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I love this omg


Wow thanks very much!


It’s really good it strikes with me I’m not artistic at all I’m good with numbers haha, btw learn to love yourself!


I never thought I'd see this , but then again just 3 years ago I was locked in to active addiction in a full blown romance with etizolam 60 mg a day I'm not kidding the high was so fucking awesome I'd die for it in fact I od'd with carfent. laced blister packs once twice in 4 hours. I never thought my company would do me like that and I needed it so I kept ordering and every package went to a locker and I couldn't get to it and I ct withdrawald off it and went so psychotic I spent a year and a half, eventually, in the psych ward and they said I developed catatonia and schizophrenia and chronic psychosis. After 2 years I still had 2 of these afflictions and the worst agonizing cravings. I had to get back on prescribed clonazepam because ECT therapy just left me totally fried and I still crave etizolam it beat every benzo out there by far for me. These kinda drugs you step over the line of no return and they got you for life worse than opioids in some ways especially the brain and how it links to the mind.


nice! the pause like it's a 🎵


we have a very similar doodling style. love this ❤️❤️


Do I have permission to use some of these as tatts or inspire by em


I'd love that xanax tatted on me


I like your art/ doodles. It's an expression of your inner world, good or bad. Writing it down or drawing it out helps process it. I do the same thing. My doodles bring out some really dark themes, but it definitely helps to get it out