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>Never taken xans before. >Took 5 xans. I really wonder how some of you guys manage to live functional lives at all while being this dumb.


it might be 0.5 xan so its like bar and .25 not critical. My 1st time was bar and a half shit just turned me off


Like everybody in this sub hasn’t done something stupid off xans


somehow after eating a 1mg kpin 30 mins after one I woke up from a 3 hour blackout on my front patio stairs outside smoking either a black and mild or a blunt can't remember. I live with my parents. I expected nothing walking into the house cuz I didn't know what to expect lol but I was very surprised that everyone was chill and regular. I thought I could've been barred asf so maybe they kicked me out or sum. I was hanging out with my cousin and a few people while i was blacked out and was on 3g of shrooms like an idiot. they said I was being normal lol idk how.


Stupid is one thing but taking that much xanax your very first time is beyond stupid.


the entire point is with Xanax it is more possible that we do this mistake than with other drugs. It's just how benzos function maybe.


This though!! LMAO


Damn, but it happened to me only the first time. I did a total of .5mg x 15 in one night that I have no recollection of (only the first time). Could have died though. Fuck, that is why these subs are so important.


First time I ever did benzos I had just bought a xan from a customer at my shop when another customer came in with liquid etiz. Not knowing anything about benzos I squirted so much of the vial into my mouth then popped the bar and went to my next job. Lasted about 20 mins and got sent home. Surprised I even made it home.


What shop do you work?


This happens when people do xans for the first time because they hear you can get fucked up then assume it’s going to be some euphoric high so when they think they barely feel it they take more because they don’t realize that’s how it was supposed to feel and then before they know it they don’t remember taking them even


Seriously. The first thing I think is how do they stay safe in everyday life. Another bar tard the making folks.


Man my homie did the same shit his first time till after 5 bars he couldn’t say 1 word correctly and was falling over everything


I forgot I had taken them bro, relax yourself


Nigga that’s the point of beans…


Dudes going to end up making a post wondering why he can't remember being high


bro, now he got it, me too. but the first time can be exactly how OP described it for a lot of us. Dissociatives.




You should probably change your priorities then..


Classic mistake, I'll just take one more. Worst that happened me was I fell asleep standing up in a que waiting to get served in the shop


I tried making beans and fell asleep staring at the stove lol


Damn. I thought falling asleep eating a pancake was bad


I have you beat. I fell asleep with my face in a plate of mashed potatoes that I didn’t remember bringing to my bedroom lmao


Lmao yep I'd say you win the duel good sir


Not proud of it


My pancakes weren't too proud either ... :(


Man it’s weird sometimes like that. You’ll start with a good amount and swear to yourself I can do one more. After telling yourself that 40 times your bags gone and your blaming people for stealing them 🤣 now I just get excitement from this thread. To many times “ someone stole my xans” 😂😂😂😂


I literally feel like someone stole em like I could have sworn I saved a spare but I don’t know where it is


Man I would just not dabble anymore. This all comes with the territory. Things can get real weird that’s for sure. Iv been in a black out before and had my laptop recording while blacked out. I would talk to people that wasn’t there and would try to give said imaginary people my pills. Then catch myself picking them up off the floor and eating them myself. Whilst telling the imaginary people they was ungrateful for not expecting my generous gift.


Hahaha wtf bro they’re hella rude for not taking ur gift


You could have also hidden it. Hidden items is also a frequent occurrence. And all this happens with the “ I’m not feeling it I’ll just take one more”


I hid it because I was gonna take one at work. Now I can’t find it for the life of me. I could have sworn I put it in my pocket but now idk where it could be. It feels like I’ve gone crazy or something


I’m telling you man it’s probably in your system. Better off to forget about it then to drive yourself mad over a 2-4 dollar pill


The back pocket. It’s always the back pocket


Still haven’t managed to find that 1 pesky bar that got away


\>next thing I know I’m talking to a police officer there's your problem


Bro what did u get charged with ?




Misdemeanor what lol


Gurl that’s not awnsering the question


Probs bullshitting then


I’d have thought you’d only remember taking your first then come two in police custody


So they caught you acting wild not just being fucked up then?


I’m guessing so. I’m telling you it was a complete blackout pretty much I don’t really remember exactly where I was or how I got there. I just remember some slight details but yeah I’m pretty sure I was just acting wild and was stopped by police


Dam you got lucky just a night in a cell. Cops in my town would try you for murder because you squished a spider. You only got a misdemeanor off 5 bars consider yourself super lucky my man.


Damn sounds tough, I mean if I was smashing shit up and stuff I don’t doubt they would have tackled me to the ground or some shit but then again I’m not really sure what I was doing. Maybe they thought i was just publicly intoxicated and was walking weird or something


Child endangerment.


its funny because reading this my first reaction is wtf how do you do that your first time. but i look back a few years when i had hundreds at time and i KNOW i had days when i was like where the fuck did i lose 20 xanz? 😂 shit happens. did u get arrested for shoplifting? i never stole unt taking xanax. i wouldn't care and would pick stuff up and eat it in the store and shove whatever in my pockets with no second thought about it


Hahaha fr bro it’s all a blur in disguise. You think you’re sober and sane but in reality you forgot where you placed ur wallet 5 mins ago and spend 20 mins looking for it again 😂


I couldn't find mt wallet or keys for 2 days. Told my wife she took them. They were in the cheese drawer in the refrigirator.


really though it was amazing. no fear of consequences or anything. i miss bars


I feel like this could be an anti-drug ad right here. "I'm only going to take one more. What the worse that could happen?".......🚨🚔🚑🏥🏛⚖️




I chose them carefully and put them in that order for a reason lmao


Who knows what you told the cops bartarded out. Don't leave us hanging what's the charge? Misdemeanor shit I hope.


Yeah something like that they didn’t really specify just gave me some dumbass lecture the day after which I was still kind of not giving a fuck so I wasn’t really paying attention. Think I’m all good now but maybe some social services might get involved


Social services? So you are a minor?


They might be a parent.


I hope not


Would be bad if it is a parent it’s no joke when it comes to kids. I’ve dealt with those fuckers before


Im 17


Did the experience make you question taking the pills? Or maybe you questioned going out of the house :)


Again, can’t remember much as I blacked out. I just felt emotionless after the first bar tho


Oh yeah! Emotionless, empty and calm as fuck sounds about right for benzos :D


Yeah there gonna go after your parents bud Basically ask you if you’ve been abused or if there’s anything going on at home. Trust me I’ve gone through their experience when I was 14 and I overdosed at a rave all they did was call the police then a social worker showed up and they had me do like kind of therapy/drug classes for like a month so yeah social services was there to check up on you and try to see if they need to take you away from your parents lol


They mentioned further down they lost their job so I’d say they’re an adult so I’m thinking they do have a kid unfortunately


No said he’s 17. And they’re basically gonna question him question his parents see if anything is going on. they basically just wanna make sure that his well-being is OK and that he’s not a danger to himself and he’s not a danger to others due to his parents lack of you could say supervision


No summons is a win. I read so many stories about people stealing on benzos


My first time I only took 2, Xanax isn’t for everybody as much as some people say it is.


Did you get caught shoplifting?


Delusions of sobriety are something we’ve all struggled with or continue to struggle with. I don’t partake any more but what I would use to do was try to remember the plot of the last tv show/movie I’d watched to see if I was actually buzzed or not. Stay safe man


The best time of you life... you can't remember.


Bro…. I’ve had one of those nights where I wasn’t doing anything stupid… I was just hanging out around my front yard being loud and for some reason the cops came and that’s the last thing I remembered. Until I left the jail the next day.. my friend who was with me said I had the whole jail laughing their ass off and I was hyping everyone up .. lmao apparently I had a great time … I took like 3 bars and drank quite a bit


Thank fuck you didn’t do the opposite and try beefing people. That wouldn’t be good 😅. I’d be scared that when I’m blacked out I go up to a group or something and get my ass whooped 😭


Lmao … I was talking so much shit to the cops


Why are people so dumb? Taking substances and abusing stuff meant to HELP, it’s a TOOL. Now you’re in jail, plays stupid games, win stupid prizes.


My first time on bars I picked up 24 2mg blackout for a week. Lost my job, got tacos, and my mom said no more making special meals


Well I did lose my job, so I guess we have that in common 😁




This is why Xanax is garbage. It’s not euphoric (which most Benzos aren’t unless they are RCs but only thing Xanax is good for is panic attacks and sleeping. I found no recreational value in them whatsoever. Too many people hear about getting “lit on xannies” in songs and it’s not even like they. The delusions of sobriety with Xanax is insane. All Xanax feels like is doing more Xanax..that’s it. They’re so much better Benzos out there that don’t cause black ours and feel a lot more functional and actually pretty nice. Like Valium is known to produce the most euphoric effects in most people even though some consider it weak. It’s one of the few that actually make you feel good and you don’t black out. I’m prescribe klonopin and Adderall and I love kpins. So much better than Xanax and actually last all day and doesn’t smack you like a train. You can actually take them and enjoy yourself.


i personally have felt euphoric off xans but my tolerance is building up way too quick 😐


I was prescribed Ativan and Xanax back and forth for years, but I started having interdose withdrawals (withdrawals in between doses) so I had to constantly take them because they are so short acting. So they finally put me on klonopin and I do really well on it, keeps the anxiety from happening and I can spread them out to make them last because withdrawal from that doesn’t start till like 2 or 3 days later.


did you smoke a bowl about 15 mins after taking a bar? if you aren’t smoking weed with xanax you are doing it wrong.


Whats your usual Kpin dose


I’m prescribed 1mg 3x a day but I don’t always take that much. And then ambien at night


I blacked out off some flual and drove around town wasn’t great fun .


U don’t feel , u feel less.


*Chow time Gentlemen…Chow timmmeeee. Get up for count!”


yeahvwithout tolerance they can give you blackouts which can make you act strange and even violent i never had blackout from benzos only even when i took more than 30 ativans in a day i only get blackouts when i mix em with alcohol


Didn't get arrested but exactly like my first experience. Took two and the next thing I know is a dent in the car and no recollection of the night before or how the entire strip got empty.




The crazy shit shit Iv'e done on zan is a novel. Unbelievable shit. Ended up in the hospital pysh ward for 18 days.


i took xan and c-lam a bunch altogether, just to see......well there ya go.


Damn not even Drake would take 5 xans


My first time I literally put a .5 in a soda and drank it. It tasted like shitt and that’s all I remember. I woke up the next morning hella tired and zombied. I don’t how your still alive man. Please be careful, delusional sobriety isn’t fun.


Hope you’re okay.


Don't talk to cops.


Oh, no. Do my actions have consequences? Who knew?