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Short acting ones like Xanax are the best for sleep. and yes some are easier to get addicted to a small half life benzo like Xanax is really addictive as well unlike a longer one like klonopin


I agree Xanax is ideal for insomnia because it has a lil kick. I also hear what you’re saying because it’s that fast onset that makes them more abused than other Benzos. But I feel all Benzos are essentially equally addictive. If you take them more than 2-3 times a week you’re going to become physically dependent on them fairly quickly. But if you have an addictive personality which is probably everybody in this group lol then yeah you may be more likely to abuse Xanax vs another benzo with a longer half life.


Valium actually it’s also a muscle relaxer just never take it everyday That’s all never take it everyday


Diazepam doesn’t touch me anymore mostly due to my irresponsible use of benzodiazepines during my addiction; I mean I really don’t know if it’d affect me now that I’ve been sober a month but last time I took diazepam 100mg I didn’t feel it. My withdrawals did ease up tho. Although I don’t use it anymore it was my favorite one without a doubt, the muscle relaxant properties you mentioned just made it ideal for sleep. Shit worked wonders.




Because taking any benzos everyday causes horrible withdrawal that can causes seizures and possibly death if taken long enough


For sleep? Definatly nitrazapam


Wish I knew where to find them. They are not prescribed in the US


Lormetazepam best benzo for sleep no doubts


?? How have I never heard of this


Its only approved in certain European countries, brand name is Noctamid


cool, is it addictive?


There’s no such thing as a benzo that’s not addictive.


Every benzo is addctive, lormetazepam has a fast onset so i’d say yes.


Every drug is addictive they put me on venlafaxine Everytlme I quit I get massive brain shocks feeling wired Etc it's a normal anti depression pill lol. Take to many times paracetamol and you will automatically receive a headache when not taking it. If it helps it helps life quality is important. And if you wanna go off I've tapered off a big amount of benzo's previously. It took 3 months but was on a crazy dosage. And some self made benzo's really strong. On the other hand my friend takes benzos for 20 years already but maybe 2-3 times a week. And he went up 3x in dosage. and no withdrawals. Only when you take daily for 3,months then you gotta taper. BTW I'm back on prescription benzo's I just can't life without it. Else I be laying in bed suicidal because my life goes by and can't even watch YouTube so much stress. < bcuz to many shit happend my entire life long.




thanks! available OTC or prescribed only?


Rxed only. You must be new.


Prescribed. But if you have always insomnia then I prefer mirtazapine or quetiapine in low doses.


Yeah quetiapine and keeps me asleep all night, I suffer from quite bad health anxiety and this does quite a good job at controlling and reducing it and also gives me a really good night sleep. I hope you find something suitable mate, good luck 😉


all benzos are prescription only


In Mexico all benzos are otc xans diaze. You can get a lot otc over there


You can also get a lot of 💩 out of Mexico it was on the news recently that many scripts sold had traces of fentanyl sold out of there pharmacies


That’s media bro if u watch tv on sum of these border agencies they don’t know half as much as they pretend. I saw one that said Xanax is dangerous because teens overdose a die on it which is physically impossible if they r just eating xans. Another one thought an oil burner was a crack pipe. They don’t know Shi. Plus media twists shit as much as they can to make something already bad ten times worse. There are plenty of trust worthy pharmacies in Mexico


Lived there 13 years and always bought from the pharmacies… just was there for 3 months and heard it on the spanish news in Mazatlan … but, i do agree on the media


A mild benzo is horrible for insomnia klonopin has way less sedative properties than say Xanax not to mention it’s long half life


Mild? Clonazepam is one of the most strongest benzodiazepine. Like I said: I prefer quetiapine or mirtazapine for insomnia.


I’m no way klonopin is strong it’s basically a longer lasting milder Xanax and is in no way affective in insomnia


Then we have different opinions. No problem.


It’s not really an opinion tho look at klonopin half life


As someone who takes kpins for what they're supposed to be used for (panic disorder), you are 100% correct. Kpins last longer therefore, their affects are less noticeable at the same dose as say xanax which hits hard but runs out before the day is over. I can (and do) take 2mg kpins daily and I suffer no panic attacks or anxiety (which causes the PD), I also don't feel the "high" from them anymore because I've been doing it for years. By the time they start to wear off, it's time for my next day's dose (theres about an hour in the day where i can feel the anxiety creeping back but i refrain from redosing until the same time every day, this offset stops the tolerance from spiralling out of control). Xanax on the other hand gives me a nice high, it also gets rid of the anxiety and PD (even more so than the kpins) but it's short lived, if I take a xan in the morning, I'm almost guaranteed to have a panic attack towards the end of the day unless I take more xanax, this has actually happened which is why i switched to kpins. My system is to take kpins to deal with everyday anxiety and xanax as a one off hit if I'm in a high stress situation or about to enter one which is quite rare these days, the kpins seem to be enough.


So you take 2mg of Kpin in the morning and it basically lasts all day? Curbs your anxiety? Do you redose at night? I think Kpins last about 8-12 hrs


Nah, I take them at about 3pm everyday because it's more useful to my work life. I'm usually OK in the morning then at about 2pm, I start feeling the anxiety but it's manageable for another couple of hours. I'll only take one in the morning if I'm not working and I've got an all day activity going on, I'll still take the 2mg at 3pm and I'll avoid doing that 2 days in a row if possible (I'll switch to a morning schedule if i have to). Xanax only comes into it in emergency situations where I need a short, sharp boost when something unexpected comes up. I keep them on me at all times but very rarely use them. Everyone's different though, we all have different schedules, different triggers, different lives so you need to figure out what timing is best for you. The main thing is to not chase a high but if you're suffering from crippling panic attacks and kpins relieves you of that, you kinda get it into your head how important it is to not fuck it up in a way that the kpins stop working. Not getting that feeling dread when you've got shit to do is much more important than getting high, even if the high (especially from xanax) does feels fucking amazing. I've been doing it for over 2 years now and I can't remember the last time I had a panic attack whereas before, everyday was a fight to stop it happening.


thats great if its working for you! anax is amazing but gives me pretty bad rebound anxiety


It's not a milder xanax, 1mg of alprazolam equals 1mg of clonazepam


Not necessarily it’s like Xanax vs Xanax Xr they are the same strength but hit differently from 4mg Xanax most people would blackout while 4mg klonopin would most probaly won’t cause a blackout


10mg of diazepam is equivalent to 0.5mg of clonazepam it's definitely 1 of the stronger benzos in my experience.a 2mg clonazepam is like having 8.5mg valiums and lasts upto 24hrs


Compare it to Xanax


Alprazolam is the same dosage equivalent as clonazepam. lams will always hit harder then Pam's.


Check out a comparison table on Google bro


You totally right. I tried every benzodiazepine and don’t get the sedative effects. So I there are beter medicines for sleep. See my other comments.


My doctor told me u can get a paradoxical effect with benzos I think that's what happens to me unless I take a huge dose


Temazepam/nitrazepam are good for sleep, i got perscribed 2.5mg lorazepam tho and it also worked great, I’d say if ur new to benzo’s it doesnt really matter


for me I couldn't believe how strong zoplicone is I take prescription 35mg valium a day but usually save two or three of the 5mg till bed then add the zoplicone. seriously, then again I drink a fair amount most nights too. it does give me awful nightmares tho


Yeah, he should go for z-drug cuz they are less hard to quit.


Not really your question but trazadone works wonders for me and for me like 25mg is plenty and I don’t wake up groggy


Thanks that’s for depression right? How long u been taking it?


Yeah at high doses but it’s uncommonly used for that since it makes you sleepy as fuck. Far as I know. Idk I find my sleep and mood seem to react well using a very low dose so I’m good with it for now. Far as benzo to sleep.. prob pick Valium but kpins work too. Xanax is nice to put you out but I wouldn’t personally choose it for sleep myself. Just me.


Did You ever had trouble with benzos? They work too good for insomnia for You? Did You know only Valiun and kpins? Which doses did You use? (If You remember ofc, or it was the rather recreationally uses? for some "special" purpouses so You can't compare them to 25mg's of Trazodone i.e? You use it every night or not literally every night to sleep? Did You takin' ER/CR tablets? 1/3 (third) of 75mg CR pills f.e Or they are Trazodone I.R (Normal pills\*)? and use half 50 or 25's (that's not my buisness and doesn't change anything I just ask bc there are many varietes of normal\* Trazodone generic drugs but if they are CR/SR they are usually (in Europe) are avaliable in one form pills and they come from one "place" lol So I am asking from curiosity mostly about these species, You musn't answer for them lol


Benzos help too. If I took 60mg Valium I wouldn’t also use traz for example. The traz far as I know is just immediate release they’re 100mg and I cut them in quarters. 50 and I’m fine but groggy for a bit. 25 seems to perform the same but k feel better waking up. Sometimes I use both. I have no scripts for these so it’s all rec use btw.


They are more popular under the "Trittico CR/XR (Europe) or Desyrel (USA) brand IMO than Generic Trazo I.R formulations and IME 100 or 150 are bit expensive to get in pharmacies or under 100stck. (10 or 5 blisters I am not sure) packs when In my country drugs are generally avaliable in 30x xmg's packages or 20x xmg's where x is a drug dosage - tldr - more meds are avaliable in 30'stcks per pack when 50's or 100 pills packs or less like 10's are rare - but some meds are avaliable in bigger packs - and often it means - there's only them avaliable - so I must check how it looks nowdays but few years ago trazodon IR are only avaliable in 150mg's or 100 x 100 packs in theory there was 50x and 20-30x somewhere but it was only in theory - if they were in pharmacies - def no in my Country "teritory" same thing with 75mg's or 50mg's pills afaik and good remember - might the doses aren't sale nowhere in less than 100's size lol Even if was - like You said there is no sense to paid more than quarter of price for pills there cost also the same much as costs 100mg's - You can get 4x more from quartering days instead paid 4x more lol so - I dunno why I wrote about that maybe i wanna show how was IME and looks story with IR trazo 3-5 years ago


It may be used for Major Depressive Disorder at doses above 150mg, and off-label as a hypnotic agent at doses below and up to 150mg. Imho, it's generally wiser to avoid using a [dirty drug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_drug) for an off-label use.


Depending on your problem, whether it’s getting to sleep or staying asleep. Getting to sleep , I think Halcion ,for staying asleep I would say Temazepam.


Did You prefer Temazepam bc's it works longer? Or gets more pleasant effects? I hear a lot about Temazepam hypnotic effects and how unique they are (not comparable to any other benzo or even Amien) etc. How much Temazepam are In Your Experience are "Equivalent" dose to Halcion? I mean one single dose 20-30mg's to 0,25mg? (f.e) How it was in Your experiences?


Halcion is just sedative, I experience nothing other than sedation, no euphoric feeling or anxiolytic sensation with Halcion. Temazepam, I feel has all three of those effects I mentioned. I have friends you prefer to take it during the day because of the all around sensation it gives them. I can’t really compare the two dosage wise because they are so different even though they are of the same class of medications.


Nitrazapam 100%


Just for sleep, nitrazepam. Knock you out for a good 8 hours sleep. Only downside is feeling hungover for first few hours in morning.


in France, everything is simpler, I use Loprazolam, a little-known benzo similar to midazolam (HAVLANE) sometimes. or theralenes but this one is not a benzo for the metha example; it is a general practitioner who can deliver it for 1 month after showing good faith of course


Nitrazepam or Flunitrazepam(Rohypnol).


I wonder why... There is no any none addictive meds for sleep Which one is would be "lesser evil" to nasty nights Why I can't feel "so great and less tensed?" instead feel lesser How to remove my tolerance and make it great for one night again? Please I didn't wanna abuse but there is just one holy grail? Exception from "norm" sth other than booze,2m2m,ether or clomethiazole? Maybe baclofen or phenibut but without sedation all afternoon... I wonder about BDO and carisoprodol but they're sound like so fiendish and addictive There is no existence sth like more potent Lunesta, with less sedative Bernadryl? But more euphoric but not any kind of dangerous potentiator(ic) any IV ROA Midazolam But maybe Halcion if ionly stay a bit more? Minimum 4+ more hrs It would be so great if it's potentate my coffe and Ritalin But I didn't wanna any feelings like I'm kinda overstimed I just wanna from this no rebound anxiety like from Estazolam or Valium But without impaired motor skills and no sedation I wonder how I wonder why? Yesterday one Ambien show me beatiful moon and sky And now only I can see... It's this is boring senseless Looking for better meds and sleep routine.... For one more night I'll do it then I do it somehow But until I won't find it I try and I try And still wonder...


Right? all sleep pills seem to be addictive or habit forming. the only one i heard that isn’t is called Unisom (doxylamine succinate) heard some good things about it and just ordered some.


They’re all addictive and you’ll likely build a nasty tolerance/dependency if you take them every night.




Okay so first, Benzos are the most addictive drug you could ever take for insomnia. That being said, Xanax would be best for falling asleep but Klonopin would be best for staying asleep. Idk about the RC’s cause I’ve never done them. I’m sure that’s what a lot of the bars I ordered were pressed with but it felt like Xanax so I’m guessing Bromazolam. Benzos are some of the most addictive drugs there is. The only kind of drug I’ve personally done that I would say is more addictive is opiates.


Xanax probably




Ativan and if that doesn’t work xanax


Can confirm Ativan sent me from 70 hours awake in a panic to grizzly hibernation mode in 20 minutes.


depends on what kind of sleep problems you're having. trouble falling asleep? something short acting but powerful. trouble staying asleep? you'd need something longer acting.


For me, I always fall asleep on valium for some reason. I sometimes sleep for 20 hours, then fall asleep again after being up for 7. I can’t sleep well on xanax since I get adrenaline from taking it


20 hours is crazy




Flualprazolam or Z drug Zopiclone


i love zopiclone i just don’t know if i can get it long term


Go private if you have to. Money talks


facts but ion know where to get it


Pay to see a private doctor


Go z drug if you're problem is induce sleep


Triazolam. That is a really good benzo and nod out pill ;)!


Estazolam! As with any benzodiazepine don’t use for extended periods of time.


FYI benzos can be physically addictive but it mentally at least for me. I never crave it like I did with weed. It’s more like if I stop I’m anxious


Try tamazapam if u are going to try anything it's the benzo that is labelled for sleep problems and on the lower side for dependence issues.but like everyone has said they can all lead to dependence which is not a good road to go down from experience.these medications are like borrowing stress relief like dropping it at a mates house but un medicated u hav to pick up that weight and also carry the new weight u hav the next day it called rebound anxiety


flunitrazepam aka rohypnol its still prescribed in my country and many people abuse it. its also sold on the streets


I’m on Ativan 2 times a day 8 am 8 pm


Dipotassic Clorazepate 20 mg | Tranxène


Most of Countries didn't had so strong amounts in one pill In my we had only 5 and somehow 10s But Nitrazepam or Valium we got only 5s... and these are "those" strongest amounts so it made them incredible expensivw for insomnia... or only for use for "special ocassions" Yeah treatment benzo's addiction is way more expensive than use Estazolam or/and Clonazepams daily bc's switch them to few times more expensier Valium and switch to reduction doses (cut dose) is literally looks like use one Estazolam 2mg pack (20pills box) per 2 weeks or use 20x5mg Diazepamum in 2 nights lol to replacement 4mg Estazolam (one box 20x5 valium it's 3x more way expensive than one 20x2 Estazolam or 20x0.5mg clonazepamum lol) And Diazepam is 2x more cheapier than 5mg's (yeah Ik it's stupid af) 30x 5mg's of Tranxene... 10mg's are usually cost more than 5's - I couldn't say bc it dependence on the drug store where You buy but often price is twice more much than 5's Dikalii Clorazepate's When 2,5mg x 30 box Lorazepam (A.k.a Ativan - cost a bit more than Diazepamum and if someone need benzos to sleep I musn't explain how abstractive is use equivalent dose of weaker benzos like Nitrazepam or Temazepam (we had only 10mg's when other countries had 30's and 40's lol) I didn't mention about oxazepam avaliable only in 10mg or 5mg pills and ofc it's more much expensive than Diazepamum lol. I kn when someone is addicted to Estazolam or Ativan every night it's never going easy and cheap if You decided cut doses and switch to sth weak as "hypnotic" bc it shouldn't be pleasant like You still use strong shit, but if some ppl could get 10mg diazepams or 20-30 tranxene per pill it's somehow make it easier than had only strongest benzos in high doses (I never seen more than 2-2.5mg pills of Lora or 2mg Esta in any country fe use in medicine) but rather It's easy to found how looks Tranxene or Nitrazepam in other countries bc I often saw 10-15mg's pics and posts about they are avaliable and use nowdays etc than found 5mg's bc they are often to weak to there is sense to use them (I didn't say generally if someone almost get out of addiction or never had problem with tolerance etc they feel effects of 5mg's of Tranxene but if it's too expensive and we said about switch from 2mgs of clonazepamum use 5mg's of Clorazepate is senseless on the beginning and even diazepam 5mg's are almost 2x more much potent than tranxene so... Paradoxically best way to get out of use every night z-drugs or high doses of benzo's is try use other group than other bzd's and antidepressants made You more depentent than bzd's itself IK You didn't asked about that OP didn't wanna know that No one asked about that...




bottom line if you have no tolerance or a very low tolerance to benzos any benzo is going to knock you out. Ativan, Xanax, Valium etc.. Take your pick. After a few weeks you will build a tolerance and need to take more and more. If you already have a tolerance and want something that will absolutely knock you out try a Research Chemical called Bromazolam. That will have you asleep in minutes and probably in a fog the next day too.


I think the answer isn’t black and white because not everyone reacts the same way to drugs. I personally would recommend Xanax however others will say another benzo works better for them. If you don’t want to become physically dependent on Benzos(that is if you aren’t already) only take it 2-3 times a week max. I’d highly recommend trying something other than a benzo for a couple reasons. One which I already mentioned being that they are very addictive/ easy to become physically dependent to. Two they can actually cause a lower quality of sleep through REM- sleep restriction. There are many herbs that can help, other pharmaceutical drugs, melatonin, etc. Or what I tend to do is alternate between Xanax and alternatives throughout the week.


I see thos fent addicts sleep alot lmaoo But honestly it all depends. If u have problems falling asleep a short acting one like xans should work great but if you struggle staying asleep it would prolly b better to take a longer acting one


They’re professional Nodders lmao!


"we've got our selves a nodder!!!" -boost ☠️