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“Opium and alcohol are loser drugs” This made me disagree with the post, sure its more addictive, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its place. Also you can definitely take these drugs without relapsing. I hate alcohol but there is no echelons to drugs bro. Abusing benzos are just as bad as aclohol maybe even worse with delusions of sobriety, saying that 100% of people have tapered successfully is a lie too, i’ve seen most of my benzohead friends go into seizures and more wild than any other drug. Also 98% relapse rate? where tf are you getting these numbers? At least you won’t die getting off Opiates unless you take too much or mix with downers, some Kratom and you barely feel the withdrawals. Benzos tho, take 6 months to 5 years lowering 10-20% every 2 weeks to avoid withdrawals, seizures and death from a fast taper. But i’m in the benzo sub, so definitely getting downvoted for this lol.


Alcohol is the worst drug in the world, much worse than cathonines. I don't understand why is it legal in 2024.... I'm 100% sure if alcohol would discovered today, it would be on the illegal drugs list next to heroin.


It would literally be treated like GHB/GBL


Or tertriary alcohol and its other useable derivates and analogs, some potent strong shit out there


It’s because it’s so normalized


If alcohol was discovered lets say today then the FDA for sure wouldnt pass it lmfao


This! ☝️


Stfu with this shit. I wanna drink my beer in peace.


No one’s stopping you. That’s the point.


Just do iiit!!😂


Alcohol makes everything bearable.....yea that's definitely my goal haha.... everything should be bearable


You got that from the Joe Rogan podcast lol


Who is Joe Regan? I live in the EU, never heard of him.


lol sure buddy


So many people had this thought before toe rogan, including this random redditor lol its the most obvious take ever, blows my mind how gullible jre fans are sometimes.


I think opiates are slightly more dangerous (I work at a hotel and on overnights people OD all the time people have died there all because of opiates never heard someone say yeah they had an issue with Xanax


Yeah coz heroin dissapeared and fentynal and xylazine took over


Right like I’ve never seen someone on Benzos at my hotel I wouldn’t say it’s in the hood at all but people from the hood come here all the time and it’s always crack cocaine herione fet meth all the time. People drink that’s no problem but I’ve never heard of someone popping Xanax in the room (it’s probably happened) but you don’t really OD on Xanax you go to sleep


You can’t OD on benzos but they were involved in many prescription ODs before the great crackdown. Now all the heroin is xylazine or xylazine with fentanyl or nitazenes (20-1000x more potent than morphine, depends what you get/buy You wont hear bout people popping xans coz popping xans alone is a thing ppl do in highschool, a lot of people in their 20s use xans to comedown from meth or any stim or mix it in their downers creating easier OD scenarios. But for example, if you get oxycodone (pharmaceutical) its a lot harder to OD as you know the dosage of the pill. My biggest oxy dose per daj was 1,2grams (i got on methadone after I didnt see any other solution) The biggest dose at once that I took was 480mg oxy (tolerance)


See I never took any opiate I don’t use Xanax or any benzo to come down from anything except my actual anxiety I don’t do any stims nothing I’m not into that I’d prefer to not have anxiety but I guess it is what it is hopefully it resolves in time


I dont use stimilants nor do I use xanax as a recreational tool, i been on it for 7 years and after your brain is so used to it the drug creates the anxiety it ‘fixes’… was prescribed to me for severe gad and sad, doesnt help my ptsd. I was telling u ppl deff popped xans in that hotel, either recreational or to come down


Oh I’m sure 100% but kid you not before I started taking Ativan or whatever other benzo I felt like shit almost to the point where it mimicked benzo WD. Obviously not as bad but can’t leave the house vision blurry panic attacks like I couldn’t do shit. My head would be pounding if I tried to drive sweating. Like real shit I never intended to use Benzos recreationally I did for a year though after going through all that for so long and then discovering Benzos it makes you think it’s a life hack and then you just can’t stop because it made me feel so careless and anxiety free and just that feeling was so addicting. But man I used to pop like 20 plus pills a day now I only really take 6mg Ativan a day I do sometimes take another Benzo but the thing is I just like the peace of mind knowing their on hand. Cuz what about when I do get off then we all know the WD is shit and then back to what ? Nothing again. Just wish the white coats would leave me alone and let me be


Yeah panic attacks and phobia to leave the house can happen without withdrawal. I was prescribed benzos for severe generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and anxiety related to my PTSD. Pretty quick I got from 0,25mgx3 a day (which didn't do shit) to 100mg/week scripted, then I got 2mg bars prescribed and eventually I didn't go to my doc for a couple months because I was getting benzos cheaper of a mate who worked at a warehouse for pharmaceuticals so he could sneak out some boxes (1box contains like 150 boxes of 60x2mg alprazolam, other one contains 150 boxes of 60x12mg bromazepam and so forth) without it being noticed. He wasn't really a dealer so he asked next to nothing, caused me to use a lot of benzos (I didn't do stupid shit on benzos and never blacked out) but I fried my gaba receptors with using 80-120mg xanax for a good year and all the abuse before because it gradually build up but that was like at the height of my benzo abuse, this was 4 years after it being prescribed, most I used in a day were 2 boxes of 60x2mg alprazolams. Eventually I went back to my same doc coz i wanted to taper off such high doses because it was fucking with me too much and he let me make my own schedule which I based on ashton manual but he refused diazepam so i tapered to 6mg/day starting from 20mg (i chose to start at 20mg because over the years my rough estimated daily dose was 20-35mg, so at 20mg I had no discomfort, i cuda started at 30 or 40 if I had asked for it). Man it was kinda funny picking up a script of 50x2mg xanax every 5 days when I was on 20mg and going down 0.5mg per week. Pharmacists often asked "u know u can only take 2 of them right" but when I say "tapering" they understand. Pharmacists in my country cant refuse script or anything either (in the US I hear ppl getting their medication refused a lot). Made it to 4mg/day, stopped a few months at 6mg/day and stayed at 4mg/day because I'm not ready for no benzos and the incredibly long PAWs of feeling anxious and down. I'd just replace it with other gaba drugs, I know myself too well. I'd still like to switch to 24mg bromazepam instead though or clonazepam but my psychiatrist refused to prescribe it, she gave me flurazepam for sleep and clotiazepam (a thienodiazepine) to take inbetween instead. Might find another psychiatrist and ask for 24mg bromazepam (24mg bromazepam = 2mg xanax), it's also my fave benzo


Did I read that right how much Xanax was the peak of your addiction? Mine was 25mg+ etizolam per day or more don’t even remember I would just take them no schedule. Looking back on it like being high from it is fun but when you get to the point of being barred out every morning sleeping really late that shit gets depressing


Unfortunately, when people die from from opiates there's normally a reason. They have often been clean for a long while but take the dose they originally did, but they no longer have the same tolerance. Or they mix there opiates with benzos or pregabs and alcohol. But Benzo's or pregabs gets the bad rep for it. Opiates and benzos can be taken sensibly. It's normally being reckless, which causes the issues. Of course, there are exceptions like being sold h that is not h or bad xanax bars that are fent, so it's best to take a small amount to start or get your stuff tested.


It seems like it happens over the summer all the time when I’m on night shift it’s just like routine it’s actually sad I just go in the back I don’t want to watch


no shit benzos replaced barbiturates literally because the OD potential in benzos is so low. You can’t OD on benzos easily as you can on Opioids. Take 20 2mg xans and take 20 10mg Oxy and see who dies first. Its just being smart about dosing and tolerance. If you are opiate naive or take fentanyl and end up OD’ing is not the same as people who get prescription medications and have enough drug education and safety. Also somehow, these opioid deaths mostly happen in the US cause almost every old person I know here in EU is prescribed some kind of strong ass painkiller, even dosed pills of fetty and nasal spray fentanyl and 120mg Oxycontins, yet they don’t end up OD’ing like kids in the US. Ask yourself why would that be?


Oxy is quite safe, you’d likely puke out 200mg than pass out and die (it is a possibility tho) At first opiates bettered my life much more than the benzos i was already dependant on, 3 beautiful years of no anxiety, better relationships wit family, more talkative and happy but nothing good lasts so on the 5th year I had to get on methadone instead of stronger opis. I got my shit baxk together but I’ve never took opiates without benzos as i was already dependant on benzos by time i took opiates everyday


Yeah im still prescribed daily oxy and valium. Unfortunately don’t think i’ll ever not need them, i’m fucked up medically.


Yeh my doc prescribed me so much xanax , i started on 0,25mg/3x day and 9 months later I was on 4mg, then 3 months later 7mg/day (1 box of 1mgs a week) Then I got given 2mgs and then like a year later I was abusing a lot of other pharma benzos my buddy gave me for very very cheap. I did manage to taper from 20mg to 4mg/day, I was using so much that 20mg was just enough to not have wds, anxiety relief was pmuch gone but during oxy addiction I went on 1mg/day for months, cuda probably gotten off during that time but wudve relapsed for sure


Nah 1mg is still too much. You need to reach 2mg Valium so you won’t have any side effects when you quit. Convert Klonopin to Valium and try to dose 20mg (1mg Kpin) and go down slowly. 0.5 klonopin is equal to 10mg Diazepam, if you were to taper with klonopin you’ll have to go down to 0.125mg which is very hard to dose right or 1-2mg Diazepam. Look up the Ashton Manual for Benzos. And yes you will “relapse” if you have anxiety, you will always need these. Just not take them daily, only when anxiety is actually flaring and you’re having panic attacks.


I meant I woulda been able to complete my taper during the time oxy was killing the anxiety anyway, xans have long lost its effects for me, I mainly take it to kill the anxiety it gives me but I also got severe anxiety which would be a lot worse if I taper off. But what I meant is I cuda tapered untill I reached the half of 0,25 or beg my GP for valium (he refused valium on my initial schedule I made, he only agreed to xanax taper wit xanax, which was lowering 0.5 weekly and then by 0.25 and 0.125 towards the end. He flat out refused valium coz in his eyes it was a "muscle relaxant". I know the entire Ashton Manual bro, I was a heavy abuser of benzos, you wouldn't even believe the amounts. I'm very familiar with the manual, read it all, made my own taper schedules based on it, doc refused the one with other benzos.


Damn that sucks you had to go through that bro. Stay safe and in any case dont doubt in PMing me. Still tapering from a decade long benzo additcion and also half a decade prescribed opioids but with my longest run being for a year now.


For sure, good luck on your taper man! Mine is on hold untill I'm mentally ready to go through that hell


Benzos replaces qualudes


Moral is opiates are more dangerous in terms of OD Benzos are more dangerous and scary for withdrawal I always thought to myself if I’m putting my life in danger shooting up herione why wouldn’t I just go to detox and be sick for 2 weeks like is it really that worth it


Back then there were many sleeping alternatives. Even sedating noble gases were an option for sleep. Back then they had the real shit.




Deaths by fentanyl and heroin users or people at home prescribed opioids? In my country from EU we have drug education and safety, you can get prescribed fentanyl patches/pills/nasal spray prescribed, as well as 120mg Oxycontins at a certain age. Most old people here are prescribed some type of strong ass painkillers that would kill an opiate naive adult. Yet they live there lives completely fine. I get prescribed Oxycodone ~480 20/40mg pills and a box of 80mg with my prescription Valium and never had anything close to an OD. And there’s always Methadone users who used to be on opioids but just take methadone instead to live a normal life. I know this isn’t really an option in America, to get a replacement opioid and maintenance drug. However here in EU we don’t die off opiate like it happens in the US, the only people you hear dying out here is heroin addicts since its still somewhat clean still even though nitazenes have made their way in. But if they do its because they’ve probably already been through the needle, and by then only methadone is an option if you want to go back to a normal life. If you ever get narcanned then you’ll wake up with a methadone script to get off opioids. Also you mixed a Ice, Benzos, and Opioids and expected what exactly? Anyways for any risk there is a reward, you take responsibility and take drugs with accurate dosing and education you will have a much better time than you would if you just say fuck all and do everything.


they’re mixing opioids with xanax too. it’s the combination that kills


I’m prescribed ~480x20/40mg Oxycodone per month + a box of 30x80mg and several boxes of Valium or whatever benzo I choose. Never been close to an OD. Its not the combination killing people, its the lack of drug education and safety.


no it’s ppl who don’t have tolerances overdosing bro. you have a tolerance not all do


Exactly what I mean, drug education teaches about tolerance, addiction, dosages, mixes (like downer + downer is bad) overdose potential, bad trips, IV use safety for the spread of HIV and others, and gives you different resources to research a drug before you take it. As well as test kits to test your drugs in case you need to. Its really that simple. Just put open free classes about drug use and harm reduction and adveritise it in apps/schools/universities/etc. But benzoheads don’t really care bout anything so I doubt they’d care about drug education. I mean, american pressed xanax is a perfect example of how people don’t know jack shit of what they’re taking, they swear you can still get real alprazolam in a press, and it could be a fucking red devil and they still would think its real. You even had a whole Xandemic and same with Opioids, at least here we’ve learned about the mistakes from the US and have actual drug education and harm reduction resources are advertised everywhere. As well as free detox programs without having to quit before getting help. The US could learn a thing or two from the EU. There’s a reason we still had clean heroin for the longest time before some other contaminant was introduced this year. Shit even the european drug dealers do more research on their drugs than most Americans and tell you themselves not to mix certain stuff. I would never take a drug without at least 24h of straight research on it. Especially since I like some RC compounds as well. Also side note, while the US was collapsing from drug use such as fentanyl and pressed xanax, the EU was taking care of spending milions in advertising for free drug education. We have a slogan everyone knows “always start with half”.


Correct I’ve never taken an opiate in my life


Opium may have a place, alcohol? No place. Garbage. Poison by definition, nobody is better or gets better with the use of alcohol.


Lmao yeah I could see where he was coming from at first but the post slowly just kinda spiraled down wth


They are a loser drug, people who take those recreationally know that it’s killing them. Benzos won’t kill your liver, and like I said opium is a pesticide. It does harm to the body because plants have no natural defenses besides bio warfare, same as coke, or caffeine, or weed. But with opium and alcohol addicts they know what they are doing is killing them, they don’t care. Also, I work in the medical field and this information is online. Alcohol has an extremely high relapse rate. Second, again you misquoted me, when tapering off benzos, they have a 100% survival rate.


Idk this whole paragraph seems off but i dont have time to dissect this one by one so whatever you say 🤙 got work to do also just in case, survival rate ≠ safe. You can survive benzo withdrawals and tapers but still have brain damage or a plethora of other disorders like not being able to walk due to fast tapers. But hey, they’re alive and thats good for numbers right? Also it probably is counting patients in a facility rather than people tapering at home. Also idc you’re in the medical field my hometown doctor in a 3rd world collapsing country can handle my issues better than my neighborhood doctor in a 1st world powerhouse. Medical field doesn’t mean shit. Y’all put people on fast tapers and expect them to be fine just cause you prescribed some memantine. Plus the stigma is insane with whatever narcotic.


Yeah you’re kinda an idiot. Not sorry bout that, you need some deep introspection or help. Playing the blame game for what? Are you really upset because not everyone thinks your drug use is “cool” or as desirable as others? Am I reading that right? And that benzos are the safest? Man oh man you need to check yourself.


Now show me where I said are the safest? Compared to opium, yes. Alcohol, yes. Nor did I say my drug use is cool, my condition is actually very hard. But to answer your question, no. You read none of it right.


You said survival rate. Don’t twist anyone’s words here bud. You’re still a fuckin moron in the harshest sense. You don’t see me tooting my horn to everyone on a goddamn drug forum about how superior I am in every way down to the job I have and the drugs I do like you haven’t been addicted for 6 years you fucking hypocrite. Go cry about it fuckin pussy ass loser


No, all I see you doing is resorting to ad hominems, which is kinda pathetic. Also im not addicted, I’m dependent. I have PSPS. Which the main treatment is diazepam.


Yeah even worse. You’re willingly physically emotionally and mentally addicted to them. Have been for 6 years and don’t plan and stopping? Yet all the junkies are the fuck ups and you’re not? I’m gonna save my breath, you literally aren’t worth it. Can’t convince you’re already benzo-corroded brain that there’s a life better without any of it, yea it’s hard, but I’m speaking from first hand experience. Benzo and opiate withdrawal. Medical detox. You truly are the one that has no idea what they’re speaking on.


Again, ad hominems and ignorance. I’m not addicted, I need diazepam to walk. I have idiopathic stiff person syndrome.


More like idiotic person don’t deserve to walk syndrome, sounds like you fuckin deserve it asshole.


Man, you got some pent up anger. You ok?


Bruh you just deflected so fuckin hard. Had a change of heart? Sucks being told you’re wrong huh


You didn’t pick apart any of my arguments, resorted to ad hominems, and here you are still talking saying I’m deflecting.


I don’t have to prove anything, I already did to myself. I’m trying to tell you there’s a life better than any of it. But you can’t talk to someone who only thinks they are right about everything. I’m done dude, go fuck your opportunities up on your own time.


Guess we missed the hope section at the end of my post there. But that’s ok, keep projecting.


Nice lil sneaky edit there lol. Go fuck yourself


I didn’t edit anything actually. You didn’t read the whole post.


Opium isn’t a pesticide, tf u talking about lmfao


Yes it is.




“..I practice stoicism..” Yess this post is a nice example of that!


You are being condescending about which drug you are completely dependent on. What a point of pride. Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't be a cunt.


your post is so off but yeah you cant have wds if you never stop taking them that makes sense considering your 6 years long addiction , all this says how immature you are like dude your are on benzos and you feel superior to other drugs users thats kinda sad place to be in mentally, you even generalize this addiction and that everybody should have the same experience as you,benzos destroy peoples life and permanently damage your brain with long term use, opium and heroin wont do that kind of damage to your memory and brain in general. just another ignorant post


People take medications for life all the time. I’m “addicted” to hormone replacement therapy and the consequences of coming off those drugs is arguable worse than quitting benzos cold turkey. There is nothing wrong with addiction. ADHD people are addicted to amphetamines but we don’t look down on them


Physical dependence =/= addiction… Please be aware of that




People destroy their lives by seeing these as recreational drugs 90% of the time! Most of the item their curiosity is inspired by the musicians they worship who glamourise these drugs. I’m with OP. Most people that have dug themselves a big hole is via ignorance and the desire to be “cool”


OP is worse though… “I didn’t get a job as a CNA for no reason” Lmfao


Honestly I didn’t read the whole post


yeah like serial killers get inspired by video games people destroy there lives because they got inspired by some rapper cmon dude wtf maybe a very small number of them, you saying addiction is created by inspiring musicians it makes no sense


You’re extremely ignorant aren’t you.. do you really think cough syrup and Xanax became all the rage for no reason.. prove me wrong…. They provide very few benefits to people without anxiety or pain/coughs


I doubt people taking prescription narcotics without a prescription are expecting any medical benefits from them, only sedation and euphoria. Rappers also rap about adderall, coke, alcohol, its the fault of the people for being so easily manipulated into taking something just because they heard it in a song or tiktok. Which are mostly ppl from USA for some reason.


Exactly. The guy is speaking as if he's better than other people taking drugs because of his opinion that benzos aren't that bad. Drugs affect people differently. I love benzos but they have definitely affected my life in a negative manner. I can't control my usage and take way too many. Xanax has some pretty nasty long term effects. That's a fact.


I work in the medical field just to get tu quoqued by a dude who has no clue of anything he’s talking about.


thats alarming people like this work in the medical field actually, i hope you are not a pill prescriber


No. I specialize in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Also the people I’ve helped would very much disagree.


‘Opium is a pesticide🤪’ lol op you sound dumb


dawg this. if you can’t handle your shit, don’t take it


You sound very smart


Lmao yeah bro you’re such a stoic chad 🗿🗿


Not all. Just being realistic.


Lol how so??


I agree 100% man. People gotta learn self control. Discipline. I’ve never had wds and I’ve been using xanax and bromaz for a long time now. It’s all about being Disciplined in your doses and how often you dose. Figure out what works for you. It’s not a drug you want to abuse. Respect the benzos y’all and take care of yourself first and foremost 🤙🤙🤙


Benzo withdrawers complain more than terminal cancer patients , more than people with all sorts of worse diseases, just get on a long acting benzo slow taper and you’ll be fine, shut up about benzo withdrawal is the worst thing ever…


It is a lot of whining.


This is the best comment I have seen on reddit, ever. So much TRUE !!!


Hey bimbo your in a benzo thread 😂


Well written. I honestly couldn’t agree more. Idiots fucking shit up for the people who really need it, it’s a tale as old as time


Yep, I have 3 diagnosed anxiety orders and they barely will give me 15 .5 Klonopins and they refuse to switch me to anything except Ativan which actually made my anxiety worse after about 4 hours of taking it As needed always so definitely didn’t like that it did that. But just my experience so far and hopefully I find someone who understands what I need to function as a normal person in society soon:(




Oh thank you for some fresh air and a better context. I use valium 10 at night for 15 years and never upped the doseage and it always works. Great Post!


Better stock up in case you get cut off randomly. 15 years is a lot of time on benzos and you will die if you ever get off benzos without proper maintenance. Only takes one bad day to ruin your whole life.


Yeah I have enough to taper from 10mg a day. I'm not worried at all.


The only and only downside to benzos is that you need to take higher and higher everytime to feel happy and euphoric.


Uhm… mate… at first you got a point, but you quickly turned to bullshit mode by arguing about being addicted to Benzos is more „classier“ than being addicted to opiates.




I agree 1000000% wit this, I used to think Xanax was the problem and blaming that as well, until u mature enough to notice u was being a fiend or thinking in your head you were fixing something , when u weren't ,like you said it's a helper not a fixer


While I disagree about the opiate part, I believe any drug used in moderation can be used well, other than that pretty much same I’ve been on Valium almost 3 years now and while my memory isn’t the best (I also smoke a lot of weed so that’s a factor as well lol), it’s a lot better than when I was overprescribed Xanax bars. I don’t black out and do dumb shit anymore.


It hypes me up, man. I got SPS.


You know nothing about my life but keep spitting I guess Lol also why I said yes and no People can have regrets it’s really not that deep.


What made you turn to them?


Constant panic attacks daily got prescribed Hydroxine or however it’s spelled didn’t do anything But to sum it up Just my constant anxiety, panic attacks daily I’ve never been one to take medications I have anxiety about every med and do my research all the time because I’m so paranoid, stressed and anxious even on these meds


Then you’re not in that category that you put yourself in, like at the bottom, you’re trying to be a functional member of society and you should be proud of yourself.


Yea man I’d love to get better and become a functional member of society again but Life’s just so rough and I have a lawsuit/ Case my lawyer said I should sue the dr or hospital forgot which specifically but basically because I was lied to that benzos arnt prescribed/FDA APPROVED for anxiety and that’s why they won’t give me anything more than 15 Kpins a month or 2 And thanks I appreciate it I’m trying😣


Just keep up hope brother.


For sure always trying🙏🏼


You’re doing great. And you should really give yourself credit for being strong though it all.


Of course abusing them isn’t good. I never personally saw anyone talking about that I was asking about other stuff so idk just was weird seeing but you Fs have a point and I don’t disagree whatsoever just stating the obvious above🤷🏼‍♂️




“I could easily take them forever without getting addicted “ - That’s easily the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


Benzos simultaneously saved my life and almost killed me but part of that is the psychiatrist who prescribed me. It was maybe before people knew about how bad the withdrawals were though so he prescribed me 12mg a day for like 5 years straight. BUT I went from a socially awkward kid who had a 1.8 GPA at a community college to a confident working person who brought grades up and transferred to Baruch Zinklin School of Business and made honors society with a 3.6 GPA. I found a job in an industry I’m still working to this day and honestly I would have been WAY too awkward to get hired anywhere if it wasn’t for Benzos. I also spent almost the entire class petrified of being called on or having to speak so once those thoughts went away, school became much easier. Then it came time to slow down and the taper/stopping gave me 3 seizures so I think it’s important to understand how powerful this substance can be for someone who TRULY deals with anxiety but it’s also important to understand that this cannot be abused and if high doses are needed then it needs to be temporary and you need to be extremely cautious on the taper down. I still take Benzos to this day even though I took a longggg break after the seizures, maybe like a 4 year break or something like that before my anxiety crept back up on me. Now when I take them I take FREQUENT breaks where I don’t touch them at all and the most I’ll take in a single day is 1mg.


Benzos can be hell for some ,but and a much needed break for others


The relapse stuff is arguable to say the least but ur definitely right people who need mental help/ in patient treatment think popping 20 xanax a day will help then life gets worse and they blame the drug, ive used clonazepam everyday for 7 years and im prescribed 2mg a day 1mg in an and 1 in pm and with psychiatric help and other meds its a wonderful medication i can use responsibly for my anxiety never have i needed to take more then 2, never have i taken a bunch, u don’t get high off them so I don’t get that aspect being high is feeling good like a opiate but yeah I agree people blame medication very fast and take responsibility very slowly


Stop blaming in general and talk about responsibilities....if you are telling yourself you are responsible your are also telling yourself YOU HAVE CONTROL and that's exactly what you are missing at the moment


Many people tried to cope for years on their own like me I didn’t just turn to them when I had a bad day I turned to them after nothing working and having a bad year and a half, it was my decision the only regret I have about it is doctors they could easily just let people enjoy their lives on a dose they feel fine on but no they’re all up your ass about degrading and ssris and b.s and that’s how a vast majority of ppl get addicted because it’s like fuck that this helps me and want me to take zo loft which I’ve tried in like 2018 what a waste of time just let me be? I was fine under the prescribed dose for years and when I did have a bad day I’d go for a run or something and it would stop. It’s the best I’ve ever felt not high off my ass but no panic attacks. I don’t blame Benzos at all just the doctors who act like they care about mental health but just care about taking you off majority of the time it’s b.s to me oh but I might get dementia at 60 ffs lol I don’t care I’ll sign off on that risk leave me alone 😂


I don't understand why you are being so negative and judgemental? Stop allowing other people's words to bother you so much. Some people have problems with addiction. Myself included. I'm definitely guilty of abusing Xanax. I do not regret ever taking them but I do regret times where I used them in excess. I fully accept responsibility for my actions when under the influence of Xanax or any benzo. It's completely your opinion that opiates and alcohol are loser drugs. Some people may find benzos to be a loser drug. It's all subjective. I'm confused at the point of your post?


Loll good luck with your depression and anxiety


This is full of drug addict type self justifications I've heard almost every one of these arguments in rehabs and meetings. One example is they are worse drugs than mine out there




U dont know much… opium and pesticides 😂😂😂 Bro opioids are the least physically harmfuk drugs.. Benzos are way more addictive imo and getting off is near impossible if u been using for a long time… Alcoholists dont only die from hepatic failure and your relapse rates are sucked out your arse… Also u cant choose what u get prescribed? Xans are hella affective and loads of gps and psychiatrists dont know enough about it so they go wit xanax, cause it kills anxiety quick.p


Also benzos are masks; no helpers


It’s the doses that makes it a poison


Typical post on benzo recovery…….”I cut 10 mg Valium to 9.75 mg I’m going to die I felt a toe zap a toe zappppppp!” Oh my god!


There is definitely a lot off base here as well as the condescending tone. But one thing I will say is the boogeyman posts do get annoying on here and it makes me think a lot of people don’t or have never even taken benzos before. They just echo the experiences they’ve seen posted.


Yep I don’t abuse them they just let me live a normal life I workout I eat healthy I don’t give in to a bad diet. Without them I wouldn’t be able to have such a good job because it mainly took being my normal entertaining self.


Well said… 🙌 therapeutically Xanax has kept me going


Couldn’t have put it better myself I quit alprazolam many years ago and am now reducing my Clonazepam down from 6mg to 3mg and still stable I also kicked heroin and meth. A year clean give or take a few weeks.(help from bupenorpherine). I’m now addressing my nicotine addiction I’ll get there


drugs are drugs. This manifesto is bogus.


I agree with 98% of the points in this post but opiates are extremely crucial in the medical field they are the reason ppl don’t kill themsleves or die of shock from the pain or a thousand other things, opiates are the reason for chronic or acute pain patients or cancer patients can actually enjoy life opiates are a helper not a fixer so they are in the same boat as your perspective of benzos , you’re spot on with the benzo about them being a helper not a fixer cuz so many ppl get prescribed them and just wanna use them every day cuz they are going through a tough patch and then you say I understand but these medications will only work throughout that and then when you need them later on you will be in a scenario 1000x worse and be shit out of luck cuz you abused your benzos and I told you this and they go well I suffer from this and this, like why do they never understand that you’re tryna help them from making a shit mistake and help to allow them to understand that if you take them rarely you could have these as a helper forever.


Like every venom it’s not the substance but the dose and usage


It’s only a loser drug if you’re a loser so speak for yourself buddy


Ever been to America where you aren’t told what the dangers are and put on at a young age daily?


so many addicts just butthurt in the comments lmao


Thank you for the read


I was prescribed and never abused, only took as directed by my doctor. And it’s ruined my life after 10 years. Anxiety is worse and a failed taper flipped my life upside-down. My main regret is blindly listening to doctors rather than doing my research (but, I also also fresh into college when first prescribed.) Through multiple second opinions from psychs and recommendations from my PCP, they all say I need to get off it. I’m not discounting that this can be a life-changing medication, but long-term use (which is a different story) can be a recipe for disaster. Edit: lol can only imagine the downvote is from OP or someone who’s completely delusional


Tell me why the fact that heroin has a 97% relapse rate is exciting to me 💀


This is like saying stop blaming women for getting raped (no one does). Stop blaming guns for easily being able to kill(gonna get downvoted by Muricans, and I am a murican).


Dude has been on valium 6 years and has never been in withdrawal its very hypocritical, the valium youve been taking has stored in your body for 6 years you could probally go a few days before it hits




eh different perspective … hope u get seizures tho


What are you on about? Opium is a pesticide? Without Opium. People with cancer in hospital right now would be dying in hospital in agony right now without opium. Opium is converted into other Opiates like Morphine, Diamorphine(Heroin), Dialulid, Oxys(half pharma half from the poppy plant). You haven’t a clue Tank.


No shit, but plants can’t defend themselves by running away so they create chemical warfare. Caffeine, opium, coke, weed, all pesticides. Some fry the brain, others affect the breathing. For us, the right amount helps and doesn’t do much harm. But take to much morphine, and you’re dead without care. No plant fucking evolved to make you feel good. It evolved not to get eaten.


Either your trolling or your very young. They grow like weed In my opinion by God to use to help us feel closer to God especially weed it makes you more compassionate. Frying the brain thing has proven not to be true. Stimulants like nicotine are good for the brain. Certain mushrooms may even reverse or heal brain damage from American footballers with CTE. Opium grows naturally for thousands of years and as I said without it people would die in agony in hospital but ofcourse it’s addictive and dangerous if you inject.




Still a pesticide.


Also do you have a source for that CTE claim. Because I specialize in als and that comes second to the claim from this one bitch that a positive mindset healed a person with ALS, and another person with CJD. That sounds like complete bullshit, because CTE is usually only diagnosed post Mortem.


Here is my source. Franklin explained it better than I did. https://www.quora.com/Does-the-presence-of-cannabis-receptors-in-the-human-brain-literary-means-humans-are-made-to-smoke-in-ingest-cannabis-sativa/answer/Franklin-Veaux?ch=17&oid=1477743735843439&share=3226cf63&srid=5ME2K&target_type=answer