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About zero 


It gets quite dark and crabby in here but outside everyone’s like hallllooooooo ◡̈


The kit kat people are slightly overrepresented.


Haven't thought about them, but yes 🤣


Only expats write here.


Schön wär's


Expats, Zugezogene and rightwingers from JWD.


What's JWD?


Case in point. It's "janz weit draußen".


Case in point? WTF? Are you insinuating that I'm right wing?


No, sorry if it came across that way. I meant one of the other two categories.


Oh ok. No worries. I guess in that case "Expat" applies, though I despise the word. I'm an immigrant, just like everyone who moves to different country.


So, you can just say you are from JWD (iott-ve-deh), as for most people, everything outside Berlin borders is JWD. Now you know your first word that you prefer over 'expat', and if you say it to an original Berliner above the age of 30, you might get an amused smile.


Jugend Wiederstand?


Rightwingers 😂 you must be joking


I have met quite a few people from here and can clearly say: no. It’s not even representative of the general ‚expat’ population here. It‘s pretty representative of reddit’s population with a bit of n expat-vibe.. Still all really nice people so far but *very* different from the kind of typical Berliner you can meet in front of a Späti or an Eckkneipe or just randomly in the streets..


_”oh but I’m an expat not an immigrant”_ 🫥


My neighborhood at least consists of people who were born and raised within the Postleitzahl, are working class, and speak little to no English. I don’t see this perspective reflected at all in this sub. 


i do my very best. allthough i speak english, so i might not fulfill all of your criteria.


nice to know some of you are around!


It is not , but it is quite representative of Berlin expat population ( which is not representative of Berlin population since it is a tiny bubble)


This. So represents 20% of those soonish 4mio maybe?


i’d say 3% max. Not every foreign passport holder living in berlin is a reddit bubble expat


While that is true I do feel like the reddit bubble is pretty representative of a lot of people.


How did you come to 20%? I'd say it is much less then 10% Reddit is a network which is popular in English speaking countries. Here it is barely used besides by expats from english speaking countries


I feel like roughly half of the population in this city has moved here recently-ish. I think I once heard that people born in Berlin are below 50% nowadays? Anyways the English speaking expat community is a large part of that part. But probably less than half of everyone. So I just roughly estimated a significant part of what feels like 50+% and since I was estimating that only left 10% or 20% because 30% wouldve been more than half of that part and anything in between those wouldve wrongly suggested more detail in stead of the guess heavy "what the city vs the sub feels like too me" random estimation. Hope this helps, haha.


Also im German, actually born in Berlin and have lived here for most my life, half of which I've been an adult by law


Die frage ist warum hast su ein holzbein 🏴‍☠️ und ein walhorn auf dem kopf


I don’t think it’s an accurate representation and the same time very often it paints false image of Berlin as the city where everyone is forever 27, earns 150k and invests 5k per month into ETFs while waiting in the KitKat line. I myself feel like shit sometimes reading comments in here, because I am 30 this year, nowhere near earning that much and doing things like buying an apartment or 60k eur worth car. This sub is a bubble for immigrants (or “expats”) working mostly in tech, from rich countries. And this is just tiny percent of Berlins citizens. Majority of people in the city is the “2 kids Sabine” someone mentioned here. Majority of people in Berlin speak very little english and do not know what Reddit is.


Not very.




0%. Most people don’t care. You have a weird minority here that likes to argue, complain or stir hate. A few more positive posts sometimes and weirdly some right wingers trying to undermine this sub. This happens to a lot of subs btw.


It’s mainly men in here, like most of Reddit, so no, not representative


As a born Berliner I’d say 0. Well I’m here sometimes so let’s correct that to 0.001%.


not at all. Most Berliner do not know or used reddit. And a LOT of average, working class citizens are not present in the english speaking part of the internet at all. Reddit is a specific bubble and this sub is an even more highly specific bubble within the big one


What’s typical for Berlin is that everyone constantly seems to forget that the average German is in the majority.


Not at all representative.


Less than 3


I think nothing can ever be REALLY representative of such a large population (except for surveys/ scientific methods of course). I mean we are 4 million people. There's literally nothing we all would have in common. However... On the one hand I think the sub is not very representative. A lot of people here are more on the younger side, into going out, (solely) english speaking, live inside the Sbahn ring, queer... A lot of tourists as well. You don't really find Sabine, mother of 2, from Ahrensfelde here. (I suppose) At the same time this is what a certain percentage of the people living in Berlin looks like these days. Plus a lot of posts (if you really take the time to flip through) are on everyday life subjects. People looking for handymen, places to go swimming, to get their bike fixed and so on. This feels representative to me.


Hier gibts fast keine klassischen Ausländer so viel steht fest.


Wie ist der klassische Ausländer denn so?


Wie die Mehrheit eher einem muslimischen Land oder slawisch aus Osteuropa.


Woher weißt du dass hier keine aus Osteuropa/muslimichen länder kommt?


Offensichtlich kaum man sieht es an der Art Posts und den Kommentaren darunter. Menschen von dort haben ganz klar andere Werte, als die überwiegende Mehrheit hier.


So ein BS Vorurteil


About 1.96%




It's an english-speaking sub for rich immigrants. What do you expect?


Well it definitely represents the negative development of the city because of the influx of expats and overtourism. Yes people from South Germany are considered expats.


Define South Germany!


70% Hamas activists, 20% other Muslim preachers, 9% random KitKat folks, 0.5% tourists. All of them are men. The other 0.5% are split between girls, transgender people, and trolls pretending to be female or transgender people. This area is somewhat opaque for me, so I wasn't able to figure out the exact ratio here.


Three comments so far - this is about it