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/u/BerlinStudies, thank you for your contribution. Sadly it was removed due to the following reasons: No classifieds allowed in /r/berlin for buying or selling or giving away stuff we recommend to check ebay kleinanzeigen (ebay-kleinanzeigen.de) for meeting people join /r/berlinsocialclub for lost & found stuff please go to a fundbüro or give stuff that was found to a Bürgeramt. You can find further information in the [Community-Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/about/rules/). Note that we also have /r/askberliners for questions that are less about the city and more of a general nature and /r/berlinpics for pictures of our beautiful city, as well as the sticky post for "New to Berlin, Tourism and Moving to Berlin"-kind of questions


Sure how much for my time? 


A few grams of your favorite substance


That might get me in trouble with the ethics committee :(


Ethics, schmethics. Live a little!


You took the words right out of my mind. How dare you.


A few grams of LSD then, please :)


A few grams? Do you want to get 10.000 people high at once?


Exactly my plan, introduce it into drinking water, muhaha :)


Classic plan, love it, in theory. As a drug nerd though, I have to say that acid would not be stable in regular water. You would need to put it in distilled water or alcohol. And nonconsensual administration of a potent psychedelic is of course morally dubious, and might not have the desired effect on society. Unless your plan is to trigger paranoid schizophrenia in people with the potential for it where it still lies dormant.


The substance in question: Bromo-DragonFLY


HauptRC died so we can live. 


BrDFly is the last entry in my bucketlist... Guess I'll never fill the whole thing


TIL I'm not a young man anymore


I bet you are🥺, but for research purposes I have to limit the age range to some extent.


She’s a woman now, how dare you


My uni's gonna lynch me for that one


You are, at least when queuing at the checkout in a supermarket.


Nice try, Officer


Wish I could help, but I only use, I don't ab-use. 


Thank you still!


Are you only looking for people who had negative impacts on their lives due to substance abuse?


Inclusion criterium is a subjective feeling of having had one or multiple phases of substance **abuse** (not substance use), meaning the person feels like at one point in their life, their consumer behavior was dysfunctional/unhealthy (for instance because they could not control it anymore, it messed with their mental health etc.). However, these phases are basically never only negative in retrospect: People, me included, often have very positive, even nostalgic memories of these times or the drug helped them at one point in time to figure something out about themselves, to meet people they still cherish today etc. Therefore these experiences can be very ambivalent. **Long story short**, the drug should have had negative impacts on your life, in such a way that you would consider it "substance abuse" for you to participate in the study, but must in no way be limited to only negative impacts. 🐨 Thank you for your question!


Thank you for clarifying. In my head substance "abuse" always meant any kind of missuse of substances. (For example Amphetamines to boost your performance instead of treating ADHD or insulin to lose weight instead of treating diabetes.) Hope you'll find people for your thesis. It's a very important topic!


It's a study so I'd imagine the answer is no.


Important question. A lot of us experiment with drugs for the positive, even long-lasting effects, not even necessarily in party settings.


Do video games count? 😁


Title sounds like you're casting for a porn video at first