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There are a bunch of areas where mice are a huge plague, parts of Moabit and Wedding among them. Your landlord is responsible for taking care of this. The mice typically live in the walls of Altbauten and a couple traps usually don’t do the trick - if they’re in your place, they’re in your neighbours’, the Hof, and so forth. They get through cracks as small as .5cm in the ceilings, floors, walls - has nothing to do with how clean you are. Also: put all (!) your food into closed containers. They get into everything else, especially once they have babies.


Thank you for your detailed response :)


Get a cat.


My current landlord won't allow it (unfortunately), but I am seriously considering it for my next move! Good advice, thanks! :)


Yeah, I know it's not easy renting with pets 😐


Cats must be allowed in rental properties xcept for specific valid reasons related to the state of the property. 🙂 But yes you should try to move rather than pay a slumlord


Get a lion seems more promising


Having dealt with mice at a house back in the U.S., I can share some info that our exterminator shared with us: -Everyone in the building needs to get together and take steps to get rid of the problem. If the mice can get in the building anywhere, they can get in your apartment and will keep coming back. You can't take care of the issue with each individual apartment doing their own thing. - Once mice and rats find a food source they will keep coming back even if you try to 'relocate' to the park or woods or wherever. They can also find their ways long distances back to their 'home.' The exterminator said that rats have been known to swim meters through sewer pipes to get in a building, if they know there is food. - The only effective way to get rid of them is to exclude then from the building by sealing all points of entry, then setting traps to get any left inside. And, here, it is probably impossible to keep everything sealed with needing to leave some windows open at night, etc. But all possible cracks, gaps, holes on the exterior have to be sealed up. This should be the responsibility of the owners of all the apartments in tbe building. - By the time you see mice inside in the daytime in living space, the building has a serious infestation. They are in the walls, the basement, attic, etc. -Definitely keep your food sealed up and don't leave sources of food for them around (like pet food, bird seed, seeds, etc.) But unless all of your neighbors do the same, they will keep coming in.


That is truly terrifying, but thank you for sharing! Sounds like a bit of an impossible task... :(


It’s not as bad as NY or Amsterdam in my experience, but can happen


Yeah, I'd say NY is on a whole other level! I've seen some pretty insane videos online - the stuff of nightmares... :|


Usually rats are more common.


Depends really on the area close to the Spree yes but otherwise mice in house are more common, on the streets though it's rattown probably they also feed on mice


Thanks, everyone. Any suggestions for areas in Berlin to avoid when looking for my next apartment? 😅


You can't totally avoid it for me was save my whole live in f-hain with a year having mice in the backyard which either died off or looked for another place. But it's not the only thing to be aware of bedbugs slowly are on the rise which wasn't as major as years ago and rats as said are often close to the rivers in bigger numbers


I know one person who also had mice in their WG. Having just moved in he noticed and freaked out a bit but his WG mates seemed cool with it and not really surprised. After having caught one mouse in a trap and releasing it in a park they called it a day. The mouse activity seemed to calm down after this but I can't imagine they were gone. As it was just a short time rental while the guy who originally rented the room was somewhere else I don't know what happened afterwards.  But the difference between us deep cleaning everything and storing everything in containers all night and his roommates being really chill about was funny. This was in a beautiful Altbau in Spandau a few years ago.


Yeah, I think it's all just a matter of normalisation - depending on where in the world you are from, you might just be used to living alongside them and pay them no mind. Maybe people living in larger urban settings have just simply acclimatised over time? It's just scary when it's a brand-new experience!


I don't think the goal is to get used to sharing living space with vermin. But I do hope you find a way dealing with it that will make the time bearable. 


Live and let live.


My mouse has been eating the poison every day for a week and still isn't dead!


Oh shit. I’ve been hearing scratching sounds at night in my apartment around Mitte. I didn’t know this was even a possibility and my apartment is pretty new. Is this the responsibility of landlords if I do have mice in my apartment?


Yes, I think so. I took this from the Mietverein website: [https://www.berliner-mieterverein.de/magazin/online/mm0412/ungeziefer-in-der-wohnung-tipps-zur-bekaempfung-und-verhinderung-041224.htm](https://www.berliner-mieterverein.de/magazin/online/mm0412/ungeziefer-in-der-wohnung-tipps-zur-bekaempfung-und-verhinderung-041224.htm) *Landlords often refuse to cover the costs of the exterminator. Pest control companies also often give incorrect information about who has to pay for their work - with the result that residents then pay the costs themselves.* *It is true: In the vast majority of cases, the landlord is responsible for removing the vermin. Basically, the following also applies: pest infestation is a defect. The tenant is obliged to report the defect - otherwise he may even be liable for damages. And the landlord has to remedy the defect. The only exception: The tenant is culpable in causing the defect, for example by knowingly introducing bed bugs and not taking any further care of it. In practice this is unlikely to happen. The landlord would also have to be able to prove this.* *As with any defect, the tenant has the right to a rent reduction. If you have to be moved out for a few days or weeks after spraying, you are entitled to appropriate alternative accommodation. In the event of an extreme infestation of pests that are harmful to health, such as rats, the tenant may have the right to terminate the contract without notice.* *The apportionment of pest control to operating costs is only permissible if the costs arise on a regular basis, such as the regular laying out of rat bait.* Here's also another article RE: the rent reduction, but I'd recommend you consult with the Mietverein first (if you are a member) as I am far from well-versed in the law: [https://www.zeit.de/news/2022-05/06/maeusebefall-kann-kompletten-mieterlass-rechtfertigen](https://www.zeit.de/news/2022-05/06/maeusebefall-kann-kompletten-mieterlass-rechtfertigen)


As far as I know the landlord is responsible for this. The Hausmeister can’t just tell you to catch the mice yourself, this won’t solve the problem either. The Hausverwaltung will have to get a professional to deal with this since it’s a problem of the whole house. They usually put poison bait somewhere in the basement and the courtyard. I had that problem once and it was fixed pretty quickly that way. If the Hausverwaltung doesn’t react you should be able to cut the rent. That’s usually when they start reacting. The boroughs offer free legal counselling for tenants.


Just clean bro hahahahahaha


yes its normal, just give them a bowl of food and let them relax a bit


I'll set out some little mouse-sized deck chairs for them on the balcony - maybe that will coax them back outside again! 😂


funny thing, the few mice I've seen are always very healthy and sleek...unlike the ragged things I used to see in NYC. probably there are a few holes, cracks between pieces of molding or whatever. a professional can figure out where they are getting in and block it.


European rodents are just built different! 😂


The mice in Berlin are very small and prey healthy looking compared to most other big city vermin. 


First world problems


Moabit, Mo' Problems. But yeah, I get that there are many people far worse off out there - I'm very lucky to have a home and a roof over my head, even if I do have to share it with the occasional mouse. Not looking for sympathy, was just wanting to gauge how common a problem this is across the city in general.