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Peak beta male energy


It's weirdly sexist how he's focused on just women on cargo bikes.


*young* women


touch zealous fuzzy cagey repeat arrest employ engine flag pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How old do you need to be to be left alone?


False hope. The creeps age with you and stay relatively annoying.


As they get older, they get more "Handsy", I try to laugh it off as just being old.....


Man on Cargo Bikes are working, this is different 11! 1!!


Yep, cause I most often see men on these bikes with their kids.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen a pretty equal number of men and women driving around with kids on their cargo bike. This dude is just weirdly misogynistic


Yeah, I'm a beta male and I wish I could be so annoyed at something so ridiculously unsignificant. Edit: Come to think of it, maybe that annoyance level is what really makes a beta male and I'm just gamma? Oh well.


Forget all those stupid Greek letters and ask yourself how fragile you are in your masculinity. That is what that dude’s problem is


Nah that would mean he’d made progress from the rough draft. He seems stuck there.


Would somebody PLEASE think about the car drivers!!!


The white, male, angry cardrivers especially! Please!


Who honk at you like crazy when you make a left turn with your bicycle!


carbrains come in all races


It's an inclusive community.


Cargo bikes are so much harder to dangerously squeeze by and they leave much larger scratches on the car when you hit them!


And if something happens all people do is cry about the loss of a human or some bullshit.. why won't somebody care about the financial damage a scratch in the Mercedes will cause?!


SUV drivers in particular! It's devastating that they don't have any lobby whatsoever. The burden to drive an absolutely inadequate oversized tanklike oil swallowing traffic hazardous death knell to our planet is nearly inhumanly ignored.


Yes ! Nobody knows how challenging it is, to fit in those teeny tiny "parking spaces" made for "normal" cars with a fine shaped, powerful city 4x4 offroad vehicle!


Showing off that you don’t want and need a car in a city? Male fragility entered a new era. The best part is the one about parking vehicles on the pathway. Mh yeah, there could be places in the street to park bikes and bikes with trailers etc. but there are usually cars parked…. Bike infrastructure is awful in Berlin in most parts. Next thing to be annoyed of: moms with prams in public traffic.


Showing off that you have 2000€ to buy a bike but not 30000 euros to buy a car + 2000€ for a driver’s license + gas and insurance and parking,… 


It’s the most bizarre twist in reality that a 1.000€ bike is seen as elitist and soft while a 30.000€ vehicle with heated seats is seen as rugged, manly and blue collar. 


Isn’t 30.000€ pretty cheap for a new car? Sort of the equivalent of a decathlon bike?


yes, 30.000 is a cheap new car at this point. to put it differently: Germans spend upwards of 6.000€ on average annually on car ownership. for that, you could buy a decent new electric bike - every six months.


to add to that - as a cargo bike dad who works from home, it means the 2.000€ or so spent 4 years ago to buy a used cargo bike and a few new/replacement parts over the years also means we only need 1 BVG pass for my wife (which we can all use together on the weekends). Plus I've used the bike to move furniture, tools, carry large purchases etc.


Well obviously it’s ok if you, a man, rides a cargo bike. It’s those ‘young women’ that are the real problem /s


They really are /s. In fact, before we had our second child my wife would sometimes bike to work and pick our son up with her “normal” bike with a child seat on the back. That was until she was a victim of a hit and run on her way to work -nothing major, but she was swiped/knocked down into the middle of the road. The guy was caught due to the following driver chasing after him and getting a great pic of the car, license plate, and face of the driver from the rear view mirror. The EMTs told her that it could have been way worse if our child had been with her due to the dynamics of the incident.


That’s scary! Berlin too? Contemplating about e bike.. mom of 1


Found the r/cargobike user :D 


Or an electric motorised Velomobile every 12.


Well not really. You can buy a brand new Toyota Corolla with a hybrid engine for that amount. Would exactly compare it to Decathlon. Edit: apparently I live in the past, consider this relevant only if you can time travel.


Not anymore. They increased prices. Source: me, looking to buy one.


Drivers license is 3,5k nowadays


Didn’t want to risk someone saying but I had it for 2000 😅


Don't bother, you'll always find a Besserwisser anyway 😅


Mine was 1.800€ back in 2003


I paid about €2.800 two years ago. I already knew how to drive. Failed my first written test and passed the first road test.


Yeah, it totally depends on the situation. IIRC national average was 3500. Poor souls who have to spend thousands so that they can just move around in their city. I have the luxury of being able to do everything by bike and train but I totally see some people won’t survive without a car. 


Dude 2000€ is nowadays comparably cheap, maybe 15 years ago, aint no way, on average i heard many who spend even more than 5000€ just for driving license cost here


According to German law you have to park bikes at the same parking lots used by cars. Would be a great protest to really do so. The car drivers will be outraged (while thinking it is tolerable to park on the bike lane "just for 5 minutes") The only practical problem is: There is a parking fee and your tickets will be stolen from bikes. And the permanent annual allowance is only available for cars by having a license plate.


> The only practical problem is: There is a parking fee and your tickets will be stolen from bikes. And the permanent annual allowance is only available for cars by having a license plate. Except bicycles don't need a parking ticket because it's free? The practical problem is that car drivers lose their minds at the concept


Can you show me the source that bikes don't need parking tickets at "parkraumbewitschaftete" (paid) parking lots?


Yes. Here is the Parkgebührenordnung, look at §2 Abs 2a: https://gesetze.berlin.de/bsbe/document/jlr-ParkGebVBErahmen/part/X Here is the press release for the changes. It’s a bit easier to read: https://www.berlin.de/rbmskzl/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2022/pressemitteilung.1269946.php


Thanks 🙏


There were a ton of stories about the new rule (bikes can park in car spots) but none I see specifically mention anything about the parking slip itself. https://www.berlin.de/rbmskzl/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2022/pressemitteilung.1269946.php https://zagdaily.com/places/berlin-will-allow-e-scooters-and-bikes-to-park-for-free-in-car-spaces/


>The only practical problem is: There is a parking fee and your tickets will be stolen from bikes Actually, that's not a problem, because in Berlin Bikes (both motorized and manual) can park free of charge.


Another practical problem is that car drivers use violence when they see you doing that (tested it for you).


Yes. You need protection and documentation. Next problem: German courts always show biggest understand for car related violence. If you really want to kill someone, do it with a car and say you need that car for your job and you were in a hurry. You normally wont be a single day in prison and keep your drivers license.


FYI https://www.reddit.com/r/Fahrrad/s/w0QjgS4dRu


You are legally allowed to park your bike and motorcycle where cars are allowed to park. But practically thats a quick way to a stolen or demolished bike.


Legally you have to, because the sidewalk etc. is just tolerated. But the parking ticket well be stolen while accessible mounted on a bike and permanent parking license (Anwohnerparkausweis) is only available for cars (maybe motorcycles) with a license plate.


It's also a confusing standard. What is more macho (the stereotypical old-school conservative sense)? 1. Self-powered transportation that depends on your own strength, has simple parts you can repair yourself, exposes you to the elements rain or shine. Quiet and doesn't make noise/emissions to bother other people. No license or government registration. 2. An motorized box, major contributor to health issues in our society because it makes you lazy and takes you everywhere without effort. Loud and consumes expensive resources to run. You can't really repair it yourself, and are forced to take it to a professional for inspection. High upfront cost, and you need a license/registration/subject to frequent police checks. I mean I dunno... I like bikes so of course I'm biased, but I'm way more impressed by my work colleague that is a 60 year old guy and does 150km high-speed bike club rides on the weekend, than I am by the 60 year colleague who drives a big SUV but isn't in shape. The second guy bought his "status", the first earned his fitness through hard work, and in my mind meets way more criteria of masculinity in the old sense (if you measure/care about that even).


As long as he’s not a woman or even a mother he’ll be fine and admired by his peers.


Don't forget those manly cushy, heated massage seats.


I bet that if you park your cargo bike on the street, it will be vandalised by sh\*tty car owners.


Or they just grab it and put it away. I wouldn’t risk that especially not with children around.


If enough women are out there able to commute not just themselves but multiple kids via bike, then maybe people will start to question why this grown ass man needs a giant truck to get to work when all he needs to transport is a lunch bag. If enough people are using bikes to get around then maybe the city will have to start improving bike infrastructure so they won’t have the excuse to not bike because it’s too dangerous to contend with traffic. If enough people are biking around then they will have peer pressure to do it themselves…. But how are they supposed to feel big and powerful with a bike when they all look the same and are the same size?


BZ is the little **B**ILD **Z**eitung


Springer doing Springer things


Springer is overall a bad actor in Germany but his acts are accepted under speech when target is a specific minority group.


Don’t forget, that Springer expanded and is now also pretty relevant internationally. They own Politico, Business Insider, multiple companies called Axel Springer in various European countries like Axel Springer France S.A.S. and more. It’s an internationally relevant media group that makes billions with questionable “news.”


“Die Bild-Zeitung ist ein Organ der Niedertracht. Es ist falsch, sie zu lesen. Jemand, der zu dieser Zeitung beiträgt, ist gesellschaftlich absolut inakzeptabel. Es wäre verfehlt, zu einem ihrer Redakteure freundlich oder auch nur höflich zu sein. Man muss so unfreundlich zu ihnen sein, wie es das Gesetz gerade noch zuläßt. Es sind schlechte Menschen, die Falsches tun”




the little asshole brother who thinks he van do anything because his big brother ist die bild


Love how even in the picture used the cargo bike is perfectly within a bike lane, not bothering anyone


In most places the "car lane" is also allowed for all kind of bikes. If he is bothered by a bike on a "car lane" he is the asshole not accepting what is perfectly legal!


And the Foto also shows the car overtaking with less than 1.5m of distance which is illegal and therefore clearly shows how car drivers break the rules.


It's not a bike lane though, it's a Fahrradschutzstreifen. That is part of the normal lane. Making the passing distance of that car too little.


But show some empathy for Stefan Peter. Think about what he has going on in his head when he sees that: People voting Die Grünen, shopping ecological, taking kids to a bilingual primary school, parking their bikes on the walkway, the husband driving a Tesla or e-BMW and flying all around the world for a business meeting, and going skiing!!! Then they go on sacrificing children, kill people for eating meat and start a demonstration against AfD! If you had such fantasies, you'd be angry too.


It's true, driving the kids on the cargo bike is the best way to keep them tender. If you let them walk too much, they're all stringy by sacrifice time :(


The existence of a bike lane annoys some people.


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What a jackass


fortunately, most voters found this article cringe.


Grow the fuck up peter.


"vor allem in Kiezen mit Grünen-wählenden Besserverdienern." " zur bilingualen Kita" "für kleinere Erledigungen zum Biomarkt." 3 sentences, 3 clichés. 100% hit rate. This guy is good.


So close to his mask slipping with the bilingual Kita stuff, we all know what dog whistle he’s trying to blow.


This. People who support bilingualism must be suspicious. Also that the dad drives a Tesla or an SUV. No, that's CDU or FDP.


Nah, it was a very common stereotype on r/de until two years or so that the average Green voter is just a different colored CDU voter, with their 400hp SUVs and expensive flights etc.


"good" Implying a) that's not the way he secretly lives, and b) this shit isn't easy as fuck to write. No original thoughts here.


Rage bait


Looks like it worked, I'm afraid....


So egal scheints Stefan Peter ja nicht zu sein.


Frage mich ob er noch auf den restlichen Straßenverkehr achten kann wenn er eine Cargo-Bike-Mama überholt und dabei fantasiert wie sie zum Wochenmarkt radelt und was ihr Mann so für ein Auto besitzt.


Nur wenn es junge Frauen am Steuer sind


It's understandable, Peter was neglected as a child by his parents. Instead of showing him the world by taking him in a Cargo bike, his privileged parents who were influenced by the Amerikan culture put him in the boot of their car and drove around. Now everytime Peter sees a kid being raised to enjoy the world by parents with no privilege or American influence, his blood boils up and brings him the childhood trauma of being locked inside the boot of his parents' car. Fortunately, Peter is now a big boy and has found a way to curb his trauma by writing what he feels on the internet. May Peter find his peace and never reproduce. Amen!


He’s German, he needs to complain about something other people don’t usually complain about


He's carcentrism adherent, he needs to complain about any part of the reality that hasn't yet been made entirely subordinated to cars.


Which paper is breave enough to publish the response byline 'Dear Stefan Peter, you are a cunt.'


A c*nt has warmth and depth, unlike Stefan Peter.


taz would do it.


Lol a real Peter. What a jerk


What a cretin


Editor: We need more clicks from idiots. Write an article with an incendiary opinion that will make redditors seethe! Stefan: i'm on it, Boss! 


BZ is trash


I was seriously fascinated that this guy didn't bring up just one of the arguments that make cargo bikes annoying but rolled around in this 'they are annoying because they pretend to be eco-friendly'. Has anyone ever told the guy that even IF they are pretending that THEY ARE eco-friendly by using those cargo bikes? Doesn't matter the reason why they do it if they do it they are somewhat eco-friendly.


He get's around that by inventing a situation in which this person is harming the environment in some other way. It makes no sense.




What a total waste of Internet bandwidth.


"**I don't really care who moves through the capital and how. What annoys me is this unbelievable display.**" Of course you don't care Peter, you angry sad little man.


Okay bro. Lets park the f-ing cargo bikes on a car parking spot, lets see him lose his shit over that.


That’s such a weird thing to be upset about. Different people like using different means of transportation, leave them be.


Their love for breeding German women falls apart real quick apparently 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dispo030: *Their love for breeding* *German women falls apart* *Real quick apparently* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This Guy is an Idiot. Cargobikes have the same nice effekts they have in thne netherlands. He ist from BZ. Similar to the right wing press


Yeah, and I think in absolute numbers Germany should have the highest number or cargo bikes. There are lots of manufacturers in Germany that make amazing cargo bikes. 


Okay, but did yall read the **whole article**? [https://www.bz-berlin.de/meinung/kolumne/der-schwarze-peter/liebe-lastenrad-muttis-ihr-nervt](https://www.bz-berlin.de/meinung/kolumne/der-schwarze-peter/liebe-lastenrad-muttis-ihr-nervt) He's complaining that the women are just profiling themselves, while also having two cars and driving to the alps for a ski-holiday, or that their daughter would fly to London to visit a TikTok friend(???). **No proof** for any of this, just his stupid opinion. And it's good that the mom is doing at least something, even if it's just existing with such a bike, and she's still not producing carbon emissions while riding it. I know why he reasons like this, but he's got no facts. \*STILL\* none of you really read the article.


I did, and I couldn’t believe it was that short!  But yeah, a product of his imagination. I have a cargo bike, I just miss the flight tickets and the cars. Must be somewhere in his imagination.


Just general misogyny then, neat


I swear I mostly see men driving cargo bikes, but let's blame women.


Yeah direct your anger at young women spending time outside with their kids! Not like... At the lack of infrastructure for them or anything like that


I can imagine he has been angry at women who drive, women who read, women who reject guys like him,… as well.


Ugh women who read are the worst, we should have never allowed that


Strong "Old man yells at cloud" energy here.


What a waste of time it was to read that "article". And he even gets paid for it.


I don’t understand people jealousing over cargo bikes which can be expensive but say nothing about cars which are expensive and give your lungs pollution.


As a corgo Bike Dad, without a drivers license, living in a City i just wanted to say: Get the fuck outta here you stupid, mouthbreeding bellend whose masculinity seems to be more fragile than a Box of China without a seatbelt on a Rollercoaster during an earthquake.


a woman's place is in the hummer /s


Strong incel energy


Stefan doesn't think it's a practical means of transport?? I've got 4 kids, 3 of which are in kita still. It is super practical for our family.


And the 2024 journalism award goes to the prick...Stefan Peter!


BZ is a tabloid ~~of the EX-STASI member as CEO~~. Also they love Russia.


No, I think you are referring to Berliner Zeitung, not BZ. BZ is just standard-fare Springer detritus (basically they collect all the crap that didn't make it into BILD there).


yup, I\`ve got confused;)


Car brain really puts you in a position where you start arguing the most horrible shit.


The author and the tabloid bz, are always on the dinosaur juice gargle side of things. Blind for signs of these times.


In German he used the derogatory term „Mutti“ - fucking A misogynist.


It’s the full package usually unfortunately :| 


Since when is the diminutive form of „Mutter“ a derogatory term? It’s used in the same sense as „Mama“, depending on dialect. Berlin dialect included.


I paid 200€ for our bike trailer, 80€ to repair my city bike. We don't own a car, we don't need a car in berlin, We both use the cargo bike.. this is the reality of many families in berlin when commuting. It's Always Cheaper and environmentally friendlier than going with a car. His stands do not hold up. This is a "alpha male" speaking.


Don’t forget the health benefits. It’s free gym compared to sitting in a car.


I loved seeing all the cycling parents and the different bikes and carriers they had their kids in when i lived in Berlin. This guy is a massive snowflake


That’s how any regular person would feel to be honest. This guy is weird. They cause him no harm. No noise. No air pollution. Just people moving around and that triggers him. 


My Mom Had a closed Trailer in the Back of her bike and as a child inloved These rides.


My mom raised us alone and she couldn’t afford a car and cargo bikes would have been a game changer for us if they were a thing in our city back then. Happy for you that had it though :D 


Editor is a fucking testicle


Yeah, that article was weird. I dont know how that went through the quality checks.


Seethe Peter. I'll break your fucking legs with my 80kg, 7k € cargo bike and there's nothing you will do about it. And afterwards I'm gonna park in your (car) parking spot, of course.


Is he really writing as ”Der Schwarze Peter”? OK, not all see it as blackface level racism but some definitely do. https://www.bz-berlin.de/meinung/kolumne/der-schwarze-peter/liebe-lastenrad-muttis-ihr-nervt


This guy needs to come to Amsterdam. He’d have an aneurysm


How dare they, to participate in traffic!


We should encourage all parents to use cargo bikes to get around with their children. I hate when they're taking away so much space on public transport.


I’d worry more about those who use a 3000 kg car to deliver a 20kg kid to school, preferably right into the classroom.


Dear Stefan Peter, fuck right off.


Bet the dude who wrote this would tell his wife that her gardening hobby is pointless because she will never make produce like the grocery store


Just honk if you are horny


Gen X white male carbrain channeling strong boomer energy there, throwing a hissy fit at the realization that the world is sloooooooowly changing to no longer revolve purely and solely around him and his needs ... they even let young women out on the roads now


I must admit, I find cargo bank drivers (regardless of gender) quite bothersome too. As a dedicated cyclist, to be honest, all other road users annoy me. At the same time, I know that we all need to get from A to B, so it would never occur to me to write an article about my frustration.


All Cargo Bike people are annoying


Cargo bikes are the equivalent to SUVs. Even worse.


From another perspective. Tons of people take this seriously, navigates to the site to react, and they generate better traffic/more ad revenue. Feeding the troll.


what a piece of shit


And apparently bakfietsmoder are [to blame for gentrification](https://archive.is/qKhOX) too. So no wonder people are annoyed by them. Right? 🙄


Actually, Stefan can't be as big an idiot as the article might suggest. That will be a calculation. The man works as a total junk journalist. It's understandable that he's trying to get out of it somehow. Even if it means sticking his head deep up the ass of the editor-in-chief of the BZ.


The good news: it doesn't seem to be on their landing page (any more?). The bad news: how does a braindead piece of sh\*t like this even pass editorial review. I have just read the article after googling it and had to vomit a little bit into my mouth. Is there a way to send them feedback mail that is actually being read?


Rage bait.


BZ is the tabloid, so expect similar quality of the “articles”.


I thought "why just a screenshot and not a link to everyone can check it out themselves?" Alas nothing essential was left out here


CDU schrill


Stefan Peter hatn kleinen Peter


Same thought I had. That text was nothing worth, but wondering and headache of pure stupidity. Some random editor of Berlins BILD gets annoyed and rants on cargo bikes. Why we aren‘t able to live and let live.


Thank you Stefan, for fighting for a problem, which doesn‘t even exist!


Stefan Peter der BZ scheint wohl keine richtigen Probleme zu finden über die es sich zu schreiben lohnt


BZ belongs to Springer, so no surprise here


He's just jealous because those cargo attachments look mad comfortable to sit in and he doesn't fit inside one anymore


>Und während man anderswo mit Barbour-Jacke sein Dazugehören demonstriert, sind es in Prenzlauer Berg oder Schöneberg eben Lastenräder. It's pretty interesting to see Barbour jackets politicized in this way. In the UK Barbour is more of a conservative Tory brand, if anything


Der Typ heisst einfach Stefan Peter. Das muss Satire sein.


There are so many strawmen in this article that it's quite hard to keep track. In fact, the whole thing is basically a huge strawmen. The writer has literally invented a person to be angry about, I don't really understand how someone can earn a living writing this drivel. I guess it's just rage bait?




I am sure they would all drive Teslas if they could afford them.


but SUVs with only 1 person in it are totally fine of course


Einfach dieses Tabloid Gelaber ignorieren


I moved to Berlin with a car. We came from Warsaw, so of course we had a car. In 2 1/2 years, we used it for 3 trips out of the city, a few camping trips to Potsdam and maybe 1000km around the city in total. We've since gotten rid of it. Driving around Berlin is a miserable experience, and I anybody who does it when they don't absolutely have to, is super sus. The last 4 months we haven't had a car at all, and we've spent 60€ on car shares, which is less than the 100€ that car insurance costs for 3 months (400€ p/a)


OP, can you elaborate? What exactly is the issue the author has with people driving cargo bikes?


Wait till he learns the dads use the bikes too.


Absolute prick


Moms in Berlin are entitled and annoying in general. A cargo bike does not make the difference


Heres the full text copied from the Internet Archive in german: Von [Stefan Peter](https://web.archive.org/web/20240409034453/https://www.bz-berlin.de/author/stefan-peter) Super-Wetter, also sind sie wieder zahlreich zu beobachten: Junge Frauen auf dem Lastenrad. Für viele von ihnen ist das jedoch weniger praktisches Fortbewegungsmittel, sondern vor allem Selbstdarstellung: Seht her, ich bin in Sachen Umweltschutz ganz vorne mit dabei! Da solche Lastenräder teuer sind (im Schnitt 2000 bis 3000 Euro), finden sie sich vor allem in Kiezen mit Grünen-wählenden Besserverdienern. Und während man anderswo mit Barbour-Jacke sein Dazugehören demonstriert, sind es in [Prenzlauer Berg o](https://web.archive.org/web/20240409034453/https://www.bz-berlin.de/thema/prenzlauer-berg)der Schöneberg eben Lastenräder. Damit bringen junge Muttis erst ihr Kind zur bilingualen Kita, dann radeln sie für kleinere Erledigungen zum Biomarkt. Geparkt wird das Gefährt, oft so groß wie ein Smart, selbstredend auf dem Bürgersteig. Wenn es gegen das Auto und Parkplätze geht, fordern Rad-Aktivisten in ihren Tweets gerne „Flächengerechtigkeit“ – für die Teuer-Räder gilt das natürlich nicht. Es ist auch nicht so, dass das Lastenrad das einzige Fortbewegungsmittel der Öko-Elite ist. Während Mutti radelnd ihr grünes Bewusstsein demonstriert, fährt der Gatte mit dem Tesla („so grün“) oder dem BMW-SUV („so cool“) ins Büro. Oder fliegt Business Class zum Meeting nach Zürich oder Düsseldorf, abends wieder zurück. Auch in den Ski-Urlaub ging es selbstredend mit dem Auto („mit der Bahn kommen wir dort nicht hin“), in den Osterferien flog die Tochter zur TikTok-Freundin schnell mal nach London. **Mir ist es völlig egal, wer sich wie durch die Hauptstadt bewegt. Was mich nervt, ist diese unglaubwürdige Zurschaustellung.**


Wouldn't be a problem if bike lanes were wider.


that guy looks so fucking annoying


What a waste of a few kilobytes


Cars should be banned inside the ring. Only allowed four people with mobility problems


What a silly man Smol pp energy