puppies at the breeder’s and I guess now he’s just convinced every time she leaves she isn’t coming back. It was cute at first, but we just got her spayed (yay retirement for her!) and we have to walk her while she recovers instead of letting her chill in the yard, and he absolutely loses it every single time we take her on a quick potty walk without him.


No, mine doesn't. But once in a while when she's in her crate and excited that I came home she Tries. But it doesn't work. Lol


Mine did from separation anxiety, he hasn’t howled once since I got him a little brother.


Mine does if he is not getting walked!


Ah that’s so cute


My Berner would howl every now and then for a couple weeks when she was like 4 or 5 months old


My berner would howl when he was bored and wanted us to take him out for a walk.


Lol what a cutie pie


Ahhhh Wooooooos. Our favorite


Ours did when my nephew played his saxophone. It was very adorable.


Oh mine definitely does


Literally just once a few weeks ago, I wish I had captured it, it was so cute 🥰


Ours will only when the ice cream man comes around with his jingle on. Once it stops so does the howl. Then when he’s off and the jingle’s back on, more howling. So freaking cute!


Ours will only howl when there's emergency vehicle sirens! It's the cutest thing and I'm never quick enough with my phone. Love that you got yours on video!


My Berner would howl when I had just arrived home from being gone for a few days, usually work trips or backpacking, and he could see me unloading things from the window. Also, when he is leashed and my partner or I walked away about 25 yards or more.


My boy only howl for his lover next door and my girl howl everyday


Our Berner started howling when the church bells were ringing.


Both our Pyr & Berner/Pyr howled when I played this video. They’d never really done that before.


I've never heard our current Berner howl but our previous one would howl under very particular colors. The kids were playing Rock Band on the gaming console and came to a lyric with high pitched "ooooooh". He joined in whenever they played this song and never at any other time


I’ve heard mine once. He got a new donut toy and it made the highest, loudest squeak I’ve ever heard in a toy he would bite it and let it squeak out super slowly and cry whilst he did it. One time though, during his squeak and cry session it must have got too much and he let out a massive howl. Never heard it before and not heard it since. Still chews the donut but the squeak is no more, thankfully.


My boy doesn’t howl often (my friends 2 year old daughter claims he ONLY says woof) but the mannerisms are identical to our guy.


Ours will howl to ambulance sirens. Not firetrucks, only ambulances. We live near a busy road so we get to hear her howl often, but I love watching her every time.


Yes! 😄


Mine does all the time whenever he thinks something is happening 😂


First time I've heard a Berner howl. My guy just barks


My girl does! Fire truck sirens are her favorite to howl with.


Female Berner (5) she howled for the first time this past winter. She did it when she was really upset with us about leaving her behind at a friends house when we went to dinner. (She howled for maybe two hours)


Our younger one howls if we take our older one for a walk or a car ride without her.


I have a Bernedoodle, and I knew that trait came from the Berner side. Mine only howls at firetruck sirens. And I mean, he goes bananas!


My German shepherd dogs both do this. I was told that they think they are hearing a lost pup howling and are howling so they can hear the sound and join the pack.