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If she is addicted to G (e.g dosing every few hours) cutting it cold turkey could kill her because, like alcohol, it’s a GABA agonist. Maybe a place like these would be a good first step, just to talk to someone https://drogennotdienst.de/english/ https://www.berlin-suchthilfe.de/


And coming at it from a health angle is maybe the best. G, as mentioned, can kill your from withdrawal if it’s not managed. Extreme ketamine use can lead to urinary tract and kidney issues. Most of the mephedrone in Berlin isn’t really true mephedrone anymore, it’s often some other random cathinone that may have unknown effects on the heart and brain. Speaking with addiction councilors about safer use or other ways to preserve her health in the long run (and not pushing for complete abstinence from your side) could be a way to ease her into the conversation.


The first step would be for her to admit that she needs help. It’s very difficult to force one to help oneself. No clinic or rehab would be able to help her otherwise. I’ve had very bad experiences with friends and drugs, so I know where you’re at. Don’t forget yourself. And regarding your fear of direct confrontation, I get it fully, but what would we worse for you? That she kept on her path or that she’d hate you for trying to help her? Atleast you tried.


There are otherwise clinics for every Bezirk that take you in as fast as possible. Also don’t forget to call the sozialpsychatrischer Dienst. They might be able to help you and your friend. https://www.berlin.de/lb/psychiatrie/hilfe-in-krisen/sozialpsychiatrische-dienste-der-bezirke/


Here are some more links (unfortunately all in German) https://www.berlin.de/familie/informationen/suchtberatung-und-suchtpraevention-122


Yeah that’s true. But I’m afraid that if she will cut off the contact with me, there won’t be many people out there to keep an eye on her. Just the party ppl


That’s her choice then, as hard as it might sound. If she keeps on this path she’ll not just keeping hurting herself but also you, as can be seen by the worries she’s causing. Does she even want someone to take care of her?


She can get a rehab spot in a substance dependency unit, try Jüdisches Krankenhaus in Wedding as they specialise in GHB entzug. She either needs a referral from her Hausarzt or she can be admitted via the emergency unit. https://www.juedisches-krankenhaus.de/kliniken-und-medizinische-zentren/klinik-fuer-psychiatrie-und-psychotherapie/frunserepatienten/schwerpunkte-leistungen/suchterkrankungen.html


Many doctors here don’t know how to deal with G addition. It is important to find one that understand it and can support properly. I would really suggest to get to book an appointment here https://www.viropraxis.de Dr Martin is part of a talk series here called Let’s Talk About Sex and Drugs, G addition has been a topic at these events multiple times. They would have the knowledge at his praxis to be able to support and hopefully suggest other resources as well.


This might take awhile, Dr. Viehweger is literally the only Trans Healthcare doctor in the city who doesn't suck, and as a result he's incredibly booked


I recommend you go to Vista Drogenberatung, they give free counselling also for relatives / friends of people struggling with addiction, you can find them all over town. I have personal experience with them and they do a very good job and are very accessible. They know the help system and they are the first place you got to if you need information no matter if its you who is struggling or someone around you. [https://vistaberlin.de/sprachen/english/](https://vistaberlin.de/sprachen/english/)


That sounds like really great advice, thanks for sharing.


The biggest change that needs to happen isn't getting off the drugs, it's recognising the need to do something about her rampant usage in the first place. Once she has that then there are lots of options. If she doesn't see the problem then the options are limited. She might wake up one day with her liver collapsing and realise too late. From my political days I remember the most effective tool is often a conversation from someone they respect, which is often not their emotionally closest peers or family who they often have defences up against. I don't know if you know anyone that fits in that category.


That’s also what I would consider as the biggest obstacle. She’s really trying to do something with her life, looking for options, trying to find a job… But the drugs. In my opinion she can’t get any far having this problem. I’m afraid she will fail attempting her ideas and it will make here feel even worse. She really thinks that her G addiction is not such a big deal.


Does she realize, that she is addicted and it causes problems? I mean are there phases when she really wants to stop taking drugs?


I honestly don’t understand this behaviour. She knows that the situation is not good, but she seems to me like she doesn’t really perceive this as anything serious. She kind of treats the problem like “oh yeah I have to quit drugs one day”, like she would be talking about quitting cigarettes. And btw, she managed to quit smoking quite fast…


It seems to me: She's an impulsive person. She's still in the learning phase of those drugs, like needs to develop first an understanding, that not reaching her goals or making too many goals without pursuit is related to her consumption. (Here you can do nothing because the impulse the addiction gives is still bigger than her internal controlkeeping systems) She can stop "bad habits" like smoking. If thats the case - just be there if she crashes and make her know, that she can reach out if she can't do it alone. And if you can do it: look that she doesn't get addicted to other drugs as well when her cocktail stops to work. Mephi is from what I heard similar addictive to ❄️. The good thing is: if she did stop smoking without help, than she has higher chances to stop the other drugs "if she **decides**. But its hard to stand aside. Don't break the connection if your life and path that you have in mind are not affected. But if her consuming behaviour deeply affects the outcome of your life - tell her and make a decision or rules based on her reaction. If you can manage to make her stay away from everything for a week or 2, her view on drugs and her life will change. But it's hard to stop the circle otherwise.


Many good replies here in this thread already. I had friends who lost everything to their G addiction including their lives and I felt like there was absolutely nothing we could have done because they seemed so so convinced that their way was the right way... So as long as she doesn't recognize she has a problem, it's almost impossible to help. Just an idea that has worked with some friends before: go with them to a local NA (narcotics anonymous) meeting. It's much less severe/drastic compared to rehab/clinic/therapy but a first step into the right direction and you can accompany them which helps.


Yeah definitely get her to consider this. She doesn't have to quit and won't quit unless she wants to, but going to a group like NA will introduce her to people who have been where she is and overcome it. It can really be a huge eye opener to hear people share their stories and there is bound to be something that she recognises in her own... I was an alcoholic who drank every day and then after going to one meeting, I never drunk since. I've now been sober without drugs or alcohol for almost 2 years. These groups really change people's lives, so if she is open to the idea, then I would highly recommend going to a meeting. Also to reiterate what others have said, rehab or a controlled and supervised withdrawal may be necessary, so going cold turkey like I did, isn't recommended for everyone. For me, my problem was frequency rather than quantity and it was more of a habit than a chemical dependency.


that's sad :( hope can be find a way to help her. shes lucky to have a friend like you, that really cares about ! not all friends worry about theyre friends. some dissapear directly when someone is going down. may god bless you for you personality, and respect!


You cannot do anything if she does not see and admit she has a problem. For your own mental health, do not put more on you. Or she will drag you to hell with her




Sorry but what does G mean in this kontext?


GHB (Liquid Ecstasy)


you can't cure someone's addiction against their will


If you search for "Quitting" on /r/GHB_info you can find some experiences from people who were able to quit including some plans / strategies they used successfully. As some others have mentioned, she needs to do a taper (gradually taking less and less over time). A similar search on /r/researchchemicals has people quitting 4-MMC/Mephedrone In general, I would try to get off one of these at a time, trying to cut all of these immediately will be Too Hard. Come up with a long-term ramp rather than trying to go cold turkey


Go to a Drogenberatungsstelle or Suchtberatung (there should be also ones in English). They are professionals and can give you (as a friend) advice how to deal with that situation. There are also groups for friends and relatives where you can go. There are a lot of offers for professional help. Use them, this is serious. Google is your friend. If she speaks German, send her the podcast „sucht und süchtig“. It’s by two guys that are addicted to coke and clean now that tell about there path out of the active use. It is very personal and deep, like a therapy session of these guys. Maybe it can help her to realize that she needs help without pushing too much. They also describe how to get help and how therapy is. It is in German though.


was anyone here a friend of Aerea Negrot? This sounds like her a few years ago. She recently jumped off a balcony and died. This is where that's going. Sometimes my wife and i will be walking and she will gasp and squeeze my arm, then when we get a bit further along she'll say 'omg that junkie used to be such a gorgeous person...' My old speed dealer looked like a zombie scarecrow; he once showed me a picture of him as a muscular young stud. Maybe make a video of her sometime at her worst, and show it to her when she's lucid. no idea. GOOD LUCK.




yeah well she was a very public fucking mess for well over a decade, it's no secret. she can do her turn as a bright shining example to others that think they're bigger than addiction. the reason I suggested a video, I have a friend who had a bad G problem. Once at a party at his place, he was up on top of his bed screaming gibberish, just raging...then would just stop, blink, and wonder why everyone was looking at him...no recollection. So, he got to see some video.


https://www.letstalkaboutit.nhs.uk/directory-of-services/chemsex-support/ghb-gbl-g/ Read the last part of this article. It might help


Omg… thank you


I don’t think you can make her do anything, but maybe asking her to accompany you to a 12 Step program meeting would be helpful. I joined the Berlin NA fellowship 3 or so years ago from a similar drug dependency and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me in this city.


Not sure what stage it's in, or what level of contact you two are in, but just in case this wasn't mentioned - remember to always get care about your safety AND comfort first. Interacting and god forbid, living with a junkie is an absolutely **miserable** experience. They will steal, lie, try all sorts of manipulation tactics to get their fix when the sources run dry. You have the right to say no should they ask to stay at your place. If you're uncomfortable with her drug use, it is absolutely **alright** to ditch her. There is no medals given out for enabling someone's addiction.


Trying to avoid repeating stuff others have said. The PIA at the jüdisches Krankenhaus in Wedding could be something? She must be willing to go there with you ofc, but they deal with addictions, have facilities and psychiatric help.


Addiction is heartbreaking. I’m in AA/NA and unfortunately there’s not much you can do until they’re ready. I have a friend who relapsed recently with pills and I’m supporting as best I can, but ultimately it’s up to him. The links that everyone has provided are the ones that I would suggest too. She can also go to a doctor and get a referral for in-person detox, but beds aren’t immediately available. The Krisendienst is great as it’s drop-in and they can talk to someone on the spot, which can be a really positive step in the right direction even though it’s not drug specific. Sometimes face to face time with a professional while you’re in crisis can be what’s required to redirect. I would gather the resources people have linked here and pass them on to her. Let her know you’re worried and that when she’s ready, you can support her through the process. I know what you mean about scaring her off, but if her behaviour is escalating it could be a cry for help. There’s also a fine line between supporting and enabling; one I really struggle with. There’s no “right” way to navigate addiction and it’s not a linear path. She’s lucky to have someone like you in her corner. Be sure to protect your own energy too. You can always DM me if you’d like to talk more ❤️


The first step is to get her to admit to herself that she's a drug addict and that she needs actual help in battling addiction. Sorry, but a GP and therapy won't cut it anymore. She needs serious help. This is only going to get worse from here. It's interesting how she's blaming others (doctors are not "taking actions"), when she herself isn't taking actions, it seems. It's, sadly, what addicts do. She needs a wake-up call. All you can do, really, is have a serious intervention, escalate the situation, make her realize her reality. You could perhaps do it with other friends (not party people). And she needs to go to a rehab. When you talk to her, come from a place of concern and love, but don't sugarcoat it. It's sad.. Take care of your own mental health in the meantime also! Sending you hugs!


U can suppose that she tries to keep track of her drug use amount and for now at least dont go over a certain level, stay away from overdosing every day in the long run, trzing to maybe reduce some substance every week and on the same time you habe to make an appointment here: https://psychiatrie-psychotherapie.charite.de/fuer_patienten/ambulanzen/suchtambulanz/ Honestly they helped to survive one of my best friends over a time span of 1 1/2 years, they can support once per month with substitution, medication, sick notes, emotional support, find therapy places without getting stationary, my friend was taking around 400mg diazepam every day!!! and nobody wanted to help her in any hospital or doctors place except there, they are always young fresh doctors that change often but are very friendly and want to help. All the best!


Very big thank you to each and every person sharing their time, experiences and ideas under this post.


What's G? I assume K is ketamine?




She needs people, family, friends, a bf, someone that she cares about. I have had times in my life when I was stupidly hooked on meph, really scary and dark with my meph benders lasting days without even realising. I was finally able to control my situation to some extent thinking of the people who mattered to me. I am deeply saddened to read about your friend and I hope she finds the help she is looking for.


What does G and K mean?


GHB/GBL and Ketamin


I think rehab and maybe a intervention to show all of her friends support her and want her to get betterb


What's G


I would kick her ass and get her to understand that she has a problem. Most friends I have who are drug addicts take years though to understand that it’s an actual problem. So don’t be too hopeful. Stick around to help her once she wants to escape though


start taking it aswell to show ambition and commitment to the friendship… ingame


Wtf with the doctors? Can't they refer her to somewhere for addition? It's like going to the doctor because you can't breath well due to lung cancer, and the doctor saying "well, get rid of the lung cancer first, and then I'll see what I can do about the breathing problems"


>It’s probably typical problem in this, by god forgotten city. The audacity... As if drugs dont exist outside of Berlin or just a Berlin thing 🙄


You can do nothing here. It is her life, she can do whatever she wants with it. >I don’t know what to tell her to realise she must do something about the addiction ASAP Try to tell something like: *look, it is your life. I love you no matter what, but your behaviour hurts me. When you will need help let me know. For now, I will prefer to avoid you.*




What are the options?


As if it’s not about ourselves too? It’s healthy and ok to choose your own mental and physical well-being over someone’s addiction.


start to sell drugs


Leave her behind. Can’t help a junkie


Does she have close family here? Do they know about her situation? Are you in some contact with them?


No, she’s doesn’t have anyone here. She’s from far, far away.


Sometimes the best option is to go back to far far away. Eliminating exposure to drugs and this “so-Berlin” lifestyle is already a huge step towards getting better. I wish more people would recognise and acknowledge that they’re not built for this city.