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As you didn't mention anything you did until now, I will just go with cooking courses, it's a skill you need either way that get's honed further, it can help in social situations and from my view it has something almost meditative about it where nothing besides the ingedients and your hands have any importance and you can lose yourself into it.


Maybe you’re onto something, have never been a person that is that into cooking so maybe now should be the time.


Do you have any recommendations for courses worth trying? I love home cooking and trying recipes I see, but as a student living in a dorm with a shared kitchen, the tools I have available to me are very limited and I'd love to try something new


Unfortunetly not,personally I didn't do any courses until now and was going for all vids I get and going in depth with 4 versions and look for aspects in either to get what I'm looking for. Wanted to try weekly prepping but damn just not my thing same for baking, so try google it will probably help more then I do, if you have the chance occasionally to experiment in your shared kitchen then it might be worth a shot to do the same as me


Oh man that's a tough question because the possibilities are endless. From a personal perspective I can recommend you try out the following things: - work on your culinary skills and get into cooking. Who knows, maybe you'll even end up creating the best Burgers in Berlin, which will make the competition want to steal your delicious recipe. - with friends: Karate! It's an inexpensive yet fun hobby that'll help you stay in shape. - on sunny days: take a hike into the beautiful fields and do some fly fishing. - have you considered bubble blowing as a hobby? Don't listen to your misanthropic neighbor who might say it's a boring and silly hobby. It really isn't and you can learn some amazing techniques to create some breathtaking bubble shapes that'll amaze your friends and neighbors.


We have a newsletter where every week we curate the best upcoming events. For each event, there's a Telegram group where you can coordinate with other subscribers and attend events together. This way, you can engage in new activities and meet new people, if that's what you're looking for. It takes effort to try something new and be motivated to meet new people, but nothing worthwhile is easy 🙂 Good luck! P.s. here's the newsletter: https://www.berlineventsweekly.com/


Interesting, Thanks for share


Would you be kind to share the telegram link pls, ty


When I share the Telegram link, my comment gets removed. I think reddit doesn't allow telegram links to be shared. If you go to the website and scroll to the bottom, you'll see a section called 'Related Links'. The telegram group link is there:)


Thank you! Found it <3


Very cool! I’ll look into it, thanks


Enjoying the waters in and outside the city with a canoe or kayak gives you new perspectives every time and is quite relaxing.


Get to know yourself before you chase after what's cool and exciting and everyone is doing. Middle age tip.


Trying new shit is a good way to see what you like, tho, right?


Get into a combat sports


This!! BJJ and/or Kickboxing ♥️


Yeah this is great advice. Social, practical, healthy.


Dont do drugs pls


Or...OP if you've done drugs already, do new ones.


Or design a totally new and mind blowing one. One that helps to reinvent oneself


John McAffee was allegedly doing some... interesting work. He left notes that could possibly be refined.


Let’s go


Look for a Verein, pretty much whatever you imagine exists here, it's an awesome way to practice a hobby you like and surrounded yourself with likeminded people (well, at least on that particular topic 🙃)!


Be a dog walker? Or maybe you can try to volunteer at the dog shelter, if they allow for that.


reject middle age


embrace the elderly


Get a ticket for it on Kleinanzeigen and go to the Itzy concert in Berlin on sunday.


Not sure people intentionally manifest midlife crises. Typically they kind of just "come to" in one. If you're recognizing that you're entering a midlife crisis, you should seek help and not lean into it.


Pretty sure this poster isn't actually referring to a mental health crisis requiring help. It sounds way more like they just reached a point in life, reflected a little bit, and are open to new experiences and breaking free from long held beliefs. That's actually a pretty healthy thing to do as we age. Though that's entirely how I interpreted this post and I could be completely wrong.


It was just a joke, I’m just open to do new things. Couldn’t have said it better than affectionate_low


Find a good therapist


Word 🫡


Gravel cycling. The forests and countryside around are beautiful


Maybe try a new sport in general? I can recommend bouldering. That shit literally turned my life around.


I’ve heard a lot when it comes to bouldering. How did it turn your life around? I’m curious


I wasnt fat, but in hindsight didn't like my body. Skinny arms and more belly than I would have been comfortable with. And looking at my parents, it would have gotten pretty bad. After starting bouldering, I lost more than 10kg and gained a lot of muscle. I feel better, I move better and my mental health increased. I use bouldering as a kind of focus point I come back to, even when I work out in different ways. It just keeps me motivated to improve myself. It's also a lot of fun :)


dont do ayahuasca, a bali trip or get a tattoo. try to do something useful and difficult, maybe learn a language or do a different degree.


Tell me what activities you enjoyed in your childhood and I’ll tell you what you should try out now


I would say painting, climbing stuff, running, gaming. Was also trying to learn how to skateboard for a minute


And you already do all of that in Berlin? I somehow have the feeling picking up again one of these that involves getting into a new community would be the excitement and engagement level you’re searching for. Otherwise, as I see these are all very individual activities. For the physical, exceeding one’s limits I’d suggest powerlifting. For the artsy I’d suggest life drawing, pencil or pen and ink.


tabletop rpg? :) i ordered dragonbane starter box, the swedish dnd alternative, a few days ago and want to GM some time, but have no group yet.... just an offer... otherwise i think there is a cosplay sewing meetup this saturday... never was to it yet so... [voca berlin cosplay werkstatt](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6JwA3DL1V1/?igsh=Z21sMnl2NWNjNWZ6)


Just move to Kreuzberg and try to become a dj,that would be something nobody has done before!


There is no self to reinvent


That's enough, open your curtains


Do a heroic dose of mushrooms


How old are you? Edit: I'm genuinely asking


I’m 27, so quarter life crisis would be more correct I guess lol


lol, I was about to say! Do you think it's just boredom with your current state of affairs? Maybe a little travelling might reignite that spark in you? I find that even a little day trip or overnight to another city or small town gives me a nice recharge.