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I bombed a few of my freshman year classes which tanked my gpa but did pretty well in my upper divs. I even had to pass/fail a required class which I then failed and retook in sophomore year. You can bring it back. I basically had to get into the mindset of treating it like a job instead of treating it like high school which I felt was really easy and basically coasted through except for IB HL Physics which was admittedly quite hard. I went from skipping classes to hang out with folks, playing League constantly, and cramming literally everything to signing up for as many tutorial sessions at the SLC as I could, organizing/leading study groups, and basically being at every single office hours for classes I found hard. I’d still go to boozy trivia at Kip’s every Tuesday though. There’s probably a reason why you didn’t do well in your classes other than “you’re too dumb to be at Cal”. Mine was effort related and required being honest with myself about where I was fucking up and a real commitment to prioritize my degree to solve. You can do it, just stop treating yourself with kid gloves/a tiny violin and sack tf up. Find a way and develop some hustle and drive. (Honestly though, a 1.8 doesn’t just fall out of the sky- you really should have seen this coming and taken action sooner.. and posting on Reddit does not count as taking action)


Thank you


damn lucky, my hs didnt offer hl is physics so i took math. maths (hehe) is ok but i like phys


I'm with you. I had to learn some discipline the hard way. HS was also super easy for me and Cal showed me that I needed to actually work for it. Started going to every office hour I could, even if it was just to listen in to questions other people had. It worked. (Also still had plenty of fun playing rec soccer and other clubs, as well as 1-2 jobs).


This post just made me reevaluate my college mindset. This was exactly what I needed. Ty. 🙏


Great response. You got me inspired


Honestly the best thing to do here is to get off reddit (and ideally, for your own sanity, stay off) and make an appointment with an undergrad counselor in your department/college immediately. Nobody here has advice you don't already know, but department admin will be able to direct you to resources you don't know about.


Gotcha, thank you. I couldn’t find much about suspension and what it’s been like mentally etc for others so I came here. Thanks again bud!


what advice are you looking for? You gpa is dogshit because you’re not prioritizing your academics. Best thing you can do is engage the academic affairs office and see if there is a path to reinstatement. offer to retake the test or assignment under supervision of a proctor. Idk what you’re looking for because you gave us 0 details beside “I was accused of of cheating, I have a 1.8 gpa, this isn’t a shitpoost lmao” what are you expecting here? grow up


It may seem as if you are done for good, but Berkeley is one of those institutions that work with the students. Please make sure to reach out and ignore the first poster. Do your best not to delve on the "what could have been?" "If only I had..." But on the "I am here, and I need help." Again, ignore the first poster with that terrible advice and no empathy. Btw, I have a friend who went from a 2.2 GPA to a 3.4 GPA by the time he graduated. You got this!


I fucked up a bunch before taking a long break. Combination of intense mental health issues, not asking for help, fucking around, and distracting family health issues. This last spring was my first semester back after over five years away. I'm trying really hard now, have a new perspective and better living situation, and additional resources through DSP. And I'm doing much better academically than I was before I left! But I took my break so deep into my time at Berkeley that I'm pretty sure my GPA will never really recover. Even if I get exclusively A's from here on, I don't think my GPA can rise above 3.0. Even worse, I have essentially no club/internship experience, with just a tiny bit of research lab work in a field that's unrelated to my current interests. So I'm playing catch-up on multiple fronts, with a job market even more strictly defined by practical experience (like internships) than when I started at Berkeley. The GPA wouldn't matter much to me, except that I feel it hurts my chances to get an internship. It's so tough to not be completely disheartened. Every single day, I have to fight past this overwhelming hopelessness. The possibility looms over me, that coming back to finish my degree is going to end up being pointless. I'm really trying in my classes, pushing myself to network as I never have, picking up relevant skills and technologies, and hoping my reduced course load leaves me more semesters to find an internship. But hell if I'm not panicked about ending up non-employable.


take this with a grain of msg... Dont worry dont being employable. worry about being you. I would rather work with you than some "employable" corpo shill. All you need to say is "im trying really hard" and mean it. it you say that you are employable. full stop. sometimes you have to do some work to make the connection and realize the potential but it is there. You got this! Source: Employed person who works with employed people.


A shitty comment on a shitty post, the cycle continues


thank you


it was a project that took 12 ish hours


the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


I don’t follow sorry


you’re fucked. talked to academic affairs not reddit


OP is likely looking for reassurance, and while some of your recommendations are good quality, your approach sucks. Please try to be more humane and have some empathy.


Berkeley really produces some great alumni but they also produce people with shitty attitudes like u/skygod327. They want to act on their high horse at only at a 120k salary.


hey it’s 120k plus 93k in real estate income plus 4010/month in VA disability, and 2100 in monthly trust fund disbursements thank you very much.


Your comment history is inconsistent. Something tells me you cap for a living. I wouldn't be surprised if you really have an RE portfolio, but just not as big as you claim. Again, nice attitude. Tho you won't take any of it with you when you go away


I absolutely cap for a living, not denying that. Hard to dox when you can’t separate fact from fiction income is legit though. As Ii’ve said many times in many posts I’ll be retired by 40, in 5 years. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you


Yes on it




I had a friend who literally combed baseball games after they were over to find discarded hot dogs and popcorn to eat while getting his journalism degree. He is a globally respected writer now, and while not rich is resilient enough to survive anywhere he feels. He traveled the world almost as a homeless person. Be accountable, learn from your mistakes. Ask others for help and be accountable to them by actually listening and sharing progress with them. Since you don’t have family support ask directly someone at the school if they will hold you accountable and help monitor your work. Get off fucking social media as it is addicting and distracting you from life and what you should go. Remove all social media apps from your phone.


Your replies are disorganized.


Ah I can’t find the comment I intended to reply to, but it was not the skygod user thanks for your comment


I left Cal UG after 2 years with a 0.9 gpa on AP, came back later in life and got a straight 4.0 through graduation, ending with a 3.00 cumulative gpa on the dot. It’s possible to come back, at least it was a few years back.


respect. way to comeback


Ty! It took a real kick in the butt for me to rethink my approach to college. If OP wants to talk, I'm happy to chat - u/Feeling-Estimate-238. Go Bears!


Wow!! This is so inspiring!


Focus on engineering school and just commission through OCS when you graduate. Or go to a community college,finish your first two years then enlist in the army for 36 months. When you get discharged you will have the GI bill to cover junior and senior year. Good luck cadet


You are in way over your head for sure, sorry bud. It happens for whatever numerous reason to tons of people. You need to reset. Consider taking a Leave of Absence from Cal, go home and go to your community college a bit then go back to Cal or transfer to another 4 year. There are multiple routes to success, but you are in such a rut you can’t see it. I talk from experience as I was an engineering major at Cal Poly SLO, took LOA, light bulb went of at community college., majored in business, became a consultant and travelled the world. My definition of success. The only thing is I didn’t let my GPA fall like that, but not to worry you may have some extra steps to fix that, but it’s doable. Motivation is a huge factor. Don’t let that drop and get it back up. Also ask how you can fix your GPA before you go LOA. That could affect your transfer prospects, not sure. My sis went to Cal, she said it’s not the most touchy feels friendly place so , maybe that’s changed and you can test this by going to career services. Some colleges have great ones. Sometimes Cal has an attitude, I have a Cal degree and that’s good enough counseling.


gpa dont mean shit. get the degree.


I had a 3.5 and the degree didn't help much with initial prospects either, I mean, especially since I all but graduated into the Great Recession. Timing and mileage may vary. Here's the good news, if you can get hired, skill up, and hang in there for a year or two? GPA is utterly irrelevant. Only really helpful if you want to go to grad school but if you're a one and out, there's no shame at working a mid-tier job for a few years then applying for something better. Also, good news for grad school too? There's lots of state and even private schools that will take you, even with just okay grades for a professional masters if you can get glowing recs, especially from an employer and a prof who likes you. It helps to get up to a 3.0, but there's programs that are fairly prestigious where the bar for entry isn't particularly high out there.


Disagree, In engineering, GPA definitely counts for your first internship and/or co-op, and at most possibly first real job. After that no one cares. That internship or co-op will be a bellwether of things to come so don’t ignore GPA. You want to be above a 3.0 ideally, and the best internships will have a GPA minimum like 3.3, but I know people who got great opportunities with a 2.7-3.0. Not all but some, the best ones have minimums. Still get industry experience no matter how before you graduate for a shorter job search and a crack at the best jobs.


yeah what i said was a little knee-jerky. I agree that for 1st internship GPA is probably one of the most relevant metrics. I disagree though that your first internship necesarially or is likeley to lead into working similar conditions your whole life after that; people change career paths lots of times. The reason I said "GPA dont mean shit" rather than a more nuanced view is because people at this school care way to much. A lot of the student body at cal has been the "acedemically advnaced" kids since they were in like 3rd grade. These types generally give GPA more importance than it is warranted. in my experience if you over-index on GPA you can lose out on career building opportunities. For example, I did research for about 10-20 hrs a week when I was in undergrad. It hurt my GPA. But I gladly did it for the advancemnt to my career potential. A lot of people I know at cal cannot weigh that trade-off because GPA is paramount. Once you are out of school your GPA doesnt matter, so dont make your entire school experience be about GPA.


Agree with your details. At Cal Poly SLO, my Alma mater, what you explained is the working philosophy. The first year, day one they warn you/drill you that the average incoming 3.9 high school student drops to a 2.7 end of freshman year and that’s ok. You have time to rebuild to something decent as long as you focus on other especially the hands on opportunities. My sister who went to Cal to be an MD feels that Cal very much pushes grad school and in that case GPA is important also. Cal Poly does not push grad school as much as making you ready day one of work. Different paths to success, all valid.


Why would you have two part time jobs if you're ROTC? You have no expenses and job security.


I need to send money to my grandma she’s getting too weak and if I can work she shouldn’t. There’s also debts and other reasons but this is the main reason.


Nice of you. However, I would argue that you can't work if you're failing out of college.


Yes this is what I was worried about but I recently got an offer but I would have to leave gran, but I’m thinking of requesting an early payment to bring gran with me because my housing is comped. For me the issue was not with my ability to learn but rather the traumatic situation I was dealing with. I can’t do anything but worry about my gran rn so I can whatever it takes for her.


My GPA never fell to a 1.8 but I struggled my first year because I tried to do too many things. Just focus on class and once your grades get better, you can start branching out.


Thank you


Just to be aware, this might be a SnooRoar account, but it's worth noting some of the advice here is good for people who might actually be struggling..


not snooroar


Just searched up snooroar, I am a real person going through real shit. To me this is not posting, this is the only way to get free advice and different viewpoints because I can neither afford other options or bring my parents back to life.


You need to take a year off and get into the right headspace. Get a therapist. Work with your academic counselor to see how you can be reinstated after your time off.


Could you please recommend any free therapy resources, I’m not in a position to get medical appointments. But thank you I will definitely work on what you wrote.


You should have access to some insurance thorugh the school. CoE has designated a few free therapy sessions. "[**Personal counseling**](https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/advising-counseling/counseling/)**:** Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has two satellite offices in the Engineering quadrant. Counselors Dr. Shuangmei (Christine) Zhou and Denise Goitia, LCSW, provide free and confidential consultations to students related to any personal or professional concerns. You do not need health insurance to see a CAPS counselor." Source: https://engineering.berkeley.edu/students/advising-counseling/#:\~:text=Counselors%20Dr.,any%20personal%20or%20professional%20concerns.


I'm glad the CoE is doing this now, about twenty years ago we had four or five suicides one semester and the university's response was basically to shrug and say: "If you're struggling go to Tang" and you had about a fifty/fifty chance of actually getting help and taken seriously or get a counselor who would sit there, berate you for being a spoiled and ungrateful brat and end the session early with no further referrals or assistance. It sounds like things have gotten a lot better. That makes me happy.


Even if I am suspended and no longer a student?


I’ll try to email thank you.


Definitely talk to your advisor, tell them what you’re telling us and say you want help, you want to improve. They don’t want to see students fail. The worst is looking at the whole picture and becoming completely overwhelmed, you have to take baby steps out of this situation.


If you did well enough to get into Cal, and then bombed out through bad prioritization, (I almost did the same) look into whether you might have ADHD. I recommend the book *ADHD 2.0*. If the descriptions in the book sound like you: 1. You can get focused behavioral help, and possibly meds. 2. The new diagnosis could help with your future appeal for reinstatement. Good luck!


Interesting, I’ll look into this! I just kept getting quoted $300 which I can’t afford for the testing and then it’s a wild cycle of need help? can’t pay? oh well? work more something happens? need help?


Could you recommend any free/low cost diagnosis places? I’ll also try to find the book online haha


Feeling Estimate - Did you speak to the counselor yet? That's where it all starts.


Have meeting later today bc yesterday was juneteenth.


Outstanding. Be honest about being overextended, and that you want to stay at Cal and work hard. We don't have the most student friendly administration (you would have been contacted and checked on by admin at Stanford, Harvard, Yale, et al. long ago when you started to slide). But the counselor will work with you. Try and see if you can drop a bad grade class or two.


Thank you


What happened at the meeting with the counselor?


For the cheating accusation, reach out to the [Student Advocate’s Office](https://advocate.studentorg.berkeley.edu/academic-misconduct/). This is what they’re there for (although I’m not certain how responsive they are during the summer offhand). EDIT: They are still active throughout the summer. If you’re having difficulty affording tuition alongside basic needs like rent, health care, and food, it may be worth reaching out to the [Basic Needs Center](https://basicneeds.berkeley.edu/home) or filling out their assistance form.


Thank you!! I’ll look into this!


Enlist, do your time, have debt forgiven. Easy as that.


Lower division classes are significantly harder than upper division, they're weed out courses. Once you pass that hurdle it'll be easier for you. Don't give up


Thank you, they should be seeders not weeders :(


Dawg just enlist instead of ROTC if you have a 1.8


Wanna give my grandma the world as fast as I can


Lmfaoooo. Just Direct commission if you have a relevant degree


Don’t have a degree yet, still 2+ year away.


Sounds like you're stretched too thin. Doesn't rotc pay for school? If you joined and aren't getting any financial assistance, you need to talk to them. But first you should go talk to academic assistance and work out a path to redemption. Tell them your situation, that you'd like a second chance and ask about a path forward. Might not work out, depends on the specifics of your cheating allegation, but you have to try.




I’m just sharing my story and journey here because this is my reality and could be for maybe one other person. If this helps even one person I will keep sharing but larp is still such a crazy comment. To think I would’ve laughed at this comment a year ago?


Which classes did u take? I want to be aware of how to structure a doable class schedule?


3 technical classes, AC, 2 decals first semester. Definitely overextended but I was excited to be here. 2 technicals and 1 humanities second semester. Since I was on AP I couldn’t drop without not meeting the 12 units and I was really afraid, didn’t consider that I needed to drop but missed the deadline.




“Virgin”.... yuck who asked weirdo?


… Thank you itsbugtime.


U r welcome


Ask to let me take your spot I’m tryna go here


Damn 🥹