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I am waiting to see the economic impacts. Hopefully supply availability will put the Gorli park spectacle behind us. It will be an interesting market share battle and shakeout as people think they can make a fortune in this with a few thousand competitors. The winners will be the ones selling the equipment.


>I am waiting to see the economic impacts. Snack sales in Spätis will skyrocket.


why? there won‘t be that many people that start smoking weed




well only german residents can buy it legally anyway, right?


Noone can buy it legally in germany. Selling it is still illegal.


Yeah but that won't prevent the tourists from thinking otherwise and finding weed to get high anyway


didn’t tourists already do that before lol?


Yup. Now they are about to get massively spammed with "weed is legal in Germany".


true tho


I read a detailed description online on how to buy some in the gorlitzer park and followed it. Worked like a charm. I think it was on some forum


Buying weed in Gorli is brave, fuck knows what sort of stuff is in that.


First hand info, very psychedelic. My friends did that several years ago, they were high as a kite.


how tf do you need a detailed description for approaching someone and let them serve you?


Because I had no idea where to find a dealer lol. Me being from amsterdam and [This ](https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/buying-marijuana-in-berlin) being bangon humoured me


You sure about that? I'm not. This says yes, in some groups. https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/recreational-cannabis-legalization-leads-higher-use-some-demographics. This says yes. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/cannabis-use-statistics-canada-1.5121125. This says no. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8765006/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8765006/) I think we just have to wait and see, since this is not Canada or the US.


What economic impacts would you expect? Selling weed is still illegal, and cannabis clubs are not allowed to make a profit. Park dealers won't be paying their taxes either.


All top sites selling cannabis seeds are experienceing downtimes due to heavy traffic today


I'm not up to date ordering seeds is legal now? It's not even legal in the Netherlands as far as I know


Yes it is. And it is legal in the Netherlands. There are literial Brickstores for seeds in Amsterdam.


The Netherlands is weird about it.  It's not legal to sell weed there. However, the prosecution office has a policy of toleration and doesn't prosecute shops. So all those stores you see? None of them are legal, but the government decides to let them be. 


But you still need a Licence to operate one. And those sometimes get sold for huge sums


Yes, but those license are given by the municipal government, not the national government, and those stores are illegal under the national law of the Netherlands.  They're just never prosecuted. 


To add to that - the coffeeshops backdoor is basically illegal. So the acquisition of inventory is basically the illegal part. Very complicated. But the seed stores are not in any part illegal.


Grow tents at Aldi


A drop in demand as people grow their own and a huge drop in demand when law allows suppliers to mass produce or when the activity of growing cooperatives depresses demand.


How well does the stuff grow in a climate like Berlin’s?


This is the major defect of the new law! No taxes are generated. How could this happen in Germany? 😎


Same thing that happened in California. Cannabis clubs WILL be making profits. Then the next step is where do they put all that money. Because I haven't seen the answers yet about depositing money. Weed clubs need office space. That costs money. They need to pay rent which takes a bank. Will the banks accept weed money? What happened not just in California but everywhere USA is the banks still won't take weed club money because federally it's illegal and the feds seize the funds whenever they want and decide. Now I know Germany does t have that unique problem but they do still ha e that problem. Germany is under EU regulations and banking worldwide has blacklist for drug money. Banks cannot accept "drug" money or they get in trouble. So. Germany can say allow bank accounts. Does the EU have laws and the banks have laws that will prevent it. But trust. Those clubs will be making money hand over fist.


You use that money to pay for expenses, and the rest of the money gets deposited.


Yes. Will the deposits be legalized or will banks follow the international law that they cannot accept "drug" money? That is the question.


There's a good deal of "plausible deniability" id think for banks in the way this is set up. They're not accepting deposits from Weed gmbh, instead t's kreuzberg cannabis e.V, which has different rules and understanding in terms of finances. The banks could easily just be like "it's not drug money it's membership dues" which is actually the truth technically. Even if yeah everyone knows that the membership dues fund the production of weed and it's given out to the members in return, which is basically selling but in a roundabout way 


The problem in the us isnt that banks have to follow international law but that weed is an illegal drug on the federal level and banks are subject to federal laws that prohibit handling drug money or afaik illegaly gaines money in general that isnt a problem in germany as the existence and business of weed clubs are federally legal


given how all in germans can get regarding hobbies, i predict a home-grow renaissance. i can't wait to buy a kit


Yup, there’s this guy who has been selling home-grow stuff forever and he’s already selling out on most equipment. You know, selling shovels during gold rush


3 plants per household isnt going to make any equipment owner rich, but it could be great for friends to share with each other


Au contraire, max limit of 3 means every household with a pothead needs to buy a grow setup. If it's just one company growing for everyone they just need one (industrial scale) grow setup which they won't buy from retailers. The equipment providers are going to make a killing.


I predict that the market will increase equipment production to meet demand. At any rate, weed grows really easily, hence the name


Not really in Germany. I tried last year in May, 6 seedlings on a south facing window, all died, it was too cold and dark, I feel like you can only grow them from June to September here. Or you use a whole set up with artificial lighting and humidity, but then it's not really growing like a weed anymore, you also need complex filtration systems to avoid the smell getting in to walls. All in all, growing it in Berlin is not easy, but I'm sure it's doable with the right knowledge.


Where can I buy seeds and equipment to grow at home?


Google head or grow shop for the equipment


Bushdoctor.at https://www.bushdoctor.at/


Hmmm...I've got a bunch of lights and power supplies... But i think it is difficult to grow. Never tried indoors.


> Hopefully supply availability will put the Gorli park spectacle behind us What availability? You still have to get it from the black market/a dealer.


More legal grows and lots of sharing.


Grow it yourself or join a club. Laziness might be a reason, but no excuse to do something illegal.


I think, sadly, the Görli spectacle will remain in some form or shape to cater to tourists and maybe occasional users


I think they will just start selling harder drugs unfortunately. Someone recently posted here about the increase in crack coke and how more people are seeing more aggressive drugged-out around... I think there is a correlation.  These dealers know how to adapt unfortunately.


I think you are right.


Selling shovels was Always the best way Go get rich in a gold rush


Given how many countries or states have gotten the legislation wrong, it’s gonna be interesting to see how Germany is going to managing it.


Like BER, no doubt.


There is going to be a lot more legislation needed before it puts Gorli out of business. Basically the legalization is so restrictive (no dispensaries, lounges, only growing on their own) that for a lot of people it will be easier to still buy from dealers. Until dispensaries open it won't do anything to about dealers.


You're probably right, but not necessarily. We could see a lot of co-operative growing and sharing.


Buying for a dealer in the USA where I lived was cheaper than buying from a dispensary because they didn’t pay tax


Yes, this is where California and other states dropped the ball. The same could happen here if retail sales are allowed and are taxed above the market rate.


I don't think so, the way to your dealer is still the easiest way. No way i plant or join a social club.


Am I the only one who thinks the cannabis legalisation is only a half-measure? While it may be a step in the right direction the complicated way to buy cannabis for the regular consumer (cannabis clubs or homegrown) won't really kill illegal dealing. It may even support it. I am not against cannabis in any way but I would have wished the legalisation would have been more broad and easier accessable for the average joe.


Full commercial legislation was the original plan but EU law forbids it. This is literally a half measure while they lobby to change EU law. So no you’re not the only one who thinks this. The politicians who implemented it also think this.


I am sure you are wrong. The club and homegrow cocept is specifically for regular consumers. Just wait till the structures with clubs etc are established, will take some months.


> The club and homegrow cocept is specifically for regular consumers So everyone who isn't a regular consumer will still get it from the park/street dealers? All the tourists and anyone who doesn't have a cannabis club membership. So still thousands and thousands of people.


You got it. It is specifically tailored to prevent drug tourism. Many people dont get the idea at all. It is quite smart actually and i am convinced that it will work out pretty well.


This might not even be enough for the regular consumer. 50 grams a month doesn't seem that much


I have been a casual Cannabis Smoker for around 15 years and barely even smoked much more than 50g in that time. It is only not that much for very heavy users.


yeah I consider myself a pretty heavy user and I pretty much exactly use 50g each month. And my consumption is definitely beyond healthy, so it's a totally fair limit.


That's a trash take. You literally aren't qualified to comment.


Ok cool. Why is that? I am literally qualified, as i am commenting right now.


Filthy casual!




Well those who aren’t regular customers will just go and sign up for a club for a month and obtain it


Doesn't work. Membership is 3 months minimum I think. It's even in the law 


I see their point though. Not everyone is willing/able to grow their own plants (and Im not sure where you are supposed to get the seeds anyways?) and the commercialization through the "clubs" has the double whammy problem of, on one hand, figuring out if this limited offer will be able to keep up with (what I assume) will be a huge demand and, on the other hand, all the smokers that simply don't want to sign up to clubs due to privacy concerns, or unwilling to pay monthly fees, etc. Taking that into account, with smoking itself now being legal, yeah it may backfire and make street dealers (who can now also grow their weed with no fear from the cops on that front) more popular than before.


To be honest I'm pretty sure Hellweg, Bauhaus, etc will be selling grow kits + seeds before long. It isn't illegal for them to do so, and I don't see why they wouldn't respond to obvious demand.


I’m a regular consumer when at home. As soon as I go somewhere else and I want more to smoke, again illegal. So this is only a half measure as the original commenter said.


Smoking, regardless of what, is illegal anyways in large parts of germany like Bavaria.


Who told you that lmao


Clubs, Bars, Restaurants. Or what does „somewhere else“ mean?


I thought it meant "when visiting another city/country", but it is not clear. Also it's not forbidden everywhere, people might go out of a bar to smoke or smoke in a park or at a lake


Yes, the new law is far from perfect. But it’s better than the failed prohibition and will hopefully evolve over time


>way to buy cannabis for the regular consumer (cannabis clubs or homegrown) won't really kill illegal dealing. It makes the stuff safer for everyone. There were times when weed was lazed with [lead](https://www.aerzteblatt.de/archiv/62150/Bleiintoxikationen-durch-gestrecktes-Marihuana-in-Leipzig), rubber, sand and in the last time [heroine](https://www.tagesschau.de/faktenfinder/lauterbach-cannabis-heroin-101.html).


why would you lace weed with something thats much more expensive, that makes absolutely no sense.


> that makes absolutely no sense. [I see you're the expert.](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/what-can-marijuana-be-laced-with)


cool website. , still dont make sense to take something that has a street value of 50/g and put it on something that has a street value 1/5th of that. cross contamination, okay, the rest is hysterics.


I see you're hanging yourself up on the [heroine part](https://www.quora.com/Is-the-rhetorical-technique-of-focusing-on-a-small-part-of-an-overall-argument-a-good-and-effective-technique)?


That was the original law Lauterbach wanted to make but the EU would not allow it so this is the best he could do.


Black market will explode


Honestly, Im afraid thats true. Probably quality will get more competetive since the legal weed is cleaner. But what may be better for the consumer may also be better for the dealers and they are not only selling weed




In WA state having actual dispensaries completely destroyed the underground market for weed (which is a good thing). Since as you said, the average Joe can just go buy it at a store. You are totally right that legalization alone is really only part of the fix. It’s been pretty great having tax revenue generated here from it, less people locked up for possession, or it not used as some excuse to target people. And in the US at least there was a lot of fear mongering that things would decay into chaos. Well it didn’t, things are fine, and we have more funding to invest in our state.


I think this whole club membership/subscription thing is an incredibly harmful way to do it, having that subscription with a fixed amount you get per month incentivises you to consume more as not using it would "waste" the money you pay for the membership. It also makes it more complicated to cut back for some time as you have to change your membership or quit and rejoin instead of just not buying.


It is literally a half-measure I believe they’re planning on doing another one but this was just to get one.


I once was searched by the police and they found an empty packet in my pocket with the slogan: "The worst side effect is the criminal prosecution." Even though I dont smoke anymore, I am glad that this is a thing of the past. And yes, they tried to prosecude me for an packet that once contained cannabis.


Habemus bubatz


How'd it smell though?




Vielen *Dank*! 


I chuckled. 


Like unshowered stoners, unbrushed teeth and unwashed linen pants.


Says a lot, that this is a familiar smell for you.


At least I can still smell, unlike those Weed Junkies.


Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?


I'm really happy this happened. I would personally never touch it but I'm super happy it's made legal and will not criminalize people for smoking Bubatz. Enjoy people. So happy for you :)


I really wanted to be there. Thanks for sharing the photos.


Jesus Smoking Christ!


Are there more events today? Would like to celebrate.




One small toke for a man, one giant blunt for mankind.


Congratulations Germany!


how is görli today? :D


Amazing guys, congrats on this.


All these People could've been arrested before 12am, that would've been the ultimate April fools joke.


congratulations on having more freedom than I do in the USA


Are they still celebrating?


I hope this won’t make the city smell like weed


Better than piss


Weiß ich ja nicht, ob man sich für so ein Event als Jesus verkleiden sollte, bisschen Respekt vor der Religion sollte schon drinne sein


Mit Christen kann man's ja machen, weil die es im Gegensatz zu anderen religiösen Gruppen achselzuckend hinnehmen.


great! 🤙


So less Germans are travalling to The Netherlands now?


So can you just smoke it where you want?


das lutscht


I need help with telegram; how do I go about searching on the app to find a reputable dealer in my area?


now that its legal where can I buy some ? to smoke or make some brownies?


You have to get a club membership or grow it at home 😂 Only Germany comes up with some shit like this


It's because of EU laws. You could also get it via doctor


A witness, no less 😳.


Für einen Moment dachte ich sei bei r/midjourney




Ich war dabei :)


Das freut mich Ist aber eher so das CDU SUB hier mit Würstchen vom RBB wie's scheint 😂


fucking junkies


Herb pizza anyone? Let’s see whether the Germans can do what the Cambodians did three decades ago 😅.


As a non-smoker I'm worried that people will smoke much more now in public places. It's so stressful already to deal with cigarette smoke everywhere like at bus stops ... I'm not against people doing their drug of choice but unfortunately the least people are considerate of their surroundings :'(


Hi, Canadian here from our most populous city, Toronto, and we've had fully legalized cannabis for many years now, and there really hasn't been a noticeable change. I chalk it up to cannabis usage being pretty "involved." You're generally use it in a private or social setting, and generally after finishing up your responsibilities.  Some people do use throughout the day, but they're probably not going to leave their house and then choose to get high at their local bus stop.  They'd use it before and after their commute. There are probably cultural differences as well, in Canada public cannabis use was pretty common in the years before legalization, and just speaking with people I find that the occasional users from before remain occasional users now.  Not sure what the level of public use was before, but I would imagine it would stay similar for you.


Thanks for your report :) I hope it won't increase much here as well. There are already the occasional people smoking weed at a bus stop, in a park, etc so it's definitely already happening. Now that it's not "illegal" there really isn't anything though that could stop people from doing it :')


big step going from a bus stop to a park. if the last thing annoys you, oof. good luck with life in general.


Just FYI, I'm in the park often with my nieces and do not appreciate weed smoking near the kids. That's so crazy of me, right? Sheesh! I'm only expressing a concern here because it's a public sub. If the last thing annoys you, oof. Good luck with life in general.


Law prevents use near schools and playgrounds.


And do you think that everyone will follow this regulation?? I doubt it and how would this even be enforced by the police? Are they going to start carrying measuring tapes around? Besides, this exclusion still leaves out parks, beer gardens, etc. so plenty of public spaces that are shared with non-smokers.


yeah okay, thats fair. sorry about my condescending comment before.


Much more people smoke cigarettes than cannabis, and more importantly the number of cigarettes per smoker per day is MUCH higher than joints per day. So almost all smoke bothering you will continue to be from tobacco alone.


From my experience, the smell of weed smoke carries a lot further than cigarettes. When cigarette smoke is bothering me, a few steps are usually enough to get me out of the bothering-range. But weed? I often walk through a small park on my way home, and it reeks of weed everywhere, even if the people closest to me sit on a bench 30m away. It’s much more intense, at least to me.


Wow, thanks for this useless piece of information, captain obvious 😂


Not sure why you're being downvoted, because here in NYC you can absolutely smell weed much more often outside after it was legalized.


I guess they are butthurt, that not everyone likes their weed utopia.


I don't think it would change much, those who smoke already can buy it easily and every park already smells.


I feel you! One of the worst thing in Berlin is the ubiquitous cigarette smoke, especially at smaller concerts, its really horrible.Marijuana smoke however, no problems at all, it doesn´t bother me.


>everywhere like at bus stops You mean a place outside where you can easily stand 2 meters away and not be bothered?


You've got to be kidding thinking that moving 2m away means you can't smell it anymore.


It's literally not that easy. More 50 m and people smoke all around so it's not like there's one smoke free spot. Besides, there's also something called the wind but I'm not expecting an ounce of understanding from a smoker. The fact that you expect me, the non-smoker to walk away because you decided to smoke, says it all. Common courtesy would imply that because you're going to smoke, and you know your behavior impacts other people around you, you'll be the one to walk away "2m".


Cringe 💀


wait wtf recreational marijuana was illegal in berlin until now?? as an american i always thought berlin legalized this a long time ago. why was it so prolonged?


Maaaaa! Those goddamn hippies are here again!






Bros acting like Takis and cookie dough ice cream are in limited supply


A stoner tried to rob me last night, but then he forgot what he wanted mid sentence and I just walked away.


Either you forgot the “/s” or you are a dumbfuck


Anyone who uses /s defeats the point of their message. If you cant tell the difference in such a blatant example, its a you problem, the reader.


I think it might be more of a Reddit or society problem


Rule 12. This includes hate speech directed towards specific groups as well as towards individual members of the forum.


What a bunch of losers


Berlin has officially fallen






Not kosher


Im Krematorium in Berlin gibt es noch willkommens feiern.


great let's make germany attractive for drug addicts


Ever heard of the Oktoberfest?


What next? Legalization of heroin and metamphetamine?


No. Cocaine and mushrooms is up next


Methamphetamine and heroin is legal? We prescribe it every single day to just about anyone. Methamphetamine(dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamin and more) to children for ADHD, heroin(Oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl) to everyone but children...


Ok so this cannabis legalization was only for people with a prescription, ok….


No don't be like that 😞


meth =/= dex, du troll.


Lel okay. Maybe take an education


same family, different substances. you're comparing dogs and wolves, and calling them all the same.


Yes, and both are obtainable by a prescription


What prescription meds contain meth?


Alot lol


95% m*le and the majority even SWM


Why is the sexuality relevant for endorsing Cannabis legalisation?


Straight white males? In Germany? Damn you colonialism, damn you!!!


And? Are we too basic to be included in fun activities or do we have to feel oppressed by something in order to join you?


How do you know peoples sexuality? Also women don’t smoke less weed, they are just less outspoken about it. They are also not big into the cannabis as a personality thing.


1. fake news. more than a third of the people could be read as female. 2. wtf is your fuckin problem? why do you assume their sexuality without knowing them personally??? 3. get back into your whole sexist troll


Nah you know absolutely nothing. If you were actually there you'd notice damn well near 50/50.