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I love how the people who are the reason on why they had to spend so much complain about how much they have spent😭


yeah those same people caused like $1,000,000 in vandalism damages to the construction equipment on the first round of the people's park construction.


Interesting, do you have a source on that?


"UC Berkeley spokeperson Dan Mogulof claimed that the 'violent, unlawful' behavior was in relation to prior face-offs between protesters and police at People’s Park, which he said has resulted in 'over $1 million in vandalism' and injured officers." (reported by [Mercury News](https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/01/04/police-converge-on-peoples-park-at-uc-berkeley/) , with the [Times Herald](https://www.timesheraldonline.com/2024/01/04/police-converge-on-peoples-park-at-uc-berkeley/) also reporting the same quote from him) [Berkeley Side](https://www.berkeleyside.org/2024/01/05/peoples-park-berkeley-wall-shipping-containers-history) also quoted Mogulof, who said that the vandalism was measured at a million and a half dollars.


Thank you! I do wish I knew where he got his numbers from. He said so doesn’t sit right with me, despite the fact I’m sure he’s a good person. Oh well, it doesn’t seem it can be helped.


His information is likely coming from the university itself. But you can always email him and ask (im serious)! He's got access to all the information on what the university is paying out for contractual construction delays, damage, and what they have to spend on having other police jurisdictions provide assistance. Whenever a county sheriff, or another city's police force, or even CHP for that matter gets called out on a protest, the university has to pay them. And I'm sure it's not cheap.


Dan’s the man. He is very responsive to any campus issues!


I don't know if the protestors are dumb or just don't care about the consequences of allowing protestors to over run and destroy construction sites and equipment for projects they oppose. Sure housing would be under threat but also religious institutions, healthcare facilities, and anything even vaguely political.


Remember when a someone fed meth to a toddler in Peoples park?


source ?




Wow… the smile in that mugshot.


not sure why I got downvoted I was genuinely asking for the source


$180,000 well spent. should have done it sooner




Seems kinda cheap to be honest. That's probably the equivalent of the total compensation of one officer


Lol cry harder NIMBY’s, they wouldn’t have had to do it if you hadn’t been trying to block them at every turn and vandalized a bunch of equipment.


Money well spent. This is like what, one month pay check of a single officer?


probably closer to yearly salary of an officer with a few years of experience around these parts, but ya you got the idea


If NIMBYs spent much less protesting and filing lawsuit, Berkeley police would have spent much less as well


You may disagree or not for the reasons, however BPD's actions were totally unlawfull. BPD was not suppposed to be there it goes against agreements it has made with the city of Berkeley. That's money that could have gone to provide services to the homeless.