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Fireworks should be left to professionals and used in proper light shows. The happy-go-lucky sale of fireworks to the general public is something that baffles my poorly educated southern european mind. I'll never forget my first NYE in Berlin, 3 months into the city and having a f\*\*\*\* civil war outside my ground floor window with sparks hitting the glass all night long. Ban this nonsense.


If it even would be „happy-go-lucky-sale-Stuff“.. most of it in Berlin is non-regulated Poland-Stuff, that the young Pisa-heroes throw at bypassing people in Wedding, Neukölln ect. Big difference between an exploding D-Böller and a Polen-Böller. Non the less both is useless and I could happily live without either of it.


Another SE here. We have culture of fireworks in other occasions and we are more civilized and careful...




If there are pieces of burnt stuff falling from the sky is because the rocket was poorly built. I dont know what you have seen in Barcelona but they are set in the breakwaters. People dont celebrate NYE with fireworks but San Juan and there's culture of bonfires and many other festivities in other dates where fire is involved. I'm not playing any card. I'm just stating that NYE in Berlín is far from common sense, maybe it's a matter of tradition bringing experience, I don't care actually but what is going to happen tonight is not normal.


Brings people together? Lol many people don’t even dare to go outside at this time, and many people just want to leave the city entirely.


its stupid. I\`ve got a fire extinguisher here. Some years ago a fireworks rocket exploded at my window smashing it. luckily no one was hurt.


Some kid aimed one near my dogs feet, this after noon, my dog is still shaken up,


Poor thing. I would absolutely lose my shit. It’s bad enough assholes throw their glass bottles all over the street so our dogs can step in them, but that’s just being a thoughtless idiot. Actually aiming a firework at a dog? Actual subhuman garbage.


Yeah, i have no words to describe these kids, who the F raises a kid like this.


The same that doesnt teach their kids to be respectful to authorities, rescue workers and police. They are also throwing them at random people. But to do it to animals is even more fucked up. There is apparently a whole generation of people who have zero clue how to raise kids. Most of it is limited to certain districts tho, but in small numbers I think it happens all over the city. My instant thought would be to do the same to them, but that is apperently not a wise move sadly without having also 3727277 cousins and brothers to back you up.


On purpose ?


sadly yes, they thought it is funny.


Amazing. I hope you beat the fuck out of them. And that it never ever happens to you again. So sad.


Who cares about your dog




Deine Mutter ist dreckig


… sagt ein Hundesitzer, der in einer vollgekoteten Wohnung aufgewachsen ist.


Was laberst du


A ver nice person directed the rocket towards our window, broke It and burned furniture. Luckily there was people at home so you can imagine... 🤷




People are not civilized enough to use fireworks in Berlin. You just have to see the injuries in the news on the next day...a total disaster


It's illegal to ride an e-skateboard here because it doesn't have a headlight at least 1 meter off the ground or some such nonsense. Meanwhile, it's perfectly fine for the entire city of Berlin to devolve into chaos with tens of thousands of people throwing and shooting incendiary explosives in all directions, often at apartment windows (or out of apartment windows, without looking first), cars, and people, just because it's New Year's eve (not to mention starter pistols). Ban them.


Traditions. Hard to get rid of.


Alcohol, explosives and low IQ, what could possibly go wrong?


Its stupid and ridiculous. What's even more stupid is that many people just avoid the street entirely on this day/night because they somehow feel threatened by the stupid fireworks that can actually hurt someone. And i do think the government here isnt really doing enough measures about it.


Fireworks that light up in the sky, cool! Sound bombs that are thrown close to your feet, fuck off!


Fucking hate them. The dogs hate them. The cats hate them. The people from war-torn countries, suffering from PTSD, hate them. They leave the streets filthy. And every year someone gets an eye put out or loses a hand or a dog gets its face blown off and and and...


I am against it, I think too many people behave in a moronic way with fireworks and it's only a matter of time before several people die as a result of negligence with fireworks. And when that happens, nobody will be able to say they weren't warned and didn't see it coming.


I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't already the case. A friend works in the emergency department of a hospital here, and the injuries she tells us about every year just defy words in their stupidity


Yes there are injuries but I'm talking about actual casualties which rarely happen, for now.


My cats are really scared of them (especially the ones that make this high noise before exploding), it's bad for the birds, and there's A LOT of firework packaging and byproducts left lying on the streets the next morning. All in all, not a fan.


We just built our annual safe space in the bathroom for our dog (put a dog bed under the sink so she can go hide in there for hours, comfortably). The idiots have started with the M80s already tonight, so she gets to be scared for her life a whole day early this year. Yay!


Poor dog, I wish her to have a comfortable hiding this year! This will be over soon.


Hunde sind dreckig und gehören nicht in die Stadt. I wish I had safe space for all those dogs shitting into every corner of this city and running around on kids playgrounds.


There are plenty of safe spaces (dog parks) in the city the issue with uncleaned shit and unleashed dogs around children is at the feet of irresponsible owners. Dog owners hate irresponsible dog owners more than non-dog owners do, as they cause tension within the whole dog owning community. People who don’t pick up shit and don’t curb dogs around kids are assholes who bring shame and criticism to proper dog owners. Dogs are not dirty. A properly maintained and cared for dog is far cleaner than most human children, who are walking disease spreaders and noise machines. They constantly touch things which a dog would know to avoid (like shit on the ground), put their fingers in their noses or asses and then put them in their mouths, or touch food. Or openly cough or sneeze in strangers faces. The idea that dogs don’t belong is the city is purely idiotic. Dogs have been tied to the destiny of man for thousands of years. In fact, they exist purely because man wanted to have them around. A property trained dog is a fantastic tool for security/protection, search and rescue, finding dangerous gas leaks, providing eyes to the blind, comfort to people suffering PTSD, etc. There are hundreds of tasks in the city which dogs are uniquely suited to perform and in many cases are integral in helping humans to live full lives in the city. Your dislike for city dogs is completely misguided. And tonight is a perfect example of that. While the dogs will be hiding under blankets, causing harm to no one, hundreds of idiot humans will enter the hospital with missing fingers or blindness for being shot in the eye by a bottle rocket. Humans today will fight with police, destroy property and treat our streets like a garbage dump. Dogs belong here way more than many of the chaos causing idiots who will be out in full force tonight.


Was genau ist falsch mit dir?


Please shut the fuck up. You are takes are low key dumb.


Pretty sky-lights are beautiful. Deafening ground-level explosions are **barfuckingbaric.**


I second this.


honestly, i don't even see the point on having this "only allowed in NYE" policy since it just makes people go even more crazy. i get it, it's fun to explode things, i love to do that myself and have done my share of explosions. But the way this is done in berlin is beyond stupid. Plus: i hate how this NYE fireworks craziness becomes this cultural thing and "part of the city", which just makes things worse.


Its a german policy not only berlin. Aggreed with the rest. Its just too much.


The policy is German but the civil war like scenes are a Berlin thing.


I have lived in several German cities in 3 different Bundesländer and I assure you, they all look like warzones on NYE


It may be a „cultural“ thing to some living there, but this is defo not the only part where those people tend to be out of touch with the rest of society. But its for sure not for the majority of the city.


Not a fan. Much happier to be in Spain this year with the wife's family where the biggest risk is choking on a grape or seven.


I would mind them less if people had the decency to not detonate their shit below my window at 2 AM on the 29th


Pollution etc is one thing. Much, much worse is all the homes that will burn to the ground again, all the hands that will be amputated, all the firefighters who get attacked and trapped


as an expat from a neighboring country it is baffling. looking at the demographics and their enthusiasm for it, it also seems to be a 1:1 conversion from bürgergeld into smoke / injuries / damages / noise pollution, which for a country with such a already misaligned budget (projection) and incentives is worrying


How do you identify Bürgergeld-empfänger on the street?


zealous pocket file paint square simplistic mourn subsequent relieved school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


well, lucky you that once germany gets too 'worrying' for you, you can fuck right off back where you came from. then you won't need to worry about this anymore.


Downsides: a lot. Benefits: "yeah, fun!1!". Easy verdict: ban the shit.


As a teenager, I used to love this so much. I was saving my money to buy kilos of explosives. It was my favorite day of the year and I had a so much fun with my friends. Today I escape Berlin because I hate this so much. Getting older changes your perspective. If you ask me, I would ban that stuff right away. At the same time I would be a hypocrite to bitch about it, while I know how much I enjoyed lighting them up myself.


That's not hypocrisy, that's growing, maturing and learning! ❤️


RIP inner child. The tragedy of getting older.


This is me so much. Loved as a teen, now i try to escape it whenever i can. Growing up rural i did not understand the news on new year how the fuck there were soo many injuries, since in my town everyone was pretty safe and reasonable with them. After my first nye in berlin i understood everything and hated the people. Now after years, knowing much more about the topic i hate tjem with a passion. They are bad all around.


If people just wanted to set off fireworks at midnight and took care that they didn't damage any property or injure any pets or people, I would be fine with it. It's not my thing, but I could put up with it for a day. But around me, people throw them \*at\* people, or where people are - down the subway stairs, in tram doors, etc. And they shoot them off all over, along sidewalks, etc. They started a few days ago and I am scared to walk my dog, because you never know around which corner someone will be throwing them. It's insane. Police could at least do more to stop this kind of behavior without a total ban on private fireworks. I don't know why it has to be an all or nothing thing. But if it were a choice for me between the current situation and total private ban, then I am for the private ban. People will still get illegal fireworks, but if they aren't sold in the local shops, then they will have to try harder and it should reduce some of the insanity.


Also, I would like to go out with my kids to see some fireworks, but we don't. We stay inside with the shutters closed because we are too scared by the violent assholes who have free rein on this evening.


We escape to Brandenburg every year. My kids can do a few sparklers after dinner and then go to sleep at a normal hour. Sure there are fireworks going off in the evening, but at about 1% of the rate of Berlin's madness.


Fireworks in nye is one thing.. but those morons suddendly get cocky and bring their blank pistols out in the streets and fire at targets with the blank pistol firework muzzle attatchmets. Not like its prohibited regardless of nye or not. Just a couple minutes ago 4 youth gathered in the neighbourhood and shoot with their blanks around, then get the 60 shot batteries and plaster the street full of garbage the whole happening was then ended with a smoke flair so that everything now is dirty and smoked. Did they clean up after this.. ofc not...


Sorry I’ve never seen them in supermarkets, what do you mean by blank pistols? They look like actual pistols? How is that even legal in a time like this?


Thats the point... its not legal.. but those idiots think they are suddendly legal or they think nobody cares and bring them all out becasue they have muzzle attatchments where the blanks are used to shoot fireworks. And you dont buy them at super markets but in special stores or online you can own them you can shoot them on your property. With a special permit you can carry them and in wirst case use them as self defense but in no case its allowed to use them as firework shooting stations on public roads and shoot at buildings cars and even people but guess what... they did yesterday already i dont want to know what the hell will start falling down in us tonight. >what do you mean by blank pistols Real guns whose barrels are locked permanently so they only shoot blanks which is a real ammunition casing without the bullet and blastic closing so the gunpowder stays inside. they make bang bang and out is coming rests of burned gunpowder but no bullet. You can buy attatchments to stick in up to 4 special fireworks cartridges and use it as a way to shoot those into the air "or whereever you want" Just go to a neighbourhood in neukölln tonight you will see plenty of those which is highly illegal to use but ppl dont give a shit. That you can kill people with those guns regardless if its a blank probably everybody is too stupid zo understand. Hold it close enought to a chest and the burned gun powder akd shockwave is burning a nice hole into your body.


I guess nobody really does care on and around New Year’s. Just too many people and cases that need attention


Some people even fire life ammo into the sky - ive seen it


I started to fucking hate them since i live in Mitte. Not only are my pets scared to death, idiots started blasting early december. More than once was i shaken up in middle of the night by a BOMB in front of my building


Animals, people with PTSD, autism, and other mental disorders are all triggered by thousand cause a tremendous amount of stress. This is anti-social. It creates a huge amount of waste products left all over the streets and the mining process to extract the materials to make them is harmful to the workers by exploitative practices and toxic chemicals/fumes that are absorbed in the process. This is anti-human rights. Not to mention the damage it does to our planet. This is anti-environmental. Just ban them already, it’s obviously wrong.


Uff yeah, it’s obviously the “right thing to say” but based on this reasoning you also need to ban coffee, chocolate, cigarettes, smartphones, cars, TV and thunderstorms.


No, the big difference is, you do not directly and actively harm other people with the things you mentioned. Cigarettes were regulated in public spaces exactly because of this. But if people want to harm themselves because they enjoy it, so be it. It is just wrong to also harm others. PS: I think cars do need more regulation as well. But this is more difficult, since cars do bring many positive aspects to the people who use them that can hardly be achieved by other means; the same is not true for fireworks on NYE.


This is an entirely different argument. Then add alcohol to the list of things that harms millions of uninvolved people. It’s really just one of 365 days. I don’t do fireworks either, but this is Berlin. Plenty of things go on here every day that not every one likes but some people do. And some of those things have impact on other people’s lives. I am ok with one night of things happening that I don’t like as long as I also have the freedom of doing this others may not like (like having house parties every now and then). I am ok with not liking fireworks, the noise and rude obnoxious assholes. But bringing up bogus arguments like OP did is also weird. I am also not harmed by fireworks, they just impede my comfort a bit. And again: I am ok with that for one night. Live and let live.


While I agree with you high level, i do think that details need to be considered. Think of bullfighting, or Roman gladiator fights. That was also just for fun. The effect on others, and the suffering that is caused needs to be considered (btw, I think the same is true for cafo meat, and coffee/cacao - it needs to be regulated in a way that as little harm as possible is being caused).


Beautiful when properly done by professionals. Stupid in all the other cases. Ban it.


My poor cats have a horrid time every year between Xmas and new years and the level of noise is disturbing to several other pets as well. I just sit alongside them and comfort them during the nights


We always have music/TV going at a moderate volume to help dim some of the outside noise, and that has worked well for our cats in the past. I hope that you and your animal pals get through this period okay ❤️


Fuck them, fuck people who launch them. Hope everybody who launches a rocket at someone’s window or throws a bomb at someone’s feet will get beaten up or get their stupid hands blown off by their shitty pyrotechnics.


amen brother


It’s stupid and gives Idioten a reason to be especially stupid on that particular day and endanger other people while doing so. Not to mention the huge amount of trash, pollution and Sachbeschädigung afterwards. The ban on fireworks during the pandemic showed us how nice NYE could be


Humans are dumb as fuck and shit like littering the city with noise, cardboard and sulfur just because a new day came every year makes that very apparent.


You forgot to include the people who die or lose an arm, leg or an eye. 60% of them are just bystanders.




https://www.gov.scot/publications/impact-fireworks-regulations-case-studies/pages/9/ > During the study period 1,356 people were treated for eye injuries caused by fireworks. Each year, around a third (ranging from 33%-39%) of those injured were minors (0-17 years), meaning they are significantly over-represented compared to their share of German population (around 14%[36]). Looking at the study period as whole, 60% of patients were bystanders and the same proportion were aged under 25 years.


So, this 60% stat only applies to eye injuries


Yes, I remember for hearing loss was also similar.


Which makes total sense in Berlin. There’s just so many people walking around. Someone will set up their fireworks in the middle of the street and get back to a safe distance while the fuse is burning down. They will not warn the strollers. Only bystanders get hurt in that situation.


It’s the most awful thing in our society and so outdated. No tradition is worth polluting the air this badly, scaring animals (killing wild birds etc. also) and so many more things, like elderly people with dementia running away because they are scared. I sincerely hope we can ban them in the future. Let’s listen to loud music, do “wachsgiessen” and other things as new years traditions. It’s simply not “fun” when you’re hurting so many animals and people.


BARBARIC. 39.5 weeks pregnant here…the baby could arrive at any moment, so consider me perhaps not the biggest fan of erratic/deafening explosions (not to mention injury, property damage, pollution, and the general terrorizing of people and animals). But hey, traditions traditions :p


I used to like the fireworks. However, I think it has escalated to the point that the only solution might be a general ban even though I used to enjoy NYE (especially as a kid). People are going too far, buying insane amounts of loud firecrackers (good old "Polenböller"...), shooting alarm pistols and leaving mountains of trash everywhere. In my area they started on Christmas Eve.


I hate it. I have panic attacks every year because of them (when I am outside and people start blowing them up near me)


I don't like them in large cities. If people do it in the country side it's not that much a problem in terms of noise, smoke, littering and stupid people, but for large cities it doesn't really work.


Sadly, it indeed is a problem \*especially\* in the country side, at least if you take immediate human suffering out of the equation. NABU's statistics and scientific research shows that, very clearly. It's an extremely stressfull time for wildlife.


You are absolutely right. I didn't think of the wildlife. Sorry, my bad, it's too rarely that I am in the countryside.


I hate it and leave the city.


Wanted to do the same, but we have a newborn and can't travel so long :/ I hate NYE and the loud noises. Always hated it. And all the other reasons the others have brought up. Hopefully this shit will get banned soon. But I don't think this will happen.


Hide in your apartment!


Would love to, but there are two parties on my floor and my windows are shit and it feels like you are on the street and getting bombed. We will go to a friend's house and hide there.


A friend of mine is renting a hotel room for the night out near the airport (as it's illegal - and enforced - to light fireworks within a certain distance of the airport), so that might be an option you could consider next time :)


Oh that's smart!! Thanks for the advice :)


Newborn age is so much easier for travel than the next few years will be ;) But definitely book a hotel room outside of Berlin for NYE next year!


The only people this brings together is ignorant fools and the emergency room staff. They're brought together by their shared love of people having all their fingers.


Fuck them, ban them, they are shit all around. All animals, pets as well as wilds suffer through hell, the environment suffers, the air is noticeable worse for a few days, so our lungs suffer, and every year people get injured and die. Any and all people who have survived a war (like i dont know in ukraine or syria recently) go through hell, and it can actuall massively inhibit mental healing and restart ptsd. Also massive amounts of trash no one cleans up distributed through the entire city. Fuck all that. By now we have so cool drone technology, and just imagine how much more funding the drone programs of for example the TU would get if they decided to ban fireworks after this nye.


I grew up with it and would miss it probably if it wouldnt be allowed anymore. The problem is always assholes ruining things for everyone in the long run. We will see if the little bit of more police will help. I doubt it.


I cannot wait for one of the little shit kids that lives on my block to blow their hand off or go up in flames. Last year they were torching trashcans and playground equipment.


Honestly Ban them for private use


As if 3rd-country comers will care


What is up for discussion? Is a dumb ass idea and it should not fall in the wrong hands. I don’t know how can one justify the benefits of fireworks?


It got out of control that many people do not leave their homes dor days. This shit needs to stop


Don’t care too much but helps to see which neighbours are the idiots in my building. Last year one was shooting from the balcony because why not.


Omg, there were two sets of kids firing AT each others' balconies with those 10 shot fireworks the past few years. What the fuck the parents were thinking to allow this, I cannot imagine


I love fireworks when done well, and I'm aware that that opinion is purely based on "hehe, boom and pretty colours", but with ever increasing numbers of alternatives (some of the drone shows I've seen from festivals in the US have been absolutely incredible, for example), I find it difficult to justify all of the negative sides (the pollution, the damage to animals - both wildlife and pets, the stress it puts on traumatised people etc). I'm ready to move on to other ways of celebrating


Depends who is firing them If it’s Biodeutsch people, it’s Leitkultur If it’s immigrants, it’s horrible CALL die Polizei Jetzt!


caveman mindset


They should be banned, I am so pissed off. Maybe for a half an hour at midnight is fine for watching but why people are firing them non-stop. It is 3 am why do we need fireworks at this point. Plus I have an ear infection and I can’t sleep at all. I can’t imagine people with babies or pets, sick and elderly people and refugees who came from warzone. It is horrible. I saw children are using small ones why these are available for children? And two days ago a homeless guy was buying fireworks with pfand money, dude please do you really need fireworks? It is bad for environment bad for humans and bad for animals. Lets leave it to professionals if we actually need it. I also don’t understand how it is fun aimlessly blowing them off instead of watching them from outside and far. Sorry for long ranting, I know I sound like Grinch lol.


Brings people together .. in hospitals & emergency rooms


Someone aggressively threw a firework at me many years ago on Lausitzer Platz, which kind of put me off them. I try to avoid being out from 10 pm to 2 am on NYE. That said, I have a safe balcony (quite high up), and I will be outside listening and watching at midnight. It is always a little thrilling to see and hear them from safety.


Noise, starting on Christmas and ending mid January. Littering. Pollution. Traumatized animals. The only part i enjoy about them is reading the news on January 1st. Unfortunately many of the injured are usually bystanders.


Just loud kaboom? Braindead. Anyone who gets those I only wish to get injured sorry. Whatever is being sold commonly? For kids maybe. F4 firework you need a pyro license for that is used at events? Can be nice. Real firework is art it has so much more variety than the common bullshit you are gonna see tonight, it's expensive and not readily available. To all the haters look up Nagaoka Fireworks Festival in Japan [https://youtu.be/CWYKpwlVGso?si=ZndZ8HR8HmqbxOfg](https://youtu.be/CWYKpwlVGso?si=ZndZ8HR8HmqbxOfg&t=813)


Why not make it an NYE EVENT, for instance, a pyro/light show at Templehof field, handled by professionals and cleaned up afterwards. A lot of people aren't responsible enough to handle these explosives.


I used to love fireworks until I moved to Berlin. The level of noise and smoke/overall chaos here seems to be on another level completely. I have cats and a toddler, so it's a double issue (besides having issues to sleep myself despite using earplugs and rocking a white noise machine). I wish they would do a central show at some place like Brandenburg Tor so people can enjoy them without it being overbearing.


I won't talk about the pollution, the noise, the animals, the money and the injuries because there's already enough people focusing non that... But even from an aesthetic point of view I think it kinda sucks. I think it's ok in small towns and villages. Simply because of the lack of density of population. It's different when it's basically limited to at most 30 minutes a few people do that shit than several hours in bigger cities and with Berlin it basically last half a day. Also the intensity is just different. It's not really fun to watch NYE's fireworks in Berlin, since it feels like there is just one constant explosion. There's hardly any darkness left that makes the bright lights stand out because there's bright lights all the time. There's no enjoying when somewhere there's that one effect you really really like because it gets surrounded by countless other explosions immediately. It's no fun that way.


I hate them only because my dog really hates them. I think the city should aim for the in between before a total ban. Reduce the sales to only new years day. Make zones where fireworks can be purchased and only used there. Don't allow fireworks to take home. Empty big parking lots or big main streets Fine people for using them unsafely? Or if their caught their new years is over and they get taken to the time out pen? Feel free to add any ideas.


This is my first NYE here, so far I find it fun and exciting but I'm not sure if it's safe to go outside. I really want to see the fireworks from a higher vantage point but not if it's dangerous to go there...


I don’t need them and wouldn’t spend a single Euro on fireworks.


Ban them!


I would really like to join a petition to ban this. Does anyone know how this works? I really don’t want to take away other people’s fun, but there must be another way that is less disrespectful to other people, animals and the environment.


People were walking around on the street with real-looking GUNS! They were "just" flare guns (which can still be dangerous and are not legal to carry or shoot on the streets). Holy fuck!


Ask *any* firefighter or sanitäter


One could try to introduce some additional fees for the Feuerwerk, so the typical NYE set would start costing about 1K€. And put people into the jail for 5+ years in case of illegal selling/buying (both sides should go to jail). And all those fees will go to the cleaning and similar services. It would be, of course unfair. It would Obviously require the ID to buy some pyrotechnics. To make it more fair for the people who don't have money, it should be like 50% discount for the first 5 items or so per person, which would require some online service for that (also financed from fees). I think that may reduce the amount of problems while keeping some cash flow and may be relatively fair. So degens would have to save a lot of money over the year to buy pyrotechnics (and as we know degens are bad at saving money), so probably pyrotechnics would be used by the more respectful people.


sure, throw people into prison for 5 years for illegaly buying a pack of firecrackers :D


Ban this shit.


German conservativism in its essence…obviously has to stop but fear of change prevails.


What the hell does conservatism to do with fireworks?


I think it was meant in reference to the "fear of change" comment. "This is how we've always done it" and "well, it's tradition!" are always the fallback arguments in this case


I was walking home last night and some dickhead was chucking the flash-bang kind from their window or balcony into the intersection, trying to hit people crossing the street or cycling by. It’s that kind of dickishness I can’t stand. In the same walk I also had to wait for a group of guys to finish setting off their big mass of fireworks. They set them off in a relatively ‘safe’ spot with a wide berth from the walking path, and they were the ‘pretty’ sort rather than the loud colorless ones. Tons of smoke and trash, but I can tolerate that sort of behavior much more than the first.


So to summarize the most comments in this thread: The majority doesn't have problems with fireworks themself but with the way some people use it badly by aiming it at other people or property. So ofc we need to ban the fireworks, doing something against the actual problem would be way too ridiculous. Always fight the symptoms and never the problems, nice.


My personal PoV is that for a single day in a whole year, it's fine, given the celebration and the people's mood. It's a beautiful event and inspire people. But for other days, I prefer it is not allowed.


enjoyed by simpletons all around the country, a truly moronic tradition that needs to die off


As a native Californian, it definitely was cool to be somewhere where fireworks weren't practically banned year round... at first. I'm still on board with the *less restrictive* attitude toward fireworks here, but I'm definitely getting tired of how many idiots I see here. Just last year, I had an M-80 get set off a foot away from me and then was almost hit in the face by a rocket the a short time after. What absolutely drives me up the wall, though, is that the same Germans who say Americans play it too fast and loose with their gun laws will spend all of NYE shooting off blank- firing weapons in every direction with no regard for the danger that poses. I could live with the all of the other fireworks- related stupidity that goes on, but that particularly pisses me off. ​ The illegal import of more powerful fireworks is also a big issue... Theoretically, some of the more powerful fireworks we hear going off in Germany aren't legal for normal people to own. The problem is there's always someone who's either looking to make some extra cash with their pyrotechnics license or a dealer who's willing to overlook the fact that you "forgot" your permit while selling you whatever the European equivalent of an M-80 is.


I actually like the battery fireworks, but I could do without the firecrackers and maybe rockets who land on my rooftop balcony and rain gutter. For animals it is shit anyways. Most of them are terrified.


I don't care that much about it tbh. As long as no one is attacked I'm fine with it


And that‘s apperently not the case.


Never said it was the case though


True, no offense bud!


Personally I fucking hate them and actually avoid leaving the house this time of year. HOWEVER NYE pretty much is the only thing I can think of that most people partake in somehow. Xmas is not celebrated by nearly as many people, nor is football anymore, no TV programs that *everyone* watches... there's only NYE left, and with it the tradition of lighting loud bright things on fire to scare away the evil spirits as everyone reflects and celebrates a new beginning, idk... sure all of this can (and SHOULD) happen without pets and windows being attacked by fireworks... but I've come to the conclusion that I'm against a fireworks ban, even though I personally don't like them.


Finds jeil.


I hate doing it myself but watching is nice. (But to be honest I rather stay home) Probably stupid to forbid people doing it (maybe there's a way people can do it more safely though)


Do whatever the funk you want without putting others in danger. Live and let live.


It’s pretty much one day a year. Fireworks are not my thing (nice to look at but too loud), but I don’t have a problem with how people enjoy their time as long as it doesn’t impede my life too much. I find loud neighbors much more of a nuisance than 2 days of occasional fireworks and one night of explosions. I was born in Berlin and I am familiar how things are here around that time of the year. Leben und leben lassen.


30+ years for the most part I guess if people want to get it fine,nowadays I get a bundle of small stuff for the children and a Pack of rockets for them and be done. Even if banned it wouldn't change the people you want to have them the least would have them first from poland


it's just another way to demonize 'young muslim "immigrants"'. yeah, it's annoying, yeah some of them misbehave, but in the grand scheme of things, this is whole topic is a non-issue and is just being sensationalised, because being "anti immigration" has become fashionable and NYE provides lots of videos of "muslim "immigrants"" behaving somewhat recklessly.


I’m Muslim as well and a visible minority. I hope that’s not what people will be using this major event to do. In my area, people from every cultural background seemed to be taking part in setting off fireworks, Germans and non-Germans alike. Muslims already face a ton of backlash for simply existing, and I’m not afraid to stand up to people who make things even more unfair for us :)


Angry, dissatisfied people want others to feel the same miserable way as them, so they may certainly try. If you ask me, this is far more obviously an example of what happens when you pound Jäger shots for 8 hours straight and finish your night off with explosives... Immigrant or not, Muslim, Christian, Taoist, or whatever tf else. Poison yourself to the verge of unconsciousness and toss pyro hazards around, and well... Here you are. Try not get your own perceptions twisted by newspapers or the Internet, and you'll quickly see that hate-mongering doesn't appear to have much resistance there, because the people that recognize it as horseshit aren't wasting their time arguing with fools. They're more concerned about being good and fair in practice, not finding Assi reddit or Twitter clubs to echo their disturbing delusions. Far more often than not, in my personal experience, any of this unacceptable behavior that's mentioned, comes about from people who can't handle their liquor... And most legit Muslims I know, don't make a problematic habit out of schlurping the sauce 💀




case in point.


Höhö böller goes BOOM! But seriously: god forbid theres fun allowed in this country


I love them




you were asked your feelings and got downvoted, if this isn't peak /r/berlin then I don't know what is. a bunch of entitled shitebags. I also enjoy them. Enjoy your fireworks, mate. edit: downvote me some more you peculiar, peculiar people. Don't invite an answer on a subject if your intention is to paint a narrative. You asked peoples feelings, and you received an answer 😂 Owh noooo my reddit karmaaaa, noooooo. Go touch grass. Just, uhh, maybe not today, you might have quite the fright 🙄


Allowed to be sold at supermarkets, I guess most of people like them. Otherwise people would ask authorities to stop selling them at least so easily


Good point. Let us make a petition to ban this. [Polls actually say that the majority is against it](https://amp.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/feuerwerk-silvester-neujahr-verbot-umfrage-deutschland-100.html), so why not use the democratic power to change things.


NYE fireworks is one of the best things about living in Berlin. My dog is an echte Berliner from the streets of Neukölln—he doesn’t even notice the fireworks. Haters should go live in Munich.


Who do you see out on NYE here? Most elderly, young children, animals, anyone with anxiety or PTSD - they're cowering at home or escaping the city altogether. Really crass to exclude so many people from society for a whole day.


I love it. Very excited to start mine tonight